Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 107 Dana's Death

Dalton's crossbow was destroyed, exposing the hole connecting the interior of the stone tower below.

Through the hole, Jose saw panicked and fleeing figures inside the stone tower. Most of these people held long staffs and were dressed as mages.

Without the slightest hesitation, he opened his mouth, and the raging dragon flames gushed out from his throat, and poured into the giant tower from the hole on the top of the tower.

The flames poured into the interior space, burned everything, and rushed down the corridor, penetrating everywhere, engulfing the panic-stricken people in the giant tower, burning the flesh and blood in an instant, leaving only the scorched bones rolling down the corridor.


In a certain room, a sorcerer apprentice jumped out of the window in a panic and had no time to escape from the raging dragon flames.

At the same time, on the city wall, the sergeants fighting fiercely between the two countries saw an unforgettable scene: on the top of the giant stone tower in the center of the city, a flaming stalwart figure exhaled flames, and the windows on the giant stone tower below him burst from top to bottom. Flames gushed out.

In the giant stone tower, there was no movement other than the crackling of burning.

hold head high!

Jose's demonstrative rant.

The passionate dragon chant shocked people's hearts, everyone in Dana was heartbroken, and the soldiers of the Odyssey Kingdom were also terrified.

On the stone tower with flames and black smoke coming out of every window, Jose was in a good mood, ignoring the choking smoke and burnt atmosphere, and looked around.

On the frontal battlefield, a small number of Odyssey soldiers rushed to the tower, and the soldiers defending the city were destroyed by the Dalton Ballista Tower, and their totems were shattered. Recalcitrant, but it is only to delay the time of the city's destruction.

On the legendary battlefield outside the city, the Shield of the Northland seemed to have activated a secret technique, covering its entire body with a layer of golden light, and the violent hammer was so suppressed that it could not lift its head.

Is it possible to work with Furyhammer to keep him?

This tempting thought flooded Jose's mind, Ucardo Fortress was destroyed, and the only legendary strong man died in battle, then the situation of the Kingdom of Dana would further deteriorate.

Perhaps sensing the red dragon's malicious gaze, the Shield of the North exploded to force the opponent back, then quickly retreated, turned his head and glared at the red dragon on the top of the tower in the city, turned and ran away.

On the other side, the Violent Hammer took a step forward, but then stopped, and withdrew the hammer and rushed towards Ucador Fortress.

The Hammer of Fury didn't want to face a desperate powerhouse of the same level, so Jose could only give up, retracted his gaze, and glanced at the city of Ucardo Fortress.

The city was in chaos, the residents and soldiers of the fortress crowded the road, pushing towards the rear gate, and there was a lot of crying and anger.

These are ordinary people, and the strong jumped the city wall to escape.

Jose also saw a master mage flying over the city wall, presumably the commander who escaped from the megalithic tower.

It is worth mentioning that the direction of escape of this master mage is the south, not the west where the kingdom of Dana is located.

smart people.

Jose laughed. The kingdom's most important border fortress was destroyed. There must be someone who is responsible for it. The only legendary strongman cannot be blamed.

Fa Ye probably also considered this and chose to flee to the south.

bang bang bang!

Hammer of Fury smashed the gate of the city with several hammers, and brought a large army into this fortress, which can be regarded as a serious problem in the kingdom of Odyssey. When he saw the burning red dragon on the smoking stone tower, he nodded slightly to show his friendliness.

Seeing this, Jose nodded slightly, extinguished the flames on his body, kicked his feet on the ground, and flapped his wings to fly into the air.

Although the legendary powerhouse of the Odyssey Kingdom behaved fairly friendly at this time, there was no trust between the two parties.

That's why Jose didn't want to have too much contact, and one more thing, he had chosen a prey.

On the plain official road,

The two carriages drove wildly one after the other, bringing up a large cloud of smoke and dust.

The carriage is not an ordinary carriage. It is luxuriously decorated, inlaid with gold and silver, and strung with pearls. The four horses that drive it are also not ordinary horses. They should be of extraordinary blood. Run faster than ordinary army horses.

Of course, Jose is not a superficial dragon, and he will never be obsessed with the appearance of the carriage. What he likes is the interior of the carriage. From a long distance, he can smell the golden breath inside the carriage, and there are also fluctuations in magic elements.

Fragrant ~!

No matter how fast the carriage ran, it was not flying fast.

In the blink of an eye, Jose flew over the carriage, swooped down and grabbed the two carriages, and grabbed the carriages and horses into the sky together.

There was a scream from inside the carriage, and the horse also struggled in panic and neighed.

At this time, he saw the shield of the Northland looking back while running in the distance, and shouted loudly: Tell your king! This is the price!

After shouting, Jose was in a happy mood and flew to the north where the Jogol Mountains were located.

Ucador Fortress was captured, and the army of the Odyssey Kingdom took the initiative. The next step is to directly attack the hinterland of the Dana Kingdom or capture the Dulong Pass.

In any case, the Kingdom of Odyssey has been suppressed for more than a hundred years, and turning over today will never make it easier for the Kingdom of Dana.

If nothing unexpected happens, the legendary sword master and army of the Triangle Plain will also be recalled to deal with the sudden change in the domestic situation.

In this way, the danger of the Triangle Plain will be resolved.

During the flight, Jose looked back at the Ucardo Fortress, and there was white smoke rising from the sky above the fortress.

That is the white smoke produced by the incomplete combustion of wood after the fire was extinguished.

As he expected, the people in the Odyssey Kingdom did not destroy the city, but took over the city, turning the enemy's fortress into a bridgehead for their own attack.

It has to be said that the Dana Kingdom was very unlucky, and it provoked Jose, a giant dragon who was not afraid of injury or death, and had excellent observation skills.

Otherwise, with the power of the Dalton Ballista Tower, the legendary dragon will have to weigh it when it encounters it.

After flying for a while, until the sound from Ucador Fortress could not be heard, Jose landed on a weedy plain and put down the carriages of two carriages.

As for the horse pulling the cart, the rope broke during the flight and the horse had fallen.

Inside the carriage, a voice tremblingly prayed.

Jose didn't talk nonsense, he just shook the end of the car, and a lot of gold coins and a few gems poured out of the car like running water, and a fat young man screamed in panic.

The white and tender young fat man was sweating profusely, reminiscent of a fat radish covered in dew. He sat slumped on a small pile of gold coins, his lips trembling with fear.

Fatty again, Jose muttered.

Hooking the fat man's clothes with his fingertips, he put him aside ahead of time, glanced at the belongings on the ground, and unceremoniously put them into his dimensional bag with mental power.

After putting away the treasure, Jose turned around and saw the fat man's painful eyes.

Why? He teased in a playful and relaxed tone: Want to take it back?

The fat man hurriedly waved his hand, turning it into an afterimage: It's my honor that... these external things can be seen by the great son of flame!

Hearing the red dragon speak, Marcus Nelson felt happy after experiencing the initial panic in his heart, and his mind became more active. If he could communicate, he would have a chance to survive. He was afraid that the red dragon would swallow him directly.

Great dragon, your strength really amazes me... A long string of words of praise and flattery came out of Fatty's mouth, and what he said was well-founded, without repetition in three minutes.

Until his mouth was dry, Marcus looked up at the red dragon, and found that the red dragon was looking at him with a comfortable face, looking at him with a child-teachable look, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But then, the red dragon startled him as soon as he opened his mouth.

Do you think flattery can save your life?! Jose said quietly.

Marcus was so scared that his legs trembled: No...can't.

Indeed it can't!

Seeing that Fat Carrot was almost paralyzed by himself, Jose no longer teased him: But I can think about it and give you a chance to live.

Great true dragon, I will go through fire and water...

Okay, okay! Jose interrupted the fat man who was about to flatter him endlessly: I like your way! But it can't kill you! Tell me your name, identity, your value will determine your ability Go back alive!

Marcus Nelson, Quartermaster of Fortress Ucador, second son of the Duke of Wolfland...

In order to survive, Marcus tried his best to tell his own value. His grandmother is the younger sister of the current king of Dana Kingdom. He has royal blood and has hidden thousands of gold coins in his hometown.

Hearing the fat man talk about the strength of the wolf collar, Jose didn't take it seriously.

Wolf collar?

If the wild wolf collar is full of things like the one in front of you, then it's almost the same as the wild boar collar.

Although Fat Carrot talked a lot of nonsense, Jose also roughly figured out the situation. The guy who fled and didn't forget to take the gold coins was indeed the talent he was looking for—the kingdom moth!

As for why to find a corrupt official, because he has another idea.

If nothing else happens, the Windtalkers Alliance and church forces will secretly investigate the high-level leaders of the Dana Kingdom to investigate whether they are related to the cult that produced the Wailing Curse.

Jose also wants to investigate. If it is really related, then it is just right to report directly and kill someone with a knife.

It doesn't matter, then you have to find a way to frame him and cause as much trouble as possible for the Dana royal family. Even if you can't kill the Dana kingdom, you have to pluck him out.

The Kingdom of Dana has been doing things in the Triangle Plain one after another, and he has already suffocated his anger. How long will it be if he doesn't beat the dog in the water at this time? !

And if you want to investigate the truth of the cult, you have to understand the unknown PY transactions that happened behind the scenes in the Dana Kingdom. Who knows this kind of transactions best?

Of course a corrupt official! Great noble!

This is the purpose of Jose grabbing the carriage, and the wealth on the carriage is just incidental.

Tell me about the evil organizations you know about in Dana Kingdom, such as necromancers, cults, demon believers, and the like.

Marcus looked bitter: Your Majesty the Dragon, I'm just a second-generation ancestor who relies on family connections to eat and die. Where do I know this news? Besides, even I know this, so the kingdom and the church would have known it a long time ago. , Just wipe out those terrorists directly.

Thinking of the obscene nature of the dragon, the fat man rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, If you want to know the news about Goulan around the kingdom, I know this one well.

Blessed with lie detection magic, Jose gave him a sideways look.

Am I this kind of dragon? !

He continued to ask: Then, what is the shameful thing among the great nobles you know? Are there those hypocrites? What kind of crimes have they committed?

Seeing the troubled look on the fat man's face, Jose said coldly, If you don't even know these things, then you don't need to live.

Marcus trembled, eloquently: ...

After hearing this, Jose was a little disappointed. It was all trivial matters, such as XXX smuggled goods, XXX accepted bribes, XXX's wife was having sex with who and so on, and so on.

These things are enough to cause some bad effects on the nobles involved, but they are not enough to be used as a handle.

Forget it, the news that a dude knows is indeed limited, and he still has to find the nobles in power.

Thinking of this, Jose inquired about a series of corrupt officials and brutal nobles, made a hunting list, and then left the fat man in the wilderness and flew away.

This place is located at the edge of the Ucador Fortress's influence range, and there is a certain danger, but the danger is not high. Whether he can survive depends on Fatty's strength and luck.

Of course, the second generation ancestor of a hostile kingdom, dead, has no influence, and alive, is of little use, and there is no need to expect him to harm the Dana kingdom.

Without mentioning him, Jose flapped his wings and flew up into the sky, heading towards the chosen target's territory.

The target is a hereditary nobleman—the Earl of the Green Lake. He is not strong, only at the level of a high-ranking warrior, but he is good at dancing, and has contacts with many nobles and ministers of the kingdom.

Less than half an hour into the flight, Jose received a communication request from the harpy family.

What's up?

Master! Good news! Luna Bloodfeather's excited voice came along the telepathic connection: The enemy has been routed! And for some reason, there was an infighting!

Jose focused on two things, while paying attention to the flight, while switching to Harpy Vision, he saw the scene of the Triangle Plain.

Looking at the green grassland on the ground from a high altitude, on the grassland, the army of the Dana Kingdom is being hunted down by the natives such as the stone hammer orcs and the brown-skinned wild boars. Two legs run fast.

At the same time, in another direction, the chief and his wife of the Hydra Centaur are leading an elite centaur to chase and kill a human on horseback. Looking at the embarrassed back, the hunted man is the commander of the Kingdom of Dana——Pinnock .

Hahaha! Dog bites dog! Mouth hair! José felt that every pore on his body was cheering, expressing his comfort.

Master, I don't know what's going on. The sword-wielding master of the Dana Kingdom was fighting with three great dragons, and suddenly ran away. Then, these natives went crazy, and we didn't even care about it, so we just went straight to the knife. Kill the Dana.

Jose roughly understood the reason for the matter.

The Ucado Fortress was breached, and the royal family of Dana received a message to recall the legendary Juggernaut urgently. The legendary Juggernaut left Pinnock and left, leaving Pinnock and the Dana army led by him to face the angry native coalition alone.

Of course the native coalition forces have reason to be angry!

The Kingdom of Dana once promised victory, but it failed. They sent a legendary strongman, but the legendary strongman ran away in the middle of the fight, and Pinnock wanted to run away with his army.

Of course, the natives of the prairie who were made to cry out did not agree, leaving the enemy behind to find the Dana people to fight for their lives, which is also reasonable.

On the other side, only the gold, green, white three dragons and Er Gou knew that it was the red dragon that played a role, while the other family members were a little confused, so the harpies announced the good news.

Attack with the whole army! Kill them! Jose directly ordered to all the dependents.

The bewildered leader of the monster army suddenly woke up, and shouted the name of the red dragon to take the lead in killing the enemy.

Regardless of the battle situation on the Triangle Plain battlefield, Jose disconnected his mental connection, continued to fly, and muttered to himself.

King Dana, I will let you know what a stupid decision it is to be an enemy of me.

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