Red Alert 1895

Chapter 337: Lingering (Part 2)

Soon, the gendarmerie brigade directly under the Governor's Mansion went to search the restaurant. ▲∴, but what is regrettable is that those guys have already run away from the cellar. After all, no one thought that they actually dug a tunnel in the cellar again. However, it can also be known from this that these guys are very good at running, and their "crisis awareness" is very strong. And when the gendarmerie brigade just passed by, they actually ran away immediately, without thinking at all whether the gendarmerie brigade was here to do something else. But it was precisely because of their sensitivity that they were able to run away proudly.

However, this time, the secret base of Xingzhonghui was actually about 200 meters away from the Governor's Mansion, which made Wang Guorui angry. Because people put their strongholds in front of their own homes, this of course made Wang Guorui shudder, this is too scary.

"You are all a bunch of idiots, idiots! They have opened their strongholds to a place less than 200 meters outside our Governor's Mansion. If they are really determined to dig a tunnel directly, and then they can put explosives, then we Everyone in the Governor's Mansion will go to heaven. You bastards, you haven't got any news!" Wang Guorui yelled angrily.

And Hu Ling, the leader of the domestic security leadership group, looked very pale. This time, Wang Guorui was really furious. Not only was he assassinated, but they also opened their stronghold to a place less than 200 meters away from the Governor's Mansion, which is simply absurd. In this case, Wang Guorui's guess is not impossible. If someone digs a tunnel to come over, then they will directly put an explosive at that time, and the Governor's Mansion will be in danger. So this mistake is really not small, this time it is really a serious problem.

"Master Wang, our Domestic Security Leading Group has just been established, and it has not yet been transformed into the General Administration of Domestic Security. So we just asked the major internal security agencies to compare the information, and then we analyzed the news that these restaurants are their strongholds. However, our domestic security leadership team still needs to be integrated, and strive to become the General Administration of Domestic Security as soon as possible, so that we can better serve you, Lord Wang!" Hu Ling said.

Because Wang Guorui had already made up his mind to set up a General Administration of Domestic Security, but several departments were not so easy to spin off. Therefore, in order to effectively transition, a domestic security leading group was established to coordinate the internal security agencies of various departments. The work of this domestic security leading group is mainly coordination for the time being, and it is not too much. And this is also an important means to effectively integrate the internal security agencies of various departments in the future, and the future director of the General Administration of Internal Security will be Hu Ling.

"Master Wang, we have found the news now. According to our interrogation of the owner of the restaurant, he said that he joined an organization called the Xingzhonghui, and he also provided the cellar as one of the strongholds of the Xingzhonghui. And he He never thought that the Xingzhong Society would be so rebellious and would assassinate you, Mr. Wang. But he just thought that the Xingzhong Society was an organization that rebelled against the imperial court and was determined to establish a republic," Hu Ling said.

"What? Xingzhonghui, didn't I ask you to seal it?" Wang Guorui asked.

But Hu Ling said: "Although we have suppressed the Xingzhong Society on the surface, they are actually lurking in secret. Now the Xingzhong Society is not only not driven away, but they are lurking in secret and developing in secret. People, and then more and more. According to our estimates, they should have thousands of members now. We don’t know the identity of these members. But there should be people from all walks of life, even intellectuals People of that type. After all, only intellectuals think about revolution and republic.”

"Intellectuals, that is the backbone of our society from all walks of life in Taiwan? They have a lot of power indirectly in their hands!" Wang Guorui snorted.

"Lord Wang, the matter may not be that bad, because many of them may not know what Xingzhong will do, they just think that they are in a kind of revolutionary party. And many of them may not know that they joined Xingzhonghui, because Xingzhong has several names. They use different names for different people, which makes people mistakenly think it is a normal assembly.”

Taiwan does not prohibit all kinds of non-governmental organizations. Taiwan is different from the mainland. The mainland has always adopted a stance of almost strictly prohibiting those non-governmental organizations. However, Taiwan has not really cracked down on non-governmental organizations, but only cracked down on organizations with different ideas and various rebellious ideas. And this must go through a screening process. But there are always a lot of fish that slip through the net. Moreover, there are still many organizations who are trying to sell dog meat, and this makes the investigation even more difficult. This is also normal. Once the freedom of association of non-governmental organizations is opened up, many non-governmental organizations will surely spring up like mushrooms after rain. And there are definitely not a few guys who sell dog meat with sheep's tricks.

However, Wang Guorui did not intend to ban the existence of non-governmental organizations again. After all, what should come will come sooner or later. If they want to rebel, those people will not give up the idea of ​​rebellion because of the unfreedom of association. What can really be done is to carefully screen and then severely crack down on those rebels. And if we crack down on those so-called non-governmental organizations, we cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach, which will definitely be very troublesome. At that time, a large number of non-governmental organizations will suffer heavy losses, which is definitely not a good thing. On the contrary, if they can pass the cloak of legality, it may not be a good thing for them to investigate Taiwan. They must have a legal coat, and at that time, they can follow the clues through this coat, which is better than those who have no clue in the past!

"Song Yang!" Wang Guorui shouted.

Soon, Song Yang, the director of the attendant room, came over immediately.

"Master Wang, what's the matter?" Song Yang asked.

"What happened to the special task force on the Xingzhonghui?" Wang Guorui asked.

"It's already being formed, but we don't know what the Xingzhong Association wants to do, so we can't effectively choose the most suitable person to take up the corresponding position!" Song Yang said.

Wang Guorui said directly: "You can discuss with Hu Ling later, and ask Hu Ling to give you the information about the Xingzhong Society, and then you can check the relevant situation of the Xingzhong Society. Also, this Xingzhong Society must be taken seriously , they are not good men and women, they are definitely a big threat to us, even a stronger threat than the Qing Dynasty. If anyone finds the stronghold of the Xingzhong Society, finds a person who confiscated one, and joins the Xingzhong Society, he will never be punished. Can enter our civil servants and military ranks. And make an announcement among all civil servants and the military, prohibiting them from joining any party or organization with political purposes, otherwise they will all be expelled, and they will even be handed over to the court for punishment.”

"Yes!" Song Yang said.

"Hey, what a lingering ghost!" Wang Guorui said with a sigh.

For these Xingzhonghui, Wang Guorui has no good solution. In fact, the middle and lower levels of this kind of Xingzhong Society are composed of young people with faith, ideals and passion. In fact, if we want to say that Wang Guorui does not have much malice towards those ordinary members of the Xingzhong Society. However, the democracy and various political ideas they agree with are too naive. They can't see clearly what the reality of the Western world is like. The Western world is also dominated by a bunch of consortiums controlling the government. Their imagination of democracy and freedom is too simple. True absolute democracy is not democracy, it is to destroy mankind. And they don't have any long-term plans at all. Their thinking about international politics is too naive. They think that as long as the Manchu Qing is overthrown and the Republic is established, everything will be fine. But they don't understand the cruelty of foreigners, and they naively think that foreigners are here to help them.

And those top executives of Xingzhong Society all hope to fool those students into working for and then use them as cannon fodder to achieve their own ambitions. As for those students who are not enough, it is just a prop that they hope to use to realize their ambitions. If they sacrifice a batch, a second batch will join in to take risks. In fact, revolution cannot strengthen the country, but to strengthen the country, the entire country must work together. Revolution is just the beginning. And they have no idea about their long-term goals. Coupled with those cheating high-level officials, the Xingzhong Society is extremely destructive, but has no ability to build a country. If they are allowed to rule the country, I am afraid that it will be a mess in the end. Could it be that Wang Guorui will still invite those high-level members of the Xingzhong Society to rule the country? This is obviously not possible, and then the country will definitely be in chaos, and it is even impossible to make the country have a future.

What's more, those officials of the Xingzhong Society are just a group of hypocrites who want to be rich and powerful. While they are shouting to save the country and the people, they are actually doing it for their own prosperity and wealth. This kind of person is much more disgusting than those who directly say that they want to be prosperous and rich. Those who directly say that they want prosperity and wealth are really villains, and they will not lie to others in anything they do. But this group of hypocrites not only confuse most of the people and make them support them, but then they use the people and overseas students who followed them as cannon fodder, and finally they can exchange for their own glory and wealth. This kind of hypocrite is much more destructive than a real villain. Therefore, Wang Guoruining can use a real villain, and he will not use a hypocrite. (to be continued..)

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