Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 92 Chapter 109 This Experience is Difficult to Promote

Chapter 109 This Experience is Difficult to Promote

Bentley saw Qu Jianlei's thoughts and asked, "Have you ever killed innocent people?"

After thinking about it, Qu Jianlei replied, "I have a clear conscience!"

Among other things, the guard who got hurt this morning was innocent - at least in this case.

However, in various settlements, the birth of a force like the Sai family, which regards human life as nothing, means that something is wrong with itself.

In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent

As Qu Jianlei was being hunted and killed in cold blood, was it wrong to resist?

Originally, he also wanted to respect Zhou Liu's rules, so he stopped shooting.

But the Sai family provoked first, and the guards did not act later, so don't blame him for retaliating in his own way.

He expressed regret for the accidental injury, but he had a clear conscience.

"That's what I said," Bentley nodded, "I also have a clear conscience."

You have a clear conscience... probably a little bit different from mine! Qu Jianlei doesn't fully agree with the moral values ​​of wastelanders.

But as long as you have a bottom line in your heart, people are not far behind.

At this time, it was already dark, and the two drove a truck and came out of the secret underground camp.

Because there are still a lot of things in the secret camp, it is impossible to transport them all at once, so the two of them just transported out the things that might be used.

This is more than half of the transport capacity of the truck.

Even Bentley couldn't help but say, "Are we loading too many weapons?"

In fact, there are not many weapons, the key is that the ammunition is loaded too much. Interestingly, Bentley actually has the shells of the machine gun.

When Qu Jianlei captured the machine gun, he really didn't have much ammunition, and after adding the subsequent consumption, there were only more than 30 rounds left in his hand.

But Bentley is a little strange. He doesn't have a machine gun, but has a lot of shells in stock.

In fact, judging by his strength, getting a machine gun is really not a big problem.

Qu Jianlei also specifically asked Bentley why he stored so many shells.

The old man's answer was very casual. Machine guns are not very popular in the Zizi area, and laser weapons are more popular here.

However, when he built this secret camp, he hadn't completely let go of his revenge, so he hoarded a lot of ammunition.

In his words: machine guns can be bought for money, and if not, you can grab them, but ammunition is hard to find.

This time he planned to leave, of course he had to add some ammunition to the cannon.

Hua Xiezi was very vigilant. After seeing the two of them coming out, she said that there were two motorcycles passing by.

She felt that the other party was unintentional, so she didn't notify, but just hid it herself.

Finding that Bentley had moved out a lot of belongings, her guard against this person instantly dropped to the extreme.

The materials in the wasteland are extremely valuable, and the refuge may be fake, but the materials cannot deceive people.

Everyone has been working hard all day, isn't it just for this thing?

Because it was just dark, the three of them were not in a hurry to leave, but began to discuss where to go.

I can't stay in the local area for the time being. Bentley suggested going to the Tianzi inhabited area. Only there can I buy some training supplies.

Hua Xiezi was very excited when she heard that she was practicing, but Bentley hit her mercilessly. It's too late for you to practice at your age.

The old man paid more attention when talking to Qu Jianlei, but when he met her, he really had something to say.

Hua Xiezi was a little unconvinced, "Actually, I'm not very old, I'm only 24 years old this year."

In other words, when she met Qu Jianlei two years ago, she was only 22 years old, but she was already an elite hunter.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the wasteland, life is hard, and it is not uncommon for thirteen or fourteen-year-old hunters to be hunters.

Qu Jianlei stopped the two of them from arguing, "You two are in charge of guarding and driving on the road, I will sort out these exercises."

Hua Xiezi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Then I still have a chance?"

Qu Jianlei replied casually, "If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work?"

Bentley glanced at him upon hearing this, but didn't care.

Two hours later, it was dark, and the three of them restored the underground secret camp and left in a heavy truck.

The heavy-duty truck has been modified very well. There is a door between the cab and the body, so you don't need to be on guard in the body all the time.

At this time, Bentley finally had the heart to ask Qu Jianlei about various attributes, "Is strength a natural thing?"

"Two years ago, I was a weakling," Qu Jianlei replied while reading a book. For him, two-threaded operation was too simple.

"After the injection, my body changed, and for some other reasons, I became stronger and stronger."

"How many times has the strength increased?" Bentley asked subconsciously.

But when he saw the other party flipping through the book, he changed his words again, "Forget it... besides strength, is there anything else?"

"Physical fitness has been improved in an all-round way," Qu Jianlei replied without raising his head, "That's all."

Just in time, Hua Xiezi came back from the truck, and Bentley asked her, "The overall physical fitness has improved...what does it include?"

"Runs fast, jumps high, and sees far," Hua Xiezi replied casually, "and also has good physical coordination...such as marksmanship."

The Sai family can find out about these situations, and she doesn't think it's inappropriate to speak out.

Bentley was silent. Did he meet an almighty reformed warrior?

After a while, he asked again, "How did you get over the transformation potion when it took effect?"

"Using my own cultivation method," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "I used to not even have enough to eat, but fortunately I picked up half a crystal."

"I picked up half a crystal..." The corner of Bentley's mouth couldn't help twitching, isn't your luck a bit against the sky? "Dare to sell?"

"Of course I dare not. I used it myself. Only then did I officially start my cultivation."

"Your method is a bit too..." Bentley shook his head helplessly, this is simply something that ordinary people cannot learn.

I don't know what kind of medicine that Sai family took wrongly. If you insist on taking him down, this kind of experience is difficult to promote.

"Is it convenient for you to tell me where the method of self-cultivation comes from?"

Qu Jianlei finally raised his head, thought for a while and then replied, "I put everything together and sorted it out myself."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head to read the book again.

"Arranged by yourself?" Bentley finally changed his face.

He looked at Qu Jianlei in astonishment, "You didn't kill are really lucky."

"You are dead, I can only blog about it," Qu Jianlei replied nonchalantly, "Also, don't disturb my reading."

He has no problem with dual-threaded thinking, but when he is seriously thinking about problems, he still hopes to be undisturbed.

Bentley glanced at the flower scorpion behind him, "I've improved in an all-round way... Has his internal organs also improved?"

"I'm not sure about that," Hua Scorpion shook his head, "But what's certain is that he eats a lot, very big."

"It's normal," Bentley replied nonchalantly, "Since you practice cultivation, you must eat a lot... how much can you eat?"

Hua Xiezi rolled his eyes at him, "Eat one hundred kilograms of meat for a this amount normal?"

"Uh," Bentley's face suddenly changed, "Is it the kilogram that everyone recognizes?"

This appetite is already comparable to that of a B-rank ultimate fighter, right?

While they were chatting, Zhou Liu also got into an argument.

The non-staff guard outside the city died in the end, which made the high-level of the settlement extremely dissatisfied.

For the wanted criminals, their eyes were blackened, and they could only spread their anger on the Saijia team.

These guys obviously used Zhou Liu's people as a shield.

However, the senior officials of the Sai family in the team were wiped out, which caused the Sai family to be very angry, clamoring for the chief executive to stand out.

In the end, it was time to verify Qu Jianlei - after all, the arrest warrant was issued by the general settlement.

However, the Zhouliu settlement is too prosperous, and the higher-ups are naturally rich and powerful, so that they are not very afraid of the Shangzong settlement.

——You can find someone, but you must first explain clearly, what happened between you and Qu Jianlei?

When that guy was still weak, what was he injected that caused you to stare at him so hard?

In the same ethnic group, the difference in IQ is not too big. How could people with discerning eyes not see what the Sai family is trying to hide?

Naturally, the Sai family would not answer this question, they just talked about it with the arrest warrant.

Zhou Liu's people did look for someone, but one can imagine how hard they were.

Three days later, someone finally discovered that Bentley and Master Panda were missing.

Bentley can be ruled out directly, his age is there.

But no one knows how old Master Panda is, only that there are three women, two big and one small, beside him.

This is suspicious, not to mention that all four of them disappeared.

However, Geng Shougong stepped forward. He said that it is impossible for young people in their teens to have such strong knowledge and ability in mechanical maintenance.

Not to mention the young man you mentioned, who didn't even get started two years ago.

The Sai family complained again that dragons and snakes were mixed outside the city, so the famous repairman didn't know his identity?

You have not done a good job in management, and we will definitely reflect this problem.

These words completely annoyed Zhou Liu's senior executives: If strict management is really required, the inhabited area will definitely no longer be prosperous!

It is precisely because of the various provocative actions of the Sai family that the settlements basically do not cooperate with the arrest warrants.

No one found out that Cindy and Claire lived in the city and had official resident status. They were relatively safe in the short term.

On the contrary, Qu Jianlei was a little worried. The deaths of Liefeng and Xiaojing still caused a great psychological shadow on him.

During the first few days of his journey, he couldn't calm down and meditate.

It wasn't until he left Zhou Liu's residential area that he knew it was too late to go back, so he completely let go of this matter.

Bentley didn't speak highly of Zhan Zhuang, "Ba Duan Jin" and "Five Animal Shows", and even sneered at Tai Chi.

The only thing that can make him rate higher is Tai Chi Thirteen Knives.

Hua Xiezi was not convinced by his words, and suggested that he practice Ba Duan Jin or Wu Qin Xi.

She has practiced these herself, so of course she knows how effective it is to activate Qi and blood.

But Bentley didn't bother - he wasn't bored to that extent.

It wasn't until he saw Qu Jianlei meditating for a long time that he whispered in surprise, "Is this his way of cultivation?"

(Brother Heitian's update is over.) ——————

Chapter 110 Exploration

Hua Xiezi's temper is not bad, so she was able to become the core of the team, and she has a good relationship with Cindy's mother and daughter.

But she and Bentley really had a conflict—mainly because Bentley looked down on her.

She knew that the other party was a reformed soldier, so she was more respectful at first.

But later she found that her respect had not been reciprocated, so she was too lazy to please the other party.

What made her feel depressed was that her negligence did not affect the other party's emotions.

It's just being ignored as a transparent person!

She was a little helpless and a little upset, but most of all she felt her own weakness.

To the other party's question, she replied feebly, "It should be."

"What should it be?" Bentley's cloudy old eyes sparkled, "Don't you know him?"

"Boss has no obligation to tell me this," Hua Xiezi lazily replied.

The next moment, she realized that there was something wrong with her attitude, so she added, "Only this, he didn't teach me."

"Then let him teach you," Bentley looked at her resentfully, "Do you know what he's doing?"

Hua Xiezi shook her head, "I don't know, the boss said that I won't teach it for the time being... Do you know what this is?"

"I don't know," Bentley also shook his head, but there was a hint of deeply hidden excitement in his old eyes.

"If he wants to teach you how to practice, don't learn anything else, just learn this!"

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiezi looked at him suspiciously, "You have never been so warm to me before, there must be a reason for this?"

Bentley thought for a while, and then replied seriously, "I suspect this is a fundamental cultivation technique... No matter how much you say, you won't understand it."

"I'll practice whatever he gives," Hua Scorpion lazily replied, "I believe he won't lie to me."

Bentley immediately guessed her fear, "Are you worried that I will steal the cultivation method from you?"

Of course! Hua Xiezi shook his head and spoke seriously, "The boss has always emphasized one sentence: the best is the right one."

"The right... is the best?" Bentley was stunned.

His IQ is not low, and he is old enough, but it is a pity that he has been blinded by hatred for so many years.

Because of being wanted, he couldn't get an exclusive method suitable for him.

He was very worried about this, and he was thinking about how to get the most authoritative and formal cultivation method.

It wasn't until now when he heard this that he suddenly realized that what he pursued so hard may not necessarily be the most suitable!

He sighed softly, "No wonder he dared to say that he could customize a spell for me, but it turns out that he has reached such a height?"

"Among the survivors, many people understand this," Hua Xiezi replied casually.

What suits you is the best. If you want to get good things that you are not entitled to, you will basically end up miserable.

She felt that Bentley was living a good life and had a high status, so he yearned for the ultimate.

How could Bentley not understand this? Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Sure enough, I still haven't let go of the arrogance in my heart... It's been a bit of a waste for nearly a hundred years."

Then he looked at Hua Xiezi and said seriously, "For the sake of waking me up, I will give you a B-grade crystal."

"No, I'll buy it," Hua Xiezi waved his hand and said seriously, "Boss said, it's free, but it's actually the most expensive!"

Bentley was taken aback for another moment, and then smiled wryly, "How can this guy see life so clearly at such a young age?"

Hua Xiezi nodded approvingly, "Indeed, there may be something hidden in the lost childhood memories of the boss."

"Is it really important to lose it?" Bentley instead enlightened her.

"Anyway, he values ​​promises and partners, and that's enough... isn't it?"

Hua Xiezi nodded, and took another deep look at him, "Your attitude a bit strange."

"I just discovered something," Bentley said frankly, "his origin...may be far bigger than I thought."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Hua Xiezi said with a smile, "The greater his background, the better we will be...someone is here!"

These days, they have been out at night, in order to avoid possible arrests.

During the day, they found a hidden place to rest, and set off on their way after the sky darkened.

The place they chose now is a sparse forest. Even if they put on a protective net, there is no guarantee that they will never be exposed.

So the three simply decided not to cover the protective net - such a large truck is definitely not easy to provoke.

It was morning, the air was fine, and a truck and three motorcycles came.

This is the configuration of a small team of standard adventurers, with trucks carrying supplies and motorcycles guarding the trucks.

The team passed by the woods, and someone with sharp eyes spotted a heavy truck in the woods.

The convoy immediately slowed down, and the two motorcycles turned around and headed straight for the heavy truck.

Bentley got up and picked up the vehicle-mounted machine gun, raising his hand to fire three bursts.

His Gauss gun played very well, and three bullets hit the ground less than five meters away from the two motorcycles.

Seeing this, the two motorcycles flicked their tails, and someone pulled out the horn and yelled, "The high-point team is doing you want to die?"

Hua Xiezi had been aiming for a while, and shot the horn in the opponent's hand.

Bentley has already turned the cannon around, if the other party dares to beep again, he will finish the truck on the other side with one shot.

In fact, a single heavy truck traveling alone means that it is not easy to mess with, but it will occasionally be coveted.

Especially a small team like this, which dares to think about heavy trucks at this level, basically has the support of big forces behind it.

However, how could Qu Jianlei and the others be afraid of getting into trouble? Since some people don't open their eyes, then teach them how to be human.

The two motorcycles were frightened by each other's precise shooting, and they turned and left without saying a word.

But the truck not far away got angry, "Dare to attack the Gaodian are going to be in trouble!"

Bentley picked up the loudspeaker and shouted concisely, "Get out! If you don't get out, you die!"

Someone in the truck looked at it with binoculars.

Probably also found the machine gun on the truck, they didn't say anything, stopped for a while and left.

Bentley glanced at Hua Scorpion, "Do you know why I didn't shout out and just shot warning?"

He intends to point out the other party, this attitude is quite different from before.

After thinking for a while, Hua Xiezi replied, "Want to prove that we have a bad temper and reduce our tongue?"

A voice sounded behind them, lazily, "Their convoy is driving close to the woods."

But Qu Jianlei had already repaid his efforts and came behind the two of them.

This is really the truth! Hua Xiezi nodded after thinking about it, "You two really know a lot."

Generally, when the convoy is on the road, it usually tries to avoid some potential threats, and staying away from the woods is one.

However, although people who are on the road understand this point, people who are "passed by" can quickly judge clearly, which requires considerable experience and keen intuition.

Flower Scorpion is an elite hunter, but after all, he is still young, a little bit worse.

Bentley glanced at Qu Jianlei, "You don't look like seventeen or eighteen...why aren't you sitting down?"

"The guns have been fired, and I'm still sitting?" Qu Jianlei replied a little depressed, "It's hard to find a feeling."

Bentley felt his frustration, "Why don't you go after them and kill them?"

"Forget it, bullets also cost money," Qu Jianlei lazily replied, "Go or wait?"

Bentley and Hua Scorpion looked at each other, and replied in unison, "Wait!"

This heavy-duty truck is well protected, even the fuel tank is protected-after all, the owner is a half-assed repairman.

Bentley's maintenance level is indeed average, but it is much better than the on-board repairmen of the average adventurer team.

Coupled with the strong firepower output of the heavy truck, they are really not afraid of the opponent coming again.

"That's fine." Qu Jianlei nodded, turned and left again, "I hope you don't bother me again."

Hua Xiezi licked her lips, "If someone wants to send a sum of money, I definitely don't mind."

Bentley didn't feel that these two were audacious, and he was more courageous than this many times.

He just nodded slightly, "It seems that Hei Tian's temper...isn't bad."

He didn't intend to test Qu Jianlei's behavior style, but it was pure... subconscious behavior.

After being in the rivers and lakes for a long time, many things will become natural unless you deliberately change them.

Hua Xiezi replied after thinking about it, "Sometimes he can't control his's best not to provoke him."

"Of course." Bentley smiled nonchalantly, "Knowing how to control emotions is already pretty good."

He didn't hide his admiration for Qu Jianlei, "Only the weak can control their emotions, the they need these?"

What they didn't know was that after that team left, it didn't go far.

After walking five or six kilometers, they thought that someone in the truck had ordered them out of each other's sight.

"Three motorbike droppers are positioned and waiting. If the other party has the intention of fleeing, report it quickly."

However, the waiting lasted until late in the evening—the heavy truck did not move at all.

"It seems that we are really not afraid of us being taller," a waiter muttered in the mobile station, "I guess it is really not easy to mess with."

Everyone understands this logic... If the other party is just bluffing, they should run away.

The little leader in the truck sighed, "Forget it, bring everyone back, let's go."

This is the most real wasteland, and there is no hesitation when it comes to profit, but bullying the weak and fearing the hard is the main theme.

Some people were not reconciled, "The other party only has such a truck, why don't you try to hit it?"

"Did you know that there is only one truck?" A woman objected in the mobile station.

"What we can see may only be what the other party wants us to see!"

The little boss in the truck said again, "Okay, if you don't mess with it, you will lose money if you fight it down."

In the final analysis, when two parties who have never met before fight a war, the first thing to do is to calculate the economic accounts.

(Second watch, He Meng masters Wang Yuncao.)

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