Record of Chaos

Chapter 654: 1 drop of residual blood to find the dead, 0 miles of iron shoes and shame

   (654 a drop of residual blood to find an old friend, a thousand miles of iron shoes are shameful)

  The words are divided into two parts. Just when the Night King commanded his army to attack Mian'e Mountain, in addition to Withered Wood Rong, another person also became interested in the whereabouts of the true tree king's son. And coincidentally, not only did Wither Wood Rong possess the Blood Tree Emperor's Seeking Disk, but this person also had it. She is Muluo, the nominal leader of the Lishan Tribe Tribe.

   Muluo's blood-seeking disk is even longer and more sensitive than the effective range of Withered Wood Rong. This is because withered Murong's blood hunting tray uses Muye's blood to find his son, and there is still a generation in between.

   And the blood-seeking tray in Muluo's hand was made by Gu Wentian, a member of the ancient house of Yuntian City, who stole a blood sample of wood from inside the Jade Palace.

   When Wood was in Yuntian City at that time, Muluo planned to kill the son of the tree emperor and call herself emperor. Unexpectedly, it was a blunder, and he fell into the crypt and almost burned to death, and was rescued by a wood halfway through. Later when she wanted to start, Tong Yao happened to appear again. She was badly injured, unable to start, so she had to give up temporarily.

   After that, she stopped cooperating with the ancient family. Now Gu Zhongyou has defected to the ghost owls, and they have become deadly enemies. But since the blood hunting tray is in hand, she has never given up. It's just that the wood followed Lian Ling to punish them, and completely lost track after leaving the Night Blind Mountain.

   She took the blood hunting tray to Cuiyu Peak, Yuntian City, Yeblin Mountain and other places where various woods might appear, but she did not find any trace of this person.

   The blood search tray must be within a certain range to be effective. Without the information, she had a random collision, and the probability of wanting to collide in such a vast Dongsheng Shenzhou was extremely small. Therefore, she can only give up temporarily.

   Until the news that the tree king’s son appeared in Kapok City, she immediately planned to come to Kapok City with the blood hunting tray.

   This time the situation is already very delicate. The demon world has the tendency to unite with all armies to attack Mian'eshan. Whether or not to participate in this chaotic situation, the internal elders of the Muro Department discussed endlessly, and it took a long time to barely reach a conclusion: agreed that Kapok would take people to the Kapok city secretly to find the whereabouts of the tree king’s son. If there is a result, do not deal with it without authorization and report to the Presbyterian Church first.

   Although Muluo is nominally the chief of the Muluo tribe, the Muluo tribe is in charge of the gang of supreme elders, chief elders, elders and deputy elders of the Presbyterian Church.

The    Muluo tribe is a matriarchal tribe. All the elders in this group are old ladies with weird personalities. They are fighting inwardly. It is not easy to get a consensus. Rather than listening to them arguing all day long, Muluo felt that it would be better to bring people out and run around by herself, at least with clean ears.

   Although she arrived at Kapok City, she was a little late after all the tossing. At first, she did see the reaction of the blood hunting disc turning. But when she was going to investigate in detail, the reaction on the blood search tray disappeared somehow. At the same time, the Kapok City has been completely destroyed by the animal tide.

   Muluo is not withered, she doesn't have the ability to predict where the tree king's son will go next. Fortunately, several of the men she brought were quite capable, and they also found clues from the ruins of the teleportation formation, thinking that the son of the tree king should be teleported to the west of Mian'e Mountain.

   is just what to do next, and the elders of the Muruo Ministry are once again in chaos.

   Some people think that since they have clues about the tree prince, they should find the tree prince and control them in their own hands. From then on, they can narrow the emperor to command the princes. Even if you can't catch it, you should get rid of it, so as to avoid the worries of Muluo being called the emperor.

   But some people think that it is a chaotic situation in which the demon world has jointly attacked the Kinobe. The Muluo department can watch from the sidelines, waiting for them to lose out before taking advantage of it.

   Now sending people to the Mian'e Mountain in the melee center to find the so-called Son of the Tree King, whether they can be found or not, it is a matter of burning. If you accidentally steal chickens, you won't lose the rice, but instead lead the war to Lishan.

   The old women who were in the dispute also had unseen careful thoughts. Some people are eager to hope that Muluo will be called the emperor of the tree clan, and some are extremely annoying to Muluo. They hope she will never return, so they can find another person they like and give the Lishan tribe a new name.

   The conclusion under the final compromise is: Muluo can continue to track down the whereabouts of the tree emperor's son, but that is only her personal behavior and should not use tribal resources. All her subordinates must withdraw immediately.

   Although these people were loyal to Muluo, they didn't dare to disobey the order of the tribal elders. Naturally, they had to bid farewell to their master and return to Lishan. And Muluo only said one word to them: "Get out!"

   She must find the son of the tree king, not to be the tree king. What she really wanted was to report that Mu Ye retired from her marriage, but eloped with a human woman.

   She was originally dissatisfied with the family arrangement for her to marry Kino. Although Mu Ye had a high position and a noble lineage, his appearance was too frustrated to catch her.

   It's just that in her own tribe, she can only passively accept the arrangement, without the opportunity to express opposition. So her plan was to wait until the Kinobe, the wedding banquet, to lift the hijab in front of all the distinguished guests and directly express her rejection.

   With the face of the tree emperor, after such a toss, she will never marry her again. She must be sent back to Mu Luo Department by An Ran. Even though those elders were dissatisfied with her when they arrived in their own tribe, they deprived her of her position as chief at best, and they couldn't do anything to her.

   But I didn't expect that all of this didn't happen in time. Because it was not the day of the wedding banquet, she had not seen Mu Ye, and even the sedan chair was sent back to Mu Luo's department.

   So after she got out of the sedan chair, she was surprised that she was still in Lishan, and when the elders and ladies looked ashen, they didn't even know what happened.

  Kino deceived so much that he dared to reject the marriage with Li Shan that the Shuhuang clan had never changed in more than 100,000 years, and unexpectedly retired first! This was the biggest insult in her life.

   But after that, Kino disappeared. She couldn't find the enemy even if she wanted revenge. It wasn't until many years later that she got information about the tree emperor from the ancient family. Since Kino is dead and there are no bones left, he is embarrassed and can only act on his son.

   Now that the son of Kino reappears, not to mention a Mian Evil Mountain, even Longtan Tiger Den, she will also go. The order of the Presbyterian Church was just what she wanted. So she was alone, holding the wooden blood-seeking tray, and went looking for Mian Evil Mountain without looking back.

  The tree people are mostly average-looking, loyal and loyal. They are the royal family, but they are short, square-faced, high-foreheaded, and the eyebrows and eye lines are not obvious, as if they were really shallowly carved from a piece of wood. The women of the tree tribe are also not very good, most of them are similar to the village aunts in the human world.

   Kapok, this stunning woman, makes people know that she is not an orthodox tree tribe. And such a handsome man like Ku Murong is because of the blood of the Zhongtuyao tribe. And Mu Mu's mother is an ordinary Tu nationality, so he is too far behind compared to Ku Mu Rong.

   But the Lishan lineage of women in the tree tribe is an exception. Even if it can’t compare to the Crane woman in the Eastern Demon Realm, and even less to the Yao woman in the Human, it’s definitely the only show among the tree people, otherwise it won’t be the demon queen for generations. .

   Although she is several thousand years old, Muluo looks like a young woman. Not tall, but petite and exquisite. The complexion is fair as jade, the lips are red as blood, and the face is delicate. But she is most conspicuous than her long green hair and red eyes like flames.

  Her fire eyes are not born, but in the dark cave underground in Yuntian City, after wood helped her to cut out the eyes that had been poisoned by fire, she replaced it with the seeds of the sun and fire fern.

   Therefore, although her hair and eyes are bright in color, she sees only light and dark in her eyes. Regardless of your beauty and beauty, or ugly enough to make people vomiting, she can only see the difference between cold and hot, without lines and colors.

   To her, most warm-blooded creatures are like a fire, but cold-blooded creatures are no different from rocks.

   But this is not a bad thing. What's bad is that a wild demon world that is both obvious and dark has completely turned her into a road blind.

   She didn't know the exact location of the wood, only that the general target of their teleportation was west of Mian'e Mountain. So she planned to arrive at Mian'eshan first. She had arranged for her all the way before, but now she had to walk on her own, and she realized that it was not easy to find Mian'e Mountain in the middle of nowhere.

   Even if she was flying in the air, she couldn't see what was below. So she could only walk along popular places all the way, and walked to ask for directions. From the ruined Kapok City to Mian'e Mountain, there were only a few hundred miles, but she traveled thousands of miles.

Whenever she went to a tribe or a walled city, she walked directly on the street, caught a human figure at random, and stopped and shouted: "Hey! Hey! Talking about you? Did you hear? Stop it! Say it! ! How do I get to Mian evil mountain?"

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