Red Alert 1895

Chapter 674: Killing a Chicken for the Monkey to Watch (Part 1)

"According to my analysis, just now Seymour kept hinting that as long as the interests of their overseas nationals are protected, the British Empire will not continue to take care of them. This is actually the British intending to end the war decently, so we might as well satisfy them The idea of ​​making the British leave!" Li Enfu said.

Feng Wentian asked: "Is it so cheap for them? They came to our China, and they don't need to pay compensation. Instead, we want to give them a decent end to the war?"

"Then do we have a solution? If we don't give the British face, then we will really offend the British to death. Can we afford it? In the final analysis, our power is not enough. If the British really Fight with us as hard as we can, and then the British are pulling some other countries to fight with us. Let’s not talk about whether we can fight, even if we can. They are many countries, and almost all of them have achieved industrialization We are a country that has not yet fully realized industrialization, and the mainland has not been able to develop industrialization at all. Even if Mr. Wang can obtain weapons through other means, how much we will delay development! You know, we will delay One year, the development speed of these European countries must be faster. We are almost starting from scratch, and we are already far behind. If we are delayed by the war again, then we will lose even more. Every time we have to fight the British , so it is right to give him some face. The bigger the country, the more face it needs. If they lose face, they will naturally not be able to rule the world. What's more, the British are not trying to extort too much from us this time. We let them It’s fine to go back with some decent ones.”

Wang Guorui immediately asked: "You mean to sign a treaty with the British. Since they came here to protect the interests of their overseas Chinese, then we will sign a statement with them, willing to protect the legal interests of their British expatriates, so that they can also Choose to reconcile with us?"

Li Enfu replied: "Yes. I think that since they already know that things cannot be done, they will naturally choose to reconcile with us, and then end the war with dignity. We only need to declare to protect the legitimate interests of their British expatriates. In this way, they will also Don’t care too much about it. Anyway, we won’t pay each other, so we can do whatever we want.”

"As for the other side. It's actually very simple. We should focus on the Russians, Japanese and Americans. They are the ones who really want to bite off a piece of meat from us. So we must One of them must be severely hit, and then the other two will be deterred, so that the other two will not dare to act rashly. And we will hit one of them, specifically to show those Western countries our strength and our attitude, so that we can also let They are deterred. If we completely 'kill' one of them, all countries in the world will know that we are ruthless. They will think about it before going to war with us again. Therefore, what we have to consider is to deal with the Russians, Japanese, or American?"

Feng Wentian immediately said: "Master Wang, I suggest to clean up the Japanese, clean up all the Japanese, kill the Japanese chicken, and show the world our strength! Besides, the Japanese are too annoying, this This kind of national wolfish ambition, we must kill their chickens and let them see our strength."

soon. We also have many people who agree to kill the chicken of the Japanese. Because many of the generals who are working here came from Taiwan together. They started in Taiwan to fight against Japan, so naturally they have the least favorable impression of the Japanese. So they heard about killing one of the chickens. In this way, the first choice is also Japanese. However, although the military said so, Li Enfu, who was on the government side, obviously had a different idea.

"Master Wang, I don't think so, I think Americans should be killed!" Li Enfu said.

"Kill the Americans? The Americans don't have much hatred for us! What's more, the Japanese are ambitious. They want to occupy our territory. Can we let him go?" someone said unhappily.

Li Enfu shook his head and said: "I don't think so. The Japanese are indeed one of our first targets geographically. But we also have to consider our next plan. Didn't Mr. Wang say that the military should serve politics It is impossible for us not to consider our next political plan. Our next plan is to consider the unification of the whole country, and then develop the domestic economy. Build domestic industries. This will inevitably cost a lot of wealth, and also There is a lot of labor. So our current plan is to unify the country, then reform the domestic economic and social system, and build domestic industry."

"But if we kill all these Japanese here, it means that we have formed a blood feud with the Japanese, and they will not be resolved so easily. At that time, they may be overly stimulated and directly arm hundreds of people. Wan Dajun came to confront us. The Japanese are too close to us and can threaten us at any time. Of course we are not afraid of them, but once they become crazy and expand their army by millions, the pressure on our national defense must be great. At that time, we must be in the The Northeast, Shandong, Zhejiang, and even the southeast coast deployed large armies at any time to prevent millions of Japanese from invading us at any time. Even if the millions of armies did not have many weapons, their numbers were enough to make people fearful. At that time The troops along the northeast and southeast coasts must maintain a combat state at all times and prepare for war at any time. Once they maintain a state of war readiness for a long time, they will consume a lot of resources, and even the southeast coast will stop developing for a long time."

"The United States is different. The United States is a whole Pacific Ocean away from us! It is completely impossible for them to send millions of troops to the expedition. Even if they send 90,000 troops, it is already very remarkable. The limit of sending ability. So even if we slaughtered these tens of thousands of Americans, what can the Americans do to me? They have the ability to send millions of troops to the expedition, but this is impossible. Sending a few Ten thousand people are useless at all, this is also a problem of delivery capacity.”

Li Enfu's meaning is very obvious, that is, the Japanese is a lunatic who is close to his home, and a lunatic who is quite strong. Although China is not afraid of this lunatic, China's current plan is not to quarrel with this lunatic, but to clean up its own house, and to make trouble with this lunatic is asking for trouble. If the time comes, the Japanese will be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Even if they can't beat you, they can still disgust you and make you unable to develop. In the next few years, China will focus on developing its internal affairs rather than confronting Japan desperately. Even if he can't beat you, if a lot of Japanese people go crazy and want to disgust you to death, then you will really feel bad.

But the Americans are different. The Americans are separated by the entire Pacific Ocean. It is impossible for them to send a large army to attack China, and they cannot even threaten the slightest bit of China. The United States of this era is not the United States of later generations that covers the whole world and can carry out global strikes at any time. It is impossible for them to send millions of troops on expeditions, and they simply cannot mobilize millions of troops. Even the transportation and delivery capacity can at most send tens of thousands across the Pacific Ocean, which is nothing to China. ,

So this means that if you want to offend someone, should you offend someone who is far away from you or someone who is close to you? If you offend the Japanese who are close to you, then your next national defense must be under great pressure. At that time, millions of Japanese fighters will be by your side, and at that time you will have to worry about him attacking you at any time. Even if you are not afraid of others, why bother? Since ancient times, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no reason for a thousand days to prevent a thief. If the Japanese are really driven crazy, then China will face the result of a thousand days to defend against a thief. If you offend the Americans, it is impossible for the Americans to come to you for revenge. It doesn't make any difference whether you defend yourself or not.

In the future, isn't China going to continue to fight If the **** of the **** in its own country has not been resolved, is it going to confront Japan at any time and start a war? Once it falls into the state of guarding against thieves for a thousand days, it will definitely seriously delay economic development, and it will seriously slow down the progress of domestic social system reform, economic system and industrial construction.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we'll take care of the Americans! We'll use the American chicken to show the Europeans and Japanese!" Wang Guorui said.

If he had the ability, Wang Guorui would never let the Japanese go, and it would be best if he could destroy Japan. However, the reality does not allow it. In the case of destroying the Japanese and developing and reforming domestic affairs, Wang Guorui still chooses to give priority to domestic development. Revenge is necessary, but you can't give up all your vital development opportunities for revenge. As the leader of a country, it is no longer his own business, so in the opportunity of national development and revenge against the Japanese, it is more important to choose for the development of the country. Anyway, there is no rush for revenge, and it can be done at any time when the country is strong. But it is really stupid to ruin the golden time of the country's development for the sake of revenge. There is no need to give up the golden time of the past few years in order to fight against the Japanese. The British have been fighting with the Boers for the past few years. They have no time to interfere with China. Get things done as soon as possible in these few years. If you miss this golden time for development and reform in order to avenge and vent your anger with the Japanese, then no amount of money will really make up for it in the future. (To be continued.)

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