Red Alert 1895

Chapter 501: The wicked first sue

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, No. 49 Portland Street, where the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom is located. And if nothing else happens, the Chinese embassy in the UK will still be here in the future, because even in the original history, New China still had an embassy here. However, the office area at No. 49 Portland Avenue seems to be a bit deserted, because these are Chinese embassies, and in the eyes of the British, China is not a big country, but a weak country that can be bullied. country.

However, since about half a year ago, the embassy has set up a new section called the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office, and this immediately makes many people envious. Because since the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office came, there has been an endless stream of people coming and going to the Qing Dynasty Embassy in the UK every day, but they are all going to the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office. Everyone knows that the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office is the real uncle, the uncle who even the British can't afford to offend.

And Luo Fenglu, the Minister of the Qing Dynasty in the UK, also looked bitter when he saw Tang Linghua, the director of the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office. Obviously, there was nothing he could do about him. And when this Tang Linghua came to the British Legation, he was not too domineering, and he didn't look down on those Manchu people. Instead, he had a small gathering for three days and a big gathering for five days. Everyone ate and drank and felt very satisfied. And several times when Chinese diplomats were bullied by the British, this Tang Linghua also took the initiative to help beat them back, slapped those British in the face, and vented his anger on those Chinese diplomats. And the staff of the legation in the UK are also very grateful in their hearts. After all, they are also guiding the reason why weak countries have no diplomacy, and now there is such an anomaly as Taiwan, that is the real bullshit. Guy, the officials at the British Legation also felt a little bit of face. And that Luo Fenglu is also wrong, anyway, the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office is his subordinate in name. It is an agency sent on behalf of the Taiwan region, but in fact, the director of the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Exchange Office is more useful than his own boss. He speaks in front of foreigners, and people listen. But the envoy himself speaks. Many people are too lazy to talk to you, this is the gap. It represents the strength of the country and region behind it.

"Minister Luo Fenglu, our Economic and Cultural Exchange Office has received an order from our lord Wang, and hopes that our legation can hold a press conference and then announce that the British warship has entered our territorial waters of Taiwan without authorization, and then violated our maritime rights and interests of Taiwan. Moreover, they also took the initiative to fire on our warships, so our Taiwan Navy fought back with righteous words and told them that our Taiwan Navy can maintain our country's territorial waters. And the British cruiser has been sunk , and all the naval sailors on board were killed. We express our stern protest against the British violating our territorial waters," Tang Linghua said.

After Luo Fenglu heard this, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost fell to the ground. Luo Fenglu really almost fainted. If Tang Linghua hadn't supported him in time, he might have fainted on the spot. He heard that Taiwan actually sank a British cruiser directly. This was simply a huge challenge to the British, completely ignoring the British, the number one power in the world. Luo Fenglu served as a minister in the UK. Naturally, he knew that the British were very powerful, so he was naturally very worried what would happen if the British went to war against China? Guys like the Manchu Qing are afraid of foreign powers to the bone. They were all guilty of foreigners, and when he heard the news, he was immediately shocked.

"Minister Luo Fenglu, do you agree?" Tang Linghua said.

Luo Fenglu knew that Tang Linghua had already made a decision when he came to "discuss" with her. He had already decided to do so, but it was just to be polite. And he didn't have the capital to disagree, because the entire Manchu Qing embassy in the UK had also taken refuge in Tang Linghua, because Tang Linghua not only spent a lot of money. And it can give them something that the Qing Dynasty could not give them, that is dignity. With Tang Linghua. The British dare not underestimate China, and the staff of the Chinese embassy in the UK will be angry. And with Tang Linghua. Those British people not only treated them kindly, but also gave them some "tips" from time to time, and asked them about Taiwan's affairs. In the past, they were the ones who tipped others, but others still acted as if they tipped you to save face, and then they couldn't get anything done. Now it is others who tip themselves, and this is the biggest difference. They felt their dignity, and felt that the British dared not continue to look at them with colored eyes, and they were all very happy. This is the role of national power.

No one can understand the role of a powerful country better than these diplomats in foreign countries. Without a strong country, it is impossible for one's own diplomats to straighten their backs and face others with dignity. So because Tang Linghua and the others are in the British Legation, they can all feel the respect of the British. This is the reason why everyone is willing to listen to Tang Linghua. Now, Tang Linghua is also the Supreme Emperor of the British Legation. Everyone in this British Legation listens to him, and few people continue to pay attention to this Luo Fenglu.

"Well, the world belongs to you young people in the future, so I won't care about it anymore." Luo Fenglu said.

Luo Fenglu had no choice, so he could only back down. Anyway, he doesn't have any real power in this embassy in the UK. The only thing he can do is to be Tang Linghua's rubber stamp. As long as Tang Linghua decides something, he will immediately use his own seal to stamp it, and then treat it as a public official. Official documents from the embassy are issued and sent out. However, Tang Linghua was also very complicated in his heart, because without Tang Linghua himself, the British Legation would not have greatly improved its status in the UK, and even became an existence that foreigners could not ignore. If you just rely on yourself and the Manchu Qing government behind you, the British will not take it seriously. So on the one hand, his rights were emptied, and on the other hand, he was respected for the country, which made him not even know what to do.

What Luo Fenglu can do is to be a monk for a day and hit the clock for a day, anyway, that's how it goes slowly. Anyway, he was getting old, and anyway, after he finished his job, he would go home and study hard, ignoring any diplomatic matters. He has seen through it. Weak countries have no diplomacy. If there is no Taiwan, who will take themselves seriously? This Tang Linghua still gave him some superficial face, so he couldn't say anything. In the future, let's look at them, the younger generation.

Soon, the Chinese embassy in the UK also released an important news. The Chinese embassy in the UK solemnly protested that the British warship invaded China's territorial waters and voluntarily fired on the Chinese warship. And they also reported the fate of the cruiser, which was completely sunk, and then all the sailors were killed. This news hit all British officials and people like a thunderbolt, and this news immediately made the British feel incredible. Because someone would come to protest their warship invasion and sink a British warship?

"My God, isn't today April Fool's Day?" Someone immediately went to the calendar to see if it was April Fool's Day.

Immediately another reporter said: "Today is not April Fool's Day, definitely not April Fool's Day."

"My God! It's incredible that someone dared to sink the warships of our British Empire, and it's still a corrupt and backward China!" !”…

Soon, the reporters were stuck talking, obviously surprised by the news of the Chinese Embassy in the And soon the newspapers added a special issue, and then added this news. And put this news on the headlines, and everyone was shocked.

Since Britain became the hegemon of the world, no one has ever dared to treat the British Empire like this. Although the so-called British invaded the other party's territorial waters this time, there have been many incidents of the British invading the territorial waters, but no one has ever dared to sink a British warship. Don't look at it as just a "four-handed" cruiser of more than 2,000 tons, but since the British flag is flying on it, it means that it represents the face and dignity of the British Empire. The warships of the British Empire have entered other people's territorial waters, which is reasonable and legal for many British people. And warships from other countries entering their own territorial waters without authorization are also not acceptable. This is the robber logic after the British became stronger, and their ancestors were actually a group of pirates, and this robber logic has penetrated into the bones of their nation, and it will not change unless it is a last resort.

But now that they heard the news, they immediately felt emotionally unacceptable. Because someone dared to be so rude to the British Empire, even everyone became angry. Many British people began to demand revenge, sanctions, and even force sanctions against Taiwan.

Soon, the Prime Minister's Office at 10 Downing Street in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, gathered a large number of citizens from all walks of life who came to protest. They have been demanding revenge and severe revenge against Taiwan. (to be continued)

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