Record of Chaos

Chapter 540: The old tree flees from the earth, the fairy Ling Feng gives an order

   "I don't know if this predecessor is coming here, he has missed a long way to welcome him. It's a pity that late at night is not an opportunity to treat guests, so how about you come back another day?"

   The tree man old man was sitting alone in the Crane King Palace, confused in his heart, and a cold spirit passed over. Only then did he remember the whole thing.

   He Heng, the chess piece he originally buried in the crane clan, disappeared after the Lingshen Conference, and the fairy body was seized by Lin Han. Not reconciled, he rushed to Tianchi City alone.

   This night he discovered that the defenders at the gate of the Crane King Palace were suddenly transferred to the Taibai Palace. He slipped in and waited for the opportunity. It's just that the time didn't arrive, but the other party's order to evict.

   It seems that the other party had known that he was secretly lurking in Tianchi City, but could not find him. The empty city plan presented this night has no other meaning, just to catch his big fish.

   Fortunately, at this delicate moment, Lin Han didn't want to make enemies with another big family. With a word of warning, the other party withdrew, and everything was still in peace. If she killed this person here, it would be a big deal for the tree clan. Maybe she didn't dare to retaliate when she was there, and it will be hard to say in the future.

   When the old man heard this, he didn't answer anything, and there was no spiritual wave from his body. He quickly flashed out of the hall, raised a handful of broken earth in his hand, and disappeared in the dust.

   One month later, a new palace was added outside the Taibai Palace, called "Lingfeng Palace". Among them is a huge jade statue about three feet high, lifelike, exactly the image of Lingfeng fairy Lin Han.

   Whenever someone becomes immortal, believers will build temples for her to worship. This is a common practice in both the demon world and the human world. Moreover, there are generally more than one temples for immortals, and there are everywhere with believers.

  Because the Crane tribe has been suppressed by the three major tribes, no one has cultivated into a demon immortal Zhengguo except for the ancestor Crane Taibai hundreds of thousands of years ago. Only now did he finally have a second place. Therefore, Lingfeng Palace was also built on the top of Taibai Palace, but on the side of Taibai Palace.

   Many cranes gathered in front of Lingfeng Palace on this day. This is their last chance to meet Xianyan. Fairy Lingfeng will retreat alone, and will rarely interact with the Crane Clan from now on. She will only leave one "Please Immortal Order".

   Please immortal order is similar to human "ancestor worship order" or "immortal contract". A request for immortality can ask her to shoot three times.

   Once she finishes three shots, she and the Crane clan will be completely cut off, and the clan will never be able to contact her in the future. Therefore, it is not in danger of extermination, and the Crane people will never use this order.

  The ancestor of the Crane tribe, He Taibai, had already risen as a fairy one hundred thousand years ago. He naturally also asked Xianling to spread to the younger generation. It's just that the three chances to invite immortals have been squandered by the Crane tribe. The entire ethnic group lost their last support, and they sacrificed a few great abilities to form a "Pill Crown" to replace it.

   Now Fairy Lingfeng has asked the immortal to stay, and Fairy Lingfeng is an earth immortal, temporarily staying in the dirt of the human world, which is much more valuable than the Taibai ancestor. It can be said that at least until these three opportunities to invite immortals are exhausted, her incense aspiration will definitely be stronger than Taibai ancestors how many times.

   Everyone came here, in addition to seeing the fairy face, they were listening to the fairy tale. The so-called fairy encyclical is the last word left by the elders of the clan before they escape from the world, and theoretically has unlimited authority. As long as it is not contrary to the ancestor's "ancestral encyclical", it is beyond doubt.

   As soon as the hour came, only a chime was heard, and under the blue sky like washing, a phantom figure of a peerless fairy appeared in the air.

   Everyone looked up. Although they felt that this sense of spirit was magnificent, its quality was extremely gentle, just like the gentle winds of April and May, blowing away a lot of the chill from the top of Taibai Peak. The fairy's red lips lightly opened, and she gave:

"After I escaped from the world, the position of the Supreme Elder was vacant. When the crane king was promoted to the golden core, he would sit in the position of the Supreme Elder. Another blood valley demon repaired the green scales, and I have a great grace to save my life. Now I have won my crane clan. A strand of blood, no longer belonging to a foreign race, was named Prince Lin, and Jinlin Island was the fief."

   Xianyu did not first mention the ownership of the crane king, but once again emphasized that Qinglinzi was the prince of scales. Although everyone was dissatisfied with this, there was nothing to say about the matter ever since. After all, Fairy Yu Lingfeng has a great kindness, that is, the Yuhe Clan has a great kindness, so it is right for Goujiu to sit in the position of Prince Lin.

   "Blood Valley Demon Xiu Qingpingzi, as the Golden Core Demon, with profound skills and great grace to me, he also got a ray of the blood of the Crane clan and was named Taishi."

   Everyone was surprised again. The Taishi is actually the teacher of the prince. Generally, the master of the Crane King’s son is the Supreme Elder or Crane King himself, and this line of inheritance is passed down, and there are very few cases of the title of Master Master.

   Now that Qingpingzi is named Taishi, it can only show that the Crown Prince of the Crane clan will be her disciple. Everyone knows that the ghost of the pseudonym Qinglinzi is Qingpingzi's disciple. Could it be that Lin Han not only named this alien as a prince, but also planned to let him be the crown prince of the crane?

   Although it is said that Qing Pingzi and Qing Linzi have accepted the blood sent by Lin Han, it can only be said that they can no longer be regarded as alien races in theory. But let him be the prince, and even inherit the throne of the crane king in the future, which makes many people below unable to sit still.

   The position of the Crane King does not require a high level of cultivation, just a purple mansion. No matter the Lin family, the He family, or even the Li family, talented characters in this realm can do well.

   Their twelve elders and many big families have long discussed together, and they have prepared candidates for the crane king and the prince, and they will recommend them to Lin Han. Helplessly, Lin Han didn't see anyone at all, and they could only wait and swallow.

   In case Lin Han's decision is too ridiculous, they still have to unite with the Presbyterian Church and work hard together to recommend their candidates. The most popular candidate is the genius of the Lin family, the cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and Lin Meier's father, Lin Zhuo.

   After this round of blows in the He family, the older generation He Heng, He Yuyin, and He Biri, and the younger generation He Ao and He Yan, all of these great talents died one by one. It can be said that the general trend is over. Feng Shui turns, and now only the Lin family can convince the crowd.

   Lin Zhuo is not only Lin Han's own brother, the genius of the three spirits of the Lin Family's Purple Mansion, but also Lin Meier's father. It is rumored that although Lin Meier died in the Great Breath Sealing Formation this time, she still has a great kindness to Lin Han.

   No matter how Lin Han thinks, Lin Zhuo should be designated as the king of cranes, and then her nephew should be designated as the prince.

"Lin Zhuo, I will make you the King of Cranes. In the future, you should do your utmost to lead the crane tribe and the surrounding tribes to protect the land of the Taibai Forest for thousands of miles. I will give you this order to keep it safe." As expected, Lin Han Immediately afterwards, she announced the candidate for the crane king.

   A young man with clean brows and delicate eyes, with a white jade face and extremely soft lines, like a woman, but a heroic white man stepped forward and respectfully thanked his head. This person is Lin Zhuo.

   When he raised his head, there was already a transparent five-color crystal token in his hand. There are three inspirations in the card, and the three spiritual thoughts are slowly circulating. It is the order to contact Lin Han three times. With it in hand, Lin Zhuo's position as the King of Crane will naturally be questioned.

   He carefully collected the token, and bowed his head again to thank you. While bowing his head, no one saw the fiery color in his eyes. In fact, what he was waiting for was another thing, and that was Dan Dingguan.

   Please immortal order is more valuable, but it is impossible for him to use it except for the disaster of genocide. Of course, this thing is of great use to the crane clan, and it is enough to maintain his authority of the crane king, but it is not practical for him.

   And once the Dan crown is in hand, he is immediately the cultivation base of the golden core and the combat power of three golden cores. This will be a power you can control at will, you can use it whatever you want!

   However, his eyes quickly turned cold. Because immediately he heard Lin Han say: "In order to protect the tribe, the ancient sages left the altar crown ~ However, in order to fight for this thing, the clan has been in turmoil. Now there is my Xian Ling in hand, It is no longer necessary to continue to spread the Dan crown!"

   Lin Zhuo had to sink in his heart. Fairy Lingfeng said so, he missed the rare treasure of Dandingguan. This made him very unwilling, but also helpless.

"Lin Mei'er is a loyal and righteous woman who has helped me through the catastrophe and made a great contribution. I have used a broken arm to make her rebirth. Since she is Lin Zhuo's daughter, she has become the crown prince. I have refined this thing into Lin Mei'er's red crown and combined the two into one. It is already privately owned by the crown prince of my clan. In the future, my crane clan will never have any disputes over the crown of pill!"

  Linhan said that, all the great families were relieved. The prince is Lin Meier, which is acceptable to them. After all, although the crane king is traditionally male, the ancestors did not explicitly state that women shall not inherit the title of the crane king.

   After being refined by Lin Han, the pill crown is still there, but it has become part of the red crown of Lin Meier's eyebrows, and can no longer be separated. The Lin family can accept this reality, after all, Dan Dingguan is still in the hands of the Lin family. And other families had no chance to win the Dan crown, so it didn't matter.

  Only Lin Zhuo, the treasure he wanted to get, turned out to be someone else's. Even though it belongs to his own daughter, he is unavoidably frustrated.

   But he immediately suppressed the emotion. After all, Fairy Ling Feng is on top, with a strong sense of spirit. If he is aware of his emotions, it will be against him.

   He immediately turned his head and wanted to cast a smile of praise and congratulations on Lin Meier, his daughter who rarely met. But his eyes swept around, but he couldn't find Lin Meier.

   He couldn't help but feel angry again. This daughter really owes discipline! She didn't come to such an important ceremony?

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