The Kingdom of Judah, the A1 base in Gaza.

The A1 base is built on a natural small hill in the north of Gaza, with excellent geographical conditions.

At the same time, there is a road connecting Gaza with the outside world.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to leave the Gaza area from the north of Gaza, you must take this road.


The strategic significance of the A1 base is very huge.

In ancient times, it was similar to places such as Shanhaiguan, Hanguguan, Jianmenguan, Hulaoguan, or Xuzhou, Jingzhou, and Hanzhong, which were places of contention for military strategists.

Because of this, the Kingdom of Judah spent a lot of manpower, material resources and money when building the A1 base.

Outside the A1 base, there are three layers inside and outside, covered with heavy barbed wire.

A number of sentry towers equipped with searchlights stand inside and outside the base.

In addition, a lot of fortifications have been built inside and outside the base.

It can be called a copper wall and iron wall.

Of course.

The copper wall and iron wall mentioned above is for Hamas, who have no heavy firepower.

For the Red Alert Corps equipped with tanks and armored vehicles, the fortifications of the A1 base are like paper.

After all, the A1 base is the largest military base of the Kingdom of Judah in the Gaza region, and it is also the headquarters of the Judah army stationed in Gaza. There are nearly a thousand soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah stationed in the entire A1 base.

In order to ensure that this base can be taken down as quickly as possible, the Red Alert Corps dispatched a total of two troops, one attacking the A1 base from the north.

The other one suddenly launched an attack from the east when the attention of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah in the A1 base was attracted by the Red Alert Corps troops attacking from the north.


“Boom boom boom boom!”

“”Boom boom boom!”

In the dark night, four Abrams tanks attacked from the north and opened fire first.

With the help of the advanced fire control system, four 120mm caliber high-explosive shells drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed accurately on the four sentry towers.


With four fierce explosions, the four sentry towers that Hamas could not handle collapsed instantly.

After destroying the four sentry towers, the four Abrams tanks did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack them as they did when they removed the Judean strongholds. Instead, they continued to fire after reloading their ammunition.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

After a brief silence, the sound of artillery fire rang out again.

Four shells soared into the sky, and soon fell from the sky under the terrified, uneasy and even desperate gazes of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah, landing on four fortifications.



Under the violent explosion, the four fortifications were instantly engulfed in flames.

When the flames dissipated, two of the fortifications had collapsed. Although the remaining two did not collapse, they were already in a shaky state, and it seemed that a slightly stronger wind could blow them down.

If it were the armies of other countries in the world, after seeing this scene, they would most likely not continue to fire another shell.

But the Red Alert Corps was different.

The Red Alert Corps soldiers who strictly followed Li Wu’s orders did not hesitate to fire again.

“”Boom boom boom!”

Four more shells were fired, two of which landed on the two shaky fortifications, completely destroying them.

The remaining two landed on other fortifications.

Round after round!

An Abrams tank can fire up to 55 120mm main gun shells. All the Abrams tanks that came out to perform the mission naturally carried 55 shells.

In addition,

Li Wu also equipped each Abrams tank with a Bradley fighting vehicle. In addition to loading ammunition supplies for infantry units, the space inside the Bradley fighting vehicle also reserved some space for loading 55 120mm caliber spare shells.

In other words, this time participating in the operation There are 20 Abrams tanks, each with 110 shells.

Plenty of shells!

The theoretical firing rate of the Abrams tank main gun is about 4 to 10 rounds per minute.

The slowest is 4 rounds per minute, and the fastest is 10 rounds per minute.

Right now.

Because the Kingdom of Judah believes that Hamas has no tanks and armored vehicles, the A1 base is not equipped with anti-armor weapons.

This results in the four Abrams tanks of the Red Alert Corps being able to fire continuously without any interference, and the firing rate is naturally the highest.

Ten rounds a minute, four tanks means forty rounds!

After three minutes of salvos, hundreds of shells were fired at the A1 base of the Kingdom of Judah, plowing a large area in the southern part of the base, and then the engines of these four tanks started.

“”Buzz, buzz, buzz!”

With a roar, four Abrams tanks, along with twenty Bradley fighting vehicles and a standard Red Alert infantry company, pressed forward aggressively.


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