Red Alert 1895

Chapter 319: Survey of Taiwan's Strength (Middle)

Next, the intelligence advisor of the British Prime Minister's Office began to tell the Prime Minister, the Marquess of Salisbury, about the investigation of Taiwan's intelligence. As for the Taiwan investigation, they have been continuing, and they have obviously achieved some results. Naturally, they know that they are now here to report to the Prime Minister.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, our current investigation on Taiwan has actually conducted a fairly rigorous investigation. And we first investigate military strength. Taiwan has now carried out a new round of military expansion, and their military strength has already baited a full 300,000. It is roughly divided into twenty divisions. According to their division, they are currently divided into three theaters. Among them, the Taiwan theater is their theater to protect their Taiwan area. It is the most powerful, and the divisions they have are the first Four, seventh, eighth, ninth, and five divisions. If you count the so-called Guards Division and the four divisions directly under the Taiwan Army Headquarters, then their plan will have ten divisions in the future. The strength of the troops. And these divisions have the strongest strength in the guard divisions, they are all composed of veterans and non-commissioned officers, and they are Taiwan's biggest ace force."

"As for the other military regions to follow, they are to guard the West Borneo Theater to the west of Borneo, and the goal of the West Borneo Theater is obvious, which is to monitor our mission in the Strait of Malacca. And suppress the indigenous riots in Kalimantan Island, And as an important line of defense to protect our western world from entering East Asia, the West Borneo Theater is second only to the strength of the Taiwan Theater. From the perspective of troop deployment, the status of the West Borneo Theater may not be much lower than that of the Taiwan Theater. Because their West Borneo Theater There are two veteran divisions under it, the second and the fifth, which took the longest time to form, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. They are the main divisions in Taiwan."

"As for the East Borneo War Zone, their current task is to occupy other places in Southeast Asia. They are currently responsible for expanding the territory and attacking the indigenous people. Since the target of the East Borneo War Zone is the indigenous people, their troops are all newly expanded Moreover, these newly expanded troops have just built a shelf, and they are not fully staffed. The East Borneo theater is currently the weakest theater in Taiwan. They are just a skeleton, and there should be 45,000 people according to the establishment. But Now it can be up to 20,000 people. However, 20,000 people are enough to sweep those natives."

"As for the navy, the navy is the most surprising thing. They currently have three major naval fleets. They already have about a dozen battleships, and six of them are our Sovereign-class battleships. Several of them are also Centurion-class battleships. I will not explain the parameters to you, because everyone understands the strength of our two warships. The strength of the main battleships of the Taiwan Navy has reached the level of the world. At the first-rate level, even we dare not be easily humiliated."

And everyone heard such an analysis of military power, which made everyone shudder. Because there are 300,000 troops and three major naval fleets. This is simply too powerful. Especially the navy. At present, Taiwan's naval strength has reached above the top five in the world. Such a huge naval strength is enough to become a hegemon in the world. And this is what the UK is worried about. But the British are always keeping an eye on Taiwan. If Taiwan makes any bad moves, the British will inevitably go to war against Taiwan. The British also proposed war against Taiwan several times, but they were all beaten back by those short-sighted capitalists. Although Taiwan already has the possibility of threatening the Strait of Malacca, Taiwan is still very "obedient" and has no possibility of provoking the Strait of Malacca. The Strait of Malacca is definitely the reverse scale of the Western world. If Taiwan makes any move to meddle in the Straits of Malacca, the Western world will be very sensitive. If Taiwan wants to control the Strait of Malacca beyond its means. Then even the British capitalists will go to war against Taiwan.

And such a huge military force will actually cause everyone to feel scared. This Taiwan already has the strength of ordinary Western powers. Although they are only ranked last among the first-class powers, they don’t have to bow their knees like the Chinese central government when facing the British, and they can stand upright. After all, strength is the foundation of status. If you don't have strength, your status will not be stable. Taiwan currently has the possibility of threatening British hegemony, especially if Taiwan may enter the mainland at any time, then the British will face a very dangerous situation.

"Gentlemen, I don't think you should pay attention to Taiwan's military strength, because the most amazing thing about Taiwan is not its military strength, but its finances!" said the intelligence officer.

"What? Finance?" Everyone didn't quite understand what it meant.

"You may not know that according to Taiwan's public financial statements, although the function of military expenditure is announced in name. However, according to our further investigation, Taiwan's so-called military expenditure item actually only includes The salaries of officers, the salaries and allowances of soldiers, and the general administrative expenses of the army. In other words, their military expenditure items are incomplete, and it is completely dark. They did not disclose the expenditure they used to purchase weapons and equipment, and purchase weapons and equipment That item is not included in Taiwan's financial statements at all. According to our investigation, the military's equipment expenditure is the most mysterious thing in Taiwan. This is entirely the private contribution of Taiwan Governor Wang Guorui, that is, the small treasury contribution .But how much money is in this small treasury, this is the most curious thing."

"If you do the math carefully, according to the equipment of Taiwan's army, it is simply miraculous. Their firepower is already seven or eight times that of the Germans, and the cost of weapons and equipment for the 300,000 troops armed by them is enough. It is enough for the Germans to arm more than 1.2 million soldiers. And Taiwan relies on such fierce firepower to make Taiwan's army so strong. They seem to know that their soldiers will not be able to reach the same level as our Western powers in a short time However, they are willing to use firepower to supplement it. They use firepower to supplement it, which makes them look very powerful. But you should also know that it costs money. The more intense the firepower, the more expensive it is. A lot. I roughly estimated once, if Taiwan’s weapons and equipment are used, it is enough to bankrupt Taiwan’s fiscal revenue more than eight times.”

"That is to say, the money in Wang Guorui's small private treasury has reached at least eight times the fiscal revenue announced by the Taiwan government. If someone tells me who the richest man in the world is now, I will definitely say without hesitation It is Wang Guorui, because it is a miracle that such a large amount of money can be spent. He is not only expanding the army, but also expanding the navy! The navy is a gold swallowing beast, and it is impossible to support so many people with Taiwan's strength. The navy is completely supported by Wang Guorui with his own money. It can be said that this Taiwanese army is completely Wang Guorui’s own private army. He thinks that all your military equipment is supported by him with his own money. It is conceivable that this army The army is loyal to Wang Guorui."

"The question is, where did Wang Guorui get so much money? Although he was originally a relatively wealthy family in the mainland, the money was not even enough to cover these huge expenses. So we guess it is definitely not his own money, or He is just a spokesperson launched by an international organization. And our previous situation is enough to show that the Hans Shipyard is definitely the skin of that organization, and their purpose and various situations are not very clear. Taiwan In fact, it is the power supported by that organization, and if Taiwan does not have the military funding provided by that organization, then Taiwan is not worth mentioning at all."

The Marquess of Salisbury asked again: "Then what are they planning for that organization?"

"Yes! I believe that there is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no hatred for no reason. What have they done for so much? I am afraid that no one else can afford to pay so much money except for the legendary family. Ah! At first I suspected that it was but the reality is that it is impossible. Because Taiwan’s weapons and equipment are much better than the German regular army, so Germany does not need to spend so much. If it is Germany, then This Germany must be a losing business."

"Since it's not Germany, who in this world can support it? France, it's impossible, they won't ask for trouble on their own. And Russia, it's also unlikely. Judging from the situation of Taiwan's local tyrants, Taiwan has more wealth than Russia. There is a lot of money. As for our last suspicion, it is the United States, but the United States has no motive to support him! The United States can also be ruled out. Therefore, we don’t know who is behind the tricks. So what we can do, we can also It is to attack the forces behind them as soon as possible, and then cut off that force’s financial support for Taiwan, so that Taiwan itself can starve to death! This is the best way for us to deal with Taiwan. If we go to war with Taiwan, we will lose a lot but the gains outweigh the losses. So As long as the organization behind it is destroyed, Taiwan's huge army will not only fail to become their strength, but will instead become their huge revenge and devour their economy."

After hearing this, they actually returned to the situation of attacking the organization behind Taiwan, but now they have no clue.

"However, we must attack that organization quickly. If we are slow, Taiwan may be able to generate blood by itself!" The intelligence officer continued immediately. (to be continued)

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