Since the Palestine-Judean conflict, the eastern Mediterranean coast has always been the focus of attention of intelligence agencies of various countries and all news media.

And this time.

Such a big thing happened in the Kingdom of Judah. The largest air force base was actually bombed by the B-52H bomber of their master, America, and the B-52H was later shot down by a missile launched by the Kingdom of Judah.

Such a big commotion.

Such a big thing.

How could it be concealed?

Less than ten minutes after the incident, a large number of videos began to circulate on the Internet.

There are videos of the huge commotion made by the B-52H bomber flying over a city in the Kingdom of Judah.

There are videos of a small mushroom cloud rising after the Nevasam Air Force Base was hit by a bomb. There are also videos of the B-52H being hit by a missile and finally exploding in the air. There are also videos of it turning into a ball of fire and falling from the sky.

There are even videos of the wreckage of the B-52H burning on the ground.

Everything is available.

In a certain current situation chat group

“@All members. Ahhhh, something big has happened, something big has happened!!!”



“What happened?”

“Big news! It’s really big news! You know, I’ve been living in Judah for a while. Just now, just a few minutes ago, the Nevasam Air Force Base in Judah was attacked. According to the information I bought from an informant in the Judah Defense Force at a high price, most of the Nevasam base was razed to the ground, and at least dozens of fighter planes were destroyed!”


“Damn, so exciting?”

“Is it fake? Who did it? So fierce? Could it be Persia (Ichiro)?”

“No! It wasn’t Persia! You will never guess who did it! I was stunned when I heard the news!”

“Ahhhh, who is it!”

“Could it be Hussein?”

“Could it be Hamas? Or the Pearl Party?”

“No! No! None of them! I’ll definitely scare you! The bomber that bombed Nevasam Air Force Base was a Stratofortress.”


“hold head high?”

“Stratofortress? B-52H?”

“What the hell is this B-52H? How could an American bomber attack a military base in Judah?”

“Brothers, I know you can’t accept it, but it’s the truth. There are many videos circulating online now. It was really an American B-52H that did it! Now that B-52H has been shot down by Judah, and the wreckage video has been circulated. I’m forwarding it to you!”



It blew up!

It blew up completely!

As time passed.

As more and more videos were leaked. As intelligence personnel from various countries released the on-site videos they heard, saw, and even shot, across various countries.

All of a sudden.

Official media from all over the world also released news reports related to this matter on domestic platforms one after another.

Among them, the content of the news report released by the Chinese official media was as follows: The Wassam Air Force Base in Judah suffered a devastating air strike by US bombers.

There is a saying in China: The fewer words, the bigger the matter!

As soon as the reports from official media from various countries came out.

People’s doubts about the authenticity of the matter were dispelled at once.


The whole world suddenly exploded.

“Holy shit! What the hell is going on?”

“America’s B-52H bomber bombed the Kingdom of Judah. Damn, today is not April Fool’s Day, right?”

“Big event! Absolutely big event!”

“What’s going on? Why did America take action against the Kingdom of Judah?”

“Oh my god! Could it be that the Ansa are planning to launch a full-scale attack on the Jews?”


Suddenly, all social platforms, chat groups, forums, etc. around the world were filled with people discussing this matter.

After confirming the authenticity of this matter, the main emotion in people’s hearts was actually confusion.

They were really confused.

Governments around the world, whether they were on America’s side or not, were also extremely confused.

Even America and Judah, the two countries involved, were now confused.

The top leaders of the two countries were in a mess at the moment.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Where should I go?

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