Ramat David Air Base

“Beep beep beep!”

“Beep beep beep!”

“”Beep, beep, beep!”

The air defense alarm sounded through the sky.

After discovering the incoming rain of rockets, the Ramat David Air Force Base immediately sounded the air defense alarm.

However, despite the lessons learned from the Hatzelim Air Force Base, the base commander of the Ramat David Air Force Base still couldn’t let go of the fighter planes in his base after learning of the incoming rocket attack.

160 seconds, the time is really tight, but if you don’t try, how do you know if it works?

After all, this is the family fortune that the Kingdom of Judah has spent decades and countless costs to accumulate. How can you give up without trying?


The most important thing is that anyway, the person responsible for the emergency launch of the fighter planes is not him.

Therefore, the highest commander of the Hatzelim Air Force Base of the Kingdom of Judah ordered his pilots to get the seven most advanced F35 fighters in the base out before the rocket rain arrives. If possible If so, the F15 and F16 in the base should also be driven out as much as possible. After giving the order, he got on the military jeep and hurried away!

There is a saying that goes, if you don’t push yourself, you don’t know how great your potential is!

In this round of rocket rain, flying over most of Judah, and arriving over Hatzelim Air Force Base, the pilots of Judah successfully launched seven fighters in an emergency.

Among them, there were three F35s and four F16s.

A few seconds after the last F16 fighter took off!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

After passing through layers of interception, there were still nearly 3,000 rockets left, rushing down from the sky with thunderous and unstoppable force.

Like a raging, surging, and terrifying storm, it landed on the Hatzelim Air Force Base with great force and overwhelming force.



The earth shook, as if the end of the world had suddenly arrived.

The deafening explosions that came one after another were like the roaring ancient beasts, releasing endless anger and destructive power.

In just one minute, three thousand high-explosive rockets carrying 227mm were swarmed and unscrupulously unleashed on this huge air force base covering an area of about ten square kilometers.

They were like violent beasts, wantonly biting every inch of land and every building in the base.

Under the violent and raging shock wave of the explosion that was enough to tear everything apart, the solid buildings collapsed instantly, the steel structures were twisted and deformed, and the roads were blown to pieces.

It was almost a matter of a moment!

The entire base had turned into a horrible and devastated ruin, with only billowing smoke and raging fire, as well as endless debris and dead silence.

The fire dispelled the darkness.

Above the sky.

The pilots of the six fighter planes that successfully took off before the rockets arrived looked at the base that was razed to the ground, and their faces were all pale!

After the Nevasam Air Base and Hatzelim Air Base were razed to the ground, Ramat David Air Base, one of the five remaining air bases in the Kingdom of Judah, was also razed to the ground.


For a moment.

All the officers from various countries who witnessed this scene were silent.

And while they were silent.

Tick-tick-tick-tick, time passed by second by second!


Two or three minutes later.

Urgent prompt sounds suddenly sounded in the silent conference rooms.

The silent people came back to their senses and looked at the screen in front of them!

After seeing the real-time images from their own satellites on the screen, everyone’s expressions suddenly changed.

The reason is simple!


In the images sent by the satellite, a mighty rain of rockets appeared again.

“Here it comes again!!!”

“This is the third wave! This is already the third wave!”

“Another six thousand! Counting the previous two waves, that’s eighteen thousand rockets in total! It’s only been fifteen minutes! In fifteen minutes, the mysterious armed forces have launched eighteen thousand rockets at Judah. This, this is really… too unbelievable!”

“Wait! According to the path of the rocket rain on the satellite image, the target of this wave of rocket rain is——”

“Ramon Air Force Base! This time, the rockets were heading for the Ramon Air Force Base in Judah!”

“Hiss~ Could it be that the mysterious armed force is planning to bomb all seven air force bases of the Kingdom of Judah one by one?”

“Hahahaha! I love to hear this! I love to hear this!”

“The Ramon Air Force Base in Judah is only 80 kilometers away from northern Gaza, right? Eighty seconds, tsk tsk tsk… I can’t escape, I absolutely can’t escape!”


Eighty seconds later!

“Boom boom boom boom!”

More than 3,500 rockets fell from the sky in a mighty force, and under the horrified gaze of the Judean soldiers who had escaped in advance, the entire Ramon Air Force Base was easily razed to the ground!


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