The distance from the Red Alert Corps’ actual control area to the Hatzerim Air Force Base in the northernmost part of Judah is about 180 kilometers.

The average flight speed of HIMARS rockets is about 1,000 meters per second.

In other words!

It only takes 180 seconds for the 6,000 HIMARS rockets to reach the sky above the Hatzerim Air Force Base.

180 seconds is 3 minutes.

In just 3 minutes, it is not enough for Judah to transfer all the personnel and fighter planes from its own Hatzerim Air Force Base.

No, no, no!

Not to mention all.

Because this incident happened too suddenly.

So when the Judah Air Force soldiers and a large number of ground crew members in the Hatzerim Air Force Base learned the news, the rocket rain consisting of 6,000 HIMARS rockets was less than 100 kilometers away from them.

In other words.

In 100 seconds, the rocket rain will fall from the sky.

100 seconds is too short!

Too short, too short!

You know, the emergency take-off time of America’s proud aircraft also takes a full two minutes, that is, 120 seconds.

This is achieved in the state of exercise.


Although Hatzelim Air Force Base arranged the fighter jets in the base to take off as soon as possible, it was still too late.

Before the fighter jets took off, the dense rain of rockets had already killed over the base.

As mentioned before.

Because the number of rockets that make up the rocket rain is too large, it completely exceeds the load of the Iron Dome system of the Kingdom of Judah.


Even if it has flown over most of the Kingdom of Judah.

Even if it has been intercepted by dozens of Iron Dome systems along the way.


The number of remaining rockets is still more than 3,000, at least 3,500.

There is naturally protection from the Iron Dome system near the Kingdom of Judah Air Force Base.


The number of rockets as high as 3,500 completely exceeds the interception limit of the two Iron Dome systems.

Of the 3,500 rockets, less than 800 were successfully intercepted.

The remaining 2,700 rockets fell from the sky like a violent storm, densely packed and fiercely, landing on the Hatzelim Air Force Base.


One by one, HIMARS rockets kept falling.

The explosions echoed through the sky.

The shock waves mixed with flames spread in all directions, engulfing everything around.

Each rocket was a 227mm high-explosive bomb.

The power was at least three times that of the shells used by the Abrams tank.

The effective killing radius of the Abrams tank main gun shells was 15 meters on average.

Then the effective killing radius of a 227 rocket that fell on the Hatzelim Air Force Base was about 45.

In other words, the effective killing area was close to 6,000 square meters.

It was equivalent to the area of 13 standard basketball courts or 1 standard football field.

The effective killing area of one rocket was 6,000 square meters, and 2,700 rockets were close to 16 square kilometers!

The total area of the entire Hatzelim Air Force Base was only 12 square kilometers.

In just one minute, 2,700 227mm rockets were dropped. What kind of result did this lead to?

This led to… the entire base was immediately enveloped by the flame shock wave.

The flames shot up to the sky!

The explosions shook the earth and could be heard clearly even more than ten kilometers away.

In the dense and continuous violent explosions, the buildings in the base collapsed in pieces. Those sturdy buildings seemed to have become fragile paper at this moment, with no resistance. The various fighter planes parked one after another also exploded because of the flames.

They were originally parked there quietly, but at this moment they were like angry beasts, madly releasing their energy.

The ammunition and fuel inside the fighter planes instantly detonated under high temperature, producing even more powerful destructive power.

And the air force soldiers and ground crew members of the Kingdom of Judah in the base were strangled on the spot in the terrifying shock wave, and no bones were left!

They didn’t even feel the pain, and they were swallowed up by the powerful force. Their bodies were torn into pieces in an instant, and then disappeared in the endless sea of fire.

No body was left!

Not only the people in the base.

Even the soldiers and ground crew of the Kingdom of Judah who ran out of the base in advance during the 100 seconds were not spared.


The area within one kilometer outside the base is also the target of the Red Alert Corps.

The purpose of doing this is to catch as many soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah in the base as possible!

This attack came and went in a hurry.

In less than a minute, 2,700 rockets fell.

The scene suddenly became strangely”quiet”, except for the”crackling” sound of the blazing flames.

Some soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah who survived the attack by chance because they ran out of the base in advance and ran far away, all had pale faces, and stood there in a daze, staring blankly at the base in the distance that was burning after the attack, with a blank mind.


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