Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1345: Do you know that I'm waiting for you?

"You killed Maschinot?!" Cardinal Sandos exclaimed in disbelief, with a stunned expression on his face, saying, "This, this..."

The news is really good, it's like selling the Flying Eagle Sports Lottery for two copper plates, and the result was five million gold coins. If it was good, he couldn't believe it.

If it is not clearly known, this telegram was sent by Flying Eagle Telecom. He would think this news is a rumor.

"Maybe~!" The observer beside him increased his tone and corrected each word: "It's just that Maschinot may have been killed."

Sandos settled, then looked thoughtfully at the battlefield outside the city.

He remembered that the Chinese army banner of the Demon Race was very far from the city wall that day, far beyond the range of the bow and crossbow.

If you have artillery in your hand and dare to walk within four miles of the city wall, it is purely seeking death. But his Bayer regiment had no artillery.

The battlefield long-range strike weapons such as cannons are all high-tech weapons produced by the Flying Eagle Group. High-tech also represents one thing, that is, while having excellent performance, it is also expensive~!

Although the army of the Cardinal Sandos is already known as the elite in the Holy See's army, and the weapons and equipment are also excellent, it is still not equipped.

"But how did you kill him?" Sandos asked with a puzzled expression.

The two ghosts glanced at each other and said blankly: "Secrecy."

Sandos grinned irritably when he touched such a hard nail, but he was helpless. Although he is a dignified cardinal, a commander of the army, and the opponent is only two soldiers of Nian, but only by looking at the security level of the two people, the secret hidden in it is far from the cardinal of his district. Feel free to inquire.

Sandos turned his head and looked at the place where Maschinot was on the battlefield that day, suddenly his heart jumped, remembering one thing.

At the most stressful time in Vantino a year ago, it was not Hirmeria who had the highest call for the pope. It was Bishop Barkley.

He died suddenly inexplicably. It is said that the head was exploded at that time, and no assassins and weapons were found around.

Regarding this, everyone guessed that Lord Lorraine must have done this. But I can't figure out how to do it.

Under the gaze of dozens of people around, a man was just drinking tea leisurely, his head exploded in the next second.

"The situation that time... is somewhat the same as today's situation~!" Cardinal Sandos was suddenly startled. He raised his head and looked at the two ghosts suspiciously. Secretly said in his heart: "Aren't these two doing it?"

Looking at the two men's indifferent expressions like dead people. Santos decided to explain that he should not go to the bottom of his mind, and said in secret, "Forget it, it's none of my business. Fortunately, Lord Lorraine and I are on the same side."

After thinking for a moment, Cardinal Sandos nodded and said: "If Maschinot is dead, the performance of the demons in the past few days will make sense."

The two ghosts looked at each other. Although their faces were still stupid, they all saw the light jumping in each other's eyes.

Maschinot is a real king~!

If the target they killed turned out to be Muschinot, then the two of them would make history and become the first special agent team to receive the first-class honorary title of "Assassination of Kennedy." Become the ace of snipers~!

Sandos also breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally didn't have to guess why the demons on the other side were not moving.

Against Maschinot, the Cardinal Sandos himself was under great pressure.

According to the information returned, Maschinot and Veraprani, who commanded the Western Front, were both veterans of the demons who had been famous for many years. Rolled on the battlefield for decades.

He was already a general when Santos was not born, and he was very experienced in warfare.

From the war on the Western Front in the past few months, it can be seen that the two Semitic generals cooperated tacitly and slammed into the inland from the west coast. There was no defeat in the middle.

Even the famous Ruman Empire Marquis Marudon, commanding 300,000 Ruman elites in all battles, can only keep retreating in the face of the demon's pressing every step.

The opponent he faced was Veraprani.

And he, Cardinal Santos, just got in touch with the military last year. It can be said that he is a rookie with eggshells on his buttocks, and he is well-known to the peacekeepers for being defeated in all battles.

He can hold the position of commanding 100,000 people today because of his toughness, despite repeated defeats. However, he has been defeated and fought again and again, just like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

two. And most importantly, high-level trust.

Without the support of His Majesty the Pope and Lord Lord Lorraine, he, a well-known general in the world, has long been kicked back to his hometown.

So in this battle, Cardinal Sandos chose the dumbest and safest tactic, which is also his best tactic.

No matter what you do, I will just one way, stick to it~!

Keeping for a few days is a few days. If you fail to keep it, you will be deemed to be loyal to the Holy See.

Cardinal Sandos didn't have any confidence in his heart. He often dreamed in the middle of the night that he was defeated by the demons and awakened, and then he couldn't sleep all night. There are already white hair on her head.

"From the performance of the Demon Race in the past few days," Sandos Cardinal looked at the two ghosts and smiled: "It is very likely that you have killed Maschinote.

Only because the Lord is about to die, the enemy dare not send troops rashly. "

The two ghosts smiled at each other and then gave each other a high-five. Due to long-term rigorous training, they seem to have lost the emotions of ordinary people. Although they are in ecstasy, the expression on their faces is only slightly twitched, looking extremely stiff and ugly.

Sandos couldn't help but averted his gaze, looking at the demon camp outside the city, and suddenly thought: Do you want to go out of the city to make an impact?

Whenever there is a thought in his mind, he immediately becomes eager to move.

The demons are now dead in command. Maybe it is the time of chaos inside. His 100,000 army is no less than the demons surrounding Deron. The enemy has a war fortress, and there is also the Pope's Silver Winged Guard.

If you take the initiative, maybe...

Sandos stared at the dark demon camp in the distance, the expression on his face changed, and the hand pressed against the wall was sometimes tightened and sometimes loosened.

After coming here for a long time, Cardinal Sandos took a breath, shook his head with a wry smile, and said to himself: "I know how many catties I have. I still don't risk it."

Until now, he himself is still a half-dominated amateur, and 90% of his men are recruits.

Seriously, the general of the Demon Race is dead, so that you and your subordinates can take a few more breaths before they find a replacement.

After I figured it out. Cardinal Sandos became much more relaxed.

"Thank you for your contributions." Sandos took a step forward, holding the hands of the two ghosts affectionately, and said: "I thank you up and down on behalf of the Bayer Army."

The news spread in Deron City at the same time, and heard that he had actually killed the demon commander. The soldiers and people all over the city couldn't help cheering loudly with excitement, their morale was high, and they were more confident in defending Delong City.

Just as the people who stayed in the city were celebrating the victory like a festival, several war fortresses flew from the western sky. Fall into the camp of the Semitic army.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of the Bayer Army in the city, the battle sirens were sounded, and the soldiers of the Holy See immediately took to their posts.

But after waiting for half an hour, there was nothing unusual about the Semitic camp.

An hour later, the camp gate was still closed.

After three hours, no army left the camp.

Until the soldiers finished their lunch on the city, the Semitic camp surrounding Delongcheng suddenly rioted.

The defenders in the city immediately increased their vigilance and prepared to fight.

Tens of thousands of human vassals marched out of the camp first, facing the city of Deron.

The tulip flag is flying high... five miles away.

Emperor De Rossi was wise to stay away from the battlefield. In fact, he remembered the moment Maschinot fell, and he had a lingering fear.

At that time, he and Maschinot were not far away. Only half a horse's distance behind.

As a result, when the two people were talking happily, Maschinot's head exploded inexplicably. Who can't be afraid of this on whom?

Although it is not clear what happened, it is certain that this matter was definitely done by the opposing Holy See!

This time it was the unlucky guy Maschinot. The next time it was Emperor De Rossi, for his own safety. Still as far away as possible.

Not only was he standing far away from the battlefield, Emperor De Rossi also placed heavy guards on his front, back, left, and right to prevent accidents.

After the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire lined up, they did not act. With the acquiescence of the officers, the soldiers simply sat on the ground, as if quietly waiting for something.

Although the death of Maschinot made the Deron emperor very happy, and his appetite was swollen these days, the smart and handsome emperor, His Majesty, is not willing to waste his precious military power to attack Deron City like a hedgehog.

The Cardinal Sandos looked at the weird performance of the Imperial De Rossi soldiers, and wondered again: Which one is this singing?

After thinking about it carefully for a moment, he thought it was the enemy's trick to lure the enemy.

Cardinal Sandos couldn't help but sneered, and said in his heart: "I just won't go out, I'm mad at you~!"

Although he knows that this is a very self-deception, but he still feels a little bit of pleasure in winning a gambling bet.

After the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire lined up, the Semitic camp began to riot, and the group of soldiers then walked out of the camp.

But what surprised the Cardinal Sandos was that the Semitic army came out through the back door.

"The enemy is going to run~!" He immediately reacted.

The actions of the Semites confirmed the cardinal's words. They lined up quickly after leaving the camp, and then walked far to the east, bypassing the city.

Sandos knew immediately that the situation he was worried about had happened.

The demons didn't want to chew on his Deron City, they got rid of the entanglement and went straight to Vantino~!

Vatican is the holy city of the human race, the residence of the **** of light in the world. The spiritual home of all mankind.

Thousands of years of enlightenment have made all human beings believe that they are all living under the blessing of God of Light.

With this boss taking photos, everyone can have clothes to wear, food to eat, naughty girls, and money to gamble.

It is precisely because of this that mankind can unite to resist the invasion of the demons and the undead.

Once the holy city is captured, it means that they are no longer favored by the God of Light. The resistance and determination to fight in the human world will inevitably shatter.

Thinking of this, Sandos yelled anxiously and said: "Go and invite the Warriors of the Silver Wing Guard, forget it. I will go personally."

After just a few minutes, a Knight of the Silver Wings drove a Pegasus straight into the sky, and disappeared into the eastern sky in the blink of an eye.

After the news, Sandos looked at the Imperial De Rossi soldiers sitting on the ground outside the city, and touched his shaved bare chin, secretly thinking: I can't let you withdraw too easily. Laozi may not be able to beat the demons in the field battle. Can't beat you De Rossi?

Damn, let the cavalry throw grenades.

After making up his mind, Sandos immediately ordered all the cavalry under him to leave the city and harass the enemy.

The knights of the Holy See hung a large leather bag on the back of the horse. Carrying a whole pack of grenades, he rushed out of the city gate with high morale.

Although the enemy's forces are constrained, at this time, they can only guard the city, and cannot withdraw to Vatican. But taking advantage of weapons to start a small-scale battle with the enemy is more than enough.


The demons are quiet under the city of Deron, and they have won Vatican the most precious and scarce weapon-time.

Due to previous strategic mistakes, the Holy See has always been fighting every inch of its territory. It has continuously sent troops to the front line to launch counterattacks with the enemy, and the result has become a typical fueling tactic.

Under Rot Gallon, more than 100,000 elites were buried in one fell swoop. And when Sandos reinforces from the rear. Unfortunately, he sees the opportunity quickly, otherwise, he also becomes a dog-fighting bun.

Although the Holy See is known as a million elite, most of the troops in the rear are still being recruited at this time, and there is no time to arrive.

Although Lorraine desperately reinforced. But at this time, Vatican was at most only a regular division of Lorraine, which was extremely dangerous.

The demons also realized this.

When they finally reacted, the hundreds of thousands of Semitic army immediately left Deron City and marched all the way to Tokyu. Rush to Vantino.

At the same time, Lorraine is strengthening all the forces that can be mobilized in Vatican City.

The quiet and sacred Vantino became a noisy and busy landing place. Flags were flying during the day and the lights were bright at night, and the war fortress took off and landed day and night.

The priests and a small number of civilians who are still staying in Vatican City are all engaged in unloading and transporting supplies. They are also rotated in three shifts, day and night.

It's about the life and death of Vantino and themselves, no one wants to be lazy. No one dared to be lazy--the puppies of the Inquisition were all staring at one side. To be lazy at this time is malicious sabotage, wanting to betray mankind, and it is a crime of blasphemy.

Guys like that all have to be nailed to the cross with steel, and then set a fire to purify his body and soul.

After more than ten days of continuous air transportation, all the soldiers and weapons of the Eagle Division were transported into the city. At the same time, they were also constantly constructing a defense system.

Lord Lorraine did not rush to reinforce the city walls, but devoted himself to the work of digging trenches and building a three-layer defense system around Vatican.

The outermost layer is composed of criss-cross trenches and bunkers, and the second layer in the net is the trenches and bunker formations, with artillery positions and fully dependent on the high ground such as hills.

The third layer extends from the edge of Vatican city to the city, with trenches, tunnels, underpasses, permanent fortresses and bunkers, and artillery bunkers.

For this reason, the Eagles even demolished many stones and buildings on both sides of the streets in Vantino to obtain strong building materials.

With the full support of Pope Hillmelia, although the bishops could not help but feel a pain when seeing the streets turned into dirt roads, they did not dare to raise any objections.

They can only comfort themselves and think about the bright side. These solid fortifications have given them great safety.

Mazovia has been with Lord Lorraine and is responsible for coordinating the work between the Holy See and the Nian people.

He looked at Vatican City, which was like a construction site, and felt his heart twitching. Even the Papal Palace and the Temple of Light were surrounded by fortifications, and trenches and bunkers were dug under the steps of the temple's gate.

Mazovia looked secretly surprised, and finally seized an opportunity, pulling Lorraine and asked; "My lord, do you expect the enemy to hit the Temple of Light?"

Lorraine looked at the barbed wire fence in front of the temple, smiled slightly, and said: "Even if they can't rush in, I will let in a little too."


Lorraine patted him on the shoulder and said with a cold expression: "Vatican is like a torch in the dark. As long as you see it, the demons will rush here like moths.

Therefore, we are going to turn this place into a strangling demons flesh-and-blood mill, and the people I want to beat are trembling when they think of Vantino's name. "

Mazovia listened to the deep chill in Lorraine's words, and couldn't help but jump in her heart: the master looked ruthless. It's really scary.

General Patlaud walked to the front and saluted, first glanced at Mazovia, and said: "My lord, the defense has been basically completed, but there is a little trouble setting up the artillery position."

Lorraine frowned. Said: "What is the trouble?"

"The best artillery position that the staff thinks seems to be..." Patlaud groaned.

"Where is that position?" Lorraine interrupted him and asked directly.

Patlaud curled his lips. Then he pointed to Lorraine's head.

Lord Lorraine turned his head, and the first thing he saw was the tall statue at the entrance of the Temple of Light, and then looked up, it was the majestic and tall dome of the Temple.

"You mean. Inside the temple?" Lorraine himself was a little surprised.

Patlaud pursed his lips and nodded, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "It is the tallest building in the entire city, with a wide view and the best shooting range. And the roof is strong enough..."

Seeing the expression on the side of Mazovia who wanted to eat him raw, Patlaud rubbed his nose in a jealous manner. He also knew that this thought seemed a bit too much.

"Okay~!" Lorraine immediately decided and said, "It's located in the temple."

The base of the Temple of Light is two stories high, and the artillery is placed in it, which not only has a wide view, but also increases the range. In addition, the tall and solid dome can also effectively defend against enemy attacks from the sky.

Mazovia started crying in shock, and he grabbed Lorraine by the sleeve. Nervously said: "Lord, no, no~!

This this……"

"What can't you do?" Lorraine grinned and said: "Furthermore, Ma. Do you think your Majesty will support me and say you support you?"

Mazovia was weeping. The Pope and Lord Lorraine are a couple, as long as Lorraine proposed it. Hillmelia certainly wouldn't object.

"This is blasphemy, my lord. It will arouse people in the world, they will think you are disrespectful to God." Mazovia clung to Lorraine's clothes.

Lord Lorraine spread his hands and said, "Old Ma, it's not that I said you. It's not about how to say everything.

You can also say that, this represents the anger of the God of Light towards the demons, and they must be punished with flames. "

Mazovia froze for a moment, then scratched the top of her bald head, and said blankly: "It's also reasonable... Yes, I went to find a few pens and flipped through the scriptures. I should be able to find a corresponding reasonable explanation, um, It must be."

Mazovia acted immediately, turned and ran into the Pope's Palace.

Lord Lorraine looked at his walking back and muttered: "The divine canon is a basket. You can put everything in it."

Patlaud's face was sullen, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and he raised his thumb at Lord Lorraine.

As everyone watched, the War Fort lifted eight artillery pieces to the entrance of the Temple of Light, and then the soldiers pushed them into the hall.

Witnessing the scene at this moment, some people clapped their hands in applause, some looked as usual, some disapproved, and others kept drawing crosses on their chests.

The Mozu people are approaching step by step, and Vatican’s war preparations are also non-stop. The train transports artillery shells and grenades to the forefront of the railway under construction ~ ~ war fortress and then transports them into Vatican.

Within a few days, Vatican City became a big fortress. All the basements, including the underground treasury and the tomb, were filled with wooden boxes full of ammunition.

Even in front of His Majesty’s room in the Pope’s Palace, there were piles of war preparations, leaving only a narrow passage.

After patrolling the positions outside the city, Lorraine inspected the ammunition storehouses one by one, and satisfactorily patted the neat wooden boxes with full personnel and sufficient ammunition reserves, including three groups of ghosts and six dragons. It's all here.

Lorraine can be sure that he is ready, and the rest is waiting for the demons.

On October 23, the Semitic army encountered no resistance all the way and arrived 30 miles from Vatican.

At the same time, the 400,000 northern cluster led by the famous Semitic general Orandini stumbled along the way in the unexpected and haunting attacks of the Rumans.

They lacked supplies, and all they passed were empty cities.

Orlandini had to spill the troops out to find supplies in a wider range, and these troops were often hit by the Rumans, and Orlandini had to divide the troops again.

But the Semitic army rushed towards Ruman City slowly but firmly, and came to the last pass to the north of Ruman City.

Further ahead is the vast and prosperous Great Plains and... Ruman City.

(To be continued)

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