Red Alert 1895

Chapter 601: Believers make trouble

After Wang Guorui arranged his future secretary service work, these North Korean girls were also assigned to Kang Tongwei, and then a special "Wang Guorui Office" department was set up, which was in charge of these girls. These girls were originally Koreans, and they were all nobles. Most of them knew Chinese characters. In addition, they were born in nobles and were familiar with official affairs and government affairs, so they were all very suitable to be secretaries. However, Wang Guorui didn't let them stay to serve at night, because Wang Guorui couldn't choose one at random. Wang Guorui planned to keep a few, but it was only a few, no accidents would not exceed ten, he decided not to be too casual. Kang Tongwei must examine their character and work ability. Only those women who are more outstanding will then decide who to stay to serve and sleep, that is to say, to keep her. Anyway, these are all beautiful women, and they are all from the noble family of North Korea, so they won't worry about losing money. After all, Wang Guorui was not one of those feudal kings, he could have **** with any woman he wanted, he was relatively restrained.

"Wang Guorui is an extraterritorial celestial demon, and he is here to harm the common people." "Let Wang Guorui get out!" "Wang Guorui is the reincarnation of an extraterritorial celestial demon, let Wang Guorui get out!"…

"Hurry up, stop them, don't let them approach Prince Qing's Mansion!" "Prince Qing's Mansion is the headquarters of our Lord Wang, don't let them pass!"

The guards along the way suddenly saw a group of people holding banners and shouting, saying that Wang Guorui is an extraterrestrial demon, and they all wanted to get rid of the demon. This made the soldiers act immediately, firing guns one after another to force them to retreat. At this time, the guards in the capital also immediately started to act to stop these troublemakers.

"Immediately order the first guard regiment of the guard division to stop those common people and prevent them from approaching Prince Qing's mansion. Hurry up, hurry up, don't be slow!" Li Guodong shouted.

"Immediately order all the police officers, all the manpower, to find out who is causing the trouble as soon as possible. This time something went wrong. That's really troublesome." Huang Hua, the chief of the Beijing Police Bureau, shouted.

As for Zheng Zhicai, who was in charge of the underworld in the capital, they all started to investigate under Huang Hua's order. Who was behind the trick? So many people came out to make trouble and accused Wang Guorui of being an extraterrestrial demon. At this time, there were thousands of people making trouble, and they were going to Prince Qing's mansion, and they were obviously preparing to attack the soldiers to stop them.

"Company commander. Can we shoot?" a soldier asked immediately.

"You can't shoot casually. Once you shoot, the image of us just entering the capital will be ruined! Lord Wang makes repeated orders. You must never shoot at the people easily, especially if there are no people who are doing evil. Shoot whatever you want," the company commander shouted.

"But, let them slander Mr. Wang like this? They slander Mr. Wang as an extraterrestrial demon!" Immediately, a soldier of the Guard Division said.

And the company commander immediately said: "I will report to Mr. Wang immediately!"

"Report, Mr. Wang, there are thousands of people making trouble outside. They are rushing to the headquarters of our Prince Qing's mansion. They shouted loudly that they want to expel the extraterrestrial demons. They said, Mr. Wang, you are the extraterritorial demons. You should be expelled. If Mr. Wang is allowed to rule China, it will be extremely brutal, and then the world will be full of killings. Anyway, there are still many words that slander Mr. Wang, and these are what they said." Li Guodong said.

"You didn't shoot, did you?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Yes, we didn't shoot!" Li Guodong said.

"That's good. If we shoot, we can't explain it clearly. At present, people all over the world are paying attention to our capital, and they are paying attention to our capital at any time. If there is any action in our capital, it will be enlarged to the whole country to collect it." If we kill our own people in the capital, then the outside world will not know what the legendary city looks like. At that time, maybe they will think that we have slaughtered all the people in the capital. At that time, it will be the truly terrible time. It is impossible to gain a foothold in the capital. Entering the capital this time is an exam! An exam about whether we can win the world, we must take care of all aspects. If anything is wrong, it will magnify the reaction of the world." Wang Guorui said.

However, at this time, Liu Feng immediately came over to plead guilty, saying: "Lord Wang, I am guilty. I am guilty!"

"Master Wang, I am also guilty of negligence!" said Hu Ling, director of the State Security Bureau.

Wang Guorui immediately became furious again: "You two idiots, you didn't know any information beforehand, so is this your achievement?"

"Master Wang..." Liu Feng was suddenly at a loss for words.

But as Zheng Hong, of course he has to protect his cronies, saying: "Husband, this time is the capital after all, and the various forces in the capital are intertwined, and the intelligence network is not easy to develop. If it is Taiwan, then of course you can know for sure, And soon I found out. But this is the capital, and various forces are intertwined, so it is difficult for our intelligence personnel to obtain information. Moreover, our work in the capital is mainly to make good friends with those high-ranking officials, so it is inevitable that there will be omissions. We have just arrived in the capital not long ago, so it is normal that the intelligence network cannot cover everything."

"Let's not count on you this time, you should quickly find out what went wrong for me, and try to make up for it. I thought about raising your rank for a while, and you were all promoted to lieutenant general. This time, first Forget it for now!" Wang Guorui said.

And Liu Feng also smiled bitterly, because this time the army has expanded, and there are more territories, and with the recruitment of troops in the Shandong area of ​​the mainland, the number of troops will probably expand to about 500,000. If there is no accident, there will definitely be a process of major promotion in the ranks. Next, Hu Wei and Zheng Hong should get the rank of general if nothing else happens, and some of the other generals can get the rank of lieutenant general, and Liu Feng must be one of them. And he made a lot of effort in the intelligence system in the process of entering the mainland, so it is normal to upgrade to a level. But this time something went wrong, even if Zheng Hong interceded for him so that he could "make up for his mistakes" for the time being, the rank of Lieutenant General would probably be a few years later. At that time, the people who were in the same period as him, and even those who joined Wang Guorui's team later than him, would already be lieutenant generals, and he was still a major general, so he would have to salute them when they met, how aggrieved! One must know that Liu Feng can be said to be one of the first ones, he is a member of the Tiandihui who joined with Zheng Hong besides Hu Wei's green camp. It is almost the second batch of people, so if the people in the third echelon become lieutenant generals by then, and I am still a major general, what a shame! In official career, age is a treasure. If you are a few years late, you may be behind others for the rest of your life. Besides, Liu Feng is not young anymore, he is already in his forties.

"Who is playing tricks? Let's see if I don't skin him and eat his meat!" Liu Feng thought ruthlessly in his heart.

And in a temple in the capital, several people were drinking and celebrating together, and there was actually a master in it.

"Master Yuanzhen, I really didn't expect that you are still a wine and meat monk?" Liang Qichao laughed.

Master Yuanzhen gnawed on a chicken leg and said, "It's nothing. Who says I can't drink wine and eat meat? I have several sons!"

"What? Master Yuanzhen, how many sons do you have?" Chen Shaobai was also shocked.

"Haha, what's the point of this? Anyway, didn't that rebel Wang Guorui say? Religious rules cannot contradict the law. And everyone has the right to have children. This is a natural human right, not a temple rule." It can be prohibited. Hahahaha..." Yuan Zhen said.

But Chen Shaobai was thinking: "This group of wine and meat monks actually took the people's incense and did not do anything, but used the people's incense to go around. It seems that Wang Guorui should restrict these religious guys. Damn , these monks, how many people still maintain their style?"

However, that Yuan Zhen said: "We mobilized my believers and said that Wang Guorui is an extraterrestrial demon, and they all believed it? They think that Wang Guorui is an extraterritorial demon. These believers are really easy to deceive!"

"That's right~ This time we are inciting the people to make trouble. Didn't Wang Guorui say that he loves the people? Now, I want to see, when he faces the people opposing him, How did he deal with it? If he dared to shoot at the people, he would definitely be labeled as a tyrant. Especially since this is the capital, people all over the world have begun to pay attention to this place. If he can make a move to kill the people As for the matter, then we can directly enlarge it to the whole world. But if he doesn’t shoot at the people, and those people have already believed in Master Yuanzhen’s words and think that Wang Guorui is an extraterrestrial demon, then they will also choose to resist to the end. At that time, for sure It will restrain Wang Guorui's energy and greatly reduce their ability to fight against the coalition forces of various countries on the front line. At that time, the coalition forces of various countries will also have a great advantage." Chen Shaobai said.

Liang Qichao added: "Our next step is to make things big, and then continue to make big things. I will come out through more and more gentlemen and gentlemen, and then take the initiative to fan the flames, and then let them all join in. When the time comes , There are more and more people making trouble, so I want to see what Wang Guorui will do? At that time, he didn’t shoot or didn’t shoot, that’s really interesting!”

"Hahahaha..." Several people laughed together. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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