

Office of the President

“”Useless! A bunch of useless! All of them are useless! How can you Mossad be so useless!”

The President of Judea, Neniata Lake, was roaring hysterically.

The person he scolded was the director of the famous Judean intelligence organization Mossad.

Mossad, the full name of the Judean Intelligence and Special Missions Bureau, has carried out many successful operations that shocked the world since its establishment. Its success has become a legend in the history of world intelligence. It is known as the”Four Major Intelligence Agencies in the World” together with the Central Intelligence Agency of America, the Federal Security Bureau of Russia and the MI6 of the United States.

However, in recent years, due to internal corruption, Mossad is no longer as powerful as it used to be.

“Three times! This is the third time! There is an old saying in the Eastern Dragon Kingdom: Three times is the limit!”

Neniyata Lake pointed at the man in front of him and roared with a distorted face:”But! This is the third time. That damn New America organization has launched three attacks on our great and sacred Judah Empire.”

“Tens of thousands of our Judah warriors have died in their attacks, and we have lost hundreds of billions of dollars because of them!”


“Not only did you fail to discover and warn them before they launched the attack, but you also failed to find any clues about them. Today is the third day after the third attack. So far, you have not found any clues about them. Do you deserve the trust of the people?”

As Neniata spitted, the red phone on the desk next to him rang suddenly.

He paused and answered the phone immediately.

“Hello, Mr. Louden, how is it going? Has your country successfully found the trace of that force? What? No! You didn’t find it either?”

The call was hung up.

Lake Neniata looked at the phone in his hand with a solemn face.

The call was from the current President of America, Loudoun.

The content of the call roughly meant that after three days, the American Central Intelligence Agency had not been able to find any trace of the armed forces called the New America Organization. The

American Central Intelligence Agency is the world’s most powerful intelligence agency.

Even it can’t find any traces of the other party, what does that mean?

There are two possibilities.

The first is that the organization called New America is really hiding too well, even the Central Intelligence Agency can’t find it.

But is this possibility really realistic?

Lake Neniata was full of doubts.

Then there is only the second possibility, that is- the American Central Intelligence Agency has been infiltrated by the New America Organization.

It’s not just the Central Intelligence Agency, the American army has been infiltrated by the other party.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the fact that the weapons and equipment used by the other party are exactly the same as those of the American Army.

“No, no, no!

That’s not right!

It’s not just a simple infiltration.

Maybe this new American organization is secretly supported by some Ansa military-industrial consortium!

The purpose is to make our country of Judah behave better.

After all, America has secretly reminded us many times during this period of time to make our country of Judah behave better so that the situation in the Middle East can be calmed down a little bit, so that they can spare the spare energy to deal with the Eastern Dragon Country!

Yes, yes, yes!

It is very likely, it is really very likely!

Although there are many unreasonable places in it, this is the only way to explain the current situation.

Thinking of this, Lake Neniata’s face suddenly darkened.

It’s not just Lake Neniata.

Think tanks in many countries in the world, and even some bloggers in the private sector who often pay attention to world politics, have had such thoughts in the past few days.

There is no way.

Li Wu has done a great job of throwing the blame on America, and she has to take it even if she doesn’t want to. Not to mention the Kingdom of Judah and other countries, even America herself couldn’t help but have similar doubts.


Black Palace.

Presidential Office.

President Loudon, who hung up the phone, suddenly had a clear mind:”Even the CIA can’t find any clues. This is absolutely unreasonable! There is definitely a problem! Could it be… that the CIA has been infiltrated by the other party? Or………”

Thinking of this, his body shuddered. A similar guess to that of Lake Neniata came to his mind.

Louden was old after all.

As his body shuddered, he couldn’t control his anger.

A foul smell suddenly emanated from him.


In fact, all countries in the world have made such speculations.

At this critical juncture, there is only one possibility that makes sense.


It is not very reasonable.

In order to make Judah obedient, America can’t be so ruthless, right?

After three waves of attacks, Judah has lost too much.

America’s interests in the Middle East are linked to the strength of Judah.

The stronger Judah is, the greater the benefits America can get in the Middle East.


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