Red Alert 1895

Chapter 373: Spanish Army (I)

Back to ten days ago, Taiwan's three divisions with 45,000 people officially landed on Sumatra Island and obtained permission from various countries. However, Taiwan absolutely cannot occupy Sumatra Island, because Sumatra Island is an important place that controls the Strait of Malacca, so if Taiwan directly occupies it, it may be attacked by Western countries. Moreover, Sumatra cannot be blocked during the war, otherwise all countries will also put pressure on Taiwan. Therefore, Wang Guorui knew very well that if he rashly occupied Sumatra Island without his own strength, it might cause a very dangerous situation. At that time, Western countries would take the initiative to attack, and then they would fight Taiwan forever. But next, Wang Guorui has already told the front line to fight against the Spanish army as soon as possible, and eliminate the Spanish army as much as possible.

"Report to the commander-in-chief that our army is less than twenty miles away from the Spaniards. According to the news from the scouts, the Spaniards have already started to build fortifications, and they are preparing for our attack!" someone said.

And Ma Junhui, the former enemy commander-in-chief of Taiwan's West Borneo Military Region, snorted: "These guys, can they do anything? We just want to tell them that under our absolute strength, it is easy for us to deal with them. These ten of them An army of tens of thousands is not much better than a hundred thousand pigs in our eyes!"

Taiwan's military does have this proud capital, because a large part of the military tactical drills of Western countries comes from Taiwan, and many of them have been changed from Taiwan's drills. Although Western countries will never admit it. But Taiwan is very clear about this situation. As their "Patriarch", it is natural to teach them a good lesson and let them know how to respect the "Patriarch". Just like an island country. After studying so much Chinese culture, in the end, I actually think that I am the boss. I think that I have become the boss, and I look down on my ancestor. But in fact, when the patriarch really exerted his strength and was able to move, they could easily destroy them.

And those second-tier Western countries. They even dare to act recklessly in front of Taiwan and plot against Taiwan. This is absolutely intolerable. At present, the enemies in Taiwan's eyes are the United Kingdom, France and Russia, and Germany is a potential ally. As for Japan, they are all dead bones in the grave. It is not looked down upon by Taiwan. And although Japan clamored to defeat Taiwan and enter the mainland, in fact Taiwan did not take them seriously at all, and did not regard them as the first-class enemies. As for Spain, although Taiwan may not be able to kill them and go to Europe, it is normal to teach them a lesson, so Ma Junhui is also very rude and directly wants to deal with them. This time it is a foreign war, and China's foreign wars have always failed. If he can defeat the Westerners this time, even if it is only a second-rate Western country, it will be very helpful to his reputation in the country.

"Go forward. Get to the Spanish army as soon as possible, and we will fight with them!" Ma Junhui said.

Soon Taiwan's army accelerated again, hoping to reach the Spanish army as soon as possible, and then fight the Spanish. And what about those Spanish troops? They are probably also preparing for battle!

"You must dig the fortifications as soon as possible. If those yellow-skinned monkeys from Taiwan come, I am afraid that if we do not have perfect fortifications, then we will be in big trouble." The commander of the Spanish Army Boris said.

Boris looked at the Spanish soldiers who were digging fortifications, but he saw the rifle in his soldier's hand. Then sighed. Of course he knows the disadvantages of his own side in terms of weapons. Taiwan's army is better than the German army's weapons, not only grenade mortars but also machine guns. The firepower density is more than ten times stronger than that of the German army. , Such a density of firepower is enough to make anyone desperate. In fact, the Spaniards did not intend to really start a war with Taiwan this time, but just wanted to plot against Taiwan. If it is possible to seize control of the sea and then cooperate with Japan, then naturally there will be no problem. But now because of the leak of secrets by the Japanese traitor, the Spaniards have suffered heavy losses, and now it is even more impossible to win the war. Taiwan's army has already attacked, and it is possible to fight against Spain's more than 100,000 troops at any time, so I am afraid that it is impossible for him to defeat them. Although the number of Spaniards is several times that of Taiwan's army, the war in this era is no longer about the number of people in the era of cold weapons, but about firepower. Only when the firepower density is sufficient can it be used as the basis for combat effectiveness. As for the number of people to say, that is meaningless at all. The Manchu mainland has a large enough population, but wasn’t it defeated by tens of thousands of people in the end? In addition to the reason why the Qing Dynasty was behind, there is actually another situation, that is, the density of firepower is not the opponent's opponent at all, so can the soldiers not collapse?

So even Boris doesn't have much confidence in the more than 100,000 soldiers in his hands, even if they have more people. So now Boris can only blame and sigh, obviously there is no way out. And next, Boris didn't know how to deal with those domestic bureaucrats. What would happen to those bureaucrats at that time?

"General Boris, an order came from the rear, ordering us to defeat Taiwan's army as soon as possible, and then go to support the Philippines. If the Philippines is lost, it will be a heavy loss for us in Spain. Therefore, domestic orders must defeat Taiwan's army as soon as possible, otherwise All responsibility rests with us!" Boris' adjutant said.

Boris said angrily: "Bastard, how could these domestic guys issue such an order? Don't they know that our army is hard to be Taiwan's opponent? Didn't they send this order to send us to death? As for supporting the Philippines, that's even more absurd, why don't they have any military knowledge at all?"

But Boris' adjutant said helplessly: "General, I think this is just a trick of the domestic politicians. They ordered us to defeat the Taiwan army as soon as possible. They actually wanted to shirk responsibility. It's not that they don't know the strength of the Taiwan army, but They are very aware of the strength of the Taiwan army. They know that this war is close to failure, and then they have to prepare for their own future. For example, after the war, there must be someone who will come out to shoulder this responsibility. If you lose the Philippines, you will be very angry and even want to overthrow the cabinet. At that time, the cabinet will step down collectively, which is unacceptable to those bureaucrats in the country. So those bureaucrats have already made plans, which is intentional Ordering us to defeat the Taiwan army means that they are also doing their best. As for whether we can defeat the Taiwan army, that is up to us. But if we fail and fail to defeat the Taiwan army, then In this way, all the responsibilities will be borne by us. At that time, not only will our front-line generals be defeated, but they will also be blamed by domestic politicians for our defeat, so they can avoid taking responsibility to the greatest extent."

"Damn it, these guys really are politicians!" Boris said angrily.

The idea of ​​these politicians must be to avoid taking responsibility for themselves so that they don't have to step down. But this situation is enough to make many people angry. After all, in order to avoid taking responsibility, those politicians ordered those troops to defeat the Taiwan army in such a disregard of military common sense, and isn't this forcing them to die? And this is an army of more than 100,000, with more than 100,000 lives. If they are dragged to death like this, it may have a great impact. But in order to keep their positions and their family's reputation and status, those politicians really didn't care about anything. Anyway, they all know that Taiwan will not be able to take the initiative to attack Spain, and they all enjoy peace at home. So those politicians don't know how hungry the men are, and don't know the hardships of the front-line soldiers, so they all take the order for granted. Those politicians are good at playing political struggles, but if they want to talk about real they don't know at all, or they are deliberately unwilling to be clear at this time. Politicians and soldiers are creatures of two kinds of thinking!

Therefore, for the sake of their own glory and wealth, those politicians did not hesitate to sell those front-line soldiers. Anyway, they were not the ones who died. What do they have to worry about? As long as one's own glory and wealth can be preserved, it is worthwhile for many people to die, and then these soldiers deserve to die. This is what those politicians think.

"General Boris, the Chinese are here!" Boris' adjutant said.

"It's coming? It's finally here!" Boris said.

And Ma Junhui used a telescope to see the Spanish barracks seven or eight kilometers away, and then said to a liaison officer of the Political Department: "You go to persuade Boris to surrender. After all, this is also a courtesy. It is best if they are willing to surrender. If you are willing to surrender, it will not be too late to start another war. After all, surrender without fighting should be the most important thing."

"Yes!" said the Liaison Officer.

Soon, the liaison officer came to Boris' headquarters with Ma Junhui's persuasion letter, and then persuaded Boris to surrender. (to be continued)

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