In the Dark

“Beep beep beep!”

“”Beep, beep, beep!”

In the northern part of Kazakstan, in a small outpost of the Kingdom of Judah.

Strictly speaking, this outpost is not a small outpost, but a medium-sized outpost with an area of about 20,000 square meters, equivalent to the size of three standard football fields.

There are about 300 soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah stationed there.

At this moment.

The shrill air defense alarms kept echoing throughout the outpost.

One by one, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah, holding their rifles in their hands, entered different fortifications with nervous and solemn faces.

The two searchlights in the south of the outpost kept scanning back and forth in the darkness in the distance.


One of the searchlights stopped, about two or three kilometers away.

“That… that is……”

Next to the searchlight, a Judean soldier holding a tactical telescope looked at the enemy coming quickly from a distance and his face suddenly changed.

“Tanks! It’s a tank! The enemy has tanks!”

He suddenly shouted into the radio.



“Where did Hamas get its tanks?”


Just as the soldiers and officers of the Kingdom of Judah in the stronghold were confused

, a”one” appeared in the distance. Four Abrams tanks drove over in a mighty force and opened fire under the command of the on-site commander.

“”Boom boom boom!”

With a roar, four 120mm tank shells shot out from the dark barrels, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and arrived in front of the Judean stronghold.

One of them landed on the sentry tower with a searchlight installed.


In just a moment, the sentry tower, which was transformed from a two-story building, was blown down.

The other three shells landed on the other three fortifications one after another, instantly overturning the three fortifications that were in a corner.

Amid the flames and smoke, the four Abrams tanks had already arrived in front of the stronghold and drove directly into the stronghold through the gap created by the explosion.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The gun barrel roared again, and shells hit the large fortifications in the stronghold or the building where the stronghold headquarters was located.

At the same time, the Bradley fighting vehicles that followed closely also arrived.

“Boom boom boom!”

“”Da da da!”

Machine guns and machine guns fired wildly, easily tearing the bodies of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah scattered all over the stronghold.

Then, the infantry units came on the scene.

With the help of night vision goggles, they opened fire one after another, using the Bradley fighting vehicles as cover, and shot the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah who were still in a state of confusion from a distance.

When they encountered corners or houses, they either fired grenades directly into the house or used a few grenades to clean up the ground.

In less than five minutes, the stronghold of the Kingdom of Judah had been razed to the ground.

After razing this stronghold, Afterwards, the Red Alert Corps did not intend to stop at all, and went straight to the next Judah stronghold.

Not a second wasted!

After all.

There is a saying that goes like this: Speed is of the essence in war.

As for leaving so hastily, it is inevitable that some Judah soldiers will appear?

Don’t worry.

Because the Red Alert Corps troops just left, and the terrifying Red Alert military dogs came to the scene and began to further finish off the Judah soldiers who were still alive.

Under the dog’s powerful sense of smell, no Judah soldier could escape!

“Boom boom boom!”


“Da da da!”

“Boom boom boom!”


All over northern Kazakhstan, gunshots, and explosions were heard one after another.

The five Red Alert Corps troops were like five oversized bulldozers.

With the help of countless shells, no grass grew wherever they passed.

Judah soldiers – killed!

Judah fortifications – bombed!

Judah strongholds – destroyed!

After destroying one stronghold, the five troops immediately rushed to the next one.

One, one, and then another.

They attacked the city and captured the stronghold.

They were unstoppable.






The Bubble Plan went more smoothly than Li Wu had imagined!

Within an hour, more than half of the 42 strongholds of the Kingdom of Judah in northern Gaza were easily eliminated by the Red Alert Corps.

What a terrifying record!

After all, you know.

On the battlefield of Big Mao and Second Mao in Europe, the two sides fought fiercely for a whole day, and they might not even be able to capture a small block.

After all, even Big Mao can’t be like the Red Alert Corps, venting artillery shells like crazy as if it’s free.

This is all wasteful money!

The Red Alert base is different.

The logistics supply center produces this kind of ordinary ammunition, which is so cheap that it seems to be free.


Thank you for the monthly ticket and 1000v reward from Onmyoji boss! Thank you very much! Big boss is awesome!

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