Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1385: Xueyue Siege

"Woo~, boom~!!!"

The shells roared across the sky, fell on the ground and exploded, igniting orange-red flames, blowing up several Semitic soldiers like throwing dolls. M.

At the same time, the violent explosion also set off the snow in the sky.

"Fire~! Fire~!" The officer shouted hoarsely.

The security soldiers who stood in the freezing trenches raised their guns, squeezed the trigger, and ejected a particle to every suspicious shadow on the snow.

"Tutu, tutu tutu..." The peculiar rhythm of the machine gun also rang.

On the battlefield surrounding Ruman City, the sound of gunfire, fighting, screaming, shouting... all sounded together.

More than one hundred thousand elite Semites who broke into Ruman were fighting fiercely with the soldiers of Ruman Empire. Both sides are elite soldiers selected by thousands of people, and neither side will take a step back.

Now it is the mid-winter season, and the heavy snow has been falling for several days, and there is no intention to stop.

Feather-like snow flakes fell from the sky one after another, turning the whole world into a vast expanse of whiteness.

The snow in the wilderness was nearly one meter thick. The white snow buried the bodies of dead soldiers and also covered the cruel battlefield.

The snow is so thick that it is often stepped in with one foot and it takes a lot of effort to pull it out.

In the wilderness, the endless snow seems quite poetic, but it has a great impact on the actions of the two armies on the battlefield. Whether it is transfer, mobilization, or transportation of materials, it has become more difficult than before.

In general, however, the harsh environment is even more detrimental to the offensive Semites.

The Ruman people are backed by the strong city, have sufficient supplies, have houses to shelter from the cold, and are on the defensive.

Although from a strategic point of view, this is an unfavorable factor, it is precisely because of their persistence, so they can rely on a solid line of defense and calmly wait for the enemy's attack.

However, due to the war of aggression, the Semitic people traveled long distances, so there was a serious shortage of supplies.

Out of the deep hatred of the demons, the Ruman Empire's policy of stiffening walls and clearing the country was extremely successful. When they retreated, they burned almost all their houses.

Therefore, when the Semitic soldiers arrive here, they can only camp in the wild. Only a small number of high-ranking officers can find a house in a small village that has not been burnt down by the Ruman, and use it as their high-level residence.

The most terrible is when attacking.

Due to the heavy snowfall, the soldiers of the Semi tribe can only crawl slowly in the snow, moving their bodies little by little, advancing foot by foot, using their own to attack the enemy and armed to the strong line of defense.

This also allowed the Ruman Army’s artillery to bombard them longer.

The soldiers of the security army can also stand in the trenches, holding their guns, aiming and firing calmly as if they were shooting targets on a training ground.

What annoyed the Semitic officers the most was that the night battle they were so proud of was useless.

The Semitic army just learned to crawl on the battlefield where artillery roars and bullets fly around, and they have also figured out some doorways.

Compared to the human race, the Semitic's vision in the dark is quite good.

In the war thousands of years ago, once they encountered a powerful enemy or a fortress that was difficult to overcome, they often resorted to night attacks against the human race.

Not long ago, they also organized the soldiers, and under the cover of night, they used small troops to quietly touch them and start hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, which can often achieve some results.

Therefore, in order to prevent night attacks by the Semis, the Terran soldiers desperately fired flares into the sky at night. Shine the whole earth like daylight.

Even so, in small-scale infiltration operations, many people from the Semis can rush over and enter the enemy's trenches. The human races screamed and fled in a hurry.

But this heavy snow completely destroyed their tactics~!

Moving on the thick snow at night, there will be crunching noises, revealing their location.

Moreover, the Semitic soldiers in black military uniforms are not only difficult to hide on the white snow, but they will be clearly contrasted by the snow.

Terran soldiers can easily spot them without even firing a flare.

But despite all the disadvantages, under the command of Orlandini, the Semi soldiers were extremely tenacious, and they continued to attack Ruman's soldiers' defenses day and night.

Moreover, with the support of war fortresses, poisonous gas cannons, etc., they have broken through the first line of defense, slowly but firmly advancing to the second line of defense of the Ruman, and there is only a small distance from Ruman city. The distance of a few miles.

With their naked eyes, the soldiers could see the dense, row upon row of tall buildings in Ruman City, as well as the dazzling light reflected from the golden roof of Ruman Palace in the distance.

Every time they see this, the Semitic officers are full of enthusiasm: The dream of the Semis for thousands of years has never been so close as it is now, as if they can pick up the rich and sweet fruits in their hands.

After that, they urged the soldiers under them more frantically. Forcing the animals to continue to launch wave after wave of attacks against the human defense line.

During the fierce fighting day and night outside the city, Ruman City is another scene.

Heavy snow covered the entire city. There were high piles of snow on both sides of the street. Pedestrians walked **** the icy roadside, and people slipped to the ground from time to time.

The whole city seemed to be frozen, and the residents of Ruman City were experiencing the coldest winter in their memory.

What makes them even more sad is the lack of fuel for heating in the city, and many people have died because they couldn't survive the cold.

In desperation, the residents of the city have begun to cut down trees. The nobles also demolished their beautiful gardens and filled the stove with all kinds of precious flowers and trees.

And it is said that the palace is doing the same.

It used to be that coal and firewood could be supplied from the surrounding areas, but the war blocked the three-way passages of Ruman City, and only the south of the city was frozen and the river could pass through.

This only channel has become the lifeline of Ruman City. Weapons, ammunition and food are the highest priority materials.

War materials transported from the east by train would be unloaded hundreds of miles away, and then transported by the local residents to Ruman City, and finally pushed onto the ice dozens of miles away.

Horse-drawn sledges modified with large carts shuttled around the thick ice of the river day and night, sending these much-needed supplies into Ruman City.

This important passage is still attacked and harassed by the Semites every day-Orandini also knows the important name of this icy road, and tries his best to destroy it.

But the Grand Duke of Julian is also tit-for-tat, putting a considerable amount of troops here to deploy defenses along both sides of the river.

Ruman's soldiers piled up dirt or thick wood on a place not far from the river bank, and then directly watered them.

As soon as the cold wind blew, it froze into a long wall and a fortress, and then they hid in the fortress, and with the help of grenades, they desperately blocked the Semitic attack.

Surrounding the fortresses, the two sides continued to invest in their forces and began a **** fight. Sometimes, a fortress has to go through dozens or hundreds of competitions until it is bombed into the sky by the human race or burned to ashes by the Semitic race.

The war fortresses of the undead also come to attack from time to time, but their powerful dark spells have little effect on the ice.

Large holes are often punched out on the river surface. The numerous element wizards in Ruman City come in handy at this time. They only need a few minutes to repair and strengthen the broken ice.

Ruman City itself is the location of Ruman Royal Mage Association. There are hundreds of resident mages in the city. For them, this is just a small job of raising their hands.

However, for the people living in Ruman City, their lives have become more and more difficult.

Sylvia was wrapped in a thick scarf, carrying a sack in one hand, and a small wooden cart in the other, walking **** the street.

With her young daughter sitting on the cart, Sylvia was worried that she was at home alone, so she could only take her with her.

The little girl felt that riding in a car was a good game, and she burst into laughter from time to time.

After snowing on the street, when a passerby stepped on it and the wheels were crushed, an inch thick layer of ice formed on the ground. It was as hard as steel. Even if it was hit by steel, it was only a white mark.

The militia and volunteers have given up their plans to clear the ice and let it melt naturally. Just throw some weeds on some steep sections to prevent someone from slipping.

However, afterwards, those weeds were also covered by the new snow.

The howling cold wind came with flying snow in the face, like a knife, and the shaved face was painful. Sylvia had to walk with her head down, and soon a layer of white snow fell on her body.

There are many Rumans around her who are boring and rushing. They all have a common goal, the food supply station in the south of the city.

The war fortress of the demons just came yesterday. According to their law of action, they will not come again today, so many people go out to get food.

The supply station is located in the barracks in front of the Nancheng Gate.

Although Sylvia got up early, when she arrived here, there was already a long line in front of the barracks, and the line turned several turns along the street.

At the end of the line, she looked out worriedly, and couldn't help sighing: With such a long line, I don't know when to wait.

At this time, a gust of wind and snow came, and a low voice of killing came from the south of the city—it was obvious that the Semi people had launched another attack.

Perhaps it was the urging of the enemy's screams that the supply station sent out food much faster.

Only an hour later, it was Sylvia's turn.

She untied her clothes, took out a card from her close-fitting pocket, and handed it to the officer on the opposite side.

The officer on the opposite side took a look at the numbers on the card, and then quickly flipped through the ledger. The two were able to match. The officer nodded and looked up at Sylvia, saying: "It's still a military member. You can get an extra, sixty catties."

Then "pop" stamped the card.

The soldier next to him took the pocket and swiftly filled the pocket with food.

He filled the sacks, and then helped Sylvia put the sacks on the flatbed.

Little Katie had already climbed down from the flatbed truck at this time. Without ordering, she sensibly pulled up the rope, and wanted to take home the four rations of the family with her mother.

At this time, a horse-drawn sledge ran over the river quickly, and before the sledge stopped, someone shouted anxiously: "Come on for help, someone got an arrow~!"

A group of soldiers rushed out immediately, and hurriedly carried out a coachman.

I saw a feather arrow sticking to his waist, his clothes soaked with red blood.

And on the sledge that carried food, there were still several arrows stuck in it. Apparently many people had shot arrows at it.

Only from this we can know what kind of danger the sledge took to pass the blockade.

Sylvia hurriedly crossed her chest, praying for the brave groom in her heart.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think of her husband who was fighting with the demons in the kingdom of Kiel, and she couldn't help but a sad expression on her face, and then urged her daughter to leave the supply station quickly.

When the mother and daughter staggered all the way to not far from home, a group of white-robed priests led a group of soldiers and hurried past them.

At the same time several pastors were talking hurriedly.

"It is no longer a sporadic outbreak. Several households have appeared at the same time. It is already certain."

"Is it still that disease?"


"How many people are dead, how are the corpses dealt with? Don't let other people approach."

"I'll explain it all."

"Still not found the source?"

"No, Ruman City is really too big, and the explosions are scattered."

"We judged that it has an incubation period of several days, which is very tricky."

The headed old pastor looked solemn and kept urging: "Hurry up, hurry up, at any cost. Never let it spread."

Sylvia's face suddenly changed, and her heart immediately hung up. Recently, a plague began to spread in the city. It is said that many people have died.

These pastors are devoted to this all day long.

At this moment, the priests, dressed in beautiful white robes, are no longer noble envoys in the eyes of Ruman, but become messengers of the **** of death.

The appearance of the white robe means that disaster has occurred there.

And now, they are going to the direction of their own home.

"Come on," Sylvia was so heavy that she could hardly breathe. She picked up her daughter and exhausted all her strength to squeeze the flatbed cart, speeding up to walk home.

Fortunately, the white figures of the priests did not stop at her door, but ran past her door and plunged into the other street.

This made Sylvia a long sigh of relief and thanked the God of Light in her heart.

Not long after she got home, the sound of a large group of soldiers running was heard from outside, and the army also rushed over. It seemed that the matter was not small.

Sylvia comforted her parents and daughter, covered her mouth and nose with a scarf, and opened the door carefully.

The streets were full of soldiers, each of them covered their faces with masks and only exposed one pair of eyes, standing solemnly on both sides of the street.

"First Squadron, West Side Street, Second Squadron, North Side Street, Third Squadron..."


Outside there came the shouts of the officers and the replies of the soldiers. Their voices were rapid and they sounded very nervous.

"Block the block and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Remember, don't have close contact with the residents, especially if you have a cough, act~!" The officer outside the door shouted orders, and then shouted in a stern tone: "Our mission is related to Quan Ru The safety of Manchester City is not allowed to hesitate or relax. Violators will be dealt with by military law~!"


The soldiers let out a roar in unison, and then moved quickly.

Sylvia saw that an intersection in the distance was blocked by soldiers with debris, and then a group of soldiers guarded there.

The residents stuck in the intersection were driven back by the soldiers far away. Many people walked out of their homes and gathered on the street, watching helplessly as the soldiers surrounded the whole block.

They are quarantined~!

×××××× Emperor De Rossi and General Melun followed behind Herod, obediently listening to Herod’s words like subordinates, with a respectful attitude.

"I have already understood your difficulties, and I will tell them to the gods. As for how to deal with them, wait for the gods' orders." The Lich Herod said as he walked: "However, the lack of troops is indeed our reality.

The **** elven kingdom dared to attack us suddenly. We will definitely teach them a profound lesson. "

Emperor De Rossi said helplessly: "If it weren't for losing the naval battle, my soldiers wouldn't have to defend Deron while delivering supplies to the front. The task would be too heavy."

Anyway, the responsibility is all on the head of the Semitic navy, and De Rossi is also a victim. This is exactly the rhetoric between the two.

The navy has been wiped out, and they don't worry about someone jumping out to refute them.

General Melun also cursed angrily: "The Elf Kingdom is too hateful to spare them."

But I can't tell what it feels like.

If there is no elven navy participating in the war, maybe now he and the Caribbean Fourth Division, together with Veraprani, are trapped in the middle of human beings, and they will soon encounter a disaster.

There was a tough battle under Vatican City. The virtues of his Fourth Division were clear to General Melun.

He didn't think that as long as he ran to Lorraine and said "I am your eldest brother", Lorraine would not stop bombarding himself.

His eldest brother's status can be better treated at best after surrendering.

The Lich Herod nodded and said, "Our top priority is to rescue the trapped Veraprani and the Semitic army."

Emperor De Rossi said sternly: "Please rest assured, Master, I will reorganize the army and catch up with Veraprani to reinforce Veraprani. Even if it is a single soldier, I will break the enemy's encirclement~!"

Then he glanced at General Melun.

Melun curled his lips reluctantly and said with a stern face: "Although our Caribbean Fourth Division lacks weapons and supplies, this is not a problem. Under the inspiration of the gods, we can set off at any time."

Pray in my heart: I'm just talking, don't take it seriously.

"Okay," the Lich Herod applauded, "His Majesty the Gods will be very happy to hear what you said, two, if you want to redeem your merits, please leave as soon as possible."

Emperor De Rossi raised his hand and vowed: "I will now lead the forward."

The Lich Herod was very satisfied with his attitude said: "I have to go to Veraprani again to see what he wants, and I will bring your Majesty's plan of action. Will tell him that His Majesty is coming to rescue him, so he must hold on."

"Send Master." Emperor De Rossi and General Melun bowed at the same time, watching Herod walk up to the fortress of war.

Melan stared at the black war fortress until it disappeared into the sky. He breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Emperor De Rossi and said, "Your Majesty, you won't really want to lead the army?"

Emperor De Rossi shrugged his shoulders and said: "If you don't show it, the **** seat will be angry. But..."

He changed the conversation and said with a sneer: "This road is more than a thousand miles away from Vatican, and there are human guerrillas everywhere on the road. I think it is difficult to get there in time."

Melan's eyes lit up, he arched his hands to De Rossi, and said with a smile: "Who said it's not that, time is precious, our Fourth Division is ready to go."

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent.

(To be continued) q

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