Red Alert 1895

Chapter 453: ready to return home

After Wang Guorui and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands had their wedding, they were about to start preparing to return home. I have been away from Taiwan for more than half a year for this visit, and if I don’t go back, I’m afraid Taiwan’s internal affairs will also be unstable. We must know that transportation is inconvenient in this era, and it takes about a month to reach Europe even by the fastest boat, so returning to Taiwan this time means that he has been visiting Europe for almost a year. This is very scary, and this is why few monarchs in ancient times would visit foreign countries. In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient. Once the monarch went abroad for a visit, there would definitely be a big power vacuum in the country, and problems would easily arise at that time.

So generally speaking, the leaders of a country in ancient times seldom went abroad for visits. Even if they wanted to go abroad, they would hang around in nearby countries, and seldom went to another continent to see them. As for Wang Guorui, his confidence is based on his ability to remotely control the army on the island through the red police system, otherwise he would not have dared to come out to visit, let alone visit for more than half a year.

However, this visit also met a lot of conditions. For example, a treaty was signed with Spain to transfer Spanish ownership, and the ownership and disposal rights of the Nanyang region were established with the Netherlands. In addition to Kalimantan Island, which belongs to China's "colonies" in these Nanyang colonies, other major islands in Borneo have also been given to Wang Guorui's Taiwan, except for Sumatra, an important island guarding the Strait of Malacca, All other Nanyang areas were given to Taiwan. However, the British may not be able to sleep now.

"Master Wang. Now our visit to Europe this time is very successful! Not only have we obtained a large piece of land, but also allowed Mr. Wang to marry a queen of the Netherlands. If it spreads to the country, then we may think that Mr. Wang is too strong. Now, you are forcing those Dutchmen to marry each other!" Li Enfu said.

However, Li Enfu still deserved his position. If people in the country knew about it, they would probably think that Taiwan beat the **** out of the Netherlands, so they could only choose to let the Queen come out and get married. This one has a very long face, because since ancient times, China has asked princesses to make marriages, but now it is actually someone else who comes to make marriages. And the queen came to make a kiss in person, which is a higher level than the princess. so. It is not impossible for some people in China to think so. Taiwan is able to force the queens of Western countries to marry and get married. This is simply a shame.

"Also, this time we have successfully provoked European countries to engage in a shipbuilding competition. In this way, they will definitely consume a lot of national power to carry out the shipbuilding competition, so that they will definitely not be able to win in the end. What we paid is only three We already have more advanced battleships that are ready for deployment. So, you can rest assured that even if we don't have these three Sovereign-class battleships, we won't be afraid of any British guys. And Europe is about to start a new shipbuilding competition, and when our powerful battleships come out, their battleships will be completely obsolete. At that time, hehe." Wang Guorui said with a snort.

At present, because of Wang Guorui's three battleships sent to the Netherlands. It will definitely trigger a shipbuilding competition among Western countries, so that they will be forced to continue building ships, so that Taiwan can choose the right time to announce the Sword-class battleship. In this way, the battleships of all countries will also be obsolete together, so that they will cry blind. After spending so much money to build a ship, what I get in the end is a pile of scrap iron, so I must cry to death. But this is actually what Wang Guorui used is similar to the method Qin used against Shu back then, using the so-called "golden bull" to consume the enemy's national power, which can achieve the result of destroying the opponent.

If those Western countries have launched a shipbuilding competition one after another. In the end they found that the battleship they built was just a scrap iron, so they spent so much taxpayer money. Then in the end they could only choose to be defeated, which would definitely make them cry and faint in the toilet. However, Taiwan will not join the shipbuilding competition. Instead, it will reduce the number of its old battleships, so as to concentrate its financial resources on building new battleships. Even Wang Guorui could sell the Sovereign class in his hands again, so that he would have the money to manufacture the Sword-class battleship, and even sell one to build several Sword-class battleships. It was not sold before because there was no better one. Now that there are better ones, the Sovereign-class battleship can naturally be sold. Even if it is a second-hand Sovereign-class battleship, it is still a battleship, and it is very valuable.

"Okay, let's go! Ready to go back to China." Wang Guorui continued.

And soon, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands brought Dutch officials over to hold a farewell ceremony.

"Mary, take good care of our child. After our child is born, you can bring your child to Taiwan! Then, let me meet my child," Wang Guorui said.

Because Wilhelmina is already pregnant, it is not suitable for a long journey to Taiwan by boat, so she will stay in the Netherlands for the time being, and will not go to Taiwan until the childbirth is over. The ships of this era are not as fast and stable as the planes of later generations, and the ships of this era are very wobbly and uncomfortable, which must make them feel very uneasy. Especially pregnant women must not take a boat easily, let alone an ocean-going ship, which will definitely cause great danger. After all, Wilhelmina is not only his own woman, but she is also pregnant, which is more related to her unborn child. Moreover, the Dutch would not let their pregnant queen take such a risk to go to a foreign country by boat, which must be very bad. In case something happens to the queen suddenly, the Netherlands will definitely face another battle for the throne.

"Well, okay, do you like boys or girls?" Wilhelmina asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: "Whatever, I like boys and girls anyway!"

Wang Guorui didn't look forward to Wilhelmina's child too much, anyway, it didn't matter whether it was a boy or a girl, because this child Wang Guorui would not intend to let him inherit the Chinese throne. So this child can only inherit the throne of the Queen of the Netherlands, so it doesn't matter whether it is a boy or a girl. Anyway, since they are all inheriting her mother's throne, they naturally don't care about male and female issues. Both men and women can inherit, and it has nothing to do with the Chinese throne, so boys and girls don't matter.

"Then I'll give you a daughter. You had a son before, and now you should have a daughter!" Wilhelmina said.

"Okay, let's see if God will give us a daughter!" Wang Guorui replied.

Next, Wilhelmina immediately asked curiously, "Where did that Miss Natasha go?"

"Hehe, he has some things to do. Now she is helping me with some finishing work. He will be back in two days." Wang Guorui said.

Wilhelmina didn't ask too much. This Natasha is not as conspicuous as Tanya in the world, but she is also a very scary existence. Especially the nobles of the Netherlands, which made many Dutch nobles feel scared. Natasha has killed many Dutch generals, each of whom is above the rank of brigadier general, so this is very scary. But now Natasha is not by Wang Guorui's side, apparently doing something else. But Wilhelmina didn't ask much, because Natasha belonged to Wang Guorui, so she couldn't order it. Anyway, the whole world knows the relationship between Tanya Natasha and Wang Guorui. Wilhelmina didn't even dare to stop it, because Tanya and Natasha couldn't be provoked by Wilhelmina. If Tanya and Natasha were really provoked, then they might be able to completely mess up the Netherlands. If you're restless, that's really troublesome. As long as Tanya and Natasha are willing, they can completely mess up many countries in Europe. Anyway, it is impossible for ordinary soldiers and policemen to catch them, so this is the most terrifying.

"Song Yang, immediately send me a telegram to the Germans, asking them to bring up Chen Shaobai from the Xingzhong and then we will send it back to our Taiwan island for disposal and trial!" Wang Guo Ray said.


Those members of the Xingzhong Society headed by Chen Shaobai had assassinated Wang Guorui, but Wang Guorui had set up a trap in advance to arrest him. Since then, they have been held in high-level prisons in Germany and treated as serious criminals. Now that Wang Guorui is going back to China, it is natural to arrest them and bring them back to Taiwan for interrogation and judgment. Assassinating Wang Guorui, of course, cannot be solved so easily, and a trial must be done, so that the truth can be set right. Otherwise, no one would dare to assassinate him in the future, so he still got it?

And many people also thought that Chen Shaobai must die this time, because he dared to assassinate Wang Guorui. Isn't this courting death? Who is Wang Guorui? A warlord in a separatist regime dares to assassinate even a warlord. This must be courting his own death. It's fine if the assassination is successful, but if the assassination is not successful, even he himself will be arrested, isn't he just waiting to be slaughtered? Now that he was finally brought back to the country, he would definitely be tried, and then executed legally and reasonably, so that no one would say that Wang Guorui had avenged himself. Anyway, how could Wang Guorui do such a thing as public revenge? These are all processes that are "reasonable and legal" and there are no problems, so no one can say what the problem is at that time. Anyway, Wang Guorui is Gao Dawei Guangzheng in the end, and there will be no problems. (to be continued)

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