Red Alert 1895

: A cat and a dog (Part 2)

Zheng Zhicai agreed to the eunuch's conditions, he hoped to get a good opportunity, and then let himself become a first-rank military officer of the imperial court, or even become Hai Chenggong. ¢£, as a descendant of the Zheng family, I hope to obtain the title of Duke Haicheng. Now the Qing court is already in turmoil. As long as Wang Guorui is willing, he can make a "abdication" at any time, so that the Qing Dynasty will also be named Wang. However, Wang Guorui is still worried about the battle in Tianjin, so he doesn't want internal problems, so he didn't take the initiative to let the Manchus "give way".

However, countless people in the Manchu Qing Dynasty were not fools. Of course they knew that after the foreign devils were defeated, it was time for them to "give way". So they are naturally not reconciled to this, and they naturally hope to seize this last opportunity so that they can get a chance to keep their own world. But they have no soldiers at all, their military power has been taken away, and their orders can't even leave the palace, so they can only rely on this kind of bastard. If they looked down on these gangsters at all in the past, but now in order to keep the country, they have to rely on these gangsters. Even if they were awarded official titles, they would not hesitate to do so. So they all offered rewards like dukes and so on, obviously to keep the country and do whatever it takes.

"Nong Siyu!" Zheng Zhicai said to the next person.

That Nong Siyu immediately took the initiative to say: "I have met my uncle!"

And hearing the words "big brother", Zheng Zhicai also had a toothache. And Zheng Zhicai looked at Nong Siyu, obviously very unhappy. This Nong Siyu actually hooked up with his younger sister, so he became his cheap brother-in-law. And this made Zheng Zhicai very happy, because he was also quite moved by his sister. This is Zheng Zhicai's god-sister, who was adopted by his mother. certainly. Zheng Zhicai knew from the very beginning that his mother just wanted to raise a child bride for him. But his mother passed away early, and when his younger sister grew up, she hooked up with his subordinates, which made him very angry. But in order to protect the face of the eldest brother, he had to endure this tone.

"Nong Siyu, do you know? Now there is an opportunity, it's your opportunity! As long as you can help me accomplish this, then I will definitely reward you a lot in the future, and at that time you will definitely be able to gain glory and wealth by the way , and then you are my brother-in-law, maybe you can also become a marquis!" Zheng Zhicai said.

After hearing this, Nong Siyu immediately asked: "Is it impossible to be a Marquis?"

"Haha, it's a good thing! The father-in-law of the imperial court came to find us this time. I hope we can contribute to the Qing Dynasty, and then they can give me the position of first-rank military officer, and they can also inherit the title of Duke Haicheng back then. I You are also a descendant of the Zheng family, so of course you are eligible to inherit. At that time, I will be a duke, and you might be able to obtain the title of marquis." Zheng Zhicai said.

But Nong Siyu thought in his heart: "Hmph, the Qing court has long been in turmoil. Does anyone still take his title seriously?"

However, Nong Siyu still asked: "Uncle, how do you plan to obtain the title?"

"It's very simple, kill that traitor Wang Guorui. As long as you can kill that traitor Wang Guorui, then the court will be able to regain power, and then I will get my duke title." Zheng Zhicai said.

But Nong Siyu thought to himself: "Really, can we kill it? If we could kill it, then Wang Guorui would have died long ago, and you still need me to kill him?"

"Maybe you don't believe that we can kill Wang Guorui? Let me tell you, we have a way. Although don't look at the rebel Wang Guorui beating the **** out of foreigners in Taiwan. It's an amazingly strong dragon. But, he just now If you come to our capital, you are not familiar with the place. Besides, strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes. Of course, we local snakes have an advantage over him, a dragon crossing the river. As long as we can prepare well here, then we can definitely kill him. At that time, I will be a duke, and you may also be a marquis!" Zheng Zhicai said.

Nong Siyu immediately asked: "Uncle, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, you..." Zheng Zhicai said something behind Nong Siyu's ear.

And Nong Siyu walked away with a gloomy face. After leaving the Zheng family, Nong Siyu grabbed his fists with both hands and said, "Okay! You really want my life!"

But Zheng Zhicai snorted coldly in Zheng's house: "Nong Siyu, anyway, it's my credit for you to become this time. If you die, I don't have any loss. Anyway, my sister is still mine. How dare you take it away from me?" Woman, how can I let you go? If this big event happens, then I will be the Duke. At that time, it would not be easy for me to deal with you? I just want to tell everyone that you will end up robbing my woman. Dead! Even if you come back alive, I won't let you live for too long."

"Zheng Zhicai, if I come back alive this time, I'll also want you to look good at that time!" Nong Siyu thought while clenching his fists.

No matter how the two gangsters plan here, the gangsters in other areas also have their own plans. Those Manchu courts couldn't just look for a gangster like Zheng Zhicai. They all wanted to prepare more and prepare more forces to carry out preparatory actions. Now the Manchu and Qing Dynasty are also conferring officials and making wishes on the four big gangsters in the east, south, north and west of the city, and even making officials and making wishes for their various people, so that they can work together to try to assassinate Wang Guorui. This time was the last desperate counterattack of the Manchus, so they were naturally very generous. As long as it succeeds, then everything is fine, and all these official wishes can be fulfilled. They didn't care about anything anymore, anyway, he first wanted to pull these people over to prevent them from going to Wang Guorui. Anyway, Wang Guorui will crack down on these guys sooner or later, so naturally he won't let them go.

Those gangsters are all used to getting something for nothing, so they are naturally unwilling to fall from the peak to the ordinary. They heard that the Manchus were willing to appoint officials and make a wish, and they were all willing to support the Manchus to regain power, and then continued to gain wealth, and even further obtained titles, became the so-called heroes of ZTE, and became nobles of the Qing Dynasty.

However, maybe some high-ranking gangsters can't turn back because they have done too much evil, so those under them may not be willing to go all the way with them!

"Huang Fu Yin, Huang Fu Yin!" A police officer hurriedly said to Huang Hua, the chief of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

"What's going on? It's not how many times I've been told, don't call me Fu Yin, I'm not Shun Tian Fu Yin, I'm just a police chief, don't shout nonsense, this is a big taboo in Taiwan!" Huang Hua asked.

Huang Hua was appointed by Wang Guorui as the director of the Beijing Police Bureau. He was originally the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of the Taiwan Police Department, and he is very good at handling security issues. And now he has been transferred to Beijing to serve as the director of the Public Security Bureau. It is because he is very good at dealing with public security issues, so he can be so reused to serve as the director of the Police Bureau in the future capital. To be the head of the Police Bureau in the capital, other abilities don't have to be so good, but the ability to maintain law and order must be good. If you can't maintain law and order in the capital, what's the use of you as the police chief? The capital is not meant to solve crimes, but to be stable. Only when the law and order in the capital is stabilized can the country be able to function normally.

However, since the city of Beijing is currently under military control, Taiwan has not appointed the governor of Shuntian Prefecture in Beijing. Currently, the former governor of Shuntian Prefecture has been expelled, and the person occupying this Shuntian Prefecture is the police chief Huang Hua. But he heard a policeman coming over and shouting, apparently he had something important to report.

"Director Huang, I received a report from one of my informants. He said that in a few days, all the gangsters in the capital might come out and make trouble. At that time, some unexpected things might happen. They are all gathered together, and they are going to collude to make trouble. And I received the report from this informant, so I dare not delay, so I will report directly to you, my lord!"

"What? That's unreasonable. We didn't go to crack down on them, but they dare to make trouble? What do they want to do? Are they courting death?" Huang Hua said angrily.

And the catcher under him immediately said: "My lord, I wonder if they deliberately made a fuss to attract our attention, so that they can make a fuss, or they deliberately made a fuss in order to cover their own other things." .”

"Oh? This is very possible!" Huang Hua said But the policeman seemed to be hesitant to speak, Huang Hua immediately asked; "What's your matter, speak quickly Say, fart it!"

"Master Huang, you see, the next time Mr. Wang from Taiwan took over our Shuntian Mansion, I heard that the arrests will be reassessed, and then those who have done a lot of bad things will be cleared out, and those with poor abilities will be transferred away. And I I think I'm still young, I haven't done any bad things, and I've been cops from generation to generation, so I have experience! Moreover, Mr. Wang from Taiwan has opened up the channel between officials and officials, and we small cops can also have the opportunity to become officials. Yes. I think, I can stay in this police station and serve Master Wang." said the little policeman.

Huang Hua immediately promised, "Okay, as long as the information you provided this time is true, then I can not only guarantee that you will stay, but you may even be promoted!"

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Huang, thank you, Mr. Huang!" said the little catcher quickly.

And Huang Hua was also muttering: "What are they trying to do? They're making trouble on purpose, what kind of action are they trying to cover up? These bastards, what plots do they have behind the scenes?" (To be continued...)

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