Red Alert 1895

Chapter 510: invulnerable

"Hey, Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law, please get on me, I'm invulnerable! Ha!"

As Tian Lihui danced here, it really attracted the attention of many people, and everyone didn't know whether this so-called invulnerability was true. So they all expressed their curiosity here, because recently the boxers have come out everywhere, and all kinds of things have come out. The Boxer Regiment has long been different from the previous regiment that was simply composed of a martial arts organization. Now it even incorporates various religious elements, such as the Taishang Laojun, various inanimate mothers, vacuum hometowns, and other broken things. Then there are women's organizations like Red Lanterns. In short, this boxer has long since changed, and there are all kinds of things and birds. But now Tian Lihui's idea is to pretend to be a magic stick, and then make himself invulnerable.

"Hey, let's see how I can be invulnerable!" Tian Lihui shouted again in front of everyone.

"Watch me perform!"

At this time, a subordinate of Tian Lihui came over with a pistol, and was about to shoot Tian Lihui, and then performed invulnerability.

"Wait a minute!" someone yelled immediately.

"Who?" Tian Lihui shouted.

Soon, a man in the clothes of a domestic servant came in front of everyone, and behind him was a man in luxurious clothes. When Tian Lihui saw this man, he suddenly realized something. He knows this person because he has seen a picture of this person. This person was Yuxian, governor of Shandong Province in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. According to the data, this Yuxian is indeed an upright official. But being an honest official does not mean that he is capable, it can only mean that he is a good official. And whether there is ability and whether there is morality are two different things. The vast majority of people in this world are ordinary people, and their character is good, but it does not mean that they have superhuman abilities.

And this Yuxian cannot say that he is incompetent, but he is a cruel official. And extremely exclusive. He also hated everything in foreign countries very much, even hated it deeply. He was an extremely xenophobic representative in the official circles of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, and he was a man who firmly disagreed with reform. People who don't support changing the country. He is definitely one of the biggest "contributors" for the Boxer Movement to turn into such an out-of-control situation. Naturally, Tian Lihui had never seen this Yuxian with his own eyes. However, under the arrangement of Zhou Chen, the director of the Taiwan Office in Beijing, he had seen photos of some dignitaries in Shandong. Of course, apart from some of these photos being public information, a considerable part was obtained through secret and special means. So this is actually the reason why Tian Lihui knew this Yuxian. And he didn't know what Yuxian's purpose was for calling him to stop him, so he could only listen.

"You said you are invulnerable?" Yu Xian asked

Tian Lihui rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "Our Chinese civilization has been handed down, and we have countless abilities and unique skills. What do foreigners have, they just can't practice my Chinese magic. This is how the so-called It’s just that our descendants are unworthy, that’s why we cut off the inheritance of our ancestors’ magical skills. If all kinds of magical skills of our ancestors can be passed down, then we can defeat them with a single slap. If we can everyone Practicing magical skills, then we can definitely beat those foreign devils so **** they don't even know him."

Hearing this, Yuxian couldn't help feeling a little elated. He heard that Tian Lihui exalted himself and then belittled foreigners, which made Yuxian very happy. Yuxian also thinks that foreigners have something, don't they just have foreign guns and cannons? Do they have the long civilization of China, do they have Chinese Confucius and Mencius? Are there so many Confucian works in China? None of them. That is to rely on some foreign guns and cannons to bully China. In his view, foreigners are all barbarians, barbarians who are not worth mentioning. But Yuxian has always been against learning from foreigners. But he didn't even think of any way to surpass foreigners. But now seeing this invulnerable magic skill, this gave Yu Xian hope! As long as everyone can practice this invulnerable "magic skill", wouldn't everyone be able to defeat foreigners? At that time, China will not be afraid of any foreigners, and they will be invulnerable. What are the foreign guns and cannons of the foreigners? Aren’t they going to be at a disadvantage in terms of Chinese unique skills?

However, Tian Lihui changed the subject and said: "Although I have worked hard to cultivate our skills, I have only scratched the surface. It has only been about half a year. But even if my skills are not complete. Even if I just After practicing some superficial skills, I can reach the state of invulnerability within half a year. It is conceivable. Our Chinese magic arts are handed down from the past. As long as we practice a little, what are the foreign guns and cannons of foreigners? I can find the perfect exercise and practice it for ten or eight years, and I can guarantee that I can sweep tens of thousands of foreigners by myself!"

"Okay!" "Well said!" "Yeah, well said!"...

Countless people around also praised him one after another, obviously thinking that Tian Lihui's words were good. But Tian Lihui felt a burst of sadness in his heart. The scientific literacy of these people is really bad. He just fooled around a few times, and some people believed it. Should this Tian Lihui be happy or sad? ! Of course, this is actually a somewhat morbid national sentiment. Many people hate foreigners, but there is nothing that can surpass foreigners. So they tried their best to put gold on their faces, and then saw that their "supernatural skills" were invulnerable. Regardless of whether it was true or not, they all chose to support it, and chose to applaud without thinking.

"Okay, since that's the case, show me the invulnerability! As long as you perform well, I will definitely reward you a lot. Do you understand?" Yu Xian said.

Tian Lihui immediately put on a look of understanding, and then said: "Okay, since this master wants to see it, I will definitely perform it for you, and let you see our Chinese magic skills, which are absolutely comparable to foreigners' science." The technique is poor."


The soldier who was in charge of holding the pistol stuffed a few bullets with black bullets into the magazine, pulled the bolt, and aimed at Tian Lihui. Then he directly shot Tian Lihui several times.

"Papa papa!"

Qiangshou fired three shots in a row, and just when everyone thought Tian Lihui would die because of this, something unexpected happened. Although Tian Lihui had some holes in his clothes, he was not injured, let alone bleeding. Moreover, although the place where he was shot was red and swollen, there was no bleeding.

"Magic skills are invincible, invulnerable!" Tian Lihui said again.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding people stood up excitedly. Because this is an absolute "magic skill"! Facing the bullet, he was still safe and sound. Although he received some red and swollen pain, this just showed that the bullet really hit him. If there is no damage at all, and there are no holes in the clothes, then some people may still be suspicious. However, the clothes were torn with holes, and there were some redness and swelling on the body. Although it was not perfect, it just seemed real. Sometimes things that are too perfect are not real, and some red and swollen marks are left in this way, which shows that the bullet really hit him, but he blocked the bullet with his body and did not receive much damage , This is enough to show that he is truly invulnerable.

"Unfortunately, I only studied for half a year, and I'm not very good at learning! Besides, I can only block bullets on pistols. If it is a rifle, it is still difficult for me. However, I believe that as long as I can continue to practice magic skills for a year, Then I will definitely be able to block rifle bullets, and then there will be no traces. If I can practice for two years, then not only will I not be afraid of enemy guns, but we will not be afraid of foreigners' cannons either! Hahahaha!" Tian Lihui shouted.

"Okay, magic is invincible, invulnerable to weapons and guns!" "Invincible in magic skills, invincible to weapons and guns!"...

However, Tian Lihui was thinking in his heart: "There is nothing invulnerable in this world! This is just the kind of rubber bullet for security that I sent from Taiwan. Of course, this kind of rubber bullet will hurt when it hits a person, but But it won't penetrate into people's bodies, at most it's just a little red and swollen. But these people really think this is invulnerable?"

Seeing this scene, Yuxian was also very excited. If it is really like what Tian Lihui After two years of practicing this miraculous skill, then it can completely stop the enemy's cannons, then Wouldn't it be easy to expel foreigners in this way? At that time, if the enemy's cannons can be blocked, the enemy's foreign guns and cannons will not have any effect?

"Can your miraculous skill block the guns of the Taiwanese?" Yu Xian asked again.

Hearing this, Tian Lihui couldn't help being taken aback, and finally said reluctantly: "As long as I practice more, it should be fine."

"Okay, okay, okay, let's go, you follow me to the capital, I will take you to the Lafayette, Empress Dowager Ji'an, and then there will be rewards for you!" Yu Xian said

"To see the Queen Mother Lafayette? Then what should I do!" Tian Lihui muttered.

Tian Lihui didn't even think that he was going to see the Queen Mother Lafayette. This was really unexpected for him. They didn't expect that their boxer would alarm the Queen Mother Lafayette? After all, Tian Lihui had never met Cixi, he didn't know what kind of person Cixi was. Although his boss, Zhou Chen, had met Cixi before, Zhou Chen's identity was close to being made public, and it was obvious that he was a monk with a lice on his forehead. But I am an underground worker, will it be dangerous if I go to see Cixi? (to be continued)

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