Red Alert 1895

Chapter 466: Instructors and Mercenaries (Part 2)

"Everyone, the president of the Boer Transvaal Republic wants to hire our army to help them fight the British. Do you think we agree?" Wang Guorui asked.

And Hu Wei immediately said: "I think it can be agreed, because it will not only gain some benefits, but also get rid of the fear of the British in our army. Our army is very afraid of the British at present. After all, the world of the British The most powerful country is still there, and our army is naturally at a disadvantage. Although we defeated the Spaniards and the Dutch, these two countries are not powerful countries, they are some second-rate countries in Europe. We have not fought against first-class countries yet, and the self-confidence of the soldiers is not too strong. If we face these first-class countries in the future, the soldiers will definitely be worried. As long as we can send troops to defeat the British , then we can all continue to gain confidence in the future. Because it helps the army to gain confidence, the army can dare to fight against first-class Western countries.”

Hu Wei's meaning is very obvious, that is, he hopes that the army can fight the British. As long as they can build confidence by fighting the British, this will also allow them to see that foreigners are all "paper tigers" and can be defeated. Therefore, Wang Guorui hopes that through this method, those soldiers will have the confidence to fight against the first-class European countries. At present, what Taiwan's army lacks is not weapons and equipment, but confidence, an invisible and intangible thing. It's like when I was young, I was bullied by an adult, and I was often bullied very miserably. But when I grow up, after years of training, my strength is actually no less than him, but the person who was bullied at this time has no confidence to fight against the person who bullied them. Even if he knows that his strength is not weaker than them. They also dare not do it easily.

If there wasn't a fight to let him know that his power was no less than them, then the person who was bullied would not do it easily. A person is so. The same is true of a country's military. So if we can send some troops over there, let them see that the western devils also carry one head on their shoulders. It's the same as myself, and I can completely defeat the other party, so I will definitely gain great benefits in this way. In this way, one's own army can have the confidence to fight against the first-class Western powers, so that they can fight against Western foreign devils.

"Well, what Hu Wei said is right. We should send troops to fight. Only in this way can they solve the problem of the confidence of these troops. If the troops are not allowed to have the confidence to fight against the enemy, I am afraid that we will all face a war with the United Kingdom. People lose confidence in combat. It is also a very necessary choice to build confidence as soon as possible. Otherwise, when we fight against them next time. Natural lack of confidence must be very detrimental to us. Only by letting our army Seeing that those European countries are also paper tigers, this will allow them to dare to fight against their Western countries, and not stay here and be afraid." Wang Guorui agreed.

However, if someone agrees, then of course there will be someone who opposes it, because it is definitely not acceptable to send troops abroad.

Yao Wendong said: "Lord Wang, I don't agree with this. If we send out the army, I'm afraid that once we are discovered, it will be really difficult for us to explain clearly. If we send out our regular army, then once our people Expose it. Let those foreign devils know that we send troops to support the Boers, then they will definitely come to trouble us. Moreover, we are also suspected of interfering in other people's internal affairs. Then we must not be suitable. Generally speaking All countries do not interfere in each other's internal affairs. Although this is just a joke, everyone's superficial face must be maintained. The Transvaal Republic is actually still a colony of the British in name, accepting the rule of the British. Although as early as dozens of Years ago, the Transvaal Republic became de facto independent, and the rule of the British existed in name only. However, they did not formally establish their own country after all, so they were still colonies of the British in name. If the British attacked them, they would not It can be called 'putting down the rebellion', so we really have no reason to send troops to interfere."

"Once we send troops to intervene, then we must face the risk of being discovered. We can't expect the British to not be able to find out. This is impossible. There are always casualties in wars. Once the casualties are found, we will definitely start to interfere. Their internal affairs. Therefore, we are interfering in their internal affairs in the international arena. In this way, we must be caught and hurt. At that time, we will be in the first grade of junior high school, and the foreign devils will only be in the fifteenth. Interfering in our internal affairs, and then occupying our colonies by various means, even directly interfering with us has a basis. Of course, although this is an excuse, who made us not be able to become enemies with the entire West at present, This is why we cannot effectively prevent the enemy from interfering with us."

Wang Guorui also voluntarily agreed with this statement, because if someone caught a sore foot, then others could use this as an excuse to use against him in the future, which is definitely not acceptable. At present, Taiwan's strength has not yet been able to confront the entire Western world, so a temporary compromise must be made. Therefore, you cannot actively expose yourself to interfere with their affairs. If you send regular troops directly, you will definitely face great political risks. If you take such a big political risk to intervene in the past, it will definitely be not good for you. This is something Wang Guorui doesn't want to encounter. The political risk is too high.

"However, if we don't go, how can we build confidence?" Hu Wei asked.

Yao Wendong also immediately said: "Who will bear the political risk here? Can you afford it?"

However, Wang Guorui went on to say: "You don't need to argue, I have my way, you listen to my way."

"Although we can't send regular troops to fight, we can send our mercenaries! Don't we have a lot of mercenaries? They are hunting and killing the natives, and we can choose some of them to go out to the Boers and let them fight with the British. These mercenaries have been fighting in the mountains and forests for a long time, and they are very familiar with guerrilla warfare, so there is nothing wrong with letting them go. Moreover, these mercenaries are only mercenaries, not our regular army. We can do it Send them out. When foreigners come to question us, we can completely shirk that they are mercenaries. As long as their mercenary status is exposed, it will not leave us with too much political risk. After all, mercenaries are a group of money. And those who fight are not good people, so we can send mercenaries to fight, so we don't have to worry about any political risks."

"In addition, those mercenaries are not really good stuff. Many of them are local hooligans from China and belong to the socially unstable group. If we let them go to foreign countries to fight foreign devils, it will also affect our security environment. It's a huge improvement."

After hearing Wang Guorui's words, everyone felt that Wang Guorui's move was really good. Not only did he avoid too many political risks, but he also solved the security problems of some mercenaries. These mercenaries are all hooligans, and their damage to law and order is very huge. It must be impossible for these local hooligans to let them produce with peace of mind. They just like to do this kind of bullying. And once they don't go out to fight, they will definitely seriously affect the surrounding public security environment when they are stationed. The military discipline of mercenaries is definitely not as good as that of the regular army, and it is impossible to directly require them to follow the discipline of the regular army. And although they dare not commit crimes under the control of the representatives of the army, for example, they dare not commit crimes like murder, but there are too many things like sneaking around, not giving money for ~ It's simply overwhelming.

And the Taiwan side can't deal with them according to the method of the regular army, because if they follow the law of the army, they can be shot. But they are not the regular army, so naturally they cannot be dealt with with such harsh methods, and they are not under the jurisdiction of the regular army, so the regular military court cannot directly shoot them. After all, their legal status is still ordinary people, but they chose to become mercenaries because of professional factors. It would certainly be great if they could be sent abroad to perform missions.

When they go to a foreign country, the local law and order environment will improve a lot. In addition, they are not good citizens. Sending them out to perform tasks will not only save military pay, but also save costs. If they died in a foreign country, it would not be too heartbreaking for me, because there is no need to pay pensions, and maybe the local officials in charge of public security will applaud that these scourges are finally dead. In addition, even if they are caught, the political risk is not great, this is a very good choice.

"Okay, let's select a group of mercenaries right away, let them participate in the battle, and then replace our regular army to fight in Africa. Try to show our army, these foreign devils' army is even more powerful than our parallel army of mercenaries. If they can't beat them, then they will naturally have the confidence to fight against the foreign army of foreign devils." Wang Guorui said. (to be continued)

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