Because they were worried about being attacked by Hamas militants, all the buildings within one kilometer around the stronghold of the Kingdom of Judah were razed to the ground by them with explosives, leaving no shelter.

At the same time, searchlights illuminated the surrounding open space.

It was not so easy to get close.

If you approach directly, you will definitely be ruthlessly shot by the soldiers on duty on the sentry towers.

For the poorly equipped Hamas militants, it was really too difficult to launch an effective attack on the stronghold of the Kingdom of Judah.

It would be better to continue to fight guerrilla warfare with the Kingdom of Judah in the city.

But for the Red Alert Force that Li Wu had invested heavily in, it was completely different.

Outside the military stronghold of the Kingdom of Judah, in more than one kilometer of ruins, four Red Alert infantry platoons, with the help of night vision goggles, arrived at the combat site silently.

Although Li Wu was the commander-in-chief of the Red Alert base, he was just an ordinary worker before that. He had not received any military training, let alone military command ability.

Therefore, he completely handed over the command of this military operation to the Red Alert soldiers who had actual combat experience and ten years of military career.

As a man, you still have to have some sense.

If you can’t command, don’t command blindly, or you will be in trouble if you give a stupid order like moving the machine gun forward five meters. There are four Red Alert infantry platoons, each with a Javelin missile system and three Javelin missiles.

“Report, target number one has been successfully locked!”

“Report, target number two has been successfully locked!”

“Report, target number three has been successfully locked!”

The night was shrouded in darkness.

Three Red Alert soldiers, carrying Javelin anti-tank missile systems on their shoulders, quickly aimed at the three Judean sentry towers standing in a corner in the distance.

Their eyes were as sharp as eagles, and they locked onto the target tightly, not daring to slack off.

After confirming that the target was locked correctly, they immediately conveyed the information to other teammates through the radio system in their helmets.

“All javelin units, please open fire after the five-second countdown!”

A Red Alert soldier who was temporarily elected as the on-site commander calmly issued an order and began a rapid countdown:







With the last order, the three Red Alert soldiers did not hesitate and pulled the trigger of the Javelin system.




In the darkness, three balls of fire suddenly lit up, accompanied by the sound of flames.

Three Javelin anti-tank missiles dragged long tails of flames, piercing the night sky like lightning, and flew straight towards the target.

After flying three or four meters out of the barrel, the main propulsion rocket ignited.

In an instant, the Javelin missile, which was originally flying at a speed of only 30 meters per second, suddenly accelerated.

50 meters per second! 100 meters per second!

200 meters per second!

450 meters per second!

The maximum speed of the Javelin missile can reach 531.8 meters per second, but before it reached its maximum speed, it had already crossed a distance of more than 1,000 meters and landed accurately on the three sentry towers.




Instantly, the sound of explosions resounded through the sky, and flames shot up into the sky.

The platforms on top of the three sentry towers were immediately engulfed in flames, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Judah on duty on the top platforms were directly blown away by the blast, falling from the top of the towers 20 to 30 meters high.

As the three javelins hit, the searchlights of the three towers suddenly dimmed.

“All units, pay attention, the whole army will attack, follow the order of the commander, and fight quickly and decisively, without saving bullets! End the battle and retreat to the base before the Jewish support troops and Hamas armed forces arrive!”

Almost at the same time when the three watchtowers were hit, the calm command of the on-site commander sounded in the radio channel of the Red Alert soldiers.

The next moment, one by one, the Red Alert soldiers, armed to the teeth, rushed out of the ruins with the help of night vision goggles and attacked the stronghold of the Kingdom of Judah in the dark.

At this time, since sending ground troops into Gaza, the Kingdom of Judah has suffered countless attacks of all sizes.

So their reaction is still very fast.

After the three watchtowers were destroyed by the javelin, within a few seconds, the sharp and loud”beep beep” air defense alarm sounded.

One by one, the soldiers of the National Defense Force of Judah on duty quickly came to support the southern part of the stronghold that was attacked.

In the dark night, the Red Alert soldiers, all equipped with night vision goggles, saw it very clearly.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

With the help of night vision goggles, the snipers in the team fired quickly and easily killed the soldiers of Judah who showed up one by one.

This made the remaining soldiers of Judah suddenly become turtles, hiding in bunkers and not daring to come out, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

However, their failure to show up did not mean that the Red Alert soldiers could do nothing to them.

After all, each standard Red Alert squad was equipped with two M203 gun-mounted howitzers!


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