Record of Chaos

Chapter 799: Giant python swallows crane, **** evil melts snake body

(799 giant python swallows the crane, the blood evil melts the snake body)

Lin Meier drew the Yuyin Sword in her hand, her wings disappeared behind her back, and she leaped, and her figure disappeared.

Kang Bai only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and this beautiful white dress woman came to him. The sharp blade in her hand continuously releases strange sound waves, like thousands of thorns directly into her ears.

This made him not only unable to hear anything, but also unable to feel anything. All five senses and minds were almost filled with this screaming sound like a crane.

In this case, any response from him is futile. Even if he counterattacked, he couldn't perceive what he did. So he can only let the opponent stab him.

After Lin Meier arrived at the Jade Palace, the monks in the Jade Palace used swords as weapons, and even Ling let her incorporate a spirit sword. After she practiced the sword, she combined the supernatural power of the unvoiced crane with the sword technique.

The sharp sword is out of its sheath, and the sound of immortals is endless. Unless the other party has a way to restrain the divine consciousness interference caused by this sound wave, there is almost no resistance.

Her swordsmanship doesn't like rounding corners, not as sinister as the sly swordsmanship, she likes to go straight. Just a moment, the jade sound sword penetrated the opponent's forehead, and the tip of the sword came out from the back of the head.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt the darkness all around her. It was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The spiritual light in her eyes lit up, and she could see that not only the head that had just been pierced in front of her eyes had disappeared, but also the surrounding mountains and dense forests, as well as the moonlight above her head.

There was a stench all around, and in front of her was a soft wall, pale rose red, like a huge piece of meat.

She is in a long, huge hole, and the entire wall is this pale red flesh. A sticky, pungent, viscous liquid was flowing everywhere.

Strands of weird gray mist emerged from the liquid, lingering in the air endlessly.

The place where the jade sound sword stabbed was not the old man's head, but this strange wall of flesh. She drew the sword, and a puff of dark red blood flowed from the wall. This thing is actually a living thing.

Whether it is the flowing liquid or the weird acid mist in the air, it has a strong filthy and corrosive effect. This made her feel that the body protection mana around her body was constantly being eroded.

Fortunately, as a consummate cultivator in the Purple Mansion, she has long mana, and she can bear this loss.

But the acid is constantly increasing, like a rising tide, surging one after another, and soon drowning everything.

Her body protection mana surrounds her like a white halo, naturally excluding all filth for her. She stood still in the void, her bright eyes turned, and her curiosity grew.

The magic of these strange beasts by the people of northern Xinjiang is really strange. She has been in the Taibai Forest for so many years, and she has seen a lot of monsters in the rivers and lakes, and it seems that she has never heard of such a weird magic that can change the world.

"Swallowing Python?"

She suddenly remembered that a certain Jianghu demon talked to her and said that there was a demon that looked like a snake, which could swallow all living things into its belly and slowly digest it.

No matter how old you are, whether you are a cow or an elephant, even something the size of a mountain, as long as it is a creature, it can swallow you in one bite.

After swallowing it, it doesn't take much effort, just find a place to hide and digest it slowly.

A sky-swallowing python, no matter how big it is, has no reason to swallow a creature of any size directly. Some people believe in this kind of thing, and some don't. Anyway, the swallowing python was rarely seen before.

But Lin Meier suddenly thought that this might be a spatial technique. If a space not larger than you can accommodate you, then either the space becomes larger or you become smaller.

If this is only in the belly of a swallowing python, then there is nothing to say. Just cut through this belly and go straight out.

She was full of turbulent mana, her eyes turned white, and a dazzling white light burst out, illuminating the entire turbid snake belly. Each ray of light was a strong sound wave, which shook the entire cave.

The jade sword in his hand dances like an electric mad. In the damp white light, it was as if someone had used lightning as a long whip and swung it out one by one. Electric light bombarded the cave wall, leaving **** wounds.

"It doesn't seem to be enough."

Withdrawing the mana, she looked up at the wounds left on the cave wall.

The walls of the cave are fleshy, and I don't know how thick it is. After the sonic edge of her jade sound sword pierced, it was as if a sharp blade pierced into the cotton and was heavily restrained. Although it can pierce a very deep wound, this thick belly has never penetrated.

Although these wounds are dripping with blood, they are constantly healing visible to the naked eye. And under the stimulus of her constant attacks, the cave wall continued to secrete that kind of liquid with strong corrosive power.

In the dense forest on Dongdu Mountain, a giant python with a length of several tens of meters was hovering in a dense bush, motionless, almost concealing all its breath.

It is "digesting". Either he digests the opponent and turns it into his own cultivation base, or it is killed by the opponent. Every time it confronts a real enemy, it is so simple and quiet. It doesn't even need to move.

When Kang Bai was stabbed by the sword, he immediately changed his body into his nightmare form. Like Luo Ge's Fire Nightmare, all Nightmare beasts can exchange forms with the body at any time.

His nightmare is called the Heaven-swallowing Nightmare Python. His somewhat crazy old man once repeatedly threw him at the age of five or six to the python in the forest and swallowed him, and then quickly hunted the python and cut him out of the snake's belly.

This left a huge shadow in his heart, and finally made this "Sky-Swallowing Nightmare Python" from the nightmare.

Fifty years ago, the King of Wind ordered the Kingdom of Feng to ban animal training. He was actually a good thing. At least the young people of Kandussi's generation don't have to bear the pain of such brutal practice.

They only need to polish their physical bodies step by step in accordance with the "Dao Law" brought by the southerners, and they can also develop quite strong combat power. Safe and reliable.

But no way, he was born a little earlier. He has already cultivated nightmare, not physical cultivation. After the Nightmare beast was sealed, he didn't have any power. To him, the patriarch was nameless.

To regain his true power and status, he must pull the entire tribe back on the original path, rather than heading towards the direction set by the southerners.

The magical technique of swallowing the nightmare python has only one trick, which is to swallow the entire opponent in an instant.

In terms of size, this is not so easy. But Lin Meier was right, the Heaven-Swallowing Nightmare Python has a strong ability to shrink space. It can instantly shrink the enemy and then swallow it in one bite.

Although this technique may seem powerful, it is actually limited. In theory, if you can shrink others, you can trample them to death with one foot without having to swallow them. But the Heaven-swallowing Nightmare Python can only "swallow" to narrow the space.

Once it casts this technique to swallow the opponent, it has no other way but to withstand the damage the opponent caused to itself in its own body, and forcibly digest the opponent.

While the enemy is being reduced, the power of supernatural powers is also reduced. This is like a long spear that can stab people, suddenly shrunk into a needle. The power of a needle stick is far worse than that of a gun. In most cases it is tolerable.

This is what Lin Meier encountered. No matter how she used Sonic Power, the damage she could cause was countless times smaller than before, and she couldn't break the thick internal organs and flesh and blood in this nightmare python.

"It's really interesting. No wonder the brother said that when you encounter a nightmare, you have to think about it and don't kill it all at once. If you can catch one, you must keep it for him."

She couldn't help muttering.

Originally, she really wanted to catch her and go back so that she could please this brother. But at this time, the overwhelming pungent stench made her stomach upset, and she just wanted to curse:

"I'm pooh! Such a disgusting thing, you want to get it yourself. Let your aunt's grandmother catch it for you!"

If it weren't for the master to watch, she would really like to go back and hang up the hook with a whip. Whether it was to please him or sling him, Lin Meier was equally happy.

Taking the Yuyin Sword back into the scabbard, the red light of the red crown on the center of the eyebrows of the Crane Fairy flashed, and a woman with only blood color came out.

To deal with a wild nightmare, she didn't want to use the golden pill evil spirit in the pill crown. But this fight really made her feel too disgusting. She didn't want to stay any longer.

Xue Sha lifted up the **** face, like a delicately carved face of blood amber, and glanced around, then turned into a ray of blood, and flew onto the pink cave wall.

A large patch of blood was immediately stained on the pale red fleshy wall. Not only that, but the blood-red stain continued to spread.

Theoretically, although the black evil spirit and the blood evil spirit have the power of the golden core, their physical attack power is also reduced when their bodies are reduced.

But this problem does not exist for Xue Sha. The Blood Fiend is the vitality of chaos and the source of a mutated disease. It can contaminate the flesh and blood of living beings, and it doesn't matter if it becomes smaller. The plague itself will continue to spread.

If she is fighting in the outside world, she will attack with the blood evil spirit, and the opponent can also dodge or use magic to block it. Here, Blood Fiend is simply the nemesis of Nightmare Python. The opponent can't hide.

This blood color continued to spread, and the entire flesh wall gradually turned into a large patch of dark red blood color. Not only that, it seemed to be melted, turning into a bright red liquid, dripping down from the large beaches, exposing huge holes.

The python in the bush finally couldn't hold on, and began to roll and struggle frantically. A huge blood-red hole appeared in the belly. Lin Meier flew out from it.

As soon as she left the snake's belly, she broke away from the space spell and regained her original size.

A large pool of stenchy blood flowed silently in the forest, seeping into the soil and disappeared. The old patriarch of the Zhufeng tribe, Kangbai, as the strongest old generation of orc masters in the tribe, just silently disappeared forever.

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