Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1331: Borrow

In the early morning, the sun slowly rises from the horizon, spreading light to the world.

A ray of sunlight shines through the glass windows onto the floor of the large bedroom. As time goes by, the ray of sunlight slowly moves upwards in the latest chapter of the Purple Spirit King.

It first photographed the clothes scattered on the ground, and then slowly moved to the depths of the room, passing the white and messy sheets that seemed to have a dozen wild boars on the carnival party, and finally photographed on Luo. Above Lin's closed eyes.

Under the stimulation of the light, Lord Luo Jue couldn't help groaning in pain, and then blocked the sunlight with his hand, then slowly opened his eyes.

After only three seconds of confusion, Lorraine immediately remembered his work today.

My own wife, children, and another world, waiting to be saved by myself.

I have to race against time~!

Thinking of this, Lorraine was about to jump up from the bed as soon as he stood up, but was stunned for a while, and his body solidified, then carefully lifted the quilt and moved off the bed gently.

On the other side of the bed, Luo Linna was sleeping soundly, her white slender arms were on the outside of the quilt, and her smooth chest slowly rose and fell with her long breath.

As if feeling something was wrong with her, she whispered, then twisted her waist, changed to a more comfortable sleeping position, and fell asleep deeply.

These days, Rowena is indeed exhausted.

Since the start of the war, Fengye Danlin's war has not been interrupted.

The war fortress of the undead races will be attacked every three days, which is exactly like clocking in at work.

Every time, the Fengye Danlin people used all their strength to resist the enemy.

As the person in charge, Luo Linna must personally go into battle every time in the battle, directing the students in the Maple Leaf Danlin campus to replenish the war fortress with all ammunition and urgently repair the damaged parts. Allow them to lift off quickly.

Rescue crew members in a war fort that was severely damaged or shot down.

Almost every air battle will last all night, and Rowena will also work on the ground all night.

Even after the battle is over, the pilot and Lester both go to rest, Rowlina will stay and take the logistics staff to supply the war fort with ammunition and repair their damage during the battle.

Moreover, a new task has recently been added-replacing the damaged grid armor.

After all this, even the logistics staff can go to rest. Lorraine had to go to the construction workshop of the war fortress.

Check the latest construction progress and solve the problems that have arisen. When she finishes all this, it is already evening.

Months down. Rowlingna lost a few catties.

In particular, Luo Linna's crisp **** were not big at first, but they became even smaller after being thinner. This especially made Ferguson angry.

Lorraine couldn't help cursing Lester in his heart: Every time this old guy went to war, he made trouble more than anyone else, and left such a big stall to Rowrina.

This Maple Leaf Danlin seemed nothing more than that.

There are tens of thousands of people on the campus, and it is usually said that they are able to come out in large numbers.

At the critical moment, I couldn't pick out a few capable people to help Rowrina share the work.

Not as good as their own Flying Eagle Group.

It's really the mouth of an intellectual, and it's OK to teach. Writing articles is also full of flowers, and when evaluating job titles, it is even more surprising.

As soon as I encountered actual work, I was completely blinded.

"A bunch of stinky old nines with good eyes and low hands~!" Lorraine muttered angrily, and then carefully closed all the curtains so that the sunshine would not disturb Rowrina's dream. Then he walked out of the bedroom lightly.

Most of the servants and guards in the manor have been evacuated. Only the housekeeper and a few servants are left. This is their home. They have nowhere to go except here.

When Lorraine walked down the stairs, the old butler with gray hair personally carried a large plate of breakfast on the dining table.

In the past this was the work of servants.

Although the breakfast was already very rich, the old housekeeper still felt a little sorry.

He bowed apologetically to Lorraine, and said, "My lord, during the war, it's hard to find anything. I'm neglecting it."

Lorraine smiled politely. Said: "Has Vera got up?"

"Miss Vera, you should be sleeping as usual." The butler said with a smile.

Lorraine muttered, "Guo really belongs to the dragon."

It seems that Miss Vera will not leave her big bed until she wakes up naturally, and she gets up very angry, catching and biting.

Wake her up at this time, but risking her life.

Lorraine couldn't help but shrugged. After a quick breakfast, he walked out of the gate of the manor alone.

The streets of Fengye Danlin are as lively as ever.

The pedestrians passing by were all in a hurry, but there was a relaxed smile on their faces.

Classes have officially started in October.

Even if the war broke out on Fengye Danlin's head, the number of students coming to the academy this year has not decreased, on the contrary, there has been more full reading of the officialdom of a college student.

The melodious bells wafted above the college, and the impact of the war on this academy city was invisible.

However, occasionally scorched and damaged buildings and burnt and broken trees appeared on the street, strikingly reminded the people walking in the Maple Leaf Dan Forest that the war was still going on.

It seems that Fengye Danlin's mentality is very optimistic. Have the belief in victory for the future war.

In those days, the Demon Race and the Undead Race Million Allied Forces smashed into the sand under the Maple Leaf Danlin City. And now, Human Race is hundreds of times stronger than before, so there is no reason to defeat the war.

However, Jue Luo felt a little regretful that the faces of the students who came and went were very young and immature, and he did not find an acquaintance after walking for a long time.

Although it has only been two years since I left this college, I felt a sense of strangeness when I walked through this familiar campus of the university.

I don’t belong here anymore. My former friends have already disappeared. The beautiful school bonus blushed my heartbeat when I borrowed a piece of rubber. The nonsense of not sleeping together in the middle of the night... The lost youth can no longer be recovered. There are some sour memories left.

That kind of embarrassing emotion can only be experienced by a middle-aged man who has returned to school after many years of graduation and has gone through countless hardships and intrigues.

Lorraine couldn't help being immersed in this strange thought, silently lit a cigarette. Then walked slowly in the autumn wind.

The students passing by all cast strange glances at him, and even inquired: Who is this guy? So arrogant, went to the academy to pretend to be 13 years old.

Just pretending to be an uncle at him and seduce the underage girls who have not been involved in the world is already a dead end.

Many young puppies are even gearing up, planning to find a chance to beat that little white face.

Just when a few guys got together, they would rush out in the next second to stop Sir Alex. When he was going to pick something up, an officer hurriedly ran from a distance.

He saw Lorraine, stomped anxiously, and then came closer. A salute ‘pop’.

The ‘pop’ made a soft sound, but like thunder, it exploded in the hearts of the scumbags, and they all shuddered.

They all knew that the officer was a lieutenant colonel, a powerful figure in the Maple Army. But now he saluted the young man. This only shows one thing, that young man is bigger than his official.

Several people were surprised at first, and then became angry again: Grandma's, this **** little white face, young and young can climb so high. It must be a little **** from the official's house.

Long handsome, high-ranking officials, surely have a lot of money, definitely a second-generation official, and the **** thing will play the vicissitudes of life, how will this make the big guy live?

At this moment, I heard the officer shout: "My Lord. The three chiefs are waiting for you. Do you still have the heart to take a walk here? Go, go."

With that, he pulled Lorraine and walked towards the center of the college.

Those scumbags were immediately dumbfounded: The three chiefs are waiting for this little white face? Those three are all dignified scholars, one is better than the other, waiting for the king to come and want to see you. Have to say hello ten days in advance.

And this guy actually wants the dean to wait?

Who, this is, it's so awesome...

At this moment, one of them suddenly grunted, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground.

The other person next to him also had his legs weakened. Sat down.

The other people hurriedly gathered around and shouted with concern: "What's going on, what's going on..."

The person who didn't faint looked at the companion who rolled his eyes and smiled bitterly, then waved his hand, and said, "It's okay, it's okay. He should have known the person's identity and was shocked."

Everyone couldn't help but all were taken aback: Valping was also a figure with an eye above the top and the bullshit. Frightened and fainted. is it possible?

The man couldn't help smiling again, and then said: "Don't believe it, if you know who that person is, you will have to faint."

He paused, looking at the disapproving look of everyone, and continued: "Grandma's, you puppies, just think about it. Young Qingqing, as a Sir Alex, can stand shoulder to shoulder with the three major deans. And he sat last night. From the war fortress."

Afraid that those few people still don't understand, he was talking, and he deliberately reached out and pointed in the direction of the war fortress.

Someone curled his lips in disdain, and said, "White, you are a soft man, sitting on a war fortress, so what? It only shows that he is a famous princeling..."

As he spoke, he followed White's instructions and looked into the distance. I saw a tall war fortress standing in the open space in the distance. At the top of that war fortress, a huge flying eagle battle flag was hunting and flying in the wind.

The man was like a duck with his neck pinched, and his voice suddenly stopped.

Grandma's, the one just now was the Flying Eagle God of War, the dignified Lord Luo.

And these few people are actually planning to run in front of him and pick him up?

I really think I live too long~!

Everyone also understood at this time, they couldn't help but looked at each other, feeling all the hairs on their bodies exploded. None of them don't feel their legs soft.


Lorraine, under the leadership of the officer, hurried to the center of the college

As soon as he looked up and saw the three towering spires in the center of the college, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laughed, haha: they look so weird in the latest chapter of Mike's strategy.

Before landing last night, I found that the three towers looked a little special. Only now I saw that they were surrounded by a three-story high isolation net.

It seems that Lester was really frightened by the nearly successful impact tactics of the undead tribe.

Under the tower is an abrupt white ground. The courtyard that was originally located here was destroyed by the fallen war fortress. The ruins were quickly cleaned up, and everything was handled in order. Most of this is the credit of Rowena.

The officer was also quite embarrassed-it was not a glorious thing to be touched by the old lair after all, so he hurriedly quickened his pace.

He took Lorraine to the college chamber, and then retreated.

As soon as Lorraine entered the door, he heard Lester yelling loudly: "I don't know? What do you do for food~!"

Obachem saw Lorraine at a glance and said with a smile: "Lorraine is here."

Lorraine stepped forward and nodded with Obachem.

The old man looked at Lorraine up and down, and said with a smile: "Although it's only a few months. But how do I feel as if I haven't seen you in a long time."

Lester waved his hand to dismiss the men next to him, glanced at Lorraine, snorted heavily, and said dissatisfiedly: "We are a bunch of old men who are fighting to death on the front line. This kid is good, hiding behind and lazy~!"

Lorraine curled his lips, looking at Adele and today's seeking face, and didn't care about this old guy.

Obachem gave Lester a fierce look, raised his hand and placed his hand on Lorraine's shoulder, and said: "Vantino is in a crisis, but we are relieved if you are in the trouble. If you have any requirements, please let us know. What Fengye Danlin can do will definitely support you."

Lester snorted, but did not speak, and seemed to agree with Obachem's opinion. Although this old guy has a bad character, a narrow-minded, a stubborn character...but he is never ambiguous in front of the big things.

Lorraine scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Actually. I'm here for this. To defend Vatican, you need all kinds of support."

"What do you need?" Obachem waved his hand and said straightforwardly: "Just say it."

Wabadol chuckled with his legs on the table beside him, and said, "What else can I want, war fortress~!"

Lorraine nodded and said, "The Dean is right. I need a fortress of war."

"Hey~!" Lester raised his head and gave Lorraine a blank look, and said, "Do you know what battle we are fighting with the bone sticks of the Undead Race?

Air combat~!

Do you know how many times their number is ours?

Triple~! "

Lester raised three fingers and shook them vigorously in front of Lorraine. A mouthful of stars flew on Lorraine's face.

It seems that failing to do so is not enough to show the anger of his old man.

Lorraine gave a wry smile. Of course, he knew that the undead race currently has the advantage because of their large number of war fortresses.

Fengye Danlin's air force was still defensive, let alone splitting troops to support Vatican.

"This is the most difficult period." Lorraine said helplessly. Slowly said: "However, as long as these months have passed, our new equipment will be able to form combat effectiveness. By then, we can even initiate a small-scale counterattack."

Lorraine pointed to the war fort construction workshop in the east and said: "Fengye Danlin is working overtime to produce, and the production line of our group's Boeing aircraft manufacturing plant has also been put into production. This time will not be long. The past is the dawn. This war will be fought for several years."

Lester stroked the gray beard on his chest and murmured: "What you said is not unreasonable... It's not impossible to borrow a war fortress, but..."

Lester glanced at Lorraine and said leisurely: "You have to change things."

"You said you said." Lorraine said hurriedly and diligently.

Lester raised his finger and said: "First of all, we need infantry, enough to defend Fengye Danlin's infantry. A group of puppets made up of humans are coming towards Fengye Danlin.

Although we are not afraid, it is somewhat troublesome to solve them by air forces alone. "

"Okay~!" Lorraine nodded and said: "I can decide on this. I can lend the Academy 200,000 Vatican Knights' Legion."

The three yards were taken aback at the same time, looking at each other, and then they slapped their mouths at the same time. Obviously they were shocked by Lorraine's generosity. The two hundred thousand regular army opened his mouth.

Valbador estimated that at most 50,000 people, with a war fortress, is enough to keep the Maple Leaf Danlin.

But, the more the better.

Wabador nodded quickly, and said repeatedly: "Okay, that's it."

If there were two hundred thousand people. Wabador is not just a defense. If he doesn't take the initiative to attack, he won't be able to hold the title of a famous general.

Wabadol had already begun to figure out how to eliminate the enemies who dared to approach the maple leaf Danlin in the latest chapter of past tense cultivation.

Those who dare to fight the idea of ​​Maple Leaf Danlin, no one has a good fruit in history.

Two hundred thousand people were thrown out in one breath, Lorraine didn't feel distressed at all.

Vatican City can't contain the millions of soldiers of the Holy See, and even one hundred thousand soldiers can barely hold them.

There will not be too many Vantino Semites on the frontal attack, and Vantino faces the river. On the other side of the mountain, only a dozen miles away from the sea, the terrain is not open, and the army of three to five million cannot be deployed at all.

The war surrounding the holy city of Vatican. The key to victory is not the number of troops, but the strength of the air power.

Even if there are more than 200,000 Vatican Legions, they can only be blocked behind the front, waiting for the outcome of the war.

Victory, counterattack to the West, failed, turned around and retreated.

It is meaningless to accumulate people behind the battlefield and can only cause waste. It is better to use them where they can be useful.

Say it again. In addition to these two hundred thousand, the Holy See currently has more than five hundred thousand legions composed of patrons who are spreading their feet and running to Vatican desperately, which is enough.

Some people in Vatican don't have a war fortress, and there are war fortresses in Fengye Danlin. It is a win-win result.

"I will order the Vatican regular army nearest to Fengye Danlin to come and reinforce it." Lorraine said in a positive tone: "They will follow your instructions."

Lester looked up and down Lorraine carefully for a while, then curled his lips helplessly. Every critical moment, this kid's handwriting was always amazing.

This caused Lester to be refuted for nothing when he picked Lorraine in front of his wife.

"Don't worry, I still have the conditions." Lester stretched out his second finger and said: "I know your Eagle style is successful, strictly speaking. It was designed by our Maple Leaf Danlin, and the property rights are half of ours.

When the Eagle-style war fortress becomes an army, we must first come to our Fengye Danlin to fight. "

Lorraine waved his hand directly and said: "This is not good, at most you can divide half of you, my dear grandpa. The things that the Flying Eagle Group made, instead of destroying domestic enemies first, all went abroad to fight. Catherine's father and uncle must not eat. If you don’t want me, what would the people in Ruman think?"

Lester thought for a moment, and finally chirped, nodded, and said, "That's true."

I don’t have enough in my own country, and I will give the urgently needed weapons to others for free and without any conditions. When encountering this kind of unselfish internationalist fighters, it is estimated that Ruman citizens will raise their **** and yell without hesitation. There was a "silly 13", and then he broke his back spine.

"Half is half~!" Lester thought he was really too magnanimous and said with a solemn expression: "For the sake of all mankind, I will suffer."

Lorraine rolled his eyes, and those who said this would not feel ashamed. All war fortresses still have half of their intellectual property rights.

Lester touched his beard and said: "Lorraine has worked overtime in the last two months, and the efficiency has improved a lot. Now a war fort has been built in an average of three and a half days."

Lorraine was stunned. He didn't expect it to be so fast. Doesn't it mean that Fengye Danlin now has nearly a hundred war fortresses, and the number of undead war forts that attacked Fengye Danlin has reached one to one.

Last night, I went back home with Luo Linna and rolled the sheets without thinking of asking her.

"But I hid them all." Lester smiled slyly and said: "Preparing to secretly give the demons a bit of a cruel,

Since you need it, let's borrow three squadrons for you to use first. "

Lorraine was overjoyed Originally planned to borrow only one squadron from Lester, but unexpectedly got three squadrons and 36 seats.

This amount is enough to entangle with the war fortress of the undead race to form a solid air defense line.

However, Lorraine immediately understood that he was pitted by this old guy again. He didn't say that he had a hundred war fortresses in his hand. He pretended to be pitiful and squeezed the benefits from himself.

I had known that an eagle would not be assigned to him.

At this point, if he accused the old guy why he didn't say, Lester would definitely tugged: "You didn't ask either."

Lorraine only sighed helplessly, and said with a smile: "Your old man is really getting darker and...wise."

Lester looked at Lorraine with a smile on the winner's face, and said: "Boy, the three of us are more than two hundred years old. Fight against us, you are still tender."

After Lorraine and the three deans discussed how to borrow the three squadrons, and discussed the specific implementation methods of uniting with the Julian Grand Duke of the north, setting up a joint command, and sharing resources, military power and intelligence, he will return to Hongfeng. The manor on the road, it is already afternoon.

The matter was resolved smoothly, and Lorraine walked into the room humming happily.

Suddenly he saw a familiar figure sitting on a sofa in the living room, shaking his legs, and the apple in his hand cracked.

Lorraine was taken aback for a moment, and said with a look of surprise: "Why is your old man here?"

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