Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1196: Binggui speed

Above the city of Pader, the war fortress of Maple Leaf Danlin is like a group of vultures preparing to eat, hovering constantly at a height of just tens of meters from the ground.

The artillery on the fortress of the war was directed towards the ground, firing and bombarding them continuously.

The cannonballs roared down, smashing into the Semitic and human vassal crowds like hail, and the flames of the explosion kept flickering.

In the orange flames, countless corpses fluttered randomly in the sky. It makes people feel like they are in a strange and weird world.

The attacking troops knew beforehand that there were no civilians in the city, so the artillery on the fortress of the war all opened fire unscrupulously.

These puppies also had red eyes, no matter what was on the ground, as long as they felt suspicious, they would be covered by a cannon fire.

Sometimes, even if there is nothing on the ground, they have to fire two shots. The famous name is artillery reconnaissance.

The officers also turned a blind eye to this serious waste.

As a result, many of these artillery soldiers were cadets. Through a lot of actual shelling, they can accumulate experience and grow up as soon as possible.

Secondly, the representatives of the Feiying Raytheon Weapons Company stationed at the base also filled these soldiers with money, and even in short intervals, they also asked them to go to the red light district of the song and dance hall for consumption.

The purpose is to have them consume more shells and then buy more ammunition, in this way, to create greater profits for the Eagle Weapons Company. (Although I don't know what the effect is, but every day I watch Lei Erye face the Weapon Company's account book Longyan Dayue, and smile openly.)

In this case, the soldiers naturally consumed ammunition desperately. Keep firing at the ground. In just thirty minutes, three to four thousand cannonballs had been poured down, ploughing almost the entire city.

Under the intense artillery bombardment, almost all the buildings in the city were lit by artillery fire.

Although many of the rich and aristocratic stone buildings lived in Pader City, the vast majority of ordinary people, and many wealthy businessmen, in order to save costs. They used wooden construction.

Therefore, once ignited, it is extremely difficult to extinguish.

The raging fire spread in the city of Pader, and the burning heads of some multi-story buildings even rose more than ten to twenty meters, and the billowing smoke went straight into the sky.

From a distance, the whole city was burning, and the flames reflected half of the sky.

The burning fire light also illuminates the streets in the city of Pader, and the Semites and humans fought feverishly on the streets. Shouting killing sound shook the sky.

Sparks were floating in the air everywhere, and the heat wave of flames swept all the streets, and the ashes fell from the sky like snow flakes, before landing. It was blown into the air by the heat wave again, floating above the city.

The air was full of burnt smell.

The air he breathed was full of high temperature that seemed to burn the trachea, shouts of killing, roars and screams mixed in with the crackling flames.

The streets were full of corpses that were blown up or chopped down. Red blood ran across the road, and then dried by heat waves, forming strange, black patterns on the ground.

For the soldiers who participated in the war, the scene before them was like hell. Under the moxibustion of the raging fire, even the streets in front of them became distorted.

From time to time, you can see a person on fire, screaming frantically, rushing out of the burning building, falling to the ground and rolling, and then killed.

At this time, the soldiers who are fighting desperately will evade in a hurry, fearing that they will be covered in flames.

As more and more human soldiers entered the city of Pader. The situation on the battlefield gradually became clear.

The human soldiers lined up in a dense formation, rushing all the way, with spears like forests and swords like waves, sweeping north all the way, and any enemy that hits them is instantly chopped into pieces.

At this time, the Semitic soldiers were unable to stop the vassal army from fleeing for their lives-facing the human attack. They are already overwhelmed.

The fortress of war hovered over their heads and fired on the ground.

Although the Semitic soldiers are brave and tenacious, it is difficult to gather together-the human war fortress is like a group of nasty crows, where there are many people, they will **** wherever they are-uh, fire.

Although the Semitic officers were waving their horses. A desperate call to encourage the soldiers, trying to gather them together and put them into battle.

However, as long as it gathers more than half a company, it will immediately provoke an attack from the war fortress overhead. In just a few seconds, those brave soldiers will be bombarded by the pouring down of artillery.

What's more, the Semitic coach Abegren and some senior officers were all killed.

There is a lack of unified command among the various units of the Semitic. The soldiers can only run around the city like headless flies, gathering together spontaneously.

Under this circumstance, it is difficult for the Semitic soldiers to form effective resistance. They can only retreat steadily in the advancement of the human legion, and keep retreating to the north of the city.

Even if some Semitic people escaped artillery bombing and successfully blocked the advancement of human soldiers, dozens of grenades would fly out from the human army to greet them, and once again turn their bombers on their backs.

But even so, the Semitic soldiers were extremely brave, and organized repeatedly to attack the human legion.

I don't know how long it took, just as the two sides fought fiercely, suddenly a burst of enthusiastic cheers resounded throughout the city.

The Semi soldiers were holding knives, panting and looking back. They saw that on the top of the tallest church in the city, the blitzkrieg flag that originally represented the Semi had been torn off at random, and slowly fell from the air. Finally disappeared in the fire and smoke.

But the other flying eagle battle flag has been erected high, hunting and flying in the wind.

Seeing this, the Semitic soldiers in the city were suddenly frustrated.

The center of the city has been taken by the enemy~!

This also marks that the control of this city has changed hands.

They have already failed, and Pader City can't hold it anymore. Not to mention, the reinforcements that should have appeared are still missing.

In despair, the life-saving instinct prevailed, and retreat became their only choice.


"Break through to the north~!"

"Brothers follow me~!"


With a shout, the Semitic army gave up resistance, turned and ran to the north of the city, trying to escape from Pader City.

Seeing that the previously unthinkable Semi people ran away quickly with their tails clamped, the morale of the human soldiers instantly peaked, shouting excitedly to chase down the enemy.

No one even stopped to resist the Semitic army that had lost command. Covering the other people's retreat, their morale and confidence collapsed at the same time. All the soldiers only wanted to escape, thinking that they wanted to run faster than their compatriots.

Humans chased after them and began to hack and kill.

At this time, some frightened Semites immediately chose to surrender - they threw down their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy.

However, the human soldiers who had already killed them unceremoniously hacked them to death.

The officers also turned a blind eye to the soldiers' behavior of killing prisoners.

For these invaders, human beings are full of anger. For them. No one will have a shred of compassion.

After more than an hour of fierce fighting, all the human soldiers had chopped arms numb, covered in blood, at this time. They suddenly discovered that there were no enemies in front of them, and a wide gate appeared on the opposite side.

Outside the opening of the city gate, there were all Semitic soldiers rushing for their lives.

It turned out that the human legion had passed through the entire city without knowing it.

The Semites in the city either fled or were killed.

This also marks that the human legion has completely occupied Pader City.

The almost irrational human soldier who killed was trying to continue chasing the Semites who fled outside the city. A sharp whistle sounded.

The officers shouted loudly: "Collect together, collect together~!"

They stopped the soldiers who were about to rush out of the city and drove them back with punches and kicks. The battle in Pader was over, but the battle had just begun.

Valbador entered Pader City under the protection of the guards, and as soon as he entered the city gate, a heat wave rushed in. Almost knocked him off the horse.

Before he walked a few steps into the city, Wabador felt the sensation of being burned on his face, and the choking smell in the air was hard to breathe.

The soldiers regrouped on the hot street, then regrouped under the leadership of the officers and drove outside the city.

An officer who was almost soaked in blood ran up quickly and exclaimed excitedly in front of Wabadorma: "Report the commander, the enemies in the city have been killed by us~!"

Wabadol looked at his face covered with ashes and black, and nodded in satisfaction. He didn't care about not having a single captive, and said: "The glory of victory belongs to you. Brothers have worked hard, leaving a cavalry corps to continue chasing the enemy. The other ministries gather outside the city to prepare to attack the Semitic camp."

"Yes~!" The officers yelled loudly while pulling their throats. The combination of the excitement of the battle and the joy of victory has made them a little crazy. At this moment, they are facing the Abyss Demon King, and they will not hesitate to rush to fight.

"How is the battle going on in Ruman's regiment?" Wabador turned and asked the staff officer next to him.

"According to observations, everything went smoothly. The Semites in various camps were dragged by the Ruman, waiting for us to give them a fatal knife from behind." The officer smiled proudly.

Wabador smiled and said, "Send the war fortress to support the Ruman. After the entire army is assembled, immediately attack the enemy's northeast camp."

A staff officer was stunned and said in a low voice, "Marshal, what about the enemy's southern camp? There are also 40,000 to 50,000 people there. Don't let it go."

Wabador waved his hand and said indifferently: "First solve one. As long as we defeat the northeast camp, the enemy in the south will not be defeated."

The staff officers looked at each other and wanted to persuade them. But looking at Wabador's face, they all closed their mouths honestly.

Looking at the officers, Wabadol sighed inwardly.

In this world, famous players are hard to find~!

These officers are all from professional classes, and although they are all well-organized in commanding battles, they are too rigid.

There is no vision of a famous general, let alone Lorraine's keenness.

At the beginning, when the maple army defeated the main force of the imperial army during the first conquest of Almohad, the little gangster heard that the capital was empty, he actually dared to lead a group of maple troops into the capital alone and go straight into the capital. .

This is not just courage, but a strategic vision.

At that time, the enemy army was defeated and the army was unstable. The rear is definitely the time when people are panicking, the more at this time, the less they can give the enemy a chance to breathe. As long as the Fengjun banner appeared under Abdwad's city, the whole battle was set.

And now, it is the same.

These officers only saw the enemy's tens of thousands, but did not see that the city has now fallen into their own hands.

Whether it is the southern camp or the enemy of the northeastern camp, everyone must be panicked at this time. Plus the situation is unknown. The only thing they can do is to shrink and protect themselves.

The more this time. The more you can't ask them to react and swallow one of them. Naturally, the remaining one shouldn't be a cause for concern, the soldiers are very fast~!

Just as the officers and soldiers were shifting nervously, preparing to rush to the next battlefield. An army officer ran over, panting, saluting a military salute, and gasped: "Report, there are still some enemy troops in the enemy's command post, but it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. We can't take it down."

The general beside Wabador frowned, looked at his subordinate angrily, and said in his heart: Didn't you give me eye drops in front of the boss, did you deliberately embarrass me?

Then he scolded dissatisfiedly: "What do you do for food? No command can be taken down~!"

The officer said helplessly: "It's a fortress, and it can't be entered without a siege machine. We have already lost a dozen brothers."

Wabador was a little bit troubled, and the large force was about to move to the next one. Now is the time when every second counts, and there is no time to delay.

But you can't leave this nail behind, who knows how many people are in it. Will it suddenly jump out and break a major event.

If there is no other way, just leave a team to surround them now.

At this time, an officer in the black uniform of the security guard stood up behind Wabador and said relaxedly: "I'll go and see."

Wabadol glanced at him, nodded approvingly, and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Willie, I know how good you are."

The security guard officer Willie "slapped" a military salute. Then he shouted: "Engineers, come with me~!"

A group of security guard soldiers also dressed in black walked out quickly.

With a whistle, Major Willie, the commander of the engineer battalion, led his men, cautiously pushed a few cars, and hurried towards the city.

The Semitic headquarters in Pad City was built in the original City Lord’s Mansion in the center of the city, just like all cities. The core of the City Lord’s Mansion is a strong fortress-like building.

The materials are solid, and the nobles paid great attention to their lives.

The iron-clad gate of the command headquarters was tightly closed, and there was not even a gap. It was probably blocked from the inside. The Semites who remained inside were soldiers of the Abegren guards and the troops directly under the command.

The outer wall of the City Lord’s Mansion is more than ten meters high, and at a distance of seven or eight meters from the ground, there are dozens of small shooting holes, and the Semitic people hide inside and throw cold arrows out.

Although the war fortress bombed the fortress, only the upper part of the fortress was destroyed, and the lower part was still strong.

The soldiers of the Vatican Legion all hid behind the ruins of the houses across the street, squatted in a row by slipping around the corner, without raising their heads, but from time to time they straightened up and glanced at them, and then quickly retracted.

Major Willie followed the officer of the Holy See, bowed his waist, lowered his body, passed through several ruins, and leaned against the wall closest to the headquarters.

The Vatican officer pointed to the city lord's mansion across the street, and said with a curling lips: "This **** place, there is not even a place for climbing. My people tried to take the ladder but were shot dead by the bows and arrows inside.

Major Willie held the scorched black wall with his hands, and slowly stuck his head out, only to see that the outer wall of the fortress had no bulge, and the wall was smooth.

As the Vatican officer said, if there is no siege machine, it is difficult to break the city wall and enter.

On the ground lay the corpses of more than a dozen soldiers from the Holy See. They were filled with feathers and arrows, and they were obviously shot by the Semites when they were caught off guard.

The best way to deal with such a fortress is of course to mobilize artillery and fire it from afar.

Regardless of how solid walls are, you can penetrate them after a few shots.

However, in order to carry out the raid task force without artillery, the engineering battalion of the Security Army only carried part of the explosives in case of emergency.

The officer of the Holy See looked at Major Willie eagerly and said, "Do you have a way?"

Major Willie was confident, patted his chest and promised: "Leave it to us. In front of our engineers, all fortress tactics are outdated."

At the same time, he slowly stood up and observed the structure of the entire city lord mansion, looking for a place to start.

The Vatican officer heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't want to attack the fortress with the name under his hand. Seeing this mysterious security officer protruding half of his body from the thick wall, the Vatican officer's face changed suddenly and he hugged him. Stopped him from falling aside.

At the same time, a feather arrow flew past the head of the engineer commander, and "Dole" nailed it to the wall behind them.

Major Willie fell to the ground, turning his head and staring at the trembling feather arrow beside him, his face instantly turned pale.

The Vatican officer pointed to the fortress on the other side, and said, "There is a sharpshooter inside. Grandma's arrows are very accurate."

Major Willie swallowed his saliva and looked at the Holy See officer and said, "Brother, I didn't say anything, I owe you one."

"Look at what you said," the Vatican officer grinned and said: "You are here to help us, as long as you can kill that demon cub."

Major Willie stood up and jumped up and said, "It's a small matter, but I need to borrow some of you to cover our engineers."

A few minutes later, a row of soldiers from the Holy See was holding tall tower shields, forming a shield wall, facing the city lord’s mansion, slowly crossing the long street.

Behind them, the engineers moved cautiously, pushing cylinders filled with explosives.

A shower of arrows flew from the shooting hole in the wall, all nailed to the heavy tower shield.

It took a full hour for the engineers to go back and forth several times, stacking all five trucks of explosives on the wall. Major Willie was afraid that it would not be enough, so he would stay outside the city and bring them.

Major Willie greeted everyone to stay away. The fuse was pulled behind the hidden wall of everyone. He sneered at the few fuses placed together, took out the silver-white lighter from his arms, and said, "Dare to shoot. Lao Tzu Lengjian, I will send you a plane~!"

The soldiers of the Holy See hid beside them, curling their necks to see the rare expressions, without blinking their eyes.

Major Willie stuffed the lighter into the hands of the Vatican officer, and said, "Dude, come on."

"Give it to me?" The Vatican officer was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Good~!"

I grabbed the and slapped it on the lead.

The spark of the lead "chicks" and burns, and then burns quickly with a white eye.

Sparks burned across the street while everyone was watching, then slowly climbed up to the edge of the explosive barrel and disappeared into the explosive barrel.

In the next second, a dazzling orange fire burst out from under the corner, followed by a loud noise, the ground was trembling, the dust around the explosion point shook up, and a cloud of black smoke rose rapidly. A mushroom cloud formed in the air, tumbling upward.

Crushed rocks fluttered all over the sky, then crackled to the ground.

Being in front of the smoke of the explosion, the effect of the explosion can not be seen.

A few seconds later, followed by three loud noises, explosives exploded in several other places, and the entire fort was shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

Just as everyone was surprised by the shock of the explosion, the entire fortress made a "boom" dull loud noise, and slowly fell to one side, like a giant beast slowly falling to the ground.

The rising smoke and dust flew high, covering the entire fortress.

The soldiers of the Holy See were stunned. A strong fortress was blown down. They no longer need to attack. The Semitic people are buried in it. They can guarantee that no one will be spared.

Major Willie looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and said triumphantly: "This is what modern warfare is."


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