The imaging capabilities of current high-resolution military satellites are very powerful.

They can use a variety of advanced high-tech, such as synthetic aperture radar (SAT), infrared imaging, and so on.

SAT synthetic aperture radar is not affected by lighting conditions and can work at night. It obtains the shape and characteristics of the target by analyzing the radar waves reflected by the target.

The shape and characteristics of the Abrams tank are quite conspicuous.


After seeing the remote sensing images sent back by their own satellites, military experts from various countries recognized at a glance that the eighty tanks that were frantically firing at the Erez Port were all the main force of the American Army Armored Forces-Abrams tanks.

And based on the above characteristic values, everyone can easily conclude that the eighty Abrams tanks are the latest modifications, M1A2·SEP·V3 version.

M1A2·SEP·V3, as the latest version of the Abrams main battle tank in America, has corrected the problems of space configuration, weight and power found in the Iraqi war. It is also equipped with the Trophy active protection system introduced from Judah, which can eliminate threats such as anti-tank guided missiles and rockets on the battlefield.·SEP·V3 is the latest model of Abrams main battle tank, so the entire American Army is only equipped with 500 tanks.

But now!

This mysterious”New American Organization” has taken out 80 tanks at once. How can the senior officials and military experts of various countries who witnessed this scene not be shocked?

After being shocked, countries in different camps have different reactions. The camps headed by Big Goose or Dragon Country are curious, confused, and amused!

“Hahaha, interesting. It’s really getting more and more interesting!”

“What is the origin of that mysterious armed organization?”

“Could they really be a group of extreme Anglo-Saxon nationalists?”

“Eighty Abrams tanks, that’s a big deal!”

“No matter what the mysterious armed organization is, it is a good thing for us anyway!”

The above is what the top leaders of the camp countries headed by Big Goose or Dragon Country are thinking at the moment.

The Western countries headed by America and America’s brothers and lackeys are also confused, but more of them are uneasy.

Strong uneasy!

“Oh my god!”

“Damn it! What the hell is going on!?”

“America needs to give us an explanation!”

“Investigate! Investigate thoroughly! Investigate thoroughly! Where did these Abrams tanks come from? And how did they get transported to Canada without anyone noticing? Don’t tell them they were made in Canada!”

“The only people who can freely enter and leave Kasha are people from America, besides people from Judah.……”



For a moment.

With the official appearance of the Red Alert Corps, the first gift given to Judah, the”good neighbor”, was witnessed by countries around the world.

Undercurrents suddenly surged in countries around the world.

The reactions of various countries were very strong.

Among them, Judah’s reaction was definitely the biggest.

After all, it was their home that was bombed!

In order to enclose the entire Gaza, Judah was under great international public opinion pressure when building the Gaza wall, and also paid a lot of manpower, material resources and money, adding up to at least tens of billions of dollars.

As a result, now.

Back to the pre-liberation era overnight.

How could they accept it!

No, no, no.

Not only the officials of various countries.

At this moment, it has been almost half an hour since the Red Alert Corps appeared on the stage.

In this half an hour, those war correspondents and bold bloggers living in northern Gaza have uploaded various videos they shot to different social media software in countries around the world.

Among them.

There are large numbers of Red Alert Corps soldiers, all equipped with American weapons and fully armed, walking quickly on the streets!

There were pictures of more than a dozen Abrams main battle tanks driving at high speed on the road.

There were pictures of Bradley fighting vehicles carrying soldiers from the Red Alert Corps arriving at the refugee camp and then taking control of the refugee camp.

There were pictures of the Erez port being bombarded by 80 Abrams main battle tanks.

For a moment!

The whole network was filled with”WTF!”s.

The whole world was in an uproar.

This made

Li Wu’s point income, which had been declining due to the gradual decline in the popularity of the 511 incident, grow again!


Thanks to [艹**在看我姓名] for the votes for urging me to update! Thank you very much! You are so domineering! Oh my!

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