Red Alert 1895

Chapter 621: Traitor, 0 tolerance (Part 1)

Soon, more than a thousand puppet troops from the Huayong camp were **** with their hands, and then escorted to the capital. ☆→☆→, and these soldiers don't know what fate they will face. And these soldiers of the Huayong Battalion didn't know what their fate would be. When they were sent to the capital, they were immediately put on public trial. And this public trial seems to have a very simple form, that is, a judge shouts at them, asking them to answer these things yes or no.

"Did you join the British army?" cried the judge through the megaphone.

"Yes! Please, my lord, spare your life!" The soldiers of the Huayong Camp replied loudly.

"Did you offer to help the British come to attack our position?" cried the judge.

"Yes! Please spare your life, my lord, we have already surrendered!"

The judge immediately said bluntly: "According to our latest law, any citizen of his nationality who joins a foreign army, attacks his own country, or facilitates the invasion of a foreign army is considered a crime of treason. So , all will be sentenced to death. Unless you can take the initiative to repent when our army is at a disadvantage, and then fight back, you will be able to reduce your sentence. However, you belong to surrender when our army is in a strong position, and it does not count as repentance and active surrender. Therefore, you are sentenced to death according to the law. Pull them down and behead them all for public display!"

"What?" "We have surrendered, how can you kill us?" "Yes! We have surrendered, how can you kill us?" "We have surrendered, you can't kill us!"...

When the soldiers of the Huayong Battalion heard this, they panicked. They never thought that the Taiwanese army would kill them after they surrendered, which obviously made them speechless. In their thinking, they are nothing but grass, and when the British are strong, they rely on the British. Because the British never withhold military pay and insult soldiers. So they feel that it is not bad to give their lives to the British. Anyway, they don't have any national thinking. They just think that whoever gives them money and treats them well will follow him. And this time they fought for the British, it was also because the British paid them military salaries, and then they worked hard for the British. And once you encounter a disadvantage. They also hope that they are all Chinese, and then voluntarily surrender to avoid death.

But what surprised them was that these Taiwanese continued to kill them, and they wanted to kill so many people at a time, which made them feel terrified. More than a thousand people voluntarily surrendered, but they were still killed. They will be killed if they surrender. This is not in line with the thinking of ordinary people! They surrendered because they hoped to survive, but now they still have to be killed if they surrender, so why not try their best at that time?

"Stay here. Prepare for public beheading!" cried the judge.

When more than a thousand captives from the Huayong camp were escorted to Caishikou in the capital, all the people around them were shocked. Because this time, more than a thousand people will be killed at once, and there has never been such a cruelty since ancient times. Even in the Qing Dynasty, there were almost no killings of thousands of people at a time! Except when the Manchu Qing Dynasty was founded, there was a great literary inquisition, killing countless people. After Daoguang, there has been no literary inquisition for decades. The emperors of the Qing Dynasty also knew that it was impossible to continue to engage in literary inquisition. If they wanted to engage in literary inquisition, they would have committed suicide.

But. Even if it is a literal prison, it will not kill so many people at once. Literary inquisitions are also beheaded batch by batch, and more than a thousand people will not be beheaded all at once. So this time beheading more than a thousand people at once is unprecedented. Apart from the battlefield, where else would they kill so many people at once? And here is the execution ground, where thousands of people are executed at a time. This is really terrible. Almost all the people in the capital came out one after another, hoping to see this unprecedented beheading scene. This decapitation must be recorded in the history books, so everyone doesn't want to miss this kind of situation!

"My lord, it's noon. Get ready..." said the supervisor.

"Wait!" a man's voice yelled.

And the execution officer saw this person, and immediately said: "Master Wang, you are..."

The person who came was Wang Guorui, and the beheading was suspended.

And the beheading officer frowned quickly, because according to Wang Guorui's usual rules, he would not easily interfere with judicial trials. But this time Wang Guorui sent the Huayong camp of more than 1,000 people here for the court to conduct a trial. And the court judged according to the provisions of the law, because this kind of traitor must be killed. In Taiwan's laws, there is only one way to kill traitors. Only those who can take the initiative to repent and surrender when China is at a disadvantage can slightly reduce their sentences. But if you surrender when China is in a strong position, you will definitely be killed, and your sentence cannot be commuted. Therefore, these traitors must be executed. However, this time Wang Guorui actually took the initiative to stop the execution, which made them all murmur. The beheading officer is a member of the judicial system. Generally speaking, he would not directly accept Wang Guorui's orders, and Wang Guorui seldom gave direct orders to officials of the judicial system.

The soldiers of the Huayong Battalion breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. They thought that Wang Guorui had changed his mind and wanted to spare them.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for not killing me!" "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for not killing me!"...

However, Wang Guorui said a desperate sentence: "Wait until three quarters in the afternoon!"


There was a sudden silence at the scene, and even the people who were talking a lot stopped talking, because this 3:00 noon was unusual.

According to ancient customs, even the execution of the death penalty is exquisite. In many TV dramas in later generations, it is said that the death penalty is executed at 3:00 noon, but in fact it is not the case. Most of the executions were carried out at noon, that is, at eleven o'clock in the morning. And this time is the time when the yang energy is gradually rising, and the ancients believed that killing is a "yin matter". If you kill someone at another time, there is no so-called "yang energy" that can deter the ghosts, and the ghosts will come to those supervisors and executioners. People like executioners, so they must be cut at noon to avoid the entanglement of ghosts.

However, in the so-called beheading, there is actually a difference in severity. Generally, the death row prisoners are beheaded at noon, when the yang energy has just risen, allowing these death row prisoners to be ghosts. And for those particularly serious criminals, such as those involved in treason or other heinous acts, they will be beheaded at three quarters in the afternoon, that is, at eleven forty-five in the afternoon, when the sun is at its strongest, It is considered to be the most yang energy, so these condemned prisoners did not even act as ghosts.

Therefore, in later generations of film and television dramas, beheading at three o'clock in the afternoon is only true for the most important death row prisoners, not for ordinary death row prisoners. And those condemned prisoners who did not involve in rebellion, or did not have too many heinous acts, were all beheaded at noon, so that they could still be reincarnated as ghosts.

Because Taiwan has also incorporated all the "executors" in the capital, it still uses the past habits in the execution of the death penalty, usually at noon, except for a small number of hangings that do not count as time, other beheadings and the like The punishment is also carried out at noon, so they can do it according to their past habits.

However, now Wang Guorui ordered to wait until 3:00 p.m., which made these Huayong camp people unable to do ghosts and reincarnate. This is ruthless enough, so in the traditional feudal superstition, it is one of the heaviest punishments, second only to those cruel death penalty methods such as Ling Chi and quartering the body by five horses. Even, to a certain extent, in the feudal ideology, it is harsher than those cruel execution methods that execute the death penalty at noon, so that they cannot be ghosts, and they cannot be reincarnated.

"Why do you want to kill us? It's not good to kill us!" "Master Wang, don't kill us. Those who kill us have never had a good end since ancient times!" "My lord, those who kill us have no good end, don't kill us!"…

Those Huayong camps hoped to seize the last chance to save themselves from death.

However, Wang Guorui sat on the chair indifferently, and said indifferently: "It's not that I want to kill you, it's the law that wants to kill you! So, when the time comes, the so-called ominous will not be found on me."

After hearing this those people in the Huayong camp also felt a burst of despair, Wang Guorui was determined to kill them, even the so-called killing surrender was ominous, the killer would not end well The ancient iron laws were not followed, and they chose to kill these prisoners of Huayong Camp.

And forty-five minutes passed quickly, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's 3:00 noon, let's cut!"

Soon, the soldiers of the Huayong Battalion were also pulled up and beheaded one by one. Especially those Chinese officers in the Huayong Battalion were the first to be beheaded. And those Chinese officers in the Huayong Camp regretted why they became this traitor, and they worked hard to become this officer, and got a higher military salary, but now they died the fastest in the end.

"Cut!" The supervisor immediately shouted.

As several ghost-head knives fell, three Chinese battalion commanders of the Huayong Battalion were beheaded on the spot for public display.

"Good, good, good!"

Those surrounding people in the capital city also started to applaud loudly, obviously they were also very happy for the execution of the traitor. (to be continued.) u

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