Dark night.

Northern part of Gasha.

Near the Gasha wall

“Buzz buzz buzz!”

“Buzz buzz buzz!”

“Buzz buzz buzz!”


Accompanied by the dense and loud roar of engines.

Tanks rushed out from the gaps in the collapsed wall one after another and entered the Gaza area.

Although each tank army has nearly a hundred tanks.


The Kingdom of Judah was obviously frightened or shocked by the Red Alert Corps’ previous bombing of the air base.

In addition, the ten kilometers between the Gaza wall and the first town in the north of Gaza are open and flat wasteland.

Therefore, the distance between each tank is about two hundred meters.

It seems particularly cautious.

In fact, the front-line commander of the Kingdom of Judah initially planned to control the distance between each tank to more than three hundred meters.


Considering that the Red Alert Corps also has a lot of tanks.

Once the opponent’s tank troops suddenly attack, if the distance between the tanks on our side is too large, it will be difficult to form an effective counterattack in a short time.

Moreover, the opponent has fired 36,000 rockets before and after. In his heart, or in the hearts of all the people around the world who are paying attention to this conflict, they all feel that the opponent does not have many rockets in his hands!

So after thinking it over again and again, he chose the number of two hundred.

Two hundred meters, it is not too far, and it is not too close.

It can be assembled quickly before the enemy’s tank troops arrive, and it can also avoid the situation where multiple tanks are damaged in one attack by the enemy.

To be honest!

The front-line commander of the Kingdom of Judah is really cautious and careful.

He has done a good job and considered it very comprehensively.

Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with his arrangement.


What can I do.

Anything, once it involves the Red Alert Corps, can not be viewed with common sense.


Northern part of Kaza, 30 meters underground.

Inside the base command center

“Report to the command center, large-scale enemy tank forces have been discovered at gaps No. 06 and No. 28 in the sand wall!”

“Hehehe, the counterattack of Judah is finally here!”

Hearing this, Li Wu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

As mentioned before.

Before deciding to let the Red Alert Corps officially debut, Li Wu, Tanya and a group of Red Alert officers held dozens of pre-war meetings in advance.

And in these pre-war meetings, of course, they took into account the fact that Judah would launch a counterattack against the Red Alert Corps.


Li Wu was well prepared, and the preparation was very comprehensive.

His preparation was – 6,000 rockets.

6,000 rockets were launched, and under the carpet attack, let alone you are 200 meters away, even if you are 250 meters, 300 meters or even 400 meters away!

You will still be bombed!

“Red Alert Rocket Artillery Regiments 1 to 10, please note: After the ten-second countdown, please conduct a saturation strike in front of Gap 06 based on the reconnaissance coordinates!”

“Red Alert Rocket Artillery Regiments 11 to 20, please note, after the ten-second countdown, launch a saturation strike in front of Gap No. 28 based on the reconnaissance coordinates!”

“Now, the countdown begins, 10!”









The next moment

“Boom boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom boom!”

Twenty Red Alert rocket artillery regiments opened fire at the same time.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

One after another, 227mm caliber high-explosive rockets were fired in succession, divided into two waves, one wave was heading towards the Judean tank troops in front of the 06 gap, which were attacking the hinterland of the Red Alert Corps’ actual control area in a relatively loose formation, and the other wave was heading towards the Judean tank troops in the 28 gap.

“This is……”

“Rockets! Rockets again!”

“How many rockets does this mysterious armed force have? They have already fired 36,000 rockets, and now they are firing more! ?”


Suddenly , there was an uproar in the refugee camps in northern Gaza.

Everyone was shocked to see that one after another HIMARS rockets had already flown over northern Gaza and arrived over their destination.

“”Oh no! It’s rockets! Enemy attack! Scatter! Scatter!” Although the Judean side discovered the arrival of the rockets before they fell, it was too late. Too late. The two tank units had just scattered in a hurry when rockets one after another fell like a storm.


In a moment.

Dense explosions sounded one after another.

Wherever the violent flame shock wave passed, no grass grew.

One tank after another was either overturned directly or torn apart on the spot, it was a horrible sight!

After 3,000 rockets fell!

The two tank units of the Kingdom of Judah had been crippled. All the tanks in the saturation bombing area were scrapped without exception.

As for the tanks outside the bombing range, most of them were destroyed by the violent aftermath.

In the two tank units, the total number of tanks that could still move would not exceed fifty. Among these fifty tanks, only a handful were still combat-ready.

After all, under the influence of the violent shock wave, these tanks were violently bumped, and the degree of bumping was even like the sea surface when a typhoon arrived. The crew members in the tanks were all bleeding and dizzy at this moment. How could they have the strength to control the tanks to fight?

Not to mention controlling the tanks to fight, even driving the tanks to escape from the scene was impossible.


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