Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1472: 1 chance

At this moment, I saw the dazzling white light on the road gradually dimmed, like a candle that was about to burn out. M.

The light quickly weakened, and seeing that the road was about to plunge into darkness again, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the justice holding Hawkes-darkness is the best cover for fugitives~!

As long as you escape, you will immediately mobilize heavy troops and search the whole city. You must arrest these people with their heads and brains alive, torturing them well, and let them know the consequences of offending themselves.

Maybe you can copy a few more noble houses by the way...

In just an instant, he made up his mind. While staring at the strangely dressed guys opposite, he blocked Hawks tightly in front of him, moving backwards in small steps, while holding tight. He squeezed the dagger in his hand tightly, as long as the white light went out, he would stab the dagger into Hawks's body for the first time, then dived into the dense forest and fled quickly.

He couldn't run far with his hostage. Besides, this Hawkes was a veteran on the battlefield. Although he was old, he was good at himself.

As long as he kills the prime minister’s biggest political enemy in the chaos, his old man Long Yan Dayue, can't give himself an official rank, and give him a heavy reward?

And what’s even more wonderful is that in this case, no one will come to hold him accountable-he can say that the carjacker killed Hawkes, and the prime minister might even attend Hawkes himself. Memorial service.

Thinking of what he was proud of, his eyes narrowed involuntarily, staring at several fuzzy figures hidden in the shadows.

At this moment, I saw a tall black shadow coming out from the other side, and strode straight towards him.

The magistrate was shocked at the moment, pressed the dagger in his hand tightly, pressed it to Hawks' neck, and screamed: "Don't come, don't come~!

If you come here again, I really killed him, really...really killed him..."

While talking, while waving a sharp dagger, he gestured back and forth on Hawks's neck.

But what frightened him was that the man turned a deaf ear to his words and kept walking, still walking forward.

The magistrate could only step back desperately step by step, and while retreating, he screamed, "I...really killed, don't come over. I really did it, I did it... "

Hawkes is the only bargaining chip in his hand, and he also knows that if he were killed by Hawkes, he would be dead.

But no matter how he threatened, the man still kept going.

At this time, the distance between the two is no more than five steps, and the person is still walking forward.

In a hurry, the sheriff roared and swung his dagger to stab Hawks.

At this moment, a scream came out suddenly: "No~!"

But it turned out that Rufian finally couldn't bear it. Seeing that he was going to harm Hawkes, she cried out.

The magistrate couldn't help but turned his head and looked in her direction. There was a clear female voice suddenly in the dark, but it was very strange, incompatible with the tense and **** atmosphere of the scene.

At his dazed effort, the black shadow had already raised his right hand, holding a short spear with silver light in his hand, and the black hole pointed its muzzle at him.

Time suddenly slowed down at this moment.

The judicial officer was slowly retracting his gaze at this time, and turned his head to look at the dark shadow again.

At the same time, a slowly blooming flame flashed from the right hand of the black shadow, and the gunfire illuminated the magistrate's frightened expression.

The dull gunfire reached the ears of everyone around.

Immediately afterwards, the magistrate's head seemed to be hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer. He leaned back suddenly, and countless strange liquids spewed out from the back of his head.

Afterwards, he slowly flew backwards.

Finally, with a ‘plop’, he fell heavily to the ground.

When the dull sound came, time returned to normal.

Feral felt as if he was having a strange dream, and blinked without restraint. He was very curious, how did that man do it? With a flash of light on his hand, the person opposite died.

Just like magic, this is so handsome~!

Seeing that the Ministry of Justice was killed, several military policemen who had surrounded the judicial officer screamed and fled.

Seeing the man calmly turning the gun, pulling the trigger unhurriedly, the fire in his hand flashed again and again, knocking the fleeing military police to the ground one by one.

Feral saw that there was no more military policeman beside Hawkes, and he immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and then ran out of the forest, yelled "Grandpa", and ran towards Hawkes.

Hawks also embraced him dotingly, rubbing his hair vigorously. But when he raised his head again, he turned his eyebrows coldly towards those who had saved him, said nothing, and looked rather unkind.

Rufian also rushed out of the forest, watching Hawks hug her brother with an affectionate appearance, could not help but curl her lips, cursed in her heart: This eccentric old fellow, patriarchal ~!

Hawkes snorted when seeing her, then turned his head.

Feral couldn't help feeling strange, and hurriedly pulled his sleeves, loudly expressing his merits on behalf of his sister, saying: "Grandpa, all the people who came to save you today are all my sisters. It turns out that she had discovered something wrong. , I have prepared all the staff in private..."

Having said this, he suddenly noticed that Hawks's complexion became stronger, and Rufian glared at him.

Feral's voice lowered involuntarily, blinked, and looked at both of them with a confused expression. The atmosphere on the scene froze for a while.

At this moment, suddenly listening to the noise next to him, a few panic and miserable shouts came.

Ferrar hurriedly turned his head and looked around, only to see those weird men dragging out another military policeman from the carriage.

Obviously this clever fellow has been hiding in the shadow of the carriage, but he still hasn't escaped the eyes of this group of people.

The gendarme was already terrified and looked indifferent. He couldn't even say anything. He knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy: "Forgive... Fate, forgive me, don't kill me, please, don't kill me..."

The voice was extremely pitiful, even if the lion heard it, he would feel softened.

Although not long ago, Philar wanted to kill them all and almost died in the hands of the military police, but at this time he couldn't help but sympathize with the military police, and said in his heart: Maybe he was just a soldier who obeyed orders.

Hope they can spare the life of the military policeman.

I saw those weird people glance at each other, and then one of them stepped back and took out a short iron pipe. He looked down at the gendarmerie who was kneeling and begging for mercy, and said slowly in a low voice: "I think, there was also People have said the same thing to you, I don’t know if you spared them..."

"I...I..." The military police was shaking violently, unable to speak.

Feral held his breath for a while, and heard a clear metal "click" in his ears.

He had just seen that fire was emitted from the iron pipe and knocked the magistrate to the ground, knowing that it was a deadly weapon.

Then, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

Seeing the man slowly lowered his arm, the weapon in his hand pointed directly at the forehead of the military police.

With the crisp sound of ‘pop’, a fire light dazzled the dim woods and then dimmed for an instant. The military policeman suddenly leaned back, leaned weakly, and fell to the ground.

Feral's heart suddenly tightened: these people are so cruel.

The scene in front of him told him vividly and vividly what the so-called killing in those knight literature was like killing an ant.

"Don't stay alive." I don't know who said in the dark.

These weird people quickly dispersed and inspected the corpses of the military police on the ground, and when they found that they were not dead, they took out a dagger and made a knife.

Growing up in comfort, the young man saw the darkest and cruel side of the world for the first time. Ferrar shrank his neck in fright and pulled his grandfather tightly.

At this moment, I heard a voice around me, saying: "Miss, the carriage is ready, let's get on the road quickly."

Philar made a scream, how high he jumped. No matter which language it is in, this ‘hurry up on the road’ has another ominous meaning besides the original meaning.

Seeing him startled, all the weird people were also taken aback. When the reaction came over, they all smiled and looked at him unclearly.

Feral also understood at this time, looking at everyone's smiles, he was ashamed for a while. They even feel that they laugh out loud, but it will make them feel better.

He turned his head and looked at the guy who made him embarrassed, but turned out to be the young miller.

He was holding a long tube in his hand and a short tube in his other hand. He also bared his teeth and looked at himself with a smile.

Looking at his shape, it seemed that it was the man who killed the judicial officer just now.

Feral couldn't help but squinted his eyes and looked at him carefully up and down. No matter how he looked at this man's dull and honest appearance, he didn't look like a decisive, cruel mercenary.

At this time, Hawkes asked coldly: "Where are you planning to take us?"

The miller smiled slightly, and said, "The above has instructed you to take the adult family to a safe place."

"Our family?" Hawkes sneered, and then said: "You see there are only three people here now, do you look like a family?"

The miller smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, your lord, the rest are already picked up."

Hawkes couldn't help but stagnate. Since these people dared to hijack a car and kill people on the edge of Akadrien, they were naturally thoughtful.

He paused and sighed: "You...we can't escape~!"

The miller said with a smile: "Please rest assured, my lord. For our boss, there is nothing impossible in this world."

Although his tone was light and fluttering, but because of this, he showed even more powerful confidence.

Feral suddenly felt a little disdain: Who is the boss? It really blows, it blows the little cow to the sky. As the commander of the guard, his grandfather did not dare to say this. The man actually dared to say it, and he was really thick-skinned.

But Hawkes nodded and sighed in agreement: "Yes, there is nothing in this world that he can't do."

Filalton opened his mouth in surprise. In his opinion, his majestic grandfather is already an old man. It is usually defiant, and even the former chief and the current prime minister are not wrong.

But he actually saw the mysterious boss in this way.

Rufian was watching Hawks anxiously. Out of the corner of his eye, seeing Feral's appearance, he immediately stretched out his hand and put a bit on his chin, helping him to close his mouth firmly and unquestionably.

Filal grunted and glared at his sister with his chin. He bit his tongue.

Hawks looked up at the sky, after a while, and then sighed for a long time: "What if I don't want to go?"

Feral could not help but cried out: "Grandpa..."

Hawkes stretched out his hand and stroked his head, and said: "Grandpa is old, I have been loyal to the Semitic for a lifetime, I don't want to..."

He had just said this, and immediately heard Rufian’s angry voice sound: "Tie this stubborn old man to me. Get it **** for me and put it in the car. Hurry, hurry, hurry..."

At this time, she was already thunderous with anger, like an angry lioness.

Everyone tried their best to save their grandfather.

Many people risked their lives and went through a lot of hardships, but this old man was whimsical, and said he would not leave.

In order to deal with such an accident today, how much she has put in her mind and effort.

Isn't it a waste of everybody's efforts with such an effort?

Amidst her angry screams, several people in weird clothes came up.

They seemed to completely obeyed Rufian's orders, immediately took out a handcuff and handcuffed Hawks up, and then, despite his struggles, they protested and helped Rufian to force him into the carriage.

Because of his remaining anger, Rufian squeezed Hawks into the carriage, and slammed the door of the car with a bang, and then couldn't help kicking the car door, and shouted: "This stubborn old thing~!"

Then he felt that several pairs of eyes were staring at him in horror.

Lu Fei reacted immediately, that the style just now was really not a lady.

She hurriedly made a gentle gesture, stroked her hair lightly, and then whispered in a soft voice: "Time is running out. Let's get off now."

After a pause, then he said: "Filal, come here and help me a little bit. The pedals of this carriage are too high for people to go up."

The voice was soft and soft, very beautiful, showing Feian's demeanor.

If they hadn't seen her cruel side beforehand, everyone would have been deceived completely.

Filalton had a terrible cold, but he had to rush forward. At this time, it is still wise not to provoke this tigress.

At the same time, he also took a peek at the people next to him. All of them were shrinking their necks, as if they were all shocked by Rufian.

The three got into the carriage, and the eccentrically-dressed mercenaries also led their horses from the forest and jumped up. Then they surrounded them and hurried away along the avenue.

In the carriage, Hawkes stared at Rufian for a long time, and finally sighed: "Silly boy, my poor silly boy.

What did Lorraine promise you to make you work so hard? "

Luo...Lorraine...Filalton was shocked when he felt the hairs all over his body explode.

Who knows the name of that Semitic public enemy? Who knows?

Two years ago, his name could stop children crying at night. Since the expeditionary army was destroyed in his hands, the Shan people hated him for being boned, but they were also afraid of him.

His name now seems to have some terrible magic power, as long as it is mentioned, it will cause everyone to feel chills.

Therefore, every time we mention it, we can only use ‘that person’ instead. I didn't expect my sister to have contact with that person.

He stared and looked at Rufian in horror, as if sitting across from him was not his familiar sister, but a terrifying stranger.

Rufian shook her head and said, "He didn't agree to anything, just told us.

Now our nation has an opportunity, an extremely precious opportunity. An opportunity for the ancestors of our clan to go forward and to shed their blood.

An opportunity to get rid of the control of the Necromancer and fight for independence and freedom. "

Ferrar couldn't help but tremble again. This is extremely rebellious, completely different from what I learned in school. There is a number one anti-thief in my own family. But this anti-thief is his own sister...

He fell into an extremely fierce ideological struggle for a while.

At the same time, he found his own hypocrisy and weakness peculiar to the feudal aristocracy, and there was no such thing as the decisive determination of the tall and heroic heroes in the books when they killed their relatives.

Hawkes froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly, and said: "A chance. But even if we got rid of the Necromancer, humans crawled on top of us at that time."

Rufian smiled and said: "Independence and freedom are not bestowed by others, but by relying on hands, life and blood to fight for.

We can get rid of the dead, and we will naturally get rid of humans in the future. No matter how you think about it, humans are a bit easier to deal with than the dead. "

Hawkes couldn't help being shocked, as if he didn't know his granddaughter, he looked at her carefully, and muttered: "If you were a boy, you wouldn't be a prime minister based on these insights. problem."

Rufian smiled again silently.

Hawkes hesitated for a moment, and said, "Untie the things in my hands."

Rufian couldn't help but froze, reacted, and was overjoyed: Since the old man said this, it means he agreed.

She hurriedly took out the key and opened the handcuffs.

As Hawks moved his wrist, he gave her a fierce look, and said, "Don't be so rough in the future, be a little lady, or be careful not to get married."

Rufian could only pull the corners of her mouth, laugh awkwardly, and said, "Yes, yes. Grandpa, what you said is."

Hawkes turned his head and looked out the window, and said: "I'm curious, it's a thousand miles away from the Caribbean. There are heavy interceptors in the middle. How does he plan to get us out?"

At this moment, the carriage is getting faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, it has disappeared into the vast night. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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