Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 144 You ask yours, I'll hit mine.

A bunch of trash!

Hearing the high priest's yelling, the temple guard's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat. When he looked up and saw the high priest raising his hand towards him, his hairs stood on end.

My lord! Rao...

Before the words of begging for mercy could be uttered, a stream of pure black and ominous divine power gushed out from Napasha's hand and quickly poured into the body of the temple guard.


The temple guard let out an inhuman scream, and the twisted divine power tore and transformed his body, causing severe pain, but he couldn't pass out.

The guard of the temple standing at the door heard the screams and trembled. He couldn't help but look out of the corner of his eye and saw the black shadow cast by the fire on the wall.

Some kind of incomprehensible changes are taking place in the black shadow. Its body is raised, and its lower body becomes larger. The huge black shadow reflected on the wall looks like the long legs of an arthropod.

The screams became more and more sharp, and finally evolved into monster-like roars, which were full of pain and hatred.

Inside the temple, Napasha Feibis looked at the reborn temple guard in front of her, her eyes were blurred, and she had a perverted excited smile on her face.

Oh, how charming.

A moment ago, he was a temple guard with a normal drow appearance, but now even the species has changed, and his lower body has become a spider, with eight slender, segmented legs supporting his bloated lower body.

The upper body still retains the drow form, but its face is distorted, with hatred on its face, and its eyes seem to choose someone to devour.

Spider elves, this is the name of the new race of unlucky temple guards.

The god that the drow believe in, the spider queen Rose is an elf with an upper body and a spider with a lower body. Perhaps out of some abnormal psychology, Rose is happy to see her believers transformed into the same form as herself.

For this reason, he bestowed the magic of arachnidism on priests who believed in him.

In a drow society full of intrigue and struggle, drow priests often transform the losers of the struggle or some unlucky ones into spider elves, so as to please the gods and perfectly eliminate their opponents.

The spider elves are bound by divine magic, unable to attack the instigator, and have to obey the order of the instigator.

Napasha didn't even look at the resentful spider-like elf, she walked slowly to the center of the temple, stood still in front of the carpet in the center of the temple, and quickly uttered an awkward spell.

As the spell progressed, the carpet glowed an ominous black-purple light.

The seal is lifted!

The carpet flew into the air, revealing the dark hole below, and from the hole came a lot of sharp, vicious roars.

Napasha walked to the edge of the cave entrance and saw fifty-six spider elves imprisoned in the deep cave. They stood at the exit and huddled together, screaming at the bright entrance above.

They were all losers over the years, including Napasha's blood relatives, and even her mother's previous generation of Darkmoon City High Priest.

Come out, Dark Moon City needs you, Napasha stretched out her hand and touched a transparent barrier.

The magic barrier opened, and the spider elves in the pit screamed excitedly, moved their eight legs, and inserted their slender, burly spider feet into the wall, scrambling to crawl out.

Under the command of Napasha, they flocked to the outside of the temple.


In the sky, the invisible Jose flapped his wings and hovered under the stone wall, watching the siege battle on the ground.

The towering walls of Darkmoon City were crowded with monster armies. Ogres carried siege rams and slammed into the gates. Small creatures such as gnolls and kobolds rushed to the towers along the ladders. Harpy threw spears from high altitude to cover Companions, battle roars and screams merged into one.

Hundreds of meters away from the city, Goblins belonging to Burning Wings are assembling trebuchets, and a small number of trebuchets have entered the pre-launch debugging period.

On the city wall, the drow defenders of Darkmoon City shot the attackers on the ladder with bows and arrows,

Arrows whizzed, but with little effect as the attackers held their shields.

Based on a good situation, Jose made a judgment in his heart: If Dark Moon City can't show any hole cards, then it will definitely fall within ten minutes.

This siege battle was easier than he had imagined, and the reasons can be roughly divided into two aspects.

One is the number advantage.

There were 80,000 monsters participating in the attack, while the Dark Moon City soldiers and residents only had 30,000 people. The two sides were not equal opponents.

In addition, Jose promised a big reward, and the morale of the monster army that attacked the city was high.

The second is the advantage of preparation.

Our own monster army is well-equipped and has mature siege equipment, while the enemy lacks effective defensive weapons, let alone kerosene, and even the stones are gone after only the first wave.

Darkmoon City, as the overlord of the Underdark region, has been safe and sound for many years, and is superstitious about the outpost defense at the entrance of the tunnel. There is not much defense material prepared on the city wall at all.

In addition, Ergou obeyed the order of the red dragon and launched a general attack as soon as it came up. The dark elves rushed to fight, and they had no time to prepare supplies for the defense of the city.

Finally, a jackal climbed onto the city wall, shouted excitedly, raised his sword and slashed at the drow defending the city, but was shot in the mouth by an arrow.

But it doesn't matter, this is just the beginning, more and more monster soldiers climbed onto the city wall and fought with the drow guarding the city.

The balance of victory has tipped.

The closer to the moment of success, Jose became more vigilant. He narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the center of Dark Moon City. There was a solemn but slightly evil temple there.

If the enemy leaders are not going to sit back and watch the city fall, they must do so now.

Suddenly, he saw a group of spider-like creatures pouring out of the temple.

Spider Spirit?!

Jose's heart was heavy, the test of the monster army was coming.

The drow who can be casted by the priest of the Spider Queen is at the upper middle level even if he is not a top-level person in Darkmoon City.

Drow at this level often have strong strength, but become losers in the struggle.

Saridification changed their physical form, twisted their minds, and enhanced their combat effectiveness.

Counting, Jose found a total of fifty-seven spider elves.

If nothing else, the strength of this group of spider elves is around high-level, with master-level and middle-level being a minority.

The spider elves rushed to the city wall, and the monster army's territory on the city wall shrank rapidly.

Fortunately, the commander of the monster army, Ergou, reacted and sent Harpy troops to support the city wall, and at the same time sent elite masters to deal with the spider elves.

Although the spider elves were strong, they were few in number, and the situation soon stabilized.


The catapult shot out the burning explosive barrel, which jumped over the city wall and flew into the city, or exploded in the air, or exploded on the buildings in the city.

The result was the same, the splattered kerosene was scattered, and the rain of black smoke fell from the sky, pouring on the buildings in the city.

However, the buildings in Darkmoon City are mainly made of stone materials, which are strong and resistant to fire, and the explosive barrels have little effect and only cause some confusion.

Under Jose's gaze, an explosive barrel flew extraordinarily far, towards the majestic temple in the center of the city.


The explosive barrel exploded in the air, and the burning fire rained down on the temple.

Inside the temple, Napasha's face changed and she stood up suddenly.

Rose, the spider queen, was moody and cruel. How dare she let the enemy destroy the temple. If the spider queen got angry, the consequences would be disastrous.

The prayers in her mouth were uttered quickly, and Napasha's divine power swelled all over her body, propping up the wide priest's robe like a gust of wind.

A shield of divine power appeared above the temple, blocking the burning fire rain, and the rain of fire continued to burn on the shield of divine power.

With a wave of his hand, the divine shield and fire rain flew out of the temple.

It doesn't matter who you are! You have successfully angered me! Napasha picked up the priest's staff, turned around and strode towards the gate of the temple.

After leaving the gate of the temple, Napasha walked straight to the city gate.

The real enemy has yet to show up and is nowhere to be found. If possible, she doesn't want to reveal her position so early, but at this time the city wall has fallen, and she can't control that much.

In the sky, Jose saw a female drow wearing a priest's robe coming out of the temple. This drow was wearing a deep V priest's robe, showing half of her round shape, and holding a long gray staff in her hand.


For the sake of caution, he decided to observe again in case of fraud.

While walking through the central avenue of Darkmoon City, Napasha chanted a spell.

Master-level magical group inspiration technique!

The pale golden halo spread in all directions, sweeping across the drow defenders who were fighting fiercely on the city wall. The drow defenders were suddenly shocked, their minds were clear, and new strength gushed out of their tired bodies out of thin air. Fight with monster soldiers.

Seeing the magic spell, Jose confirmed the presence of the Lord and began to act, allowing himself to be captured by gravity and fall freely, while chanting the spell in his mouth quickly.

Master Magic Meteor Explosion!

Five seconds later, a burning meteorite fell from the sky, dragging a long trail of flames and smashing towards Darkmoon City below. The target was Napasha, the High Priest of Darkmoon City on the street.

Napasha raised her head and saw the burning meteorite, her expression changed immediately, she quickly walked into the alley beside the street, and at the same time propped up her divine power shield.


With a loud noise, the burning meteorite hit the streets of Darkmoon City and exploded. The flames mixed with the meteorites smashed in all directions, hitting the stone buildings on both sides of the street.

The stone building couldn't withstand the bombardment of master-level magic. It was shattered under the impact of meteorite fragments, and then it was lifted up by the explosion shock wave and collapsed. The drow civilians in the house were already bleeding from their mouths and noses due to the loud explosion before the house collapsed.

Jose, who was falling, saw the scene after the explosion. At the location where the meteorite fell, the buildings within 30 meters on both sides of the street completely collapsed, and the buildings farther away suffered varying degrees of damage in a radial manner.

In the central area of ​​the explosion, Napasha, who had propped up her divine shield, was buried by rubble.


With a loud noise, the stones around the divine power shield flew out like an explosion, flying in all directions.

Napasha jumped out of the small pit with all her strength, landed firmly on the ruins of the building, and looked up to see the falling red dragon.

The heart of the phoenix was activated, and orange-red flames emerged from the gaps between the red dragon's scales, covering it with a strange burning coat.

The data-based vision is activated, and the green data flow on the retina falls rapidly, and the shocked expression on the enemy's face can be seen clearly.

This size, young dragon? !

It's not that Napasha didn't think that her opponent was a dragon, but she never thought that her opponent was a young dragon, and she quickly realized it.

This dragon is weird!

The body of a young dragon, with flaming scales, powerful magic, and so many elite subordinates.

Is this what ordinary young dragons should have? !

Napasha cheered up, and quickly uttered the spell in her mouth.


Curse of Weakness!

A series of two negative magic spells shot at the red dragon, Jose didn't even bat an eyelid, and continued to dive towards the enemy on the ground.

After activating the Phoenix Heart, he is already a semi-elemental creature with strong magic resistance.

As soon as the negative energy penetrated into the body, it was consumed by a large amount of fire elements, quickly reduced, and disappeared quickly.

Immune to negative status?!

Sensing the disappearance of the divine spell she had cast, Napasha was surprised and reacted immediately.

No, it can't be immunity. Priests use the power of gods to cast spells. Specifically, they cast spells with the help of divine power bestowed by the gods. Although it is divine power diluted countless times, it is still divine power.

Except for a very small amount of abominations, no one is immune to divine spells.

It should be resistance. This strange red dragon has such a high resistance to magic that the energy of magic can't play a role in its body.

While analyzing, Napasha ran.

Due to the failure of the negative state magic, the red dragon is already close.

Jose suddenly spread his wings in the air a hundred meters above the ground, stopped the falling trend, opened his mouth while gliding, aimed at the running drow priest, and a dazzling flame glowed from his throat.

Dragon's breath!

The cone-shaped flame breath sprinkled on the running drow priests, and the flames lit up most of the city.

Sensing the rapidly approaching high temperature behind her, Napasha instantly cast a high-level divine spell, protected by a translucent divine power shield, while moving sideways to dodge.

Even though Napasha reacted quickly, she was still swept by the edge of the dragon's breath.

The moment of contact, the energy in the high-level divine power shield decreased rapidly, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly added a protective magic.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the street directly hit by the dragon's breath, and Napasha couldn't help shrinking her pupils. In just a split second, the rubble on the street was already burnt red, tending to soften and melt.

The power of the dragon's breath is much higher than that of ordinary red dragons, but it cannot reach the level of legendary red dragons.

Combining the observed signs and previous personal experience, she made a rough assessment of the Red Dragon's strength in her heart.

Tricky, but not too hopeless.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the red dragon's dragon's breath losing its turn, Napasha quickly uttered the spell in her mouth, and blessed herself with a master-level protective magic.

With the protection of divine magic, she felt slightly relieved, turned to face the red dragon, and shouted loudly: Son of Flame, there is no enmity or enmity between us, why did you attack my Dark Moon City?

In the sky, Jose saw the drow priest stop, put a fire element barrier on himself, flapped his wings and rushed over, and at the same time replied loudly: If you have to give a reason, then, you blocked my way.

During the fight just now, he also roughly judged Napasha's strength.

A mediocre legendary priest is better than a legendary warrior, but not as good as a legendary mage.

If she has no special means, defeat is an inevitable result, and it is nothing more than a matter of time.

Seeing the red dragon rushing over again, Napasha quickly raised her hand: Wait! I still have questions to ask you!

It's okay! You ask yourself! I'll hit mine! Don't delay!

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