On July 13, around five in the morning.

Because it was summer, the sky had begun to lighten up slightly.

At this time!

After several hours of finishing work, the Red Alert Corps had already finished cleaning up the battlefield, and!

In addition to the remaining A-level infantry regiment and two ordinary-level infantry regiments.

Two S-level infantry regiments, two A-level infantry regiments and two ordinary-level infantry regiments, as well as a tank reinforcement regiment, eight armored regiments, a total of 24,000 infantry, 135 tanks and 800 Bradley fighting vehicles, have arrived at the northernmost part of the Red Alert Corps’ actual control area.

With Li Wu’s order

“Buzz buzz buzz!”

“Buzz buzz buzz!”

“”Buzz, buzz, buzz!”

The armored forces composed of Abrams tanks, Leopard 2 tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles marched northward and broke out of the protection range of the crack generator.

Such a big thing happened in Gaza tonight, and the eyes of the world are focused here.

Therefore, almost at the same time when the Red Alert Corps left the protection range of the crack generator, the top leaders of countries around the world learned the news.

When they saw the armored forces flying the Red Alert flag and marching northward in the satellite images,”

Hua La La!

” For a moment, all countries were in an uproar.

In the conference rooms of all sizes, there were exclamations of shock and disbelief, or the sound of gasping for air, one after another.

Although in the past few hours, all countries have been able to guess that something must have happened to the ground forces of the Kingdom of Judah entering the north of Gaza, and their war must be very unsuccessful, There must have been a lot of casualties.


After all, there were seven regiments of troops, and those seven regiments were the elite troops of the Judah National Defense Force, not the kind of troops composed of conscripts who were temporarily recruited.

Because of ethnicity, culture and various other issues, the Kingdom of Judah has very poor relations with several surrounding Middle Eastern countries, and armed conflicts occur from time to time.


Their elite troops are almost all veterans who have experienced war.

Seven infantry regiments, almost 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Even if there are 20,000 to 30,000 pigs, it is not so easy to get rid of them all in just a few hours in such a large area, right?

But now!

Since the armored forces of the mysterious armed organization have come out from inside and actively killed into the territory of the Kingdom of Judah.

What does this mean?

Doesn’t this mean that all the troops of the Kingdom of Judah that entered the northern part of Gaza have been eliminated by them?



“This… How is this possible?!”


“Seven elite infantry regiments, those were the seven elite infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah. How could they all be wiped out in just four or five hours?”

“This… this, this, this, this… this is too……”

“Impossible! Impossible? The army of Judah couldn’t fight that badly, right?”

“What happened? What happened in northern Kazakhstan in the past four or five hours?”

“Under normal circumstances, it would not be so easy to destroy seven infantry regiments, unless they were ambushed.……”

“Ambush? Hiss~ Could it be! My previous guess was true? That mysterious armed group really used tanks and armored vehicles, and even an entire HIMARS rocket regiment, to lure the troops of the Kingdom of Judah into their encirclement?”

“It is possible, very likely!”

“If this speculation is true, then… the mysterious armed group that occupied northern Gaza was really too generous! More than 10 billion worth of arms, just used them as bait!”

“Wait! Everyone! Look carefully! Those tanks are not all Abrams, there are also Leopard 2s!!”

“Really! Hiss… What is the origin of this armed organization?”


Before the world could recover from the Red Alert Corps’ armored forces’ initiative to attack from northern Gaza, a new incident occurred.



In the conference room.

All the senior American military officers present at the meeting looked at the armored forces attacking from northern Gaza on the screen, and their faces became uglier than each other.


The next second.

The real-time image transmitted by the satellite suddenly went black, and the entire screen suddenly darkened.


“What happened? Is the projector broken?”

“No! The projector is not broken! Is it possible that the satellite is broken? Quick! Switch to another satellite!”

“No! It’s not the satellite system that’s broken, it’s the satellite shielding technology! The mysterious armed group used satellite shielding technology, just like the northern part of Gaza, the 80 square kilometers of land in the northern part of Gaza were shielded by them in the same way!”

“Damn it! Damn it!”


As Li Wu took a picture of the second crack generator that had been produced in advance, the 80 square kilometers of land north of the Gasha area was also protected by the crack generator.

All satellite detection of this area failed.


The five Red Alert Infantry Regiments that had been waiting for a long time crossed the Gasha wall and entered the territory of the Kingdom of Judah.

Because it is close to the Gasha area, most of the 80 square kilometers of land are wasteland. At the same time, there are only three small towns in total, and each town has about 4,000 to 5,000 people, which adds up to less than 15,000!

At the same time!

The Kingdom of Judah had never thought that its ground forces would be completely wiped out before.

Not to mention that they had never thought that their ground forces would be completely wiped out, they had not even considered the possibility that their ground forces would lose.


There were no garrisons in these three towns.

This made the Red Alert Corps’ control of this area very smooth.

In less than an hour, the 80 square kilometers of land, including the three towns, fell under the control of the Red Alert Corps.

And don’t forget!

Among the three towns, Kodamir is located near the Kazak region.

Therefore, this town is home to a large number of intelligence personnel from various countries, war correspondents, and military bloggers who are daring enough not to fear death.


On July 13, at 5:48 in the morning, in a three-story house in the southern part of Kodamir Town, a military blogger with tens of millions of followers was holding a telescope and looking anxiously at the Kasha region in the south.

He looked down at the time.

“It had been nearly five hours since the last message from the Ministry of National Defense of Judah, and nearly four hours since the violent explosions in Gaza. What was going on there now? A strong sense of curiosity swept over him.

At this moment, his ears suddenly moved.

“”Shua!” He raised his head suddenly, grabbed the military tactical telescope and looked at the darkness in the distance.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened, his pupils suddenly contracted, his mouth opened wide, and his face showed unprecedented shock and excitement.

“That…that’s…Abrams tanks, and Bradley fighting vehicles! Wait, Leopard 2 tanks! There’s even a Leopard 2! That mysterious armed group even has Hans’s Leopard 2 tanks!”

“”Wait! Wait a minute!”

The military blogger seemed to have thought of something, and his body froze.

After two seconds, he came to his senses.

An extremely bold and absurd guess came to his mind.

“Since the armored forces of the mysterious armed organization have appeared in the town of Kodamir, doesn’t that mean that the seven elite infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah that entered northern Gaza have been completely wiped out! ?”


He couldn’t help but take a breath. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As a professional military blogger, he is very familiar with the combat effectiveness of the National Defense Forces of Judah.

It is precisely because of this understanding that he is so shocked!

“In just four or five hours, the seven elite infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah were gone… No, no, no!”

He suddenly shook his head, the shock and disbelief on his face became even more intense:”How could it be that long? The seven elite infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah should have been wiped out around 2:45 in the morning. After all, the sound of gunfire in northern Gaza gradually stopped from that time.”


Because of his speculation, he couldn’t help but gasp again.

Just as he was gasping for air, Abrams tanks, Leopard 2 tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles, with luxuriously equipped Red Alert soldiers, had already arrived in the town.

Tanks and armored vehicles with Red Alert flags drove into the town along the main road of the town!

Teams of fully armed Red Alert soldiers controlled all the main traffic arteries in the town.

War correspondents and bloggers in the town uploaded what they saw and heard, and the videos and photos they took to the Internet.


Like a stone that caused a thousand waves.

The whole world was in an uproar!



“What does this mean?”

“What the hell! What the hell? How did the troops of that mysterious armed organization appear in the territory of Judah? Didn’t Judah send a large army to invade their territory tonight?”

“Yes, yes, what on earth is going on? I am totally confused!”

“What’s so confusing? The Kingdom of Judah had never won the war. Not only had it never won the war, but it was counterattacked by the other side and invaded its territory!”[]


“Holy shit! This is really out of control. Didn’t the Kingdom of Judah have so many victories before? How did it lose so suddenly?”

“Yes, there have been some great successes, but that was a few hours ago!”

“Where are the Judas fans? Why are the Judas fans suddenly silent? Weren’t you bragging about how powerful your Judas father’s army was before? You said that in less than two hours, that mysterious armed organization would be wiped out by your Judas father’s army. Why are you silent now? Come out and have a fight!”

“Hahahaha, they are too busy mourning for their Judas father, so how can they have the time to come out and fight with you!”

“However, to be honest, that mysterious armed organization was really too powerful! To be honest, the army of Judah was actually quite strong, especially the seven regiments they sent, which were all elite regiments. However, they were completely wiped out in just four or five hours. This was too outrageous!”

“The score is on the original place!”

“No, no, no! It didn’t take that long for the mysterious armed group! I follow a big military blogger with tens of millions of fans on the Internet. He seems to live in the town of Kodamir. According to him, more than two hours ago, there were no more gunshots in the Gaza area. So according to his speculation, two or three hours ago, the ground forces of the Kingdom of Judah had been almost wiped out!”


“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“It’s just outrageous!”

“This is too exaggerated!”

“In other words, it took the mysterious armed organization only about two hours to wipe out the seven infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah?”

“If nothing unexpected happens, this is the case!”




“Global warming is just around the corner!”

“Crazy, crazy, crazy, I’m really going crazy, this is too outrageous and exaggerated!”

“Those were seven elite infantry regiments, nearly 26,000 men, and they were wiped out in just over two hours? How did that mysterious armed group do it?”

“According to the analysis of some military bloggers, they must have been ambushed. The previous victory report from the Ministry of National Defense of Judah was, as expected, a bait deliberately thrown out by the mysterious armed organization.”


“Watt? Bait? A dozen Abrams tanks, dozens of Bradley fighting vehicles, and a whole HIMARS rocket launcher, a total of fifty HIMARS rocket launchers, all of these, you tell me that they are actually baits thrown by that mysterious armed organization?”

“should be!”


“It’s crazy, it’s really crazy!”


It exploded!

It exploded completely!

The whole world was in an uproar.

No matter whether they were men or women, young or old, tall or short, fat or thin, rich or poor, ordinary people, government employees or military officials, they were all shocked by the news.

The world was in uproar!

The whole world was shocked!

The Internet was in an uproar.

For a while, almost everyone was talking about this matter (Wang Zhaohao).

This made

Li Wu’s hourly point income soar by nearly 30,000 in a short period of time.

From the original 110,000 per hour, it soared to 14 per hour.

14 per hour, this is not the limit.


When the Red Alert Corps took the initiative to announce the news, the seven infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah were dizzy and had no morale at all. They were naked (in underwear), raised their hands, and shouted words like”Surrender.””,”Do not kill me”,”After watching the video of surrendering with words like”Help!”, it was like pouring a bucket of gasoline on a burning firewood pile.


The world was shaken again

“Grass grass grass grass grass!!!”

“Holy crap! No wonder the seven infantry regiments of the Kingdom of Judah were wiped out so quickly by that mysterious armed organization. It turns out they all surrendered!”

“Hahahaha, I remember someone said before that the soldiers of the mysterious armed organization were all a bunch of young masters who were defeated in a group? Is that the opposite? It’s obvious from the video that the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah are the young masters, and they are scrambling to surrender!”

“You are still blowing! Come on, come on, let’s fight each other!”

“It can be seen that these soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah must have suffered a very terrible blow before, otherwise they would not have surrendered so easily!”

“If you look carefully at the video, you will see holes of all sizes everywhere, it is bumpy and looks like the surface of the moon!”

“I know! Rockets! It must be rockets! That mysterious armed group must have launched a large number of rockets!”

“This time, the Kingdom of Judah was planning to re-establish its prestige in the world, but now, emmmm…”

“Hiss! Brothers, I suddenly discovered something. In this case, the mysterious armed force has completely established its foothold. The Kingdom of Judah will be in trouble next!”Please give me a monthly ticket, a full subscription, follow-up updates, automatic updates, everything, sob!

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