Red Alert 1895

Chapter 734: Army reorganization (3)

"After all, Li He is a veteran with relatively deep qualifications. In our China, ability is not enough, and seniority is not enough. Even in China, there are qualifications in foreign countries. There is no such thing as ability in this world. , so qualifications are also very important. Therefore, Li He's qualifications are deeper and easier to be accepted by them. As for Sa Zhenbing, he still lacks some qualifications at present. It is better to let him raise the level first and accumulate some qualifications in Nanyang. Then after a few years, I can take over the position." Zheng Hong said.

But Wang Guorui thought about it for a while. Li He's qualifications are indeed relatively advanced, and Nanyang really needs a general who is good at landing operations to command, so it is more suitable for Sa Zhenbing to stay in Nanyang for a few years to accumulate qualifications, and then strive to be able to fight again. Bringing out an "apprentice" to take over the defense duties of this Nanyang, that's fine.

"Okay, if this is the case, then let Li Helai take over as the chief of staff of the navy, and let Sa Zhenbing take charge of the Nanyang theater. Now let's redefine the theater, and in my plan, there will be Seven major theaters. These seven major theaters have their own defense areas, their own combat missions, and their own imaginary enemies. The seven major theaters are the Gyeonggi Theater, the Mongolia Theater, the Northeast Theater, the Northwest Theater, the Southwest Theater, and the Southeast Theater, Nanyang theater. Next, the defense map of this theater will be responsible for the respective defense zones."

The seven major military regions formulated by Wang Guorui are not the so-called seven major military regions of China in later generations, and these seven major military regions are different from the seven major military regions of later generations. First of all, the Northeast Theater is responsible for the defense of the three provinces in the Northeast, which is somewhat similar to the Shenyang Military Region in later generations. However, his imaginary enemy is different. The main imaginary enemy of the Shenyang Military Region in later generations is Lao Maozi. In this era, because of the lack of scientific and technological strength of Lao Maozi, it is impossible to send a large army to fight in Far Eastern Siberia. The task of all Northeast theaters is not only to maintain the stability of the Northeast region, but also to defend against Japanese invasion. Now North Korea is still under the control of Japan, so the Japanese can cross the Yalu River from North Korea to attack the Northeast at any time, and then the Northeast theater must be defended against the Japanese. Moreover, the Northeast Theater will also assume the responsibility of liberating North Korea in the future, so the target imaginary enemy is not the old man of the Shenyang Military Region in later generations, but the Japanese.

As for the Gyeonggi theater. It includes the later generations of the Beijing Military Region↓↘↓↘↓↘↓↘, m.▽+m, and the merger of the two military regions of the Jinan Military Region, but it does not include Inner Mongolia, which is also the defense area of ​​the Gyeonggi Military Region. The Gyeonggi Military Region is very obvious, that is, it is responsible for the important task of protecting the Gyeonggi area, and it is obviously a very important place.

As for the Mongolian war zone, the responsibility is to be in charge of the entire Mongolian region, including not only the Inner Mongolia of later generations, but also the so-called Outer Mongolia. The main responsibility of this Mongolian theater is also to deal with the Russians. Their main target of defense is the Russians. The Mongolian military region can be the first gateway to protect the important areas of Gyeonggi, so they undertook the defense against the Russians and protected the capital. And they also have to undertake the future strategy for Russia's Siberia and the Far East. They are the main force against Russia, and the Northeast Theater is just an auxiliary.

The Southeast Theater is composed of the merged regions of the later Nanjing Military Region and the Guangzhou Military Region, and of course Taiwan. The future southeast theater actually belongs to the strategic reserve force of the entire country. Their troops usually maintain the tranquility of the southeast region, and then they can support each other during combat. if. It's just what if, if one day Russia broke through the Mongolian military region and directly attacked the Gyeonggi area. At this time, the Southeast Military Region must be responsible for mobilizing troops from land and sea to the Gyeonggi region for support, and undertake the follow-up support logistics tasks for operations in the Gyeonggi region, effectively supporting the Gyeonggi region against the Russian invasion.

And if the Nanyang side is invaded by Western troops, they must also support and protect the Nanyang region when necessary. And if the fighting in the Nanyang area is tight, then when troops are transferred from the north. The southeast theater must also do a good job in the transfer of personnel and materials in the middle to ensure that soldiers from the north can transfer to the Nanyang region as quickly as possible to protect the Nanyang region. Therefore, the combat mission planning of this southeast theater belongs to the strategic reserve team of the Gyeonggi theater and the Nanyang theater, and it undertakes the task of transferring logistics materials in the direction of Laihangge. It is an important hub for exchanges between northern China and the Nanyang region. up.

As for the Southwest Theater. The goal is also very obvious. The Southwest Theater is a replica of the later Chengdu Military Region, and their main defense goal is to defend India. At present, India is still a colony of the United Kingdom, so it is actually preventing the United Kingdom from attacking from the direction of India, and can fight against India when necessary. And Wang Guorui's goal is to wait until the outbreak of the First World War in the future, let the Southwest Military Region fight against India and grab India.

As for whether the First World War will break out, Wang Guorui is not worried. Because the conflict between old and new forces in the West has intensified, and the arms race has reached its peak, sooner or later they will break out in war. This is inevitable, and it will have an impact if Wang Guorui does not appear.

On the one hand, the theater of the Northwest Military Region is to prevent the Russians from invading Xinjiang, and it is also to defend and suppress some local people with ulterior motives in Xinjiang. As for who these guys are, this—you get the idea! Of course, they still have a mission. In the future, the Southwest Military Region will attack the Middle East generation together, and strive to seize it as soon as possible while there are no powerful countries in the Middle East during this period, and it is still a colony of various countries. As for why they want to rob the Middle East, of course all fools know this. Although the Middle East is still extremely impoverished at present, the future will be full of local tyrants! Those local tyrants in the Middle East have killed those richest men in the world one after another in later generations. Although those Middle Eastern oil tyrants have no status in the world, they seem to be fools with a lot of money.

Why are they so rich, isn't it the oil in the ground? Petroleum will definitely be the most important energy source in the world in the future, even more important than electricity. Even if the price of oil goes up and down in the future, that cannot conceal the importance of oil, nor the value of oil. So in the future, in order to gain more voice in the world in the future, before everyone knows the importance of the Middle East, grab it quickly, so that you can gain more benefits and voice in the future. At that time, whoever was disobedient and directly raised the price of oil, even without the threat of war, was enough for them to drink a pot.

The last Nanyang theater is naturally very obvious. In addition to maintaining the stability of the Nanyang region, suppressing local aborigines, protecting the Chinese from exploiting local resources, and protecting the safety of Chinese immigrants, the Nanyang theater also has the most important task of guarding the Strait of Malacca, the hub of East-West trade. The Strait of Malacca is an important hub of exchanges between the East and the West, but it is currently in the hands of the West, Sumatra is in the hands of the Dutch, and the other half is in the hands of the British. Although Wang Guorui married the Queen of the Netherlands, it does not mean that Wang Guorui can control the Netherlands, nor does it mean that Sumatra Island also belongs to Wang Guorui. This kind of thing is very clearly divided in Europe, and they will not give up easily because of emotional reasons. After all, brothers have to settle accounts clearly!

The Nanyang Theater is responsible for guarding the Strait of Malacca, the road from the West to the East. If they encounter a Western naval invasion, they must attack.

In terms of force distribution, the Gyeonggi theater will be dominated by the army and supplemented by the navy. The Northeast Theater is dominated by the army, but is equipped with a very small number of navies. The Mongolian theater will be dominated by the army, and the army will be equipped with a not weak cavalry force. The Northwest theater is all army, no navy, and the army prefers desert combat troops, and they will open up to the Middle East in the future. The Southwest Military Region will mainly focus on troops who are good at mountain warfare, because there are mountains and must be good at mountain and plateau warfare.

The southeast theater is dominated by troops with a relatively balanced army and navy. Their navy is mainly transport and **** troops, and there are relatively few battleships. Because the combat tasks they undertake will be the task of transferring materials and soldiers, so there is no need for such a large force. force. However, the strategic fleet, that is, the Sword-class battleship, will be deployed in this southeast theater in the future, but it will be directly under the command of the Navy Headquarters, and they are only stationed here. Because the southeast theater can communicate with the north and the south, when necessary, it can go north to protect the capital Gyeonggi area, and go south to support the Nanyang theater and resist the invasion of Westerners.

As for the last Nanyang Military Region, it is a place that is completely dominated by the navy. The navy of the Nanyang Military Region is very large, accounting for at least 60% of Taiwan's naval power. There are not only battleships and cruisers, but also many destroyers, frigates, landing craft and other troops. In the future, the submarine force will also be deployed in the Southeast Asia region. And they will also be equipped with a certain amount of marines, which will be used as a rapid counter force to suppress the indigenous rebellion. There will not be too many armies in their Nanyang theater, at most it is just one army, which is mainly responsible for defending the islands of Borneo.

The East Borneo Military Region, the West Borneo Military Region, and the troops stationed in the Philippines, which were originally divided by Nanyang, will be merged into one Nanyang Military Region. Therefore, the strength and strategic status of the Nanyang theater is actually second only to the Gyeonggi theater, and its status is much higher than other theaters. (To be continued.)

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