Record of Chaos

Chapter 658: Abyssal Rift in the Unknown Place, the former emperor's attendant who has the hea

   (658 The Abyss Rift Valley of the Unknown Place, the former emperor's attendant who has the heart)

   When Koruki Rong took the wood out of the cave under the Mian'e Mountain to wander outside, the wood did not try to escape, make trouble, send out a voice message, etc., just like a piece of wood coldly following Koruki behind.

  He is different from Goujiu. Even if it is a life of nine deaths, it will exhaust all conspiracies and tricks to try to escape.

   Mumu believed that since he was not the opponent of this person, it would be futile to try to escape now. It's better to wait for your strength to surpass the opponent, and then beat the opponent to the ground. As long as he can wait until that day, he will continue to wait. He is not afraid to die before he waits.

   The so-called way to get him to the golden core in an instant, he doesn't care whether he believes or not. What about believing, what about not believing? What if I try? Just follow him anyway.

   The surrounding area is still a battlefield, even if the strength is as strong as withered wood, they dare not use spells to swiftly or fly, but walk obediently all the way through the mountains.

  Mian Evil Mountain is a wrinkle bulged by the collision between the West Demon Realm Basin and Hengyun Ridge. The surrounding area is surrounded by thousands of gullies, mountains, and endless wilderness. Some mountains are as high as ten thousand feet, and some deep valleys are unfathomable. The terrain and roads in them may never be exhausted.

   What Mu Mu saw in his eyes was a deep and cold dark green that almost obscured the sky. It is not only dense trees that shade the sky, but also cliffs that rise almost vertically, staggered like an infinitely high wall. Only some bright lines above the sky were left. They seem to be walking deep in the cracks of the earth's crust.

   There is not much sunshine here, there are no trees and lush vegetation, only some moss, weeds and vines are left. But there is a lot of silt formed by the bones of creatures that have fallen into this abyss. Water rushed through the depths of the silt-filled valley, and the air was full of cold, damp, and rancid air.

   "Where is this place?" Although Muko really didn't want to speak, he couldn't help but ask.

   "Anonymous Rift." Gu Murong replied concisely and directly. He didn't seem to care about other people's prying eyes, "Although there is earth atmosphere here, there is no sunlight. Only a few creatures with carrion aura will come here. No one came to name it, so it was called the Nameless Rift."

   "Then why are you bringing me here?"

"Here is one of the biggest secrets of the tree clan." With a mysterious smile on the face of Withered Wood Rong, "There is no map, no notes, and no word of mouth at this location. It is all about remembering..." He pointed his finger In my own mind, "The others who have been here have forgotten, only I remember."

   At this time, Withered Wood Rong stopped, faced a rock wall, and took a closer look.

   The cliffs are so high that they do not reach the top, the area is immeasurable. The rock wall he was looking at was a piece of rock that was covered with water drops due to dampness, covered with moss, and it was indistinguishable from all the cyan rock walls around it.

   "Well, it's here..." His eyes showed complacency, as if marveling at his memory. In such a place with no characteristics and no psychic fluctuations, even if a person with eye formation comes here to carefully observe all the psychic lines, they will not see any problems.

   This place was restricted by some kind of magical power, so that it didn't show any abnormality at all. But if this imprisonment is released, the real inspiration will also be revealed.

   "Where is this place?" Mumu asked the same question again. He is the least lazy to organize vocabulary and sentences. If it can be reused, he certainly won't waste it.

   "This place is called Huiguanghuijing, and there should be a side of it, or a world similar to it. It is said that only previous tree kings can open this place to enter it. More importantly -" At this time he paused.

"When those three became the tree emperor, there was no golden core cultivation level. But when they came out, they all became golden core three-flower perfection. Not only that, the entourage who went in with them also had a huge improvement in cultivation. There are more than a dozen Golden Core cultivators, and many of them are here."

   Wither Wood Rong's tone is not sure, because he has never been in. And when those who enter return to this world, they will not return to the entrance. And he will definitely forget everything about this place, he will never find it here in the future, and naturally he will never come again.

   The information he knew only came from Muye, Qin Zunyang, and the three of them when they came here.

   Muye and Qin Zunyang are both geniuses, and both were in the realm of Golden Core and Double Flower. Of course, he didn't do too much. He had just achieved Jindan not long ago. Just in front of the two iron buddies, Kino told the secret that Huiguang returned to the realm can improve his cultivation.

   This kind of good opportunity, of course these three people will not let go. In theory, it only needs to put his own blood on the tree king Mu Ye’s hand and place it on this stone wall at a certain position to open the return to light...

   If three people enter together and come out in an instant, then all three of them will be complete with Jindan Sanhua. This beauty is simply unimaginable.

   The method of opening is very simple, and there is no date and time limit. On this unsurprising stone wall, if you look carefully, you can see a slightly darker trace, like a palm.

  As a tree emperor, he only needs to apply his blood on his palm and press it on the palm print, and he can immediately start the return to the world. Once it is turned on, within a period of time, anyone can enter the realm of Huiguang return.

   But what was strange at the time was that he watched Kimo press his blood-stained hand on the palm print for a long time, and he didn't feel any movement.

   The three of them racked their brains and analyzed here for a long time. It turned out that Qin Zunyang's eyes were the sharpest, and he found another trace that looked like a palm print on the rock wall.

   These two traces are obviously a pair, one left palm and one right palm. It's just that the distance between these two palm prints is about ten steps. This is not like two palm prints of one person, one left and one right, it seems that two people can cooperate to open it.

   They made various attempts. For example, Muye adds Qin Zunyang, Muye adds withered wood, and even the obviously unreasonable way of adding withered wood to Qin Zunyang. There was no response from this stone wall, and Kino almost wondered if he had found the wrong place.

   But he can't find the wrong place. Because all the people who have been there, including the former tree emperor, will naturally completely forget the location of this place, or even remember that such a place exists.

   If Kino finds the wrong place, it is impossible for anyone in the world to remember where the right place is.

   The information in this place was similar to Xianyu, which suddenly appeared in Muye's mind at some point. Once it appeared, he would naturally believe that it was right, and brought his closest entourage to here.

"I see!" Just when the three of them looked at each other a bit, Kino suddenly remembered something, "It really must be two people to open it. Two bloods are needed, one is the blood of the tree king, and the other is ...Behind the tree!"

   There are still various possibilities. For example, as long as the tree emperor brings a woman, it can be opened? (In the case of men, the results of the pairing test between Qin Zunyang and Ku Mu Rong and Mu Ye have proved invalid.) Or must they be a woman with the status of a tree?

"No wonder the tree emperors for three consecutive generations have married women from the Lishan line..." Qin Zunyang flashed his eyes and smiled maliciously, "It seems that you sent Muluo back to ruin the future of our three. ..."

   "Forget it, so fierce can I do it for you?" Kino said helplessly.

   All three people thought of it. The secret of this Huiguang return is that it must be a man from the tree emperor line and a woman from the Lishan line at the same time to open it. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for the women of the Lishan line to be in the lower position for generations.

   Everyone else forgot about it, only these three people still remember. Because they did not succeed in entering, they will not forget. But Qin Zunyang has soared. Kino is already dead. The only thing left is Withered Wood Rong.

   Of course, this fairy encyclical will naturally appear in Mu's mind one day. But since Withered Wood Rong remembered this, he didn't have to wait for that day.

   "Just use your majesty your blood to unlock, gain the strength of the golden core, and then fight against the old minister."

   Withered Wood Rong was not polite, and directly spread out the left palm of the wood, and made a shallow scar on it with his fingers, squeezed out the blood, and smeared it on the palm of the wood.

   He took out a jade bottle from Yuxianhe, unplugged it, and smeared the poured blood on his right hand. Then he and the wood left and right put his hands on the two marks. It is a pity that even though they did so, Shek Pik still did not respond.

   "Sure enough, even the blood of a woman from Lishan's line doesn't work if it is put on someone else's hand." Withered Wood Rong said indifferently.

   He bought this blood at a high price from a woman from Li Shan's line. He wanted to test whether he could start the return to the realm by using only blood and not being present. Judging from the results of the experiment, this is not feasible. Fortunately, this is just his move. It is best if it can succeed. It's nothing if it can't succeed.

   "Huh, can't it?" Mumu asked, scratching his head.

   "One person is missing." Withered Wood Rong smiled lightly, "Your Majesty, don't worry. That person is already on his way."

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