

“Haha haha haha!”

“Wow, snap, snap!”

“Four-star commander, I was too conservative before! But it’s not a big problem, the plan to strike the America aircraft carrier fleet does not need to be cancelled, after all, there is a five-star commander after the four-star commander!”

“If he could successfully carry out an airstrike on America’s aircraft carrier fleet and sink an aircraft carrier, he might be promoted to a five-star commander in one go!”

The more he thought about it, the more excited and excited Li Wu became.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but imagine the reaction of the whole world after America’s aircraft carrier was sunk by the Red Alert Corps’ airstrike.

“Hehe, by then the whole world will definitely explode!”

After secretly feeling proud for a while, Li Wu gradually came back to his senses.


He opened the gift package for promotion to a four-star commander.

【Promotion package is opening……】

【Congratulations to the Commander for getting 2000w points】

【Congratulations to the Commander for receiving the reward: Maximum number of base vehicles +1】

【Congratulations to the Commander for obtaining the permission to build a building: Technological oil well】

【Congratulations to the Commander for obtaining the super weapon: the Trans-Time and Space Converter. After using it, any Red Alert unit within a certain range can be instantly teleported to any corner of the world. ps: The farther the teleportation distance, the fewer units can be teleported.】

“Hehehe, good stuff, good stuff, all good stuff!”

Looking at the four rewards he just received, Li Wu was immediately overjoyed.

The first reward was 20 million points, which was still a considerable income for Li Wu, whose hourly income now exceeded 100,000.

After all, although his hourly income was as high as 100,000, his hourly expenditure was also high, about 40,000.

In other words,”seven four three” calculation.

Li Wu’s net income per hour is only 60,000 now.

60,000 an hour, 144,000 a day for 24 hours. It would take about thirteen or fourteen days to save up 20 million points.

To be honest, the 20 million points for the first reward were really average.

But fortunately, the three rewards that followed were not bad.

The second reward: the maximum number of base vehicles +1.

What does this mean?

This means that Li Wu can open a sub-base.

The sub-base and the main base have exactly the same functions.

With a sub-base, even if… I mean even if, even if the main base in Kaza can’t hold on under the full suppression of the United States and Western countries led by America, Li Wu can use the sub-base to make a comeback.

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Base No. 2 cannot be placed in Jiasha. No! Forget Jiasha. To be exact, the entire Middle East is suitable for placing Base No. 2.”

“So the question is, where should Base No. 2 be placed? In Africa? Africa has abundant mineral resources, and most of them have not been explored because of the lack of development. If Base No. 2 is placed in Africa, it can be completely self-sufficient.……”

“Or, why not just find an opportunity to send it to the mainland of America, and then stir up trouble in the name of the New America Organization, so that America’s attention will definitely be diverted by half… Or send it to the island country and make a wave of the Red Army reappear.……”

“Or, should we send them to Myanmar in Southeast Asia? It’s very chaotic there, which is very suitable for the development of Base No. 2. Besides, there is Dragon Country next to it, so we can cooperate with Dragon Country to solve the problems encountered by the Red Alert Corps in terms of food and various aspects of life.”

Yes, as the scale of the Red Alert Corps gradually increased, the shortcomings of the Red Alert Base gradually emerged, that is – everything in the Red Alert Base was born for war. Although it can produce everything that is not related to war, it is expensive and has a poor cost-effectiveness.

For example, food.

The logistics supply center can produce it, but it takes 3 points to produce a single combat ration that can feed a Red Alert soldier for a day.

Although this single combat ration is very nutritious and tastes good.


The price is really too expensive.

3 points for one serving, one person needs one serving a day.

The Red Alert Corps now has nine infantry regiments, with a total of 36,000 troops. Including the rocket artillery regiment, tank regiment, and air defense regiment, the total is close to 45,000 people.

Ten thousand people spend 30,000 a day, 30,000 people is 90,000, and 45,000 people is 135,000.

On average, it is equivalent to an hourly expenditure of 5,600.

If 135,000 points are used to produce various weapons and sold, and the money is used to buy food, the food bought can at least feed the Red Alert Corps for half a month.

“Well, after we deal with this wave of counterattacks from Judah, we will hold a meeting to discuss with everyone where the second base should be placed.……”

After shaking his head and quickly finding a tank factory to produce base vehicles, Li Wu looked at the third reward with a red face.

【Building: Technological Oil Drilling】

【Cost: 10000 points】

【Function: Built on top of an oil field, it can produce crude oil and also has the function of directly recovering crude oil and converting it into points.】

“Hehe, this is great stuff. I was originally worried about whether the ore refinery could convert crude oil into points. Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore.……”

Li Wu smiled and looked at the last reward: one time of super-time and space teleportation.

His eyes suddenly flashed.

“This reward is great. With this reward, when the No. 2 base vehicle is built, you can use this reward to send it over directly.……”

Just as Li Wu was thinking with his eyes flickering, the Red Alert Corps did not stop attacking the Kingdom of Judah.

Although because of the lessons learned from the last time, the Kingdom of Judah did not dare to continue to let its tank troops advance in clusters, but instead interspersed them in twos and threes among their infantry teams.


It’s not a big problem.

They still have to be bombed.

In the dark night, a Global Hawk drone flew silently, relying on its powerful hardware capabilities to quickly search for enemies under 10,000 meters in the sky.

Whenever it successfully finds a tank of the Kingdom of Judah, it will immediately transmit the opponent’s current coordinates, direction of travel, and speed of travel to the Red Alert Corps Combat Command Center.

The Combat Command Center will immediately arrange for the rocket artillery of a rocket artillery regiment to fire in unison.

Under the guidance of the Global Hawk drone, each tank of the Kingdom of Judah will be hit by 10 rockets with precision.

Even the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah Army near the tanks were bombed, suffering heavy casualties.

Under normal circumstances, if ten precision-guided rockets are fired, it is basically impossible for the tank to survive.

But there is always a chance of something happening.

Therefore, once the Global Hawk drone finds that the target tank has not been destroyed, it will immediately inform the combat command center of the news, and the combat command center will immediately arrange for the rocket artillery regiment to launch a new round of attacks on it.

Two rounds of a total of twenty precision-guided armor-piercing rockets, no tank in the world can withstand it.

Not to mention 20, in fact, 10 is enough.


In the next period of time

“BOOMBOOMBOOM”Explosions were heard from time to time in the wilderness north of Gaza.

Every time an explosion sounded, at least two or three tanks of the Kingdom of Judah and at least dozens of soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah in the surrounding area would be killed or injured.

This caused the morale of the army of the Kingdom of Judah to slowly decline.

Under normal circumstances, after learning that the planes of its ally America participating in this operation were completely wiped out, the Kingdom of Judah should not continue the action, but should withdraw its troops directly.

But!!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The entire military of the Kingdom of Judah can no longer bear it.

Not even for a day!

They are so angry!

They are extremely eager to eliminate the Red Alert Corps entrenched in the north of Gaza, even if it costs a huge price. After all.[]

In their opinion, the mysterious armed organization in northern Gaza will not have too many troops, at most a few thousand people.

And this time, the Kingdom of Judah has dispatched a full seven infantry regiments, with a total force of up to 30,000.

And these seven infantry regiments, without exception, are all the elite of their Judah National Defense Force.

The combat effectiveness is among the best, and the equipment is also the best.

30,000 vs. a few thousand, the advantage is on their side.

Moreover, in the northern part of Gaza, in the area controlled by the mysterious armed organization, more than 70% of the buildings have been flattened by the Kingdom of Judah some time ago.

So there is no need to worry too much about street fighting.

In addition to the above reason, there is another reason that prompted the Kingdom of Judah to launch a strong attack on the northern part of Gaza even though it knew that its original plan with America had failed, even if it had to withstand the rockets of the Red Alert Corps, that is – they are afraid, they are worried, they are afraid.

They are afraid that if they withdraw their troops, the mysterious armed group in northern Gaza will get tens of thousands of rockets from somewhere and fire a large number of rockets at their country again.

There is a saying that goes: The best defense is offense.

This is what the Kingdom of Judah is doing now.


Just as the ground forces of Judah were bearing the rockets of the Red Alert Corps and advancing towards the area under the actual control of the Red Alert Corps little by little!

On the Internet, various photos and videos about the Limatria Naval Base of Judah being razed to the ground by rockets of a mysterious armed organization, and the Navy of Judah being devastated, with only one tenth of the Navy left, had already been quickly spread under the control of a pair of invisible big hands.


For a moment, the world was in an uproar…..

“Ahhhhhhhh! I’m going crazy, going crazy, going crazy, really going crazy!”

“Hahahaha, the Kingdom of Judah was beaten again!”

“I originally thought that after holding back for ten days, the mysterious armed organization located in northern Gaza would be in big trouble, but unexpectedly, the ones who were unlucky were Judah and America, who had been holding back for ten days!”

“It was so, so, so cruel! How could they be so cruel? First, they used seventy or eighty Patriot missiles, which were America’s masterpiece, to destroy forty F35C fighter jets sent by America to support Judah. Now they used two rounds of twelve thousand rockets to directly blow up Judah’s navy into a cripple. It was so cruel!”

“Retribution, hahahaha, retribution came too quickly. When the Kingdom of Judah dealt with the Baths before, they probably didn’t expect that they would end up like this, right?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, the air force is ruined, the navy is ruined, the Kingdom of Judah is completely ruined”

“By the way, brothers, is there any latest news? What is going on in the Middle East now? If nothing unexpected happens, this round of conflict should be over, and the Kingdom of Judah must have withdrawn its troops, right?”

“I’m not sure. They should withdraw their troops. The Kingdom of Judah shouldn’t be so stubborn as to invade other people’s territory without air superiority, right?”

“No, no, no! Ladies and gentlemen, according to the news just released by a military blogger on the Internet, the Kingdom of Judah has not withdrawn its troops. It seems that the Kingdom of Judah is now bearing the rockets of the mysterious armed organization and continues to march towards the north of Gaza!”

“Hiss… So stubborn? Going up even without air superiority?”

“It’s not that the Kingdom of Judah is stubborn, it’s that they really have no other choice and have to bite the bullet. When the western coast of Gaza was blocked by the Kingdom of Judah, that mysterious armed organization was still able to transport so much ammunition and supplies to Gaza without anyone noticing. What’s more, what about now that the navy of the Kingdom of Judah has been crippled?”

“Yes, the above is right. Judah now has no ability to continue blocking the coastline.���All gone, which means that it is easier for the mysterious armed organization to obtain supplies. If the Kingdom of Judah does not take this opportunity to eliminate the mysterious armed organization in one fell swoop and gives the other party time to continue to develop, perhaps after a while, other military bases in the Kingdom of Judah will be attacked by saturation rockets again.……”

“However…if I remember correctly, there was news before that the Kingdom of Judah seemed to have dispatched seven infantry regiments this time, with nearly 30,000 troops. If they attack by force, I feel that the mysterious armed forces will be in trouble!”

“Not necessarily. The ground force of that mysterious armed organization is also strong. It has eighty Abrams tanks and hundreds of Bradley fighting vehicles. All its members are armed to the teeth, exactly the same as the American Army’s equipment. It may not be so easy for the Kingdom of Judah to deal with that armed force!”

“Oh, come on, good equipment is useless!

Don’t forget that the seven infantry regiments dispatched by the Kingdom of Judah are all the elite of their national defense forces.

Each of them is a veteran with many war experiences, and the strength is as high as 30,000.

According to the analysis of the military leaders on the Internet, the mysterious armed organization has at most a few thousand people.

The reason why they can achieve so many results is that they rely on rockets and 0.

7 shells.

They are just a group of young soldiers.

When the ground forces of the Kingdom of Judah enter the northern part of Gaza, it will be absolutely one-sided.

Do you believe it?”

“Hehe, it’s begun, it’s begun, the Yuhu has begun!”

“Yes, the army of Judah is very powerful. After a few months of hard work, even a poor armed force like Hamas could not solve the problem.”

“!%*Damn it, you guys in front are so weird!”


Time, ticking, ticking, passing by!

As time passed, the heat of the battle in Bath was rising rapidly at a speed that could not be described in words.

This made!

Li Wu’s hourly point income, even though it had broken through the 100,000 mark, was still rising rapidly!

10.1w hours!

10.2w hours!

10.3w hours!


The ever-increasing points income made Li Wu smile brightly.

“” Thump, thump, thump!”

The crisp sound of footsteps suddenly rang in my ears.

Tanya strode over and said,”Commander,”

“What’s the matter?” Li Wudao said.

Tanya reported:”The ground forces of the Kingdom of Judah have arrived at the Gaza Wall. At present, the vanguard has crossed the Gaza Wall and is continuing to penetrate into our army’s hinterland!”

“Very good, you are finally here. Since you dare to come, don’t even think about leaving! Pass the order down, the [Dumpling Making] plan officially begins, let the first and second regiments follow the original combat missions, continue to lure the ground forces of the Kingdom of Judah deep into our hinterland, and then eat them all in one go!”

“Got it, Commander!”

It’s the fifth update, 25,000 words updated, please, please auto-update, please subscribe, please vote for the monthly ticket!

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