Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1486: Women are a disaster since ancient times

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"That's Felos, drag him out for me."

As Leo's voice fell, a group of tax policemen dragged a thin young man up.

I saw this Felos have blue eyes with obvious dark circles. Although he was in his twenties, he looked the same as in his forties.

His face was thin, his complexion pale, bluish white faintly revealed, and the bags under his eyes were huge. At first glance, he knew that he was an overly alcoholic guy.

Leo felt that this guy would probably not live to be forty years old, and he would die on a woman's belly.

Although it was the afternoon and it was working hours, Baron Felos didn't have a formal outfit.

He just wore a loose, gorgeous big red nightgown.

Because his hands were behind him, he couldn't cover the skirt of the robe at all, revealing the one inside...a small red thong.

The style is still very trendy.

A crowd of tax policemen looked at them, and at first they looked at each other in surprise, and then they couldn't help being disgusted and admired: This...this person is really a shock!

Although the man was forcibly dragged to the front by the tax police, but with a look of anger, twisting his body and struggling violently, he shouted at Leo: "You are their leader? Why do you know me? It's a nobleman~!

Whoever gives you the power can arrest the nobles, believe it or not, I'll sue you. "

Leo was furious immediately. He raised his hand and slapped him, slamming his palm on Felos' face, and yelling at the same time: "*, you bastard. Do you know it's a republic now?"

Now the Semitic Continent does not care about men, women or children. Poor, rich, good and cheap. As long as the taxpayers are all citizens and everyone is equal, your grandson is still talking about nobles with a shy face? "

Those words blasted above the Semitic people's heads like a thunderbolt, trembling their bodies and even their souls.

Everyone is equal, which is something they have never thought of in the depths of their souls.

The servants all looked at Leo in a daze, with a ray of light called'Hope' throbbing deep in their eyes.

They are servants. Naturally, they are all untouchables, and cannot be equal to the nobles.

I was educated since childhood and was told repeatedly that they are inferior and their lives are worthless. Don't provoke nobles. No one cares about their lives.

Even when he was hit by a noble's carriage on the street, they often asked their families to compensate the noble's carriage for damage.

Noble lords can dispose of their lives at will, if they are willing to try new swords. They can be killed in the street, this is a clause written in the law. (The samurai of the big foot basin had this power back then)

And now. The little master actually said that without the nobility, all the Semites are equal.

Equality means that their lives are guaranteed by law.

Then the nobles can no longer deal with and kill them arbitrarily, can't kill them with a luxury car and make them pay compensation, can't use their bones to test the knife, or kill them as long as they are not pleasing to the eye. They can no longer rob and insult their wives and daughters casually, and talk about them.

They cannot buy and sell their parents, brothers, wives and children at will, and treat them as cruelly as private livestock.

How can this not make them feel excited?

And Baron Felos was also horrified for a while, like a bucket of snow pouring from the top of his head, even his soul would be frozen.

Although the elites of the Semitic tribe were overcoming obstacles and fighting hard, leading the people to settle and cultivate in this wild land, and thrive.

Finally, it was embraced by the people and became a noble class.

But those brave people have long since disappeared. After thousands of years of dilution and solidification, most of the nobles now rely on the privileges of the nobles to lie on the people and **** their flesh and blood. There is no one at all. A little bit of survival skills.

The only thing they are great about is their power, their aristocratic status.

Nobles are born with power, use their power to rule the country and the army, and maintain their status.

If they lose their nobility, they will lose everything, power, wealth, privileges, and more importantly, violent machines.

The end result can only be starving to death alive, how can it continue to dominate the people in front of the people?

This is why the nobles fear the peasant uprising.

Leo had to scold him again. At this moment, a tax policeman next to him hurriedly grabbed him, and whispered: "Boss, the government is not allowed to say this for the time being, let's change something else."

Leo couldn't help but stagnate at the moment.

A look of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the servants. But at the same time, their hearts couldn't help but become more eager.

From the words of the bureau and tax police, they already knew one thing clearly: Although it has not been implemented for the time being, in the future...they will be equal to the nobles in the future.

The Semitic Republic is really a republic for the future.

At that time, all the Semi people can boldly walk in the sun, and no longer have to worry about being abused by the nobles~!

Everyone enjoys the safety of life and property.

A sneer flashed in Baron Felos' eyes.

Through the conversation between the fat little fat man and the tax police, he also knew one thing: Although they might implement a citizenship in the future, republic...

But now, the power of the nobles is still strong, even with the support of a million human army, the current Semitic Provisional Government still dare not move randomly in order to stabilize the situation.

They absolutely dare not stand on the opposite side of all the Semitic nobles and be enemies of all the Semitic nobles.

Mankind still needs them now, and all occupying forces need to take refuge in their foreign spies.

As for the future... with a strong aristocratic class standing here, what the Provisional Government cannot do now, can it be done in the future?

In the feudal era, the nobility system has penetrated into every corner of society.

Seeing the smile on Felos' face. Leo was furious at the moment. Kicked him hard. Scolded: "*, you think I can't cure you, can I?

It seems that the Lord has to give you a cruel trick, but you forced me~! "

He paused, then took a note from his pocket, shook it in front of Felos, and exclaimed fiercely, "Have you seen? This is the secret note my boss wrote specially before going out today. . Just wait to use it now. Tips and tricks. I have never heard of measuring your rubbish.

Who is my boss?

My boss is Lorraine who chopped off the bone stick of the high priest.

You **** with me, you don’t know how you die~! "

The tax police could not help all in a cold sweat.

They all knew all about Luo Jue's viciousness.

All provoke Lord Lorraine, none of them ended well.

It is said that the Almohad was only racing in front of Lord Lorraine, letting dust splash on his face, Lord Lorraine chased them all the way from Maple Leaf Danlin to their home. The hand raised the knife and fell, the hand raised the knife and fell, without even blinking his eyes.

Since Lei Er was asked to take it out at this time, it was natural to have sores on the top of his head and pus on the soles of his feet. A horrible thing that can kill the living and clean up the dead.

"My grass~!" Leo looked down at the note. Then he couldn't help but blurt out a foul language.

Then he raised his head, and when he looked at Felos, there was a trace of pity in his eyes: the boss really deserves to be the boss, and every move will send a person into the eighteenth hell, really cruel to the bones~!

Felos suddenly felt a chill, as if some monster was staring at him behind his back, he couldn't help staring at the note in Leo's hand.

Leo paused, then smiled, and asked Felos: "Yes, brother, you just said you are a nobleman, didn't you?"

Fellowe looked at him with a smile, and couldn't help feeling hairy. After thinking about it carefully, he slowly replied, "Yes, I am indeed a nobleman."

"Aha~!" Leo slapped happily and laughed: "I admit it, I admit it, everyone can testify to the young master, but he admits that he is a nobleman.

Boy, you're dead~! "

The last sentence was said with a grinning stare at Felos.

Everyone on the scene couldn't help being at a loss. Felos admitted that he was a nobleman, so what? How did he die?

Nobles will not be sentenced to death if they do not commit the crime of treason.

The young master's IQ is too high and his thinking is too jumpy, everyone can't keep up.

Seeing Felos' face incomprehensible, Leo suddenly felt a sense of superiority in IQ.

He looked at Felos, touched his chin, and said with a treacherous smile: "Boy, today I want you to die to understand~!"

Leo paused, then smiled and asked, "I ask you, who gave you the title of baron?"

Felos snorted coldly, and said, "Although I am only a baron, this noble title has a very long history. It was a Semitic royal..."

When he said this, he suddenly reacted, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost, his head was sweating profusely, and he couldn't say a word trembling.

Leo slapped his slap and laughed loudly: "*, you understand it yourself. But this is your own death. Don't blame me, Xiaoye~!"

Immediately afterwards, his tone changed suddenly, and he said sharply: "Come here! Although Felos is in the Caribbean, he claims to be a pseudo-dynasty aristocrat. In fact, he has a heart for the pseudo-dynasty and is unpredictable.

Suspected of major rape. I seem to want to overthrow my great, glorious, and righteous Semitic Provisional Republican government.

Bring him back to me and interrogate him carefully~! "

As soon as the words came out, the frightened Felos was gone.

This charge is really cruel and vicious.

"Take advantage of overthrowing the government", but it is a great sin, no matter who it is, even if the Duke and Prince have been detained, they can't stand it.

Whenever the rulers of the past dynasties encounter such a problem, they often do not care whether the person is guilty or not, but only if there is suspicion, they directly cut their heads and then interrogate them.

And that head is chopped batch by batch with the money-free carrots.

Several tax policemen agreed, and walked forward with a grin, knocked Felos down, and then took out the shackles. He must be buckled.

Someone sneered and said: "Grandson. This is your own death." The nobleman from the past ran up to now pretend to be a 13th big man. It's easy to kill him~!

Fellowe was also very happy at this time, and there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he shouted: "Wait a second, wait a second, I... I mean before, I mean I was a nobleman before, and now I am in the Caribbean. ...Is also a citizen."

When it comes to the word ‘citizen’. He couldn't help but feel heavy. It seems like losing your life all at once is an extremely important thing.

Leo waved his hand at this time, motioning the tax police to retreat temporarily, then looked at Felos, and complained loudly: "This is good. I came here to collect taxes. Just pay the taxes properly. What are you doing? What are the nobles and commoners.

What are you talking about these useless things? Don't you trouble yourself?

Forget it, who made me be kind-hearted, I will spare you today. "

Lei Erye found that he was too magnanimous, just this light and light sentence. He let go of the inexcusable conspiracy crime of the other party.

I'm so kind~!

If the boss comes...

He would surely punish each of his copper plates first, and then tie a rope to this unlucky neck. Hang on a swing at the gate of the city.

With a bitter face, Felos nodded and bowed towards Leo, and said, "Xie Xiaoye, Xie Xiaoye."

Leo snorted coldly and said, "I like people calling me a seat. Although this official is a little bit smaller, it also reminds me to wake up all the time and serve the Semitic people wholeheartedly."

All the tax policemen present grinned: they wake up at the time of shit, and serve the people. Who doesn’t know that this little fat guy likes others to call him "Juza" because he thinks this title is very shit. Awesome~!

Speaking seriously, this unhealthy wind has blown from the United Nations, and the old fellow Lester is being called on now.

Leo waved his hand and said, "No thanks, no thanks. Who makes me feel good."

He paused, then continued: "Now, let's talk about buying thirty..."

The person next to him hurried over and reminded in a low voice: "Thirty-seven, thirty-seven female slaves."

Leo smiled, then looked at Felos and said, "You bought thirty-seven female slaves.

According to the current interim **** law of the Semitic people, buying and selling female slaves is a matter of personal preference, and the government can't control it. But when you buy and sell, you don't pay taxes, so I'm too sorry, brother, right?

Anyway, we are also the tax bureau chief now. And the brothers have never been aggressive. Like the tax bureaus in other places, they are all cruel characters who catch a toad and squeeze out the pee, then pick up a stone and squeeze out the butter.

So, if you meet a good person like me, if you do tax evasion, you are really sorry brother me. "

It was a bit funny for this little fat man to speak with an official tone, but the cold muzzles in the hands of the tax policemen beside him were not funny at all.

Felos smiled bitterly and said, "Then how much tax do I have to pay?"

Leo Liao gave a slight calculation, and said, "You have to pay a poll tax first when you buy and sell female slaves? Then the commodity transaction tax on the population is bought and sold.

You have to dress up these people beautifully, right?

This beauty, needless to say, has to add value, so the value-added tax is also required.

These people have to eat, drink, and bathe every day. Shit...and so on, a series of activities, so you have to pay the carbon emission tax.

Because you buy too many people, far exceeding the legal limit, these people have to be counted as luxury goods, and then levied a 300% luxury tax..."

Leo suddenly thought of something, and then hurriedly asked: "By the way, is there any human continent or elven kingdom among the people you bought?"

The tax policemen next to him immediately froze, and then their eyes widened fiercely.

They can tolerate the nobles buying and selling the Semitic people, after all, those people are not their compatriots, but buying and selling humans is definitely off the scales of the warriors of all races~!

As long as he says a word "Yes", everyone will definitely tear him to pieces in the first place~!

Felos looked at the fierce gaze around him, couldn't help but shook his head hurriedly, and said, "No, no, I have never bought anyone from the human side."

"That's it..." Leo couldn't help sighing with extreme disappointment, and then said: "Then the import and export tariffs can't be charged to you."

He paused, and then continued: "To sum up, there are about 30 kinds of taxes, right? However, because you did not pay the taxes in time, you have to fine you with late fees.

Who will let us brothers know well, so I will accept you at the minimum standard of 3%.

Don't you need to thank me too much? Hahahaha..."

Although he said that, but seeing Lei Er holding his arms and shaking his belly, he didn't say clearly, ‘you come and thank me’.

Felos' chest was wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, and he said bitterly: "Thank you, Xiao...Thank you, Master."

"Well, you're welcome." Leo nodded seriously at the moment, then turned around and asked a tax policeman next to him: "Have you finished the calculation for him? How much does it cost?"

The tax police said: "Back to the office, a total of 173,673 gold coins."

Leo immediately waved his hand boldly: "The fraction is wiped, Lao Fei, you only need to pay 173,670 gold coins... Hey, Lao Fei, Lao Fei..."

When Leo turned his head, he saw Felos roll his eyes, and with a ‘hiccup’, he fell straight to the ground and motionless. The **** was so frightened by the huge tax bill that he had already carried away his breath~!

Leo kicked him angrily at the moment, and said: "Wake up, old Fei, wake up soon... I went, this guy is scared to death, right? ~!"

He hesitated, then stretched out his hand to touch the opponent's neck, and then yelled: "*, this heartbeat has really stopped, hurry, hurry, save, hurry, call the priest..."

There was a sudden chaos on the scene, and it took a while before Felos was rescued.

Felos woke up faintly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Leo, and he was suddenly excited.

He put his hands on the ground while pushing his hips back desperately. While screaming loudly: "Don't come, don't come. You **** vampire, don't come..."

Leo couldn't help touching his nose in an extremely embarrassing manner.

You know, just now he wiped a fraction of Felos very generously, with a total of three gold coins, but he did not expect that his kindness was not rewarded, and he was called a vampire by the other party.

He sighed and said, "I can understand your feelings. After all, when the director was in business, he would be taxed by a bunch of dead wives every other time when he was in business. But anyway, the tax has to be paid. .

If you can't afford it, don't blame me for being ruthless, brother.

This property is confiscated, the UU reading house is sealed up, and you have to deal with the Daofengshan quarrying hard labor camp for the old fee...Bah, bah, send it to the Daofengshan Quarry Weight Loss Fitness Training Center, and exercise well. In the eighty-odd years, when they come out, it is estimated that people will have to be supported when peeing..."

Felos stared, staring at Leo fiercely, and said: "Don't say anything, I will pay the tax, even if it is to sell iron, I will pay you."

Leo patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly and earnestly: "Old Fei, you can't blame my brother for this matter. This woman has been a disaster since ancient times, and you actually bought so many. This is not for yourself. Uncomfortable?

It is a matter of course that you have been fined and taxed. If you look a little bit more, it will be a disaster. "

Fellowston felt a mouthful of old blood rushing from his lungs straight up nmlgbd~! This little fat man is really bullying.

He endured for a few moments, but still didn't hold it back, a spit of ‘poof’ came out, and then he passed out again.

And Leo's words were then spread out, causing an uproar~! (To be continued...)

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