Red Alert 1895

Chapter 770: The situation is not optimistic (Part 1)

Elections for councilors at all levels were also carried out at the grassroots level, and the elections for county councilors were held first. As a result, the situation in those elections was nothing short of trivial. Such a situation made Wang Guorui feel extremely speechless when he heard the report in the capital. .

"Your Majesty, according to the statistical data sent by various places, there are a lot of election problems in Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shanghai and other eastern and southeastern provinces and cities. There have been 1,200 cases of election bribery. , There were more than 800 elections that were threatened, and more than 6,000 elections that did not follow the procedures. Especially all kinds of elections that did not follow the procedures and had various problems. Bribing elections and coercing elections is nothing more than that. Opening a blank check, saying that as long as they become members of parliament, the government will not collect taxes! There are even various conditions, and all kinds of blank checks have come out, which is simply appalling."

"There are still many strange things that happened. There was a Peking opera actor from Shandong, and he was a famous actor in the local area. After he passed the political power test, he actually went to sing for the people. As a result, after singing, a large number of people wrote Wanmin The book supports him. And those common people don’t know what the opera actor is doing, and they all choose to support him after listening to the opera, they think they have made money after listening to the opera for nothing!”

"The election bribery is even more bizarre. Some bribe with money, which is still routine. Some even just take ten catties of rice casually, and the lowest price is to send an egg to get the people to support him. "

"and also…"

Wang Guorui's imperial concubine saw the director of the Secretary Bureau, Quan Zhixian, report the statistical data sent from various places, and Wang Guorui couldn't help closing her eyes after hearing it. When the ministers heard this, their expressions became very strange. This election is really weird. Local councilors have been elected by bribery, and even an actor has sung Peking Opera, so people are going to support him. Even ten catties of rice and one egg were exchanged for a so-called vote. These are not just that, there are many, many such examples, which are simply absurd. It made everyone feel shocked.

When the elections at the bottom are so messy, the faces of these ministers are also hot. In fact, none of these ministers think that democracy is good. These guys come back from studying in the United Kingdom and the United States, and they all have more or less democratic ideas. But now reality actually slapped them. Didn't expect this result? This is really shocking and unexpected. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. It's just too weird.

"What do you think?" Wang Guorui asked.

And those ministers couldn't say a word, and then bowed their heads in silence. The current election seems to be a mess. It is impossible to be elected.

"Do you know why I demanded that I have to take an exam if I want to gain political rights?" Wang Guorui asked.

The ministers looked at each other, and then all smiled wryly. Wang Guorui first asked for a test on political rights, and then he could have political rights only after passing the test, and this caused a lot of controversy at the beginning. Because some people think this is an unfair treatment of their own citizens, because since Wang Guorui allows citizens to vote, he should cover all powers, and everyone over the age of 18 should have the right to vote. Many people have been influenced by the so-called idea of ​​equality, and believe that every citizen should be treated fairly, so that they all have the right to vote fairly. Rather than such an exam to have.

If this test is established, they think it is a violation of the fair rights of an adult common people. It is believed that doing so is infringing on everyone's basic rights, so the person who needs to take an exam to obtain political rights is setting up obstacles. So there were many people talking about it at the time, because elections were either not allowed or it was completely dictatorial. However, Wang Guorui opened up the election, but set up obstacles out of thin air. Isn't this deliberately deceiving people? According to the pass rate of this exam, although it is not difficult for a person with a primary school education. But at present, how many people in China can have a primary school degree, and how many people have the ability equivalent to a primary school degree? I'm afraid that one percent of people don't have it, and many of these things are not available to ordinary people.

Wang Guorui's act of obtaining political rights through this exam. It is completely deliberately setting up obstacles to exclude more than 90% of the people in the country from the voters. Isn't this deliberately deceiving people? Since elections are allowed, it is only fair that elections should be open.

Moreover, Wang Guorui established the so-called hidden hierarchy of citizens. In the archives of the civil affairs department, citizens of different ethnic identities have different levels. Only you and the files in the civil affairs know, and these citizen levels also have different election values. One vote counts as one vote for first-class citizens, two counts as one vote for second-class citizens, four counts as one vote for third-class citizens, and eight counts as one vote for fourth-class citizens. And Wang Guorui is not satisfied with doing so. A political rights test will be set up again, which is completely deceiving people!

Some people opposed it at the time, and some even questioned the policy in newspapers. However, Wang Guorui still forced it, and now seeing the situation, everyone knows that Wang Guorui has worked hard with good intentions.

"You should all have seen how these people are elected one by one? If I let go of the election and completely let go of the so-called democracy, what will be the result? What will happen to them, how will they vote? I'm afraid , At that time, a bag of rice, an egg, and even went to listen to a play, and in the end, he gave up his divine power. Could it be that their votes, their power, are worth only a bag of rice, an egg , or even listen to a play? If it were you, would you vote for a bag of rice, an egg, or just listen to a play? " Wang Guorui asked.

"No!" Everyone said immediately.

As the princes above the imperial court, which one of them is short of money? Of course, there may be some incorruptible officials, but incorruptible officials will not give up their sacred power like this! This electoral power is their sacred power, and they will not sell their sacred power for a bag of rice, an egg, or even just listening to a play. These are petty profits, or even petty profits are not considered to them. Of course, they would not sell their divine power for these things.

"You know that this ballot cannot be sold, but why do the people sell it? To put it bluntly, even if it is sold, it must be sold at a good price, right? A bag of rice, an egg, and a play, put your own The power has been sold. Could it be that the sacred power given to them by the constitution is so cheap? Even if you want to sell it, give me a good price, right?" Wang Guorui snorted.

Those who agree with democracy in their hearts don't dare to fart now. They didn't expect that the election would have such a result, which made them totally unexpected. This period is too funny, a sacred ballot is actually sold for the price of an egg. Of course, this kind of election is illegal, and it does not conform to the process of election of members. But this reflects a problem. The people don't know what an election is, and they even regard this election as a show. They don't realize the importance of this political right.

If the election is really held by the whole people, then one person will get one vote, but those people will sell their votes just for one egg. And at such a price, the cost of that printed ballot might be higher than the price of an egg! If so, isn't that too hilarious? But everyone couldn't laugh anymore, because such an intuitive reality slapped them directly, making them unable to say a word at all.

"This is the so-called democracy, the so-called democracy. Democracy is a good thing, I don't think democracy is a bad thing, and I think that in the future, the people must be the masters of the country. Even if I am the emperor, I know the general trend of the future. I I don’t intend to be a car in this situation. But democracy, are the people really ready for democracy? Do they really understand what democracy Really understand what power they can have ?They can now sell their sacred rights for an egg and watch a play, that is to say, in their eyes, their votes are not as valuable as an egg, and they even think they have earned it."

"I treat the people with sincerity, and I am willing to formulate a constitution, to give them democracy, and to give them power. But how do they do it? They squandered the kindness I gave them and the power that the constitution gave them so easily. In their eyes, is the Constitution so insignificant?”

"They don't take the power given to them by the Constitution seriously, so how can they treat the Constitution correctly? They have no idea of ​​ruling the country by law, and they are not prepared for it at all. They don't have accurate judgment at all, especially in politics. If they are given political rights hastily, there will inevitably be serious consequences in the end. At that time, the country will split and warlords will fight. They are all accustomed to following the trend instead of fighting for their own power. It’s like you let a person who has been hungry for a long time, you tell him that he can have political rights, but how will he answer? Maybe in his eyes, this so-called political rights are not as good as a bowl of hot noodle soup.”

"So, the current election situation is not optimistic!" (To be continued.)

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