“Fortunately, I had accumulated enough points before, so I could afford it!”

The impact of the 511 incident was enormous.

First, in just two hours, more than 9,000 people died in the Kingdom of Judah, and all of them were elite soldiers of the Judah National Defense Force, not conscripts who were urgently recruited.

The key is that most of them were killed in their bases.

Being killed in the wild and being killed in a base are two completely different concepts.

Second, after the incident, countries around the world were unable to find any intelligence related to the attackers.

Third, within those two hours, all satellites facing the northern part of Gaza in that time period had”malfunctions”.

It can’t be said that they malfunctioned.

Because the satellites actually captured something – a black circle with a radius of five kilometers..

There is nothing in the area covered by the black circle. The satellites cannot capture any images, let alone the traces of the armed forces. Even the buildings and wastelands that originally existed in northern Gaza are gone. It is pitch black.

But outside this circle, everything can be photographed.

The sensation this caused around the world is no less than that of the 511 incident in Judah itself, and it may even be greater.

After all.

This method of being able to interfere with dozens of satellites at the same time, no! To be more precise, it is a means of interfering with military satellites. Its strategic significance is too strong.

In modern warfare, the importance of satellites is self-evident!

Various high-precision missiles, in order to accurately hit the target, first need to lock the target, and then need the guidance of the satellite system during the flight, both are indispensable.

And now.

If you can have this kind of screen If we use the technology of shielding satellite remote sensing, the satellites of other countries will not be able to lock onto our military bases, artillery positions and other important military facilities!

Wouldn’t that fundamentally solve the problem of being attacked by precision-guided missiles?

If this technology can be improved, so that the interference it produces changes from black to the color of sea water, and then used on warships, can our own fleet quietly approach the waters of other countries?

With the combination of the above three points, Li Wu’s point income has reached the highest level of 45,000 per hour in the past month and a half.

At that time, his hourly expenditure was less than 20,000.

What does this mean?

This means.

Li Wu can save 20,000 funds every hour.

25,000 an hour, 600,000 a day, and 1,800 a month. Ten thousand, one and a half months is 27 million!

Of course, this is the highest point income.

As time goes by and the popularity decreases, the hourly point income will also decrease.

But even so.

After a month and a half, Li Wu still saved more than 10 million points.

So he can still get the 1.8 million points needed to produce 1,000 HIMARS rocket launchers.

Time passes day by day.

Theoretically, 30 tank factories can produce 30 HIMARS rocket launchers every 18 hours. It takes 25 days to produce 1,000 HIMARS rocket launchers.


At the same time as the production of HIMARS rocket launchers, Li Wu continued to build new tank factories.

This made it only take 17 days to produce 1,000 HIMARS rocket launchers.

And during these 17 days.

The production of barracks buildings did not stop.

Considering that the Red Alert Corps is about to appear, but there are only three regiments of troops, the troops are too few.


During these seventeen days, Li Wu recruited two more regiments of troops.

One regiment is an A-level Red Alert Infantry Regiment, and the other is an ordinary-level Red Alert Infantry Regiment.

This means that

Li Wu now has a total of five regiments of troops, an S-level infantry regiment composed of all veterans, two A-level infantry regiments and two ordinary-level infantry regiments, with a total strength of about 17,000.

And the ammunition he stockpiled is enough for those 17,000 people to fight intensively for at least three months!

The key is!

Even so.

Li Wu is still constantly shooting down one logistics supply center after another, and continuously producing batches of ammunition.

After all, there is a saying that goes like this: No matter how good and advanced your equipment is, if there is no ammunition, it can only be used as a firewood stick.


Time: July 1, 23:55.

Location: Northern Kaza, 30 meters underground, inside the Red Alert base

“Tanya, the overall command of this operation is handed over to you!”

Although Li Wu has made rapid progress in the past month and a half under Tanya’s guidance and his own efforts, and is no longer the military rookie before.


Compared with Tanya, he is still a younger brother.

And Li Wu still has some idea of his current strength. He doesn’t want to learn from a bald guy who can only say”Niang Xipi” and has no military command ability and strategic vision, and who insists on commanding and finally comes up with a wave of”machine guns move five meters forward” operations.

In addition, all the units in the Red Alert base are 100% loyal to Li Wu, so he doesn’t have to worry about not being able to take back the military power after delegating power.


Li Wu was very relieved to hand over the command power to Tanya.

“Please rest assured, Commander, Tanya will not let you down!”


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