Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 119: Dead End

Molten Core.

Jose held a roll of animal skin paper in his hand, which recorded information about the Steelbeard Dwarves and the history of Steelbeard Castle.

In the 2,632nd year of the solar calendar, civil strife broke out in the large gray dwarf city——The Pillar City, which eventually led to a split. The losers fled with their followers to the Underdark region BF0672, and established Steelbeard Fortress...

The animal skin scroll also included the locations of Mainstay City and Steelbeard Fort, and also clearly marked the locations of a dozen or so underdark areas around Steelbeard Fort, and each underdark area had a corresponding number.

As expected of a large organization that has existed for thousands of years, it's not easy, Jose couldn't help but sigh.

He asked Dragon Worshipers for information about Steelbeard Fortress, and as a result, Dragon Worshiper sent directly the history of Steelbeard Fortress's construction, and popularized the information about the past city owners of Steelbeard Fortress in detail.

This is not the most critical, the most critical is the intelligence capabilities displayed by the Dragon Cult.

No. BF0672, No. BF0673..., No. BF0680...

These numbers indicate that the Dragon Cult has systematically explored and drawn maps of the Underdark.

Of course, these are all intentionally displayed by the Dragon Worship Sect. As for the purpose, of course it is to deter and lure.

Just as what How Sai said, the benefits on the surface of the Dragon Worship Sect are of little use to him. If the Dragon Worship Sect wants to keep the heart of the Red Dragon, it must show the corresponding value.

However, why did they come to recruit me at this time? Jose was a little puzzled.

The problem involves the legendary powerhouse of the Dragon Cult, who has no ability to explore.

But so far, it doesn't look like a bad thing.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Jose continued to check the information. The Dragon Cult was quite sincere, not only attaching the Underdark area where Steelbeard Fort is located and the surrounding Underdark areas, but also gifting the ruling forces of the surrounding Underdark areas.

Around the steelbeard gray dwarves, there is also a drow elf city called Darksprawl City. These black-skinned elves control a large Underdark, plus a medium and two small Underdark.

The steelbeard gray dwarves control three underdark areas, one large, one medium, and one small. The remaining underdark areas are occupied by crypt natives, such as stone-fronted monsters and kuo-toa fishmen.

He estimated that the resources of the Underdark region occupied by these natives were not very good, and the gray dwarves and drows looked down upon them.

While Jose was leisurely checking the information on the golden mountain, a desperate escape was taking place on the tundra at the junction of the northern prairie and the great glacier.

The Hydra Centaur Chief Bradda fled with all four hooves. The icy wind slapped his face hard like a stepmother's hand, so that he couldn't feel the temperature on his face.

Behind him, a group of strange orc wolf cavalry were chasing after him. The orc headed by him was strong and well-groomed, and he was also a master warrior.

Boys! That stupid donkey's head is worth ten thousand gold coins! Don't let him get away!

You stupid pig! Laozi is a centaur! Not a donkey!

The Hydra Centaur really wanted to turn around and yell out the words in his heart, but after running for a long time, his chest heaved violently and he was out of breath, so he really didn't have the strength to yell.

After finally getting rid of the orc's pursuit, Brada found a direwolf's cave and hid in it. While eating the flesh and blood of the cave's original owner, he cursed and cursed bitterly in his heart.

That damned dragon is really willing! Ten thousand gold coins!

Except for the three in Modo Peak Forest, he really couldn't think of anyone else who would offer a reward of 10,000 gold coins for his head.

But how did the dragon do it? !

Brada was very puzzled. In the past few days, he encountered three waves of people, all of whom were master leaders with a clear goal—his head.

The red dragon found so many master-level powerhouses to hunt and kill him together? !

Brada frowned, feeling depressed.

Today, he was extremely unlucky. He encountered two waves of pursuers one after another, and almost fell. In the end, he dragged down the enemy forcefully with the advantages of fast running on four legs and strong endurance, but his body also reached the limit.

One more time, and it's game over.

If only my hand was still...

Brada bit his lip, looked sad, and looked at his left hand, which was cut off by a sharp knife at the wrist.

Because he was worried about the infection of the wound, he used flames to sear the wound, and now the wound has grown into a black-brown horrible mass of flesh.

Damn stone hammer!

Damn Graeme!

Traitor! Coward!

How can you surrender?!

Recalling the night when the stone hammer orc chief killed his wife and cut off one of his hands, Bradda became emotional, the blood in his eyes spread rapidly, and the hatred in his heart was overwhelming, reaching the edge of dementia.

He punched hard on the earth wall beside him, and his chest heaved violently. Under the stimulation of pain, his eyes gradually became clear, but the hatred did not diminish.


In the end, all the hatred, anger, unwillingness, regret and grief turned into a single sigh.

If only I had surrendered back then, maybe my wife would not have died, my hand would have been kept, and the Hydralisk centaur tribe would have continued to exist...

The next morning, when he was half asleep and half awake, Brada suddenly woke up when he heard the movement from the outside world, and quickly ran out of the crypt, choosing a direction with ease, and galloping wildly.

It took a total of two seconds from observing the enemy to choosing the direction to escape.

Assemble! Find the target!

Hurry up!

Behind the rushing centaur chieftain, a large group of wolf men galloped, and falcons circled in the sky.

The flat terrain of the tundra allows the centaur chief to detect the enemy in time and maximize the advantage of running on all fours, but it also brings a problem, that is, there is nowhere to hide.

This is bound to be a battle of endurance.


Moduo Peak Forest, Forum Square.

Jose is holding a semi-annual regular meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for the middle and high level of the forces under his command, especially the non-family members, an opportunity to become a member of the Red Dragon and join the core circle of Mordo Peak Forest.

In the past six months, with the joint efforts of the ministers...

First there was routine encouragement, and then under the witness of more than 2,000 monsters, the eight lucky ones swore allegiance and became the family members selected by the red dragon, and were given dragon blood or dragon scales.

Most of the eyes of the crowd were focused on the newly promoted family members who endured the pain of body transformation, while the red dragon observed the expressions of the audience openly.

All the middle and high-level monsters present showed envy, and quite a few of them clenched their fists, showing unwillingness.

Of course, no one dared to be dissatisfied with Red Dragon's decision, they were just not reconciled, and the one who was not reconciled to the pain of body transformation was not themselves.

Such an atmosphere was exactly what Jose wanted.

Form an ethos among the monster people to work hard to become the family of the real dragon, and then let the monsters work hard, actively create value, and contribute to the growth of power.

Judging from the reactions of the monsters in the arena and the development of forces in recent years, Jose's strategy was quite successful.

Not long after, the body transformation of the eight newly promoted family members was completed, and they were transformed into dragon veins. They all knelt on one knee, waiting for the master's order.

Get up, Jose said in a cold and majestic voice, and a look of complexity flashed in the eyes of everyone who got up.

The family contract is essentially a slave contract, but now, almost everyone is scrambling to sell themselves to sign this extremely unequal slave contract.

The eight new family members stood up, bowed, and retreated behind the red dragon, standing behind the veteran family members with excited faces.

Jose glanced around, and the scene was completely silent.


After the foreshadowing of the transformation of the family members, Jose gave another encouraging speech, pushing the atmosphere to the climax.

Finally, the rally ended with the cheers of all the monsters.

Everyone exited the meeting square in an orderly manner, while Red Dragon and his family members stayed behind.

After the large gathering, there will be a small gathering of the inner circle of the Red Dragon. The protagonist of the small gathering is not the Red Dragon but the dependents.

Er Gou, as the first and most respected follower of Hesse, was the first to stand up, following the efficient style of a spell caster, he went straight to the point.

According to the latest census, there are currently 305,284 people on the surface and underground of the Moduo Peak Forest, while the Triangle Plain has a population of 311,120. Multi-peak forest.

Of course, this is mainly due to the master's migration strategy and the digestion and absorption of the natives of the prairie by the Triangle Plain...

In terms of population structure, the population of ogres, jackals and other main combat units continues to expand, while goblins and kobolds aim to limit the number of population and improve quality... The problem is...

After Ergou introduced the basic situation of the Red Dragon Territory to everyone, he retreated, and the rich wild boar family member—Hulk Stone Fang stepped forward.

Under Jose's order, Hulk Stoneya had to exercise to lose weight. Although he was still very fat, fortunately he did not develop in the direction of Berthasha.

Everyone, let me introduce the latest financial situation to you. If you have any insights, you can give me some advice. In recent years, under the guidance of the master, both tax revenue and commercial trade revenue have been steadily increasing.

Hulk continued: Tax revenue is not mentioned, let's talk about the situation of commercial trade income. In view of the growth of the territory's population, the export volume of grain has dropped sharply. The trade is mainly based on various ores and finished ironware, but all kinds of ores and The finished arms trade is also facing many problems.

First of all, the volume of bulk commodities is large and the prices are getting lower and lower. Secondly, the types of commodities we can provide are very limited, and most of them are raw materials. In this regard, I suggest further processing and selling of commodities such as medicinal materials, and at the same time expand the types of commodities, such as Resell grassland indigenous livestock, animal skins, etc.”

With that said, Hulk looked at Red Dragon, different from Ergou's simple introduction of the situation and problems, his business proposal requires the approval of Red Dragon.

Jose lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head: The deep processing of ordinary commodities is entrusted to you, and you don't need to deal with the magic-related industries. As for the issue of reselling indigenous products in the grassland, I will not consider it for the time being. It is the battlefield of the chamber of commerce. Leaving the chamber of commerce may bring some benefits in the short term, but it will be harmful in the long run.”

Also, we have reached an agreement with the elves in the Mirkwood to communicate with each other. The first batch of elf goods will arrive soon, and I will leave it to you to handle them.

I will live up to my master's expectations, Hulk bowed.

By the way, Master, I calculated it. According to the current population growth trend, our grain production will be equal to the consumption in ten years at most, and the population growth will be limited by then.

Jose nodded. He also knew about this problem and had a plan.

Hogg Riverpaw: Army building...


The leaders of each family took turns to introduce the latest situation of the territory's population, economy, and military, so that the high-level leaders of the territory can have a general understanding of the real-time situation of the territory, point out relevant problems, and gather everyone's wisdom to solve the problem.

The rally was over, and everyone left, only a few core executives such as Ergo Bloodtooth, Hulk Stonefang, Hogg Riverpaw, etc. remained.

Master, according to the news from the spies.

Hulk gloated, and continued: A centaur was frantically chased and killed on the bitter cold tundra, it is undoubtedly the fish that slipped through the net of the hydra centaur.

Hogg Riverpaw: Congratulations master, I believe it won't take long, master, you will be able to see the head of the enemy.

Haha! José laughed mockingly when he mentioned the Centaur Hydralisk.

A reward of 10,000 gold coins is not too much for a giant dragon, but it is by no means a small amount. Most dragons may not bother to go out and kill a master-level powerhouse for it, but they never mind sending their subordinates to earn money for themselves. Take the bounty.

This is why Jose offered a reward of 10,000 within the Dragon Blessing Cult, in exchange for the result he wanted at the lowest cost.

According to his estimation, the centaur chief will be exhausted under the pursuit of many forces, and he won't last long.

Aren't master centaurs good at running? !

run! Let you run enough! Run enough and die!

The stone hammer orc chief - Graeme, as the only master-level powerhouse under the command of the three dragons, is naturally qualified to stay. Hearing everyone's discussion, he secretly rejoiced.

The Stone Hammer Orcs and the Hydra Centaur are both forces that are enemies of the Red Dragon, but the situation at this time is very different. One has been destroyed, and the tribesmen fled dead. The chief was offered a reward and was frantically pursued. kill.

As for the stone hammer orcs, life is much better than before.

Ordinary tribesmen don't have to worry about food. Soldiers have obtained high-quality weapons and armor, and the safety of hunting and fighting has been greatly improved. If they join the Moduo Peak Forest, they can also receive scientific warrior training.

As the chief, he was rewarded with two magic weapons, and learned combat skills and secret techniques that he had never imagined before, and his strength was greatly improved.

All this is because he, Graeme Stonehammer, the chieftain of the Stonehammer orcs, made the right choice,

A month later, the bitter cold tundra.

Hydralisk Centaur Chief - Bradda Hydralisk is facing a desperate situation, long-term running without rest and nutritional supplements, long-term battle injuries accumulated without treatment, which caused serious damage to his body, and there is no slap on his body. intact area.

At this time, he was hiding in a cave, lying on the ground in a casual posture, staring blankly at the cold cave ceiling.

Is it finally over?

His physical condition no longer allowed him to continue running for a long time. He felt very tired, very tired, not only physically, but also mentally.

But, I'm so unwilling.

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