Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1342: The Great Railway Era

() The sky is just beginning to shine. Although the sun has not yet risen from the horizon, the morning glow in the sky is particularly bright. M

Although many places on the mainland have been raging, there is still peace in the hinterland of the mainland.

A faint mist drifted in the silent mountains and forests, and the world was still quiet, only a small river not far away was gurgling.

The small river is like a white jade belt, winding through the mountains and forests, slowly flowing westward.

The terrain on both sides of the river valley is flat, which is the most suitable land for cultivation.

There is a small village on the north bank of the river valley. The low and simple houses are crowded on both sides of the vertical and horizontal streets. At the innermost, you can see a large aristocratic manor.

The southern bank of the river valley was originally a sparse forest, but at this moment the forest has long since disappeared and is completely covered by a large gray building.

A row of neatly uniform shed-style buildings is next to each other, paved from the top of the **** to the riverside, two miles in depth, and the width of the entire camp has reached a shocking ten miles away.

The gray work sheds are densely packed, like a huge honeycomb.

When the sun appeared from the horizon, the bell of "Dangdangdang" was already ringing above the work shed.

Hearing the work bell, the workers walked out of their respective workshops.

Within a few breaths, the originally empty road between the work sheds was filled with surging people.

This is the living area of ​​Feiying Railway workers. More than 100,000 people live in this living area, which is larger than an average city.

These sheds built in a hurry are all simple and crude.

And in terms of shape and degree of crowding, it is somewhat similar to the world's largest and most famous slum in Mumbai, India. The only difference is that the materials they use are much stronger than the Indian Asams. And the planning and layout are much more reasonable.

A variety of facilities are available in this large living area, such as schools, hospitals, churches, etc., which can fully meet the life needs of the railway worker families living in it.

Of course, it's just basic, and the standard of living is worse than that of the villages and towns on the other side of the river.

However, for those who fled their homes because of the avoidance of war, it’s good to have enough food and clothing to support a family.

To support the operation of such a large living area for workers, the Flying Eagle Group alone is not enough, not to mention that many of these large-scale living areas are not in Ruman.

As the second largest shareholder of Feiying Railway, the Holy See of Guangming has done its part to undertake the main tasks.

There are more than forty living quarters along the railway line under construction, and the number of workers directly employed by the Feiying Railway Group alone is close to one million.

And this camp in the valley is one of the 21st living quarters.

The construction site is full of hustle and bustle from morning to night. Railroad workers are busy on the railway line like ants, jingling bells all day long.

At this moment, the worker who has just finished the night shift is walking back to the living area with a yawn, ready to fall asleep after breakfast. They have worked for a full twelve hours.

The workers who are going to work day shifts are gathering together and heading for their jobs.

Matler, carrying a long axe on his shoulders, squeezed away the evening workers who walked into the living quarters, and kept greeting people they knew. Behind him, followed a group of dozens of woodworkers carrying tools.

Because of his good craftsmanship, he can always complete more work than others. Matler has become a captain of the woodworking team, leading the next group of people.

Although he is a war refugee who fled his homeland, Matler is satisfied with his life.

His family lives in a single room of 20 square meters, which is the only treatment for a foreman. The average worker's family of four or five has only eight square meters of living space.

He and his wife both have jobs, especially as woodworkers and skilled craftsmen. Matler can also earn one gold coin a month.

His wife was in charge of the cooking in the cooking class, and when it was done, she led the group of old ladies to deliver the food to the construction site.

The two work together to make money. In one month, they have a full salary of nearly one and a half gold coins.

An ordinary worker who lacks skills only has a living allowance of three silver coins a month. After Chairman Leo Leo inspected the construction site, he felt that everyone's life was too hard and he deliberately improved his life.

If it were placed in the later generations, Lei Erye, a very conscientious capitalist, someone would have his bones torn off and be called a rat crossing the street. But at this time, it was enough for everyone to worship Lei Erye as a saint.

The high salary makes Matler one of the few wealthy people in the living quarters. He can add some decent clothes to his two daughters, eat a few good meals a month, and buy a few bottles when he is happy occasionally. Bad wine entertains his subordinates.

Even in his hometown, he never had such a good life.

All the year round, I worked hard in the ground, ate chaff, and occasionally gave people two simple pieces of furniture. All year round, after paying taxes, I couldn't save a few dollars. Sometimes bad luck, catching up with the new year is not good, suffering a disaster, and even owed a lot of money to the government.

"I used to farm the land honestly at home, why not be a refugee now?" This reality makes Matler very confused. How can life in troubled times be better than in flourishing times?

The engineers of the Flying Eagle Group explained that this is the magic of large-scale industrial production.

Matler doesn't understand what mass industrial production is. He only knows that the engineers of the Flying Eagle Group in clean overalls are university questioners, and the university questioners must be right.

They got a certificate of grade four or six, a famous Fengye Danlin graduate.

Thinking of this, Matler looked to an independent corner outside the living area. There were rows of two-story wooden houses where the offices and engineers of the Flying Eagle Railway worked and lived.

Through a window, it can be clearly seen that at this moment several technicians in blue overalls are facing a drawing board and pointing towards the construction site. The people around suddenly realized that everyone thought of the long-lived public secret, but in the living area, this is a taboo topic, which can only be understood and cannot be explained.

Matler smiled bitterly and shook his head, what if the rumors were true?

Who can touch Lord Lorraine and His Majesty Neodos a hair.

Seeing the seriousness of the men in front of him, Mattler reprimanded and said: "We all go to work. The war depends on the army and weapons, and the transportation of the army depends on the railway we built."

He looked back at the railroad tracks and said proudly: "This railroad is the lifeline of the mainland. There are millions of troops in the back waiting to be transported to the front line.

The faster we fix it, the sooner the war will end~! "

People of this Taoist science and technology have long understood that the trains rumbling around day and night are always full of soldiers and military supplies.

Now that the railway is not connected, the train transporting supplies can only be stopped at the end of the railway, and then transported by a war fortress or transit, which greatly reduces the efficiency.

Imagine the situation after the railway is fully connected. People from half of the mainland can pass through this mainland aortic railway that starts from Constantine, and within two or three days, they will continue to rush to Vatican.

Human beings have one billion, and the Semitic are only one hundred million, and even one of ten can knock them over.

At this moment, there was a whistle sound from a distance. Although the train could not be seen, the thick black smoke from the front of the train could be clearly seen a few miles away.

This is the first train this morning.

A few minutes later, the black locomotive and a row of brown carriages behind him appeared in the workers’ sight. The slowly moving train made a squeak of metal friction and came to a halt. The locomotive spewed out large white steam, covering the locomotive. In the white mist.

After the train station was stable, the sliding doors of the carriages opened, and a group of people in black jumped out of the carriages.

Suddenly a whistle sounded in the distance, and it was the foreman who was calling the manpower.

Matler dropped the tools in his hand, called out: "Go help unloading", and ran to the train quickly.

When he arrived, a large group of railroad workers were already crowded around the carriage, hurriedly helping the soldiers in black uniforms to unload supplies from the train.

The front of the railway was blocked by road repairers. The train could only stop here, and the rest of the journey would be transferred by another vehicle.

Several soldiers in black were struggling to lift a tight object wrapped in oilcloth from the carriage, and Matler strode forward and said, "Leave the army man, let's come."

A black-clothed soldier suddenly flashed across him, reaching out to stop Matler and the others, with a fierce expression on a big face full of flesh, and said: "No, we can do this."

"Soldier, we are here to help." Matler was taken aback by his ferocious appearance and hurriedly explained.

"I know." The black soldier squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying, and waved his hand: "This is a military order."

Matler shrugged helplessly and stepped back two steps. It was strange to his heart, what is such a precious thing, can't you touch it? Is it the same as the last time what hand and what bomb?

He questioned the soldier in black who stood in front of him. He was dressed in a beautiful black military uniform. On one side of his waist was a large leather bag with a strange shape, with something bulging in it.

On one side of the chest is the silver eagle logo, and on the right arm is a gray armband embroidered with an iron gray eagle with spread wings.

A group of soldiers behind him lifted the things wrapped in the oil briquettes, and put down hundreds of boxes and piled them aside, and then made a circle outside, facing outwards to prohibit anyone from approaching.

This group of soldiers seemed unusual, and Matler asked suspiciously: "Soldiers, where are you going?

The big soldier was taken aback for a moment and said, "Vantino."

"You are going to the front line~!" Matler exclaimed.

The soldier snorted and nodded proudly.

Not far away, General Patlaud, wearing a black general uniform with a bright red lapel, was pacing anxiously on the spot, looking at the soldiers who were unloading their weapons from the train from time to time, and said calmly: "They are late."

The chief of staff next to him shrugged slightly and said: "The primary task of the flying unit now is to grab supplies for Deron. This is also to buy time for us. The longer Deron fights, the better for us."

General Patlaud sullenly shook his head, and said: "The demons are not stupid. Playing Deron is wasting their most precious time. They will understand soon."

The chief of staff smiled. If the demons were not attacking Deron City, but using a lightly armed force to quickly raid Vantino, their security forces would be crazy.

Vatican is basically an empty city now.

But the demons are actually fighting for each city in front of four or five hundred miles wide.

The chief of staff thought for a moment, and said, "Even if they wake up now, the fastest army from Deron to Vatican will take ten days.

Not everyone has trains and transport planes. "

Patlaud shook his head and said: "This is not enough time. Our large forces and more than half of the supplies are still stranded in the rear. We must repair fortifications and build positions when we arrive at Vatican. It will take time. .

Forget it, don’t wait, order the troops to move forward~! "

The staff shook his head hesitantly, and said, "That's not good, we have so many equipment..."

"Isn't Lao Tzu's soldiers walking away from the railroads~!" Patlaud roared angrily: "How much time can be saved in advance. Every second on the battlefield is precious."

The officers got the order and immediately urged their companies.

"The break is over, slackers, get up."

"Line up, go forward~!"

The soldiers moved quickly. They lined up in a neat line along the railway line and strode westward.

At the same time, the "Flying Dutchman" landed on the large ground in front of the Vatican Papal Palace. The long-awaited Lord Lorraine stepped off the special plane and set foot on the land of Vatican.

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