







Tanya’s steady voice rang in the ears of every rocket artillery soldier of the Red Alert Corps.

As the countdown ended, all the shooters pressed the red launch button without hesitation.


The next moment

, with a”swish”, the first rocket was fired from the barrel.

A few seconds after the rocket was fired, the rocket thrusters at the tail began to operate at full power.

A raging flame spewed out from its tail.

As the tail flame spurted out, the flight speed of the rocket suddenly increased.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds!

After the first rocket was launched, the second rocket was launched immediately, followed by the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. Half a minute later!

After all six rockets were fired, the three Red Alert soldiers who served as logistics personnel used coolant to quickly cool them down. The three crew members of the HIMARS rocket launcher vehicle were not idle. They quickly operated the lifting system on the launcher and reloaded rockets into the launcher.

Five minutes later, all six rockets were loaded.

At this moment, the first wave of 6*50*20, a total of six thousand 227mm caliber rockets, have all taken off and are heading towards the northernmost military base of the Kingdom of Judah-Hatzerim Air Force Base.

Six thousand rockets, each of which is spewing flames.

Not to mention that it is late at night, even in broad daylight, people can see it clearly.

So, almost shortly after the rocket rain was launched.

In the northern part of Gaza, in the area under the actual control of the Red Alert Corps, in various refugee camps, some people discovered this dense group of rocket rain whistling over their heads.

Inside a refugee camp

“Yes, sir, I will do my best to find out the origins of this mysterious armed force.——”

A Mossad intelligence officer was secretly reporting intelligence to his superiors in a corner of the refugee camp using special communication methods.

As he was talking, he obviously heard something and subconsciously looked up at the sky in the distance to the south.

Then, he saw dark red spots appearing in the dark sky in the distance to the south.

“What is that?”

As he stared in confusion, the dense dots of light quickly approached and enlarged.

“This… this… could this be……”

The man quickly raised his camera, pressed the shutter button towards the densely packed light spots, and then immediately zoomed in to check the photos.

“Fire… rockets! All rockets! These… there must be two or three hundred of them, right?”

The Mossad intelligence officer was shocked. He glanced at the sky in the distance and his pupils suddenly shrank.


In the distant sky, dark red light spots appeared one after another.

Wave after wave!

Densely packed!

In the next minute or so, he stared with wide eyes and was stunned to see more than ten or twenty waves of rocket rain flying over the refugee camp where he was. It was not until the last wave of rocket rain disappeared in the sky far to the north that he suddenly came to his senses.

“Oh… It’s bad! That’s at least 5,000 rockets, heading towards our country! It’s over, it’s over!!”

Thinking of this, his face turned pale.

The sound of rockets flying high overhead is not small, but it’s not loud either.


The sound of hundreds or even thousands of rockets flying through the sky together is really loud.

The sound of waves of rocket rain composed of 6,000 rockets is like thunder, rumbling, and anyone with normal hearing can hear it!

Therefore, it was not only this member of Mossad who discovered the rocket rain.

Anyone who was awake noticed the mighty rocket rain.

“What…what is that!?”

“Rockets, rockets!”

“So many rockets!!!”

“Hiss~ Something happened. It’s going to be a big accident!”

“Quick, quick, quick! Where’s the cameraman? Quick! Stop staring blankly, take a picture! Take it!”

“Big news! Big news!”

“Hiss, that would require several thousand rockets, right?”

“Five or six thousand! I think there are five or six thousand!”

“Oh my god! These rockets, judging from the model, they look a bit like M57 high-explosive rockets.”


Suddenly , in each refugee camp, exclamations and screams were heard one after another.

Along with the exclamations and screams, intelligence personnel from various countries in the refugee camps immediately reported what they saw or even filmed to the forces behind them.

At the same time, war correspondents and those bold bloggers quickly uploaded the photos and videos they filmed to the Internet.


A stone stirs up a thousand waves


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