Red Alert 1895

Chapter 329: Aboriginal infighting

When a group of natives ran away one after another, the submachine gun platoon in the rear had already retreated, but they still ran around with lingering fear. ←, and the more the natives ran, the fewer people there were, because in addition to being beaten to death, there were also many people who were unwilling to mix in this team and started running away one after another. And many indigenous officers also started to run away, but those nobles had nothing to do, they could only follow the collective, because they were more knowledgeable than ordinary indigenous officers, that is, they knew that if they dispersed It will inevitably be defeated by the Taiwan army one by one, so it is better to act together as a group when necessary.

Those natives ran for more than twenty miles before they could stop for a while. And they found that the pursuit of the Taiwan army had stopped, and they were relieved. But then, everyone faced the loss, but felt very heartbroken!

"Chief Simba, we originally had 12,000 people, but only about 1,100 people were left here. Most of the remaining people were killed by the firearms of the Taiwan army, and a good part of them were killed in Taiwan. When fleeing, they all left by themselves, and now there are only about 1,100 people following us."

Simba furiously said, "Asshole, is this the one you commanded to fight?"

When the native general saw this scene, his face turned red, but because of their dark skin, people couldn't find it. But then the native general was not reconciled, because he knew that this responsibility could never be shouldered by himself. Because the price of losing more than 10,000 people at a time is already 90% of the natives. If you carry it yourself, you will definitely experience severe punishment. Thinking about the punishments for the defeated in the past, this makes him also I shudder.

And as a former aboriginal aristocrat, such things as political struggles are almost self-taught and self-taught. So he soon thought of shirking responsibility, and this responsibility can only be pushed upwards. Can't push down. After all, this responsibility is so great now that a person with sufficient weight must be taken out to bear it, otherwise this responsibility cannot be eliminated at all.

"Simba, this is all your responsibility. What is it not your responsibility for the failure of this battle?" The native general said angrily.

And Simba laughed back angrily. Said: "Okay! Who insisted on attacking the Chinese camp in the first place, which caused so many casualties?"

"Is it wrong for us to attack the camp and free our countrymen?" the native general shouted.

Simba immediately said angrily: "Look, now we have not only failed to rescue our compatriots, but have suffered such huge losses. What do you think we should do? Can you bear this responsibility?"

"Hmph, that's because you, the leader, failed to command in time. And all of this is your responsibility. If you were able to dissuade us at that time, how could we have ended up like this?" the native general said angrily.

And now this native general is also a little messy, obviously trying to shift the responsibility to Simba. But this reason is a bit unflattering. After all, Simba was very opposed to directly attacking the camps in Taiwan to rescue the indigenous people. At present, it is impossible for the indigenous people to fight a positional battle with the Taiwanese with their weapon strength, so he opposes attacking the fortified camp. He supported fighting guerrillas, but the other indigenous leaders disagreed because they didn't want to go into the mountains and become monkeys. Although the Chinese often call them Nanyang monkeys. But it is impossible for them to live a monkey-like life, so they want to attack the fertile land. And there are gathering points with a large population, so they can fully benefit.

If it wasn't for their greed for enjoyment, they wouldn't have ended up in this situation. But now that something like this happened, someone must be responsible, so they unanimously shifted the responsibility to Simba, so let's shift the responsibility to the leader. In this way, not only will someone take responsibility, but Simba will also be able to abolish Simba's status as a leader, and then establish another leader.

"Bastard, did you listen to my command at the time? If you had listened to me a little bit, how could you have ended up in this situation? So everything is your responsibility. Now you are passing the responsibility to me? It is really unreasonable!" Simba said angrily.

"It's not who is responsible for you, anyway, you are our leader, and you are the most responsible!" the native general said nonsense.

And Simba was angry and funny. These guys originally made themselves the leader, but they didn't have much say. But now, once these guys are faced with taking responsibility, then I'm afraid they will also shift the responsibility to him, the leader. This one was so funny that Simba almost killed him on the spot. But Simba knew that he was only a nominal leader and had no real power, so of course he couldn't do anything to this native general. But he clenched his fists with both hands, obviously very angry about it.

"That's right! It's all the responsibility of you as the leader. If it wasn't for you, would we have ended up like this?" "Yes, please step down now and choose another person with strong ability to be the leader." "You You must take the blame and resign so that you can take responsibility!"…

Of course, Simba couldn't resign voluntarily. After all, as a former tribal nobleman, he certainly understood this very well. Once he loses his power, he will probably face death, so of course Simba cannot voluntarily give up his power. Once he gave up his power, it meant being slaughtered, so of course he didn't want to. At that time, don't talk about establishing a country that can let the indigenous people themselves, and even their own lives will not be saved. Therefore, Simba will never give up his status now.

"What are you doing? If you didn't mess around and don't listen to the leader, how could we have ended up like this?" Someone said angrily.

This is obviously a supporter of Simba. Now that he sees these guys persecuting Simba so much, he has also taken the initiative to speak up for him. However, his status is obviously lower, so of course he cannot be recognized by the leaders of the nobles.

"What are you? You are just a lowly slave. What right do you have to speak in front of us nobles?" the native general said angrily.


Now everyone is really speechless, because it's this time, isn't it ridiculous to still be here as a nobleman? Everyone is a loser, but these guys still don't forget that they are nobles, so it is absurd to exclude people who used to be of low status.

Seeing this, Simba immediately shook his head and said, "Since you are like this, then I will resign as the leader. However, I must leave with those who are willing to follow me!"

Hearing that Simba was willing to leave made everyone a little happy. After all, Simba helped those low-level indigenous slaves be liberated, so he must have a lot of prestige, so if he doesn't leave by himself, I'm afraid his mother will really be unable to do anything to Simba. And now that Simba is willing to go on his own, that would be great. As long as he is gone, no one will be able to stop himself from continuing to live a good life and enjoy himself, and then exploit those low-level natives. And they don't feel very interested in establishing a country that belongs to the natives of Nanyang. And what they are actually interested in is living the luxurious life of the tribal leaders of the past, rather than struggling to build a country. Now that Simba is gone, it is naturally better.

"Okay, you lead someone right away, get out!" said the native general.

And when Simba took the initiative to recruit people, he hoped that everyone would go with him, but when the natives heard that they were going to fight guerrillas in the mountains, they immediately gave up thinking about it. Guerrilla warfare is actually very difficult. As a soldier, you must have tenacious willpower. If you don't have tenacious willpower, then you haven't defeated the enemy, and you will have a mental breakdown first. The willpower of a nation comes from the inheritance of national civilization. And the vast majority of these indigenous people obviously don't have this willpower. They obviously don't want to go to the tropical rainforest to fight guerrillas. They would rather choose to live in peace here.

They think that Taiwanese people should not recognize that they participated in those attacks. As long as they calm down and survive, can they continue to live a stable life? Although Taiwanese are arresting slaves everywhere now, the slaves captured by mercenaries are not the mainstream, and the real main slaves captured are also composed of tribes opposed to Taiwan. So they think that as long as they can live a life of obedient, they can also fool Taiwan.

Under this idea of ​​wanting to be obedient citizens, only more than 20 people left with Simba. And Simba left everyone with these more than 20 people, and then they discussed how to deal with the next thing.

"Let's go to East Kalimantan and fight guerrillas in the forest!" Simba said.

"Chief, don't we stay in this West Kalimantan?" Someone asked.

Simba immediately said: "There are too many Chinese in West Kalimantan, and there are hundreds of thousands of Chinese in West Kalimantan. It is impossible for us to hide from the Chinese, and there are too many eyes and ears of the Chinese here. We cannot hide from them at all." In the past. But East Kalimanda is different from several other provinces, and the Chinese in other provinces have just established provinces. And according to the time I was in the slave camp, the supervisors were talking about it, except that there are hundreds of thousands in West Kalimantan Chinese, and there are 50,000 to 60,000 Chinese in South Kalimantan, and 30,000 Chinese in North Kalimantan. East Kalimantan is only a province in name, and there is no real large number of Chinese to join. Therefore, East Kalimantan Mandana is our world, we can establish our territory in East Kalimantan. Then develop from east to west, so that there is our world.” (To be continued..)

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