Time passed quickly day by day.

As time passed, because of the delay in finding relevant intelligence about the New America Organization, intelligence departments of various countries were held accountable to a certain extent.

Among them,

Mossad in Judea and the CIA in America were subjected to a large-scale purge.

Not only the intelligence departments, but also some important government departments and even the army were purged to a certain extent.

However, after all the trouble, no one from the so-called New America Organization was found, but many spies planted by Big Goose or other national intelligence agencies were found.

Of course, most of the people who were”found” were relatively innocent. These people were just a little corrupt.

But without exception, whether they were real spies or fake spies, they all became members of the New America Organization in the mouth of America.

There is only one purpose for doing this, that is to reassure all allies and younger brothers.

After all, since the attack, its allies and younger brothers have been in a panic.

Especially Ermao, Kimchi Country, Dongying Island Country, Philippines Monkey Country and other small countries that have repeatedly jumped up and down in front of Da Mao, especially Long Country, under its coercion and inducement.

These countries, how energetic they jumped before, are now in a mess.

How arrogant they were before, how honest they are now.


Seeing that the”511″ incident has been over for more than half a month, but their boss America has remained silent, these small countries are panicking, so they have begun to show goodwill to Da Goose and Long Country.

Seeing this, America immediately refused.

They finally used Ermao to drag Da Mao into the quagmire of war, and then they are ready to use the same means, through proxy wars, using Kimchi Country, Dongying Island Country, Philippines Monkey Country and other Southeast Asian countries to drag Long Country, the biggest enemy at the moment, into the quagmire of war.


Her own little brothers are seeing that they are flirting with Da Mao and Long Country. How can America tolerate it?

Originally suspicious of each other because of the New America Organization, the Ansa Group and the Judah Group, which had been secretly competing against each other for the past half month, immediately stopped fighting.

Because they all knew one thing, that is – the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits!

The roots of their Ansa Group and the Judah Group are in America.

Once America loses the throne of world hegemony, both of their forces will suffer huge losses.

Dragon Country can’t continue to develop smoothly!

The affairs of the Kingdom of Judah and the New America Organization are important, but they are not as important as curbing the rise of Dragon Country, a great Eastern country.


After a secret meeting, the leaders of the two groups decided to appease their younger brothers first.

But all this has little to do with Li Wu.

In the 511 incident, a few days before the successful completion of the Bubble Plan, Li Wu, the initiator, would pay attention to the international reaction and be a funny person for a while.

Especially when he saw many military bloggers confidently analyzing that the new America organization they had fabricated out of thin air was actually created by America with the purpose of hitting the Kingdom of Judah, he couldn’t stop laughing.


Unlike people in other countries in the world, they are uninformed, so they will have a strong desire to know and curiosity about this matter, so they can keep paying attention to this matter without feeling boring.

But Li Wu is different.

Li Wu is an insider.

No! To be precise, he should be the initiator.

He knows everything.

After knowing everything about this incident, there is no novelty at all.

So. After only paying attention for three days, Li Wu stopped paying attention, but focused on developing the Red Alert Corps and learning skills from Tanya.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was nearly a month and a half after the 511 incident.

In northern Kazakhstan.

About thirty meters deep underground.

“It’s time!”

Looking at the points that were no longer increasing, Li Wu’s eyes suddenly flickered.

Although only one and a half months had passed, it was almost the same as the time it took Li Wu to complete the Bubble Plan after he got the Red Alert Base.


In this one and a half months, thanks to the preparations made in the previous one and a half months and the blessing of a large number of points, the Red Alert Corps has made a leap forward.

If the total combat power of the Red Alert Corps was 100 a month and a half ago, then now, it is at least 1000!

“Almost, everything is ready except for the east wind. Next it is time for the Red Alert Corps to officially step out from behind the scenes to the front stage. After all, it is their first appearance, so they must create something big!”

“Well, let me think… How can we make the Red Alert a huge success?”


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