Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 122 Peeping Outside

At this time, any centaur abnormal event will arouse the vigilance of the three dragons.

After discussing for a while, Jose decided to take Cassie to the scene to see the situation, while Olivia and the Windtalkers stayed in Thorn City to prevent any accidents.

Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of citizens in Thorn City, a huge red dragon soared into the sky from the center of the city. Its bright red scales dazzled in the sunlight, and then it flew into the distance through wisps of white clouds and fluttered its wings, before disappearing soon.

Two hours later, Jose and Brother Bailong flew to the scene of the incident.

Seen from the sky, there are wrecks of carriages left on the dirt roads trampled by long-term business, the corpses of caravan personnel are scattered, and there are some centaur robbers during the period.


Jose's pupils shrank, and he saw a head pierced by a spear and stuck on the ground. Judging from the fat face, it should be the steward or person in charge of this caravan.

Bailong——Cassie also saw the dying head, and his breathing rhythm accelerated: Boss! This is a provocation! A provocation against us!

Find out where the enemy is first, Jose said in a cold voice, with killing intent in his heart.

Regardless of whether the fallen man is hidden among the bandits, he will make these centaur bandits pay the price in blood!

He turned on the digital vision to scan around the scene of the incident, and saw a large piece of messy and bent grass trampled by horses, and then judged the direction in which the centaur bandits evacuated.


Although I don't know how the Red Dragon judged the enemy's position in such a short period of time, Cassie has absolute trust in his boss and keeps up without saying a word.

These centaur bandits also had some brains, and their running routes were twists and turns, but under Jose's eyes, there was nowhere to hide any clues.

Soon, the two dragons saw a group of small black spots on the grass at the end of their line of sight, which were resting centaur bandits.


Stay here and don't move around. I'll go check it out first.

After finishing speaking, Jose blessed himself with the invisibility technique, and flew towards the place where the centaurs gathered.

A legendary strong man is terrifying, and a legendary strong man hiding in the dark is even more terrifying.

If he is a fallen person, he will hide among the bandits, and his life will be in danger if he goes there directly. Although his ability to recover from injuries is abnormally strong, he is not truly immortal. If he is pierced by a spear through his heart and brain, Jose will also fall.

Quietly, José flew over the centaur bandits and started to observe from the sky.

More than 300 centaur bandits are resting and eating. Most of the centaurs are eating dry food. There is only a group of centaurs at the edge around the barbecue fire. The centaurs around the fire must be the high-level bandits. .

Even if a strong person tries his best to hide himself, the surrounding elemental energy will consciously gather. This has nothing to do with personal will, but the objective law of natural elements.

Of course, a small number of people possess such treasures or secret techniques as can perfectly hide their own energy fluctuations.

However, Jose didn't think that a centaur native could possess secrets or treasures to hide his aura. He checked the energy-rich centaur bandits around him.

Without exception, these centaurs are eating meat.

The result made him a little disappointed, the strongest among this group of centaurs were only three high-ranking ones.

The three high-ranking centaurs did not pose any threat, but Jose's cautious character made him decide to observe for a while.

Down below, the centaur was talking and laughing, but due to the distance and too many voices, he couldn't hear clearly. He only heard a few high-frequency words such as robbery, happiness, leader, and fortune.

think about it,

Jose flew above a white cloud and blessed himself with sensory-enhancing magic.

Flying back again, listening intently, suddenly a lot of noisy voices flowed into my ears, I got used to it for a while, ignored the common centaurs and only listened to the high-level people around the fire, and it was much better immediately.

On the grass, a centaur looked around and patted his bare head: Qiugol! What do you think the boss is doing? Why hasn't he come back?

Who knows, maybe there's something wrong.


After listening for a while, Jose's spirit became more and more uplifted. He learned some key information. This group of centaurs had a powerful leader who suddenly appeared, but the leader was not here.

Suddenly appearing, powerful... that guy is most likely Brada in disguise.

However, if that guy leaves, where will he go?

Thorn City? Modo Peak Forest?

Jose is not worried that Brada may destroy the Mordo Peak Forest.

In a place as big as the Modo Peak Forest, if a legal professional came to destroy it, Jose might still feel distressed.

And the legend of warriors, hehe...

At most, it would destroy a forest, blow up several crypts, and then be surrounded by an army of monsters. Everyone from the Three Dragons and the Windtalker Alliance rushed to start the siege.

Three dragons and a large army of monsters, plus five masters and thirty-three high-level experts with complete occupations, the fallen centaur cannot escape.

Therefore, what Jose is most worried about now is not that the enemy jumps out to cause damage, but that the enemy hides and does not show his face.

Had Bradda stayed out, he would have had a hard time sleeping at the thought of a legendary foe full of malice lurking in the shadows.

Since the suspected target is not there, it is better to kill this group of robbers directly, and capture a prisoner of war to ask about the situation, so as to determine whether the leader is the fallen Brada.

Thinking of this, Jose planned to rush down.

You said, the boss is going to the Triangle Plain, the dragon's territory is very rich~

Damn! Do you think the boss is as stupid as you! Go to the Triangle Plain to rob? Are you courting death?!


The moment the wings shook, Jose heard the conversation between the centaurs and suddenly woke up.

Yes indeed! Brada can only court death if he goes to Triangle Plain and Modo Peak Forest!

Could he not understand such a simple truth?

Is it demonized and lost his mind?

No! impossible!

Demonization can be divided into two situations: demonization and demonization, and Brada is tempted to fall by the devil, and he will keep getting closer to the devil, becoming cunning and treacherous.

Jose closed his eyes, thinking deeply.

If I were Brada, what would my goal be?

The answer is revenge!

And the target of revenge is me, Cassie, Olivia, and the stone hammer orc chief Graham.

Jose opened his eyes and looked at the group of centaur bandits below, with deep vigilance in his eyes.

This is most likely a trap!

He found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking. He focused on the high-level centaurs from the beginning, while ignoring the ordinary centaurs.

Why can't Brada hide among ordinary centaurs? !

There is no secret method to restrain the breath?

God knows how far his deal with the devil has come. The devil in Bator Hell has a lot of means to attack the worlds. It is entirely possible to teach the fallen one or two.

Thinking of this, Jose became more cautious and continued to observe, this time focusing on ordinary centaurs.

In the group of ordinary centaurs, the Hydra Centaur Chief Brada was burying his head in gnawing dry food. At this time, his face was painted with a few strokes of oil paint, and some mud was also stained. His clothes were covered with crusted dirt. Dressed like a low-level robber.

After leaving the bandit group with his cronies, he arranged tasks for his cronies, while he left the team and returned to the bandit group in disguise.

In the past two days, the Black Thorn Bandit Group has recruited many newcomers, and many members are not familiar with each other, so he also got involved.

The reason why he did this was because he knew that the red dragon in the Triangle Plain was very cunning and cautious, and if he wanted to deceive him, he would have to deceive his own people as well.

However, the degree of caution of the red dragon was beyond his expectation, not only did he hide his figure, but he also flew in the sky and refused to come down.

Feeling the sight sweeping from behind, Brada continued to chew dry food, chewing and swallowing mechanically, talking to the centaur companion next to him from time to time, his behavior was no different from that of the centaur bandits around him.

But in fact, he was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and his body was ready for battle, and he would explode into trouble as soon as the red dragon came down.

He touched the spear beside him calmly. The spear was unattractive, with mud marks and dust on it. Under the cover of the mud marks and dust, there was dormant darkness.

This dark lance, blessed by Master Diljero, has the power to pollute the legendary strong, and it is the weapon he specially asked to deal with the red dragon.

It doesn't need to be killed, it just needs to be injured, and the devil's dark energy will pour into the target's body, even if the target is not dead, it will be demonized and become a purgatory dragon.

The last time the Purgatory Demon Dragon appeared in Tidanor was in the last era. This dragon brought a heavy disaster to the Elven Empire at that time, no less than the Red Nest Mistress back then.

If the red dragon is transformed into the demon dragon of purgatory, then none of the local powerhouses in Tidanor will allow his existence.

Outside the plane barrier, the high-ranking devil—Diljero's body is like surging black smoke, attached to the translucent eggshell-like plane barrier, and he is paying attention to the scene inside the plane.

In fact, he lied to the centaur chief who followed him, that the blessing given to the spear was not pure power infusion, but also mixed with the original power.

Quack quack ~, what a surprise, such a small place actually gave birth to a grown-up mutant dragon.

As a high-ranking devil, he knows better than the natives what a mutant dragon means.

Once the Variant Dragon grows up, the lowest level is the demigod level, and the best among the Variant Dragons can even compare to the true god, so that their ancestor and race god - Tiamat can't even cry.

If I can control a mutant dragon, I will definitely have a place among the devil lords in the future, Mr. Diljero.

the other side.

Set off!

After eating, under the order of the senior deputy head, the centaur bandit group stood up from the grass.

Brada picked up the spear calmly, and concentrated on preparing for the attack. He knew in his heart that as long as the red dragon didn't want to let the centaur bandits go, then now is the time to do it.

PS: Today is tens of thousands, ask for a wave of monthly tickets!

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