Record of Chaos

Chapter 415: The fire burns, the heart is uncertain, the jade plate is silently waiting

   The surroundings fell into silence. Both mortals and cultivators of the Xiao family had been killed and injured, and the rest had basically lost resistance. However, Hundred-foot Feitian's men were killed and injured, and he did not want to lose too much of his power, so he temporarily stopped all his men from attacking.

   He waited for Xiao Sufeng's answer. If Xiao Sufeng handed over things under this situation, he would also be happy to retreat.

   This battle to seize this thing is the first effort, and the destruction of the Xiao family is only secondary. According to the task he received, as long as he can obtain this thing, he will get a huge reward of ten thousand taels of blood spirit stone.

   This wealth is enough to make up for all his losses tonight. With so many blood spirit stones, enough for him to buy a lot of heaven, material and earth treasures, his cultivation level can also break through several bottlenecks, maybe he can reach the realm of Zifu's second qi or even three qi.

   The remaining blood spirit stones are enough for him to recruit a large group of monster bandits in the demon world and form a huge force no less than a medium-sized tribe.

   He can also rise up like those aristocratic families, living in the city with well-dressed clothes, eating, drinking and having fun, hugging left and right, and gentle nephrite.

   If the Xiao Family Man Clan can be destroyed, he will get another two thousand taels of blood spirit stones.

   But his original plan was for Xiao Jian to take action, and he secretly calculated Xiao Sufeng, so that they could control Xiao Mansion without blood and blood, and the rest could be killed cleanly. In this way, he certainly did not reject the two thousand taels of blood spirit stones.

Now he has to weigh, Xiao Sufeng and other Xiao family cultivators who had already lost their fighting spirit were forced to desperately desperately, and they might be desperate for the last win. If they can't make him half disabled, then how much money will make up for it. Not coming back.

   No matter how much money he has, he won't get rid of it, now he only needs to wait for Xiao Sufeng to hand over what he wants.

   "Really." Xiao Sufeng lowered his head and was silent for a while, and finally raised his head, his eyes seemed to be hollow, "I have never seen a seal of the crane king, so how can I give it to you?"

  Xiao Sufeng’s answer made Wu Bubai disappointed. He roared angrily: "Xiao Sufeng, are you really planning to see your entire family of Xiao family wiped out for something outside of your body?"

   Of course he could also search for this thing in Xiao Mansion after killing Xiao Sufeng. But if Xiao Sufeng was dying and gnawed a piece of his flesh, it was entirely possible. Even Xiao Sufeng might directly destroy this thing, so that he could steal the chicken without losing the rice.

   Xiao Sufeng was silent in the air without answering. The red fire light around him has dimmed, but the flame pattern on his robe is still like burning iron that has not yet cooled completely, still emitting a dim red light. The moonlight shone on him like water, and he was silent like a wooden statue.

   Even the trick of hiding on the roof of the house with the blue cold puppet watching in secret was taken aback. He thought that Xiao Sufeng would not care about the life and death of other members of the family for his daughter, let alone a foreign object. Unexpectedly, he refused to take it out? Xiao Di is now in danger.

   He had thought that as long as Xiao Sufeng surrendered something and Wu Bubai waited for the demon bandit to retreat, Xiao Di would naturally be safe and sound, and he would be able to withdraw safely. Didn't expect Xiao Sufeng to be so persistent to such a situation?

   As expected, Wu Bubai let out a grinning laugh and said, "Xiao Jian, chop off her finger for me!"

   When Xiao Jian heard that he really wanted to do it, his hands and feet became soft. But he changed his mind. Now that the Xiao family knew that he was a traitor, Xiao Sufeng couldn't spare him. If even Wu Bubai, the master, had abandoned himself, then he would really have no place to bury him.

   He was heartbroken, his eyes showed fierceness, and his sword fell. The little finger of Xiao Di's left hand fell off the bed, splashing blood. Xiao Lin'er let out a scream from the side and covered her eyes.

   Xiao Di's spiritual consciousness was trapped by the magical technique of flying to the sky, but the pain was still very clear. There was pain on her face, her whole body twitched a few times, but she did not struggle to wake up.

Wu Bubai laughed and said, "This girl has ten fingers, ten toes, and limbs, and a body of tender flesh. Xiao Sufeng, I want to cut it off piece by piece, I think you can pretend to be stupid. when!"

   Xiao Sufeng's pupils were like flames burning, and a faint red light overflowed from the seven orifices. His heart was very anxious, as if his whole body was scorching in flames.

   But he still couldn't hand over what the other party wanted. It was not because of other reasons, but because there was a profound blood pact engraved on his divine consciousness.

   More than ten years ago, He Heng, the supreme elder of the Crane tribe, once entrusted him a box made of withered iron marrow, saying that this thing is related to the destiny of the Crane tribe, so he should keep it at all costs. It shall not fall into the hands of anyone except himself or the succession designated by him personally.

   A seal was affixed to the box, and the seal was stamped with the seal of "The Seal of the Crane King". He didn't know what was in it, because the withered spirit iron marrow would absorb all the spirits, and the things in it could not be probed in any way.

   He can't open this box either. The seal of the crane king's seal is monitored by the crane clan. Once the seal is opened, no matter how far apart, a warning will be sent immediately, and information such as the location and surrounding images will be transmitted to the magical artifacts of the crane clan.

   He Heng is a giant in the demon world, his strength is unfathomable. A hundred years ago, Xiao Sufeng had a chance in the Demon Realm. He Heng's suggestion and asylum was given to him, and he was able to build the Purple Mansion and create a family in Liangjie City.

   He Heng is also a teacher and friend to him, and his kindness is as heavy as a mountain. Even if he immediately dedicate his head to this person, Xiao Sufeng would not hesitate.

   When the box was handed over to him, He Heng did not ask him to sign any contract. But Xiao Sufeng took the initiative to establish a profound blood contract.

   There are only three clauses in this contract: He must not disclose the existence of this box to anyone. He is not allowed to give this box to He Heng or anyone other than He Heng's personal designation. He must not abandon or destroy this box.

   As long as he moves the thought of surrendering this thing, it is as painful as someone stabbing him directly with a knife. Although this feeling comes from divine consciousness, it is clearer and more real than physical pain.

   If he forcibly made up his mind to surrender this thing, even before he handed it over, his consciousness would be destroyed by this profound blood deed. He could die, but Xiao Di's fall into the fate of these demon bandits made him unimaginable. He must live.

   He can also fight to the death, but in any case, he cannot break through the blockade of Wu Bubai and Hu Yelan instantly and rescue Xiao Di. Moreover, at that time, Xiao Jian and Xiao Lin'er, a couple of dog men and women inevitably jumped over the wall, and suddenly killed Xiao Di.

   If he could choose again, he would not make a profound blood contract. He will give the things to the demon bandit, rescue Xiao Di and send it to the Broken House. Then he went to He Heng to adjudge himself. But there is no such thing as what has passed.

   He was standing in the fire like he was bound by heavy chains, the flames licked his flesh like a tongue, but he couldn't move at all. Destiny gave him an unsolvable problem.


   At the same time, in an empty, uninhabited courtyard not far from Xiao's house, someone put a night pearl in the courtyard. A noble chair made of ancient Yanmu is placed in the middle of the courtyard.

   A young man with an extremely handsome face, white as snow, brows like swords, and eyes like stars, is sitting on a large chair.

  Four men in the same costume stood by. At this time, there was a breeze, and a pair of big sleeves fluttered in the sky under the moonlight, and another man floated up. This man had similar clothes as them, except that the main color was not pure white, but dim gray, and his appearance was even better. Apparently younger.

   The appearance of these six people is almost the same as that of human beings. The only difference is that there is a blood-red flesh crown protruding in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows. It is the same group of cranes that Lian Ling had encountered before entering the two world cities.

  "His Royal Highness, the Xiao family was attacked by the demon bandit and suffered heavy casualties. When will we go to rescue?" The grey-clothed monk arched his hand at the Shizi sitting on the big chair, and asked with anxiety in his eyes.

   This grey-clothed crane monk did not come from Taibailin with the son, but a part of the crane family resident outside the two worlds city. They and the Xiao family have been allies for many years and have always taken care of each other. After receiving the Xiao family's request for help, they hurriedly rushed to the rescue. Unexpectedly, Crown Prince Crane had been waiting here for a long time.

   "Just keep your eyes on the situation of the Xiao family, and report it to me at any time. You don't need to ask more about the others." Shizi's eyes were cold, without any impatient expression. As soon as he waved his hand, the grey-robed monk had no choice but to go down.

   When the figure disappeared, Shi Zi immediately glanced at a middle-aged man standing next to him: "Elder Xie, is the seal plate in your hand still unresponsive?"

  Although this person is also unusually handsome, but there is a slight forehead pattern on his is a slight white line on the temples, which seems to be the oldest of this group. He took out a square jade piece from his sleeve and took a look: "No."

   Shizi frowned deeply, and said anxiously: "Is it wrong? Actually things are not in the Xiao family?"

Elder Xie smiled faintly: "It's impossible. It took Mu Shuan 30 years to live, and almost everyone was counted dead before calculating the two-world city. In this city, only Xiao Sufeng and Taishang have extremely close contacts. The old man inferred that this place must not be wrong."

   "Then why is there no reaction at all on the Sealing Plate?"

"It is not impossible to completely block the spiritual mechanism of the seal of the sky. For example, use a box of withered spirit iron marrow to seal it again. Although the withered spirit iron marrow is extremely precious, it is not impossible with Xiao Sufeng's financial resources. There is absolutely no way to get it.

   "The old official guessed that Wu Bubai would not be able to handle it. If he succeeded, he would definitely have to open this seal to see the Crane King Seal of Heaven. By then, this seal plate will definitely be sensitive."

   The extremely important seal of the Crane Clan will be covered with the Seal of the Crane King. The Sealing Plate of Sealing Heaven is a magical tool specially used to find this seal. But if the seal is not opened, it can only sense whether there is such an object within a hundred miles. Only when the seal is actually opened can it sense the specific location.

   Elder Xie took this plate and waited near Xiao's house. Although he didn't have any feelings in this dish, he still believed that the thing he was looking for was in the Xiao family.

   As long as Wu Bubai seizes this thing, and the Crane King Seal of Heaven is re-released, he will definitely feel the impression in his plate. This way he can be sure that this thing is indeed in Xiao's house. With their manpower and strength, it is easy to take down these demon bandits.

   At this moment, the jade plate in his hand suddenly moved slightly. He quickly lowered his head to see, a dim light appeared from the plate!

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