Record of Chaos

Chapter 418: 1 Nian Sheng Li, and then death

   Although Xiao Sufeng and Goujiu Chuanying are a long story, they communicate with each other through divine thought, which is only a moment.

   Xiao Sufeng already had a decision in his heart. There was a flash of white light in his hand, and there was already an extra white object like jade. He clamped this object to his fingertips and flicked it. This thing turned into a stream of light and flew directly to the hook on the roof of Xiao Di's bedroom, and was held in his hand by the hook.

   From the perspective of Feizu Feitian, at first he thought it was Xiao Sufeng who was going to work with the black man on the roof. But when he saw the black clothed man easily pick up an object, a movement of infuriating energy in his hand injected into the object, and the spatial fluctuations suddenly rippled out like ripples.

   "No, this kid is a gang with Xiao Sufeng, he wants to run away!" Hundred feet Feitian roared. Fortunately, he was also prepared for this, and with a flick of his hand, there was already a small white flag.

   Gouzhu took that thing in his hand, it turned out to be a small piece of dragon wood pulp. He has seen this thing.

The dragon wood marrow must be a small piece naturally formed on the dragon wood. After it is broken into two halves, no matter how far apart, or even in different realms, as long as a ray of qi is injected, it will immediately launch a teleportation to transfer everything around it. The object is teleported to the other half.

   The speed of the dragon marrow teleportation is much faster than that of the large teleportation talisman, and others can't stop it. Only a pair of fragments can only be used once. Once used, the pair of dragon pith blocks will disappear permanently.

   Although he didn't know the purpose of the teleportation, as long as he left the big pit of Xiao Mansion and the two-world city, there was always a glimmer of life. Without hesitation, Gou Zhu injected a ray of true energy to open the way of transmission.

   The space is strongly distorted, the sky is spinning around, and I feel like I am involved in a turbulence of space, as if my body is stretched, squashed, twisted, fallen, and thrown up again. After such a few moments, there was a loud noise, and he fell into a dark wood.

   Hundred-footed Feitian saw a strong white aura cut through the sky like lightning, and the man in black on the roof disappeared cleanly with his box worth ten thousand taels of blood spirit stones.

   He immediately raised the small white flag in his hand, and a dim white light swept across the air like a gale. Just where the dim white light swept across it, a pale gray trace of lightning-like branches appeared. He once again had the power of luck and blood, and the white flag in his hand was brilliant.

   The light illuminates the traces in the sky, and at the same time, it gives birth to many veins like a spider web, spreading to Hu Yelan and the several living little monsters he brought.

   The web streamer in his hand can not only track the path of others' transmission, but also has a multi-faceted sub streamer. When the main streamer traces the transfer path of others to initiate the transfer, the holder of the sub streamer will also be sent away.

   After a while, there were violent fluctuations in the space. Bursts of empty escape aura fell like lightning. Hundred-footed flying Wu Bubai, Red Widow Hu Yelan, and the demon bandits they brought, all disappeared one by one in the empty white light.

   Wu Bubai considered in advance that Xiao Sufeng might take what they were looking for and use teleportation to flee, so he had already equipped all his subordinates with sub-flags. Once he activates the ground flag, all the demon bandits will send and chase together. But he just left two people behind.

   Xiao Jian and Xiao Lin'er didn't have any sub-flags on them. Therefore, after all the demon bandits were sent away, they still stayed in Xiao Di's room, waiting for Wu Bubai's further instructions.

   After a while, the door squeaked open, and a figure walked in quickly like a wind. At the beginning of Xiao Jian, he almost lost his soul. What he saw was an uncle Xiao Sufeng with a fiery red robe and his eyes gleaming like sharp swords.

   Xiao Sufeng did not give him much time to think. In just an instant, he saw a flash of red light, and Xiao Sufeng's big hand was already on top of his head. Then a powerful and unstoppable twisting force came from the top of the head. With a few clicks, his neck was twisted and broken.

Xiao Lin'er just let out a half-scream from the side, a ball of fire flashed, and her scream stopped abruptly. The girl's entire body turned red like a ignited carbon fire, and there was no time to show pain on her face. It shattered like burnt paper ash, turning into a cloud of gray ashes on the ground.

   Xiao Di's left little finger is still bleeding. A ray of mana flowed out of Xiao Sufeng's fingertips, stopping the bleeding. Then he picked up the broken little finger and placed it on the palm of his beloved woman.

  He doesn't know how to medicine, so he can't get his little finger back. But if Xiao Di becomes the lifelong buddy of Duanli Baoshe, Xijia has superb medical skills, naturally someone will help her pick up the severed finger. So he is not worried about this.

   Xiao Di’s technique is the Hundred Feet Flying Heaven’s containment technique, which can stop her actions, but not her perception. Xiao Sufeng didn't immediately untie the magic technique to contain the spiritual consciousness for her, but with a move of his mind, he passed a ray of spiritual consciousness to her.

   In the divine consciousness, Xiao Di immediately understood what happened this night. In fact, everything in the Xiao family came from the gift of He Heng, the supreme elder of the Crane clan. At the same time, they lost everything because of He Heng's entrustment. It was a causal cycle. Xiao Di didn't feel that it was a pity. But what shocked her was the farewell intention in his father's spirit.

   She tried her best to get up, but the containment technique left behind by the flying one hundred feet was like a hundred-legged worm, constraining her consciousness so hard that she could not get up.

   A white light flashed in Xiao Sufeng's hand, and it turned out to be directly removed from her immortal lotus, and placed it in her palm. Then Xiao Sufeng closed her hand and held the broken off Jane, about to crush it with all his strength.

  Duanli Jane only needs to be crushed by herself, and it is deemed that she has accepted the life contract of Dianli Baoshe. It doesn't matter if it is her intention. Even if her father crushed it with her hand, the effect was exactly the same.

   "No, don't!" she cried out in her heart. However, no matter how she shouted, she could only twitch the corners of her mouth at most, could not make any sound at all, and she could not even struggle to move her body.

   She knew that once the broken Jane broke, she would no longer belong to the Xiao family. Even with my father, I'm afraid there will never be a day to meet again. The lifelong buddy of Duanli Baoshe is home to a business name.

   Although the Xiao family suffered heavy casualties this night, it did not reach the point of being destroyed. More than half of the monks died, and most of the rest were wounded, while only a few mortals survived. But Xiao Sufeng is still there, and his family business still exists.

   For her, as long as her father is with her, this family exists. Why do you want to smash Duan Li Jian and go to an icy road that will never meet again?

   "This is the best future that my father can arrange for you." Xiao Sufeng thought resolutely, and then used his palm to force his wife's hand and pinched the broken Jane. A cloud of white light suddenly enveloped Xiao Di's body.

   Then he flicked his fingers, and a soft mana penetrated Xiao Di's brows. The magic technique left by Hundred Feet Feitian to contain the consciousness immediately dissolved like ice and snow met a flame.

   Xiao Di suddenly awoke, tears bursting out of his eyes, but unable to break free from the shadowy retreat. He could only watch his father's shadow gradually blur in the retreat.

   The world suddenly reversed, and the spatial fluctuations surged like raging waves, throwing her into an unfathomable sea. She stretched out her hand to catch the afterimage of her father, but she caught nothing.

   Xiao Sufeng didn't think that everything hadn't happened at all tonight, he still managed the family business as before, and continued to survive in these two cities. But for him, this is impossible.

   When he originally came to the Demon Realm, he was alone. At that time, he was just a down-and-out child who was expelled from the Master's Gate from the Fire Palace. He had nothing and could be swallowed by other monsters at any time.

If you are not lucky enough to meet He Heng by chance, your strength will increase rapidly, and rely on the backing of the Crane clan to seize an industry There will be no such human family as the Xiao family, and there will be no love. Couple, there will be no Xiao Di.

   He was entrusted by He Heng to keep the box related to the death of the Crane clan, but now this box is very likely to fall into the hands of the Wudu Mountain demon bandit. If He Heng suffers a catastrophe because of this, he is the culprit.

   Entrusted by others, loyal to others. This is one of the most basic criteria for the inheritance of the Master Tao of the Temple of Lihuo. Even if he was expelled from the teacher's door from the Lihuo Palace, this minimum morality can still be done.

   He also knew that once he went out tonight and confronted those demon bandits, he would never come back. It is impossible for him to leave his daughter in this dilapidated home alone, waiting for the demon world to be devastated by wind and rain.

   After a painful struggle, he decides to send his beloved daughter to Duanli Baoshe to become a lifelong buddy. This is his only viable option.

   finished the matter, he stood up and walked out to the atrium. The remaining staff of the Xiao family gathered in the atrium, waiting for the decision of the Patriarch.

"Xiao Lian, your seniority is the highest, and your cultivation level is good. From now on you will be the head of the Xiao family." Xiao Sufeng glanced at the remaining people, and pointed to a middle-aged man who was slightly younger than he looked. .

   Before waiting for the other party to reply, he continued: "You immediately organize the staff, clean up all the fines, and the property will be sold. Open up all the joints and **** everyone back to Yuzhou as soon as possible without making any mistakes."

   His tone was sonorous and tough, everyone had to bow their heads. He turned back and said as he walked: "As for me, there are still things I have to do. You don't have to wait for me. If I can come back, you can meet again in Yuzhou."

   Xiao Lian raised his head to ask carefully, but saw Xiao Sufeng's red robe fluttering under the moonlight. After a flash of white light flashed, the others had disappeared, leaving only the moonlight flashing on the red-stained water surface of the atrium.

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