Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 109: The Legendary Witch

José was a little surprised when he asked about the secret passage of Dana's army through the Jogol Mountains.

Is there any other news? more, Your Excellency Zhenlong, you promise...


I strangled you if I said nothing, but let you go if I didn't say anything.

Throwing the little baron, with a collapsed sternum and blood spitting out of his mouth, onto the ruins of the castle, José flapped his wings and lifted off.

It was not long before he found the valley the little baron had spoken of.

This valley is located on the edge of the Jogol Mountains and is the outermost part of the Jogol Mountains. A creek that melts from the snow flows and the vegetation is lush on both sides.

Driving and scanning the valley, he soon found traces left by a large number of people passing by, and followed the traces to a hidden cave.

Landing in front of the cave, Jose shrunk his size and walked in. When he reached the end of the cave, he saw a passage that was slanted downward. .

He glanced at the stone wall in the passage, and found obvious traces of man-made excavation, and it was excavation traces a long time ago.

Mother of the Red Nest? Jose murmured.

It is very possible that this passage was built during the period of the Red Nest Mistress. Savannah has dominated the Northland for more than a hundred years, and this is only the stage of external expansion.

Before taking over the North, the Red Nest Matriarch also lived in the Jogor Mountains.

During the hundreds of years of her rule, it is not uncommon to order her kobolds to dig a few tunnels. Besides, there is no need for humans to dig holes so high. The rock walls are not so rough.

Without stopping at the entrance, Jose stepped into the dark passage.

In order to prevent traps, magic traps and the like, he keeps the switch on and casts it every time he walks a certain distance.

Nothing happened all the way, and after walking nearly 10,000 meters, he walked out of the passage.

Looking around, Jose was a little surprised, this was not the underground cave he expected, but...


The upside-down stalactites emit fluorescence and are densely packed together, covering the cave roof in the dark area here, which is beautiful.

In addition to the stalactites above the head, there are other light sources, and a small number of luminous plants are scattered on the ground, like fireflies in the dark.

The Underdark is beautiful, but dangerous.

As far as Jose could see, he found several shadow snakes lurking in the plants, gray scale lizards, and various poisonous insects and weeds.

Of course, whether it is the Underdark or other places, giant dragons are well-deserved at the top of the biological chain.

Shadow snakes, gray-scaled lizards and other overlords of the underdark region panicked and fled when they saw the red dragon, as did the poisonous insects without wisdom.

Kicking the stone brick beside him, Jose was sure that this place was left by the Red Nest Matriarch.

There are ruins of a fortress at the exit of the passage, and the fortress was razed to the ground by a powerful force.

There is no exaggeration in the slightest, even if it is razed to the ground, the highest point of the ruins is only two meters higher than the ground level of the Underdark, and this highest point was kicked down by the red dragon just now.

The reason for kicking was that he found some bones in the ruins, including small bones of kobolds and large bones like ogres.

This is the dark area, and Jose has also raised his vigilance.

After all, the Underdark is one of the dangerous places in the mainland. Although the Underdark has been developed and abandoned, the danger is much lower, but what if.

He blessed himself with invisibility magic, flapped his wings and flew into the sky, and used data vision to detect the ground in the air.

After observing for a few minutes, he discovered the direction of the people in Dana,

Traces left by another wave were also found.

Between the two, Jose is more curious about the latter.

He knew where Dana's army was going, but the other group of people must be related to Dana's dignitaries.

A baron reported an abnormality, but he was told not to interfere and not to be curious. There must be a secret hidden in it.

Jose fell down, carefully observed the traces left by the group, and tried to judge some useful information from the traces.

They have walked this trail many times, and each time there were not many people, there should be no more than twenty people.

Eh, no, why are these footprints too small, could it be... Jose frowned, with a faint guess in his heart.

Some of the footprints are small, and they may be short and have small feet, but all of them are small, so there is only one explanation: all the people who walk this road are women.

Northern Witch Council?!

Extraordinary organization - the Council of Witches of the Northland, the real ruler of the vast Northland of Dananor, the Kingdom of Dana, the Kingdom of Odyssey, the Kingdom of Norn, etc. are all their spheres of influence, and the status of this group of women is above the kingship of the Northland .

And there is only one thing to support this position - strength!

The Witch Council has power over all the northern kingdoms. At its peak, the legendary spellcasters of the Witch Council reached double digits. Even the Mistress of the Red Nest faced them cautiously.

It's just that the Red Nest Mistress stepped on the Northland Witch Council and killed many legendary witches.

The average combat power of the legendary mage is the crown of all professions, and he was not born so easily. Therefore, the current Northland Witch Council must have declined a lot.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how the Northland Witch Council declines, there must be three or four legendary wizards, otherwise they are not qualified to negotiate terms with the many legendary five-color dragons led by the Dragon Sect.

Thinking of this, Jose hesitated whether to continue the investigation.

Legendary Mages and ordinary legends are two different concepts. In case of encounter, with his current strength, there is no hope of victory at all, and the chance of escape is less than 30%.

Yes, I have.

According to the introduction of the golden dragon—Arigos, although it can't completely block the spiritual exploration of the legendary Mages, it can still play some role.

After some deliberation, he decided to continue, but with a lot of care.

Walk silently!


Advanced Swiftness!


With a long string of buffs on his body, Jose continued to investigate.

Following the trails and trails, he came to the edge of the Underdark and found another tunnel.

Through a tunnel with several magical traps, he came to another Underdark and continued his pursuit.

Suddenly, Jose stopped abruptly, his heartbeat quickened a bit, and he found that five meters in front of him, the traces of people passing by disappeared.

Just disappeared out of thin air!

Something is wrong with this place!

Looking at the land in front of him that was not much different from other areas of the Underdark, Jose stayed where he was, observing and thinking carefully.

The traces disappear suddenly, there are only two cases:

The first one is that everyone walks here and switches to flying. Naturally, flying will not leave traces on the ground.

The second type, there is an illusion barrier in front of you, no matter how exquisite the illusion barrier is, it is just a dead thing, and it will not even continue to detail such as the traces of people passing by.

The possibility of the first case is unlikely, because even in a powerful spellcaster organization like the Northland Witch Council, the organization is dominated by mid- and low-level spellcasters, and the lowest magic in flying magic—air dance is also high-level. high-level magic.

He carefully observed the edge where the trace disappeared, and found a subtle sense of dislocation, and he was sure that there was an illusion enchantment in front of him.

As expected of the Northland Witch Council!

This exquisite illusion enchantment, if I hadn't been staring at it with help, I really wouldn't have discovered it.

Jose couldn't help but marvel at the superb magic technology of the Northland Witch Council, and he backed away quietly.

The function of this kind of enchantment protecting important occasions is often comprehensive. In addition to creating illusions and camouflage, it also has the function of alarming outsiders contact, and there may be people monitoring and patrolling inside. to them.

Of course, the people inside couldn't detect Jose either due to the invisibility technique and the invisibility technique.

Backing all the way to a safe distance, Jose breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a little hesitant, hesitating whether to check the inside of the barrier.

At this point, he has confirmed that the Northland Witch Council has established an important stronghold here, but he is not sure how strong the stronghold is, and it will be bad if it is a legendary witch.

The danger of legendary witches is higher than that of ordinary legendary male wizards, because they are legendary wizards and women at the same time, inheriting the advantages of women, such as perseverance and good memory.

Of course, the above is from a good point of view. From Jose's point of view, that is paranoia and vengeance.

After thinking about it, Jose decided to continue.

On the one hand, he was unwilling to retreat after they were all here. On the other hand, if the guardian here was a master, then maybe he could rush in and plunder.

Of course, he also had a plan of action in the face of the worst situation—the Legendary Witch.

He caught an ordinary underground snake, and quickly uttered the spell in his mouth.

Mysterious Eye · Delayed Casting!

This is a secret method learned from the high-level elf druid——Anna, which can seal magic into animals and induce it remotely.

Under Jose's control, the enchanted little snake approached the illusion barrier, while Jose's own dragon continued to retreat until it retreated to the exit at the edge of the dark region, at the limit of the control distance of the mysterious eye.

His eyes were calm, staring at the little snake that kept approaching the barrier a thousand meters away.

Getting closer, ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter.

go in!

In fact, Jose's idea is correct. There are indeed magic puppets patrolling and monitoring inside the barrier. In the core area of ​​the barrier, the legendary witch holds a crystal ball, and the magic crystal ball automatically detects whether there is any abnormality around the barrier.

In other words, he had just walked on the brink of death.

Fortunately, the invisibility technique concealed his body and his aura, and the red dragon itself was cautious and found abnormalities in advance, so it was able to retreat completely.


The moment the little snake's head entered the barrier, the eyes of the legendary witch in the depths of the barrier suddenly turned sharp and disappeared in place.

In fact, the little snake itself will not cause the enchantment reaction. It is a native creature in the dark area, and there is no threat. The problem is that the little snake has special magical energy in its body.

Jose didn't expect the magical energy in the little snake's body to hide from the barrier. The moment the snake's head entered the barrier, he activated the stored secret eye.

Light blue eyeballs appeared above the little snake's head, and it only glanced at the world.

The icy blue freezing air shot out, freezing the little snake and the eyes on top of its head into ice sculptures. At the same time, the vast spiritual power spread in all directions, and the grass plants on the ground bowed their heads like the wind.

In the distance, Jose turned around and ran into the tunnel.


What a legendary witch!

The legendary witch - Judith Murphy floated in mid-air, frowning, her mental power exploded and scanned the kilometer range around her body, but she couldn't find the bold peeper.

Forget it, block the door first, and then search carefully.

With that in mind, she flew towards the exit of the Underdark.

Sensing that the legendary witch was chasing towards him, Jose quickly activated it, and a blast of fire blasted the tunnel behind him. At the same time, he stirred up the surrounding elements.

On the other side, the legendary witch stood in front of the collapsed passage, her face was cold, she stood for a while and turned back.

The cunning voyeur knew the spellcaster very well, and she also had a high level of spellcasting. Various arrangements broke her idea of ​​continuing to chase and kill.

The collapsed rubble blocked her body, and the stirring elements prevented her from using space magic rashly.

You must know that space magic has a certain degree of danger. There is nothing wrong with the air and the ground, and the teleportation target point cannot be seen underground.

Either the landing failed and was involved in the turbulent space, or there was an extra stone in the body. The former would die without life, while the latter would inevitably suffer from pain. If the stone appeared in key parts such as the heart and head, it is not impossible to die.

Speaking of Jose, the entrance of the tunnel where Jose escaped all the way.

Although the legendary witch gave up hunting, he still blew up the passage, and he blew up all the way, cutting off the Dana Kingdom's road to the Triangular Plain through the tunnel.

Not long after Jose left, a dusty figure ran all the way in the dark area, seeing the collapsed tunnel, filled with anger.

Which god did it?! Dana Protector Sword Master - Zangwill roared angrily.

He was out of breath and wanted to cry, but he received the urgent recall message from the king. In order to prevent the Odyssey Kingdom from taking the opportunity to expand the results of the war, he immediately took an underground shortcut and rushed back from the Triangle Plain.

After running for a whole day and two hours of night, they were about to return to the Kingdom of Dana. As a result, the tunnel leading to the ground was blown up.

After weighing it, he turned around and continued running, planning to go back the same way and cross the barbarian prairie to reach Dulong Pass.

It's just that if this is the case, it will take at least one day and one night to run, even the legendary strong can't stand such a toss!

Don't let me know who did it!

On the other side, Jose didn't know that a legendary sword master was about to break his leg because of running, so he went out of the valley and kept climbing in the air until he surpassed Muxue's Jogol peaks.

In mid-air, he looked back at the land of Dana Kingdom under the moonlight, and fireworks were everywhere.

PS: recommend a book

The style is a bit similar, with the Three Kingdoms system, high-quality books, and the quality is guaranteed.

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