Record of Chaos

Chapter 863: The narrow road in the sinking water is waiting to meet, the fire torrent welcomes gue

The latest website: (863 sinking water narrow road waiting to meet, fire and rapids to welcome customers)

Seeing hope again, Ao Su's spirit was lifted. But he was also soberly aware that this matter is simple to say, but there are too many variables.

The "shaft" at the center of the whirlpool is completely different from the domineering East China Sea. Although the water flow was a little gentle, in fact, the surroundings were turning extremely fast, and both he and Ao Xi were sinking quickly.

At this speed, he estimated that he and Ao Xi would be dragged into the terrifying turbulence near the Beimingyou cave in less than a quarter of an hour at most. At that time, both were torn to pieces by the water.

Now he himself is being driven by the current to continuously rotate, so he has been in a weird state of "spinning the earth", unable to figure out how fast he is rotating, and can't distinguish the north, south, east and west.

The profound yin air here and the cold sea water also greatly restrained the scope of his spiritual consciousness. Originally he could easily sweep a hundred miles wide, but now there are only tens of miles and a constantly rotating range.

This so-called "small shaft" is actually extremely large, with a radius of at least about a hundred miles. Even if they can wait for each other here, they may also miss out in this infinite maneuver.

And the other party is not one person, but two people. If they stopped one of them, and the other was missed to the Beimingyou Acupoint to gain the inheritance first, then no one could predict what would happen later.

Ao Xi seemed to have guessed what he was going to say without waiting for him to speak at all, and directly explained:

"If you go to the other side, we will each stand on one side. If they come down together, I will deal with the evil spirits, and you will deal with the witch of the cold dust. If they separate, we will deal with the person who is close to us.

"These two people are of average strength, but they are sinister and vicious, and there are endless tricks. You must not keep your hands. Kill, hold the soul, and ask again." Ao Xi threw a soul bead to Ao Su.

Ao Su took the soul bead, nodded, and his body flickered, turned into a stream of water, disappeared into the dark sea, and went to the so-called "other side".

Their so-called "other side" will soon become "this side" as the water rotates. However, the two defended each other, always facing each other, and they were able to cover the largest area with their own spiritual consciousness to prevent the other from leaking.

At the same time, a step later than them, Gou Zhu and Lan Ruoshuang were also sinking quickly.

"You go over there, I go here, twenty miles apart, at the last moment I will transmit the sound to you, and we will meet again."

"Tsk tusk, in such a dangerous place, don't you want to take care of each other with your sister?" Lan Ruoshuang frowned, and said with a frown.

Goose feels goose bumps all over her body, but ignores her pretentiousness:

"Others should have been involved in the current. But the great elder Ao Xi is Jindan Sanhua. He will wake up a bit earlier, and he will have the opportunity to stop us from here.

"Brother Jindan Sanhua... we don't have any chance to do it directly. We will finish the game as soon as we meet!

"But the current is so fast here, and there is profound Yin Qi everywhere, I guess he can't use his spiritual knowledge, it should be impossible to see so far.

"So as long as we separate. He can only intercept one of us at best.

"While he and one of us were doing it, the other stabbed from the back, so maybe we can hold on for a while."

Even if he joins forces with Lian Ling, coupled with the shaved beetle, even if coupled with a cold stele of golden core double flowers, he is not at all sure that he can deal with an extremely long-lived golden core three flowers like Ao Xi Master.

This is because if the Golden Core Sanhua monk is stuck in the Sanhua stage and cannot achieve the Nascent Soul, his mana will not be bottlenecked and unable to grow like in other realms.

His mana will grow almost infinitely. The difference from the immortal is that he can't understand the law, and his Shouyuan can't continue to grow.

So even if it is the same Golden Core Sanhua monk, the strength is quite different, the longer the one who fights, the stronger the mana!

Only at the final stage when the lifespan is exhausted, when the "qi decay" occurs, the mana will be sharply weakened. Even this stage of Ao Mian has not yet arrived, let alone Ao Xi.

Ao Xi is a dragon family and has lived for at least five to six thousand years. Although Yaozu's mana growth is much slower than that of humans, such a long time is enough for him to cultivate mana to an incredible level.

When budgeting this matter, Gou Zhu pinned her hopes on Lan Ruoshuang, hoping that she could repeat the same tricks and stabbed this old dragon in the back. In this way they still have a chance to win.

Lan Ruoshuang chuckled softly and said, "Stabbing someone in the back. Your sister won't do such a sinister thing. Okay, well, just listen to you this time."

Lan Ruoshuang was like a faint blue mermaid, swimming away enchantingly, she didn't forget to look back and smile before she left.

If Lan Ruoshuang had a chance to stabbing a knife in the back, he had to let Ao Xi find him first. For this point, I am sure of it. He decisively threw the shaved beetle out.

Although the shaved beetle also has the ability to protect water, when it is not unfolded, it is a heavy ball of profound iron, which naturally sinks rapidly when thrown in the water.

However, Gouzhu deliberately placed part of his consciousness on it, unscrupulously conveying the fluctuation of his consciousness. He himself followed behind the shaved beetle, called out the purple glass mirror and hovered above his head, carefully looking around.

His purple glass mirror can detect the slightest fluctuations in the consciousness, and the distance is much farther than that of directly using the consciousness.

Below this Bei Ming, the Xuan Ming cold energy that was flooded everywhere had a lot of bonus to his power of divine consciousness. Coupled with the purple glass mirror, it is even possible to spot the opponent before Ao Xi

It's just that when he found the other party, Ao Xi would definitely find him through the light of the purple glass mirror.

But in this dark and chaotic ocean current, as long as he can prevent the other party from discovering himself in advance without noticing him, then his goal has been achieved. Otherwise, he hadn't had time to wait for Lan Ruoshuang's sneak attack, and he would have been defeated.

At this time, he looked through the light of the purple glass mirror, and the shaved beetle sank straight into the deep sea like a weight falling in the water. And Lan Ruoshuang is like a star going to the horizon.

But at this time, Lan Ruoshuang's starlight suddenly disappeared.

Desperate my heart. Lan Ruoshuang would never hide by herself, and her Yin Dan could not hide the light of Zi Li Jing. To isolate the purple glass mirror, only a more unique secret method will do.

He expected this, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive. He stopped quickly, the shaved beetle also stopped in the void, and then his limbs and a pair of big swords bounced away quickly.

At the same time, a fiery red streamer whizzed from inexplicable places at an incredible speed.

In fact, it was not a special magic weapon, it was just a stream of water shot at extremely high speed.

It is so fast that it has completely vaporized and turned into countless tiny bubbles in the friction with the surrounding seawater, but its power has not diminished at all, so that it exploded with a strong flame in the water!

Is this water or fire?

The eyes of the deceived eyes were blushed by the fire. But he did not hide. It's not that he doesn't want to hide, it's that this line of "water and fire torrents" is so fast that he can't avoid it!

Fortunately, the shaved beetle is a golden core puppet after all, and with a shot of his body, he slashed towards that line of flames. When it cannot find the enemy, it will take the initiative to assume the role of defense.

With a sharp sound, the body protection mana around the shaved beetle was directly penetrated, and that line of fire then penetrated its upper arm wielding a big knife. The thick mysterious iron armor and the entire arm were directly pierced through a small hole as large as a jujube.

That line of "fire current" is still coming quickly!

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