After the Red Alert lieutenant finished his harsh words, the camera lens swept over the tall and mighty bodies and faces full of Western masculine style of each Red Alert soldier.

Then, the camera swept over them one by one.

PASGT helmets!

Kevlar bulletproof vests!

ESS·Profile NVG goggles!

M4 carbine with M9 multi-purpose bayonet!

M16A4 assault rifle!

M203 grenade launcher!

FIM-92 Stinger air defense missile launcher!

FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile launcher!

Radio intercom、AN/PVS-Type 7 night vision goggles, multi-function watches, multi-function tactical backpacks, etc., etc., without exception, all of them are American Army equipment.

And they are all brand new!

As the camera swept over them.


The camera quickly zoomed out, allowing everyone to appear in the frame.

Everyone raised their left arms in unison, raised their left arms forward forty-five degrees, and put their fingers together and pointed forward.

Emphasize the left arm, not the right arm.


In unison, in extremely pure American English, they spoke:”For the real America, as long as the Jews do not leave the land where the Baths have lived since ancient times, as long as the great America is still secretly controlled by the Jewish consortium, as long as any American is still alive, then the war will continue!”

“The time has come, the most evil enemy of Judah in the world at all times, let them stop playing for at least a thousand years”

“Glory to the New America!”

“Glory belongs only to Ansa!””

The voices of 160 people were in unison.

Although they were all standard American English.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that each of them has a slightly different pronunciation.

Some have a New York accent, some have a Chicago accent, and some have a Boston accent, and so on.

Every Red Alert soldier can master a language proficiently, and that is the Chinese used by the commander Li Wu.

But in order to cause as big a sensation as possible, and also to completely confuse America and buy more time for the development of the base.

Therefore, Li Wu also spent 10 more points on each person, so that each of them mastered American English, and each of them had an accent from a different state and city in America.


After the video was shot,

Li Wu watched it first.

“Hehehe, I really don’t want to poke, this video will definitely cause an uproar around the world once it comes out, and America will definitely be very confused”

“”Oh, Mike!”

Li Wu suddenly smiled and looked at the Red Alert Lieutenant Mike.

“Commander, what do you want me to do?”

Mike responded quickly.

“How did you come up with this gesture?”

Li Wu pointed at the replica of the Zena Li gesture that the Red Alert soldiers raised at a 45-degree angle on the screen and asked.

“Report to the commander, the new American organization we are planning will be an extreme Anglo-Saxon organization. Using this gesture can further highlight the extremism of the new American organization and cause as much sensation as possible around the world.”Mike explained.

“Interesting… Yes, this is a good idea!”

“”Thank you, Commander, for your compliments.”

After finishing the conversation with Mike, Li Wu directly handed the video to the base’s intelligent system. The base’s intelligent system quickly uploaded the video to the discussion channels of the world’s major websites about the incident last night through the wireless network.

Just like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

As soon as this video came out.


For a moment, the whole world exploded.

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone was stunned.


In a certain office building in Shanghai , a worker who was just passing the time by browsing the forum was suddenly stunned.

Then, his eyes widened, his mouth opened, and he jumped up, screaming like he saw a ghost:”Oh my god!!!” Suddenly, his colleagues around him looked at him with puzzled eyes.

“I said, Cai Kunxu, what’s wrong with you? Why are you so startled?”

“That’s right, KunKun, what happened?”

“What happened, A Kun?”


Seeing Cai Kunxu dumbfounded, everyone started asking.

“Big, big, big, big… Big news everyone, America seems to be in turmoil! The American version of the Zinna organization has appeared!”


Please give me some free flowers! Please give me some free evaluation tickets! Please give me some monthly tickets! Please give me some rewards! Please give me everything! Oh my! Please give me some free flowers and evaluation tickets!

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