Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 126: Mr. Dilgero asked me to tell you

The fist wrapped in dark energy pierced the air, making a whistling sound, and hit the shield of the noble knight fiercely. The fierce force made him retreat a few steps involuntarily, leaving a hole on the grass. A string of deep footprints.

Compared with the noble knights, the attacks of the dwarf warriors were more dangerous. The axes and sledgehammers slashed at the knees of the centaur devils in turn.

Faced with this situation, the centaur devil was quite helpless and could only retreat.

The height of the dwarves is both a disadvantage and an advantage. Everyone has to bend down to fight with the dwarves. It is really frustrating to fight in a bent posture, and they cannot exert their full strength.

Bradda also thought about going all out, raised his front hoof and stomped down hard, but his enemies were not only the two master fighters in front of him, but also three spellcasters, one green dragon, one fire elemental, especially The red dragon who has never made a move behind him.

Although the red dragon didn't make a move, it kept erupting with violent aura, which put great psychological pressure on Bradda, making him dare not make a move with all his strength, lest he would not have the energy to face the attack of the red dragon.

This feeling of being able to crush the enemy in front of him, but not daring to go all out because of scruples, made him feel so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood.

From the rear, Jose watched the battle in the field. Even with bare hands, Brada was not inferior in the battle with noble knights and dwarf warriors.

Worthy of being a legendary powerhouse!

It was precisely out of fear of the legendary powerhouse that Jose never made a move, but sat back and watched his teammates besiege Brada.

However, although he didn't make a move, the effect was not small.

On the battlefield, the dwarf warrior chased too hard, and lost touch with his knight teammates whose arms were numb.

Brada seized the opportunity, and the black energy surged all over his body and gathered towards his arm. The condensed dark energy wrapped half of the centaur devil's arm, and instantly turned into an obsidian crystal-like spike.

This is the devil's spell-like ability!

The tip of the thorn shone with a cold light, like the tail needle of a wasp, and stabbed silently at the head of the dwarf warrior. The dwarf warrior's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of horror.

Although his head is protected by an iron helmet, can the helmet block the piercing attack of the legendary devil?

The dwarf was not confident at all.

At this moment, Jose moved.

He didn't protect the dwarves like other spellcasters, but slammed at the centaur devil with his back facing him. His raised dragon claws were as big as a door, covering the centaur devil's head in the air. Down.

The dragon claws were so powerful that they pulled out white threads in the air, and the howling wind made Bradda's scalp tingle.

hell! How could the dragon be so fast? !

Either way, things really happened.

He understood that if he insisted on killing the dwarves, he would have to bear the slap of a giant dragon. Considering the size difference between the two sides, the red dragon could slap himself into a pulp with one claw.

Of course a centaur wouldn't do it in exchange for a life.


At the moment when the red dragon claw was about to hit, the centaur devil suddenly disappeared, and the opened dragon claw slammed on the ground, printing a knee-deep pit on the grass, and the dwarf just passed through the gap between his fingers .

Feeling the strong wind that made him unable to open his eyes, Mogra Bronzehammer shrank his neck.

On the other side, the air on Jose's left side seemed to be rippling, and the disappearing centaur suddenly appeared.

Spell-like ability-advanced teleportation!

Advanced teleportation is the innate ability of high-level demons and high-level devils, just like the breath of giant dragons, it is an instinct that does not need to be learned.

The moment it appeared, the centaur devil's arm wrapped in spikes stabbed fiercely at the red dragon's heart.

A lava shield appeared out of thin air, blocking the path of the spikes towards the heart,

This is the protection given to allies by Lord Fire Elemental.

But it doesn't need to be!

The moment he saw the centaur condense the black thorns, Jose knew he could use some spell-like abilities.

And advanced teleportation is the signature ability of devils and demons, how could he be unprepared for this, the heart and head are the key areas of his defense, so he uses his right paw to slap.

His left claw clawed towards his side. According to his calculations, with the strengthened dragon scale and this legendary shield, even without the lava shield, he could still hit the opponent before the dragon scale defense was breached.

The centaur retreated quickly, and Jose only caught the black spikes that protruded.


The spikes shattered under the great force of the red dragon, turning into fragments, revealing half of the arm hidden inside.

With the dwarf as his partner, Jose couldn't hurt the enemy with the burst of flames, but it didn't matter, he was in no hurry.

Contrary to Jose, Brada was anxious.

Although the magic bombing is huge and colorful, the difference in strength between the two sides is not big, which leads to the limited effect of the bombing. On the contrary, the melee combat is more dangerous, and there is a risk of death if you are not careful.

Many things can be seen between life and death, such as the opponent's reaction speed, combat quality, and so on.

As soon as he fought against the Red Dragon, Brada found that his opponent was more difficult than he imagined. His huge body brought crushing strength, and his speed and reaction ability were first-class. In addition, he had already exposed abnormal injuries. Restoration ability, massive reserves of elemental magic power.

Simply the perfect fighting machine!

Brada made an evaluation of the red dragon in his heart, and at the same time, he was born with deep fear, jealousy, and a little admiration.

Dodging the poisonous fire sprayed by the green dragon, the explosive fireball shot by the fire elemental lord, and the attacks of many master spellcasters, the situation returned to its original appearance.

The centaur devil was trapped in the center of the triangle, the only change was the change of position, and dwarf warriors and noble knights stood in front of the red dragon.

Dodging the prickly attacks one after another, Bradda was out of breath, looked quite tired, and seemed to be able to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

However, this is fake.

Under his observation, Jose found that his chest rose and fell in a gentle rhythm, and he didn't look tired at all.

Sly devil!

The high-level devil can use advanced teleportation three times a day, and the limit distance of each teleportation is 100 meters. I think the position you teleported just now is not the best attack position. Why? Are you not familiar with the new ability?

Brada glared at the red dragon. The red dragon was talking nonsense on the surface, but he was actually telling his companions about the enemy and reminding them to take precautions.

High-ranking devil~, the dwarf swallowed.

He only knew that his opponent had completely turned into a devil. The devil was very powerful and cunning, but he was not very clear about the specific methods of the devil.

Lack of knowledge, that's why the dwarves made mistakes just now.

This is normal, after all, this guy doesn't look like he likes to read books, and because the previous intelligence shows that the enemy is a demonized creature, everyone is not specially prepared to face the devil.

However, the dwarf couldn't be entirely blamed for this, he probably didn't expect his reliable companion to be numb from the blow.

On the other side, Brada was impatient, and his arm was aching when he moved.

In the momentary contact just now, the red dragon violently destroyed the black cone thorn, and at the same time bruised his arm.

Damn giant creatures!

It doesn't matter if you have great strength, but Nima reacts quickly, it's unreasonable!

Squinting at the horizon in the distance, Brada felt a sense of retreat.

He found that even if he was singled out against the red dragon, even if he could win, it would be extremely difficult, not to mention that the red dragon had many partners at this time.

Escape into the dark jungle and temporarily escape the enemy's pursuit.

With the inheritance of the devil, he firmly believed that if he gave himself a period of time, his strength would definitely increase greatly.

The coming day is long~.

However, with his current strength, it is somewhat difficult to break through.

Lord Diljero! Lend me your strength! Brada shouted in his heart, knowing that the existence could hear him.

Help me through the difficulties in front of me, I will definitely fulfill our agreement! Kill this weird red dragon in front of you! Dedicate his body to you!

Outside the plane barrier, the billowing black smoke was a bit depressing.

I want his corpse to be useful! I want to be alive! You idiot!

Of course, Diljero roared in his heart with these words, and now he was still counting on the centaur to pay back.

The transaction content has changed, I want 100,000 centaur souls!

Okay! I promise you! Brada agreed without thinking.

Although the amount of 100,000 is a bit much, he has no capital to negotiate, let alone time to negotiate conditions, because the Red Dragon and his party launched a fierce offensive again.

If you fail again! I will burn your soul on the fire of purgatory! I will torture you for thousands of years! Diljero warned sternly.

After finishing speaking, Dilgero taught the centaur some methods of the devil by virtue of the connection between the two.

After speaking clearly, this legendary peak high-ranking devil instilled power into Bradda.

Seeing the faint black-purple energy emerging from the centaur devil again, Jose couldn't help gnashing his teeth, extremely displeased with the devil hiding behind the centaur.

I don't know who is against me! Dare to tell me the name!

Tell him, my name is Copper Murphy, the upper demon in the void informed the centaur without even thinking about it.

It is impossible to enslave this mutant dragon. Dividing the original power into three strands is already his limit, and dividing the original power will cause the realm to fall.

If this guy can grow up, it's good to go and fuck old friends, Dillgero muttered to himself.

On the other side, the centaur who was besieged so nervously followed suit: Master Diljero asked me to tell you! His name is Copper Murphy!

Jose: ...

In the void, Diljero went crazy: How could I invest in a fool like you??!

Dilgero wished he could leave immediately, but now that he had done half of the work, if he retreated, he would not be able to recover the cost, so he had to continue.

Fool! Present! Escape!

An ominous black smoke gushed out from the centaur devil's body, sweeping in all directions. The vibrant green grass on the meadow quickly rotted as soon as it encountered the black smoke, exuding a rotten stench.

Not good! Go back!

The red dragon quickly retreated, and the others also quickly retreated when they saw that the situation was not right.

The black smoke spread outwards, covering a radius of 500 meters, and condensed and did not disperse.

Jose uttered the spell quickly, and the surrounding air surged.

Gale Art·Strengthen!

All of a sudden, the wind was strong, blowing the grass on the grass bowed deeply, and the black smoke was also blown away by the enhanced version of the wind technique, revealing the corroded grass. A foul-smelling black goo.

Who is that?!

There was no sign of the centaur in the field, presumably they escaped by stealth or teleportation while taking advantage of the black smoke.

No, it can't be teleportation!

There was no trace on the surrounding grass, and there was no teleportation scroll. It was impossible for a devil who was not familiar with the power to teleport long distances, and could only be invisible.

In such a short time, it must not run far!

Jose thought so, flew into the sky, and checked the grassland leading to the dark forest.

Sure enough, he saw the windless grass all the way, which was caused by the wind pressure caused by the centaur chief running at full speed.

Found it! Hurry up!

The crowd of Liushen Wuzhu found the backbone at once, and followed the red dragon to fly towards the invisible centaur devil.

The centaur devil runs very fast and has a light body. It is estimated that it has been blessed with the magic of increasing speed and reducing weight, but it is still not as fast as the dragon.

Give up! You can't escape!

Responding to Olivia was an energy spear wrapped in black ominous magic energy. The spear silently broke through the air and attacked the swooping green dragon.

Feeling that her life was in danger, Olivia quickly uttered the spell, and with the help of the mage, priest, and druid in the dragon's claw, the four defensive magics blocked the demonic spear.

On the other side, Jose flew over the head of the centaur devil, and was about to attack.

Suddenly, he sensed a certain family member approaching in the dark forest in the distance, communicated for a while, showed joy, and sent a message to the green dragon with sound transmission.

Olivia, don't chase too close, he can't escape!

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